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Computerized Database for Maintenance and Management

of Highway Bridges in Vietnam

Dinh Tuan Hai1

Abstract: The deterioration of physical and serviceable conditions of highway bridges in Vietnam increasingly have become major social
and technical concerns. Moreover, the maintenance management system applied currently is considered outdated and not satisfying the
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actual traffic and social demands imposed on highway bridges. This paper is an attempt to develop an advanced maintenance management
system 共V-BMS兲 concurrently with a computerized database for highway bridges in Vietnam. The current status of existing bridges is first
reviewed in terms of the physical condition and the maintenance management practice in order to identify outstanding problems. Several
advanced techniques have been, therefore, introduced into the V-BMS to manage and maintain highway bridges in the most suitable
manner. Furthermore, practical application in a direct-maintenance agency is presented as an example to demonstrate the validity of the
database. In order to be successful, the paper recommends fully testing the system on various actual conditions of Vietnam, so necessary
modification can be made.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1084-0702共2008兲13:3共245兲
CE Database subject headings: Bridges, highway; Databases; Maintenance; Vietnam.

Introduction not only for maintaining and managing existing bridges in Viet-
nam, but for those in other developing countries.
In Vietnam, highway bridges have been constructed through the
National Highway Network. The network was initiated in 1912
through construction of 2,000 km of Highway No. 1 共TMoVN Review of Previous Work on Bridge Management
2004兲. Existing bridges, together with the highway system, were System
therefore contributing enormously to the development of Viet-
nam. However, many bridges show significant deterioration and Effective maintenance management systems and computerized
fail to accommodate recent traffic and social demands. It is be- databases for bridges have been implemented for many countries
cause they are under the impact of many external factors, such as in the world. Chase and Gaspar 共2000兲 mentioned the use of the
the increasing traffic volume, the aggressive environmental stres- Pontis and the BRIDGIT at U.S. Federal highway administration
sors, maintenance budget limitations, and natural change. On the to provide comprehensive supports for determining the optimum
other hand, bridge maintenance management in Vietnam that has expenditures required while maintaining a specified level of ser-
evolved and changed throughout several historical periods differ- vice for population of bridges. Meanwhile, the J-BMS was
entiating in ownership, philosophy, standard, etc., seems outdated constructed for Yamaguchi-prefecture government in Japan to
and not suitable for the current requirements 共Hai 2006兲. A new evaluate bridge performance, to estimate degrees of deterioration
system is, therefore, urgently needed now to enable local staff and remaining service life, and to generate maintenance strategies
in consideration of actual costs, budget availabilities, and effects
handling physical problems of highway bridges and deciding op-
of maintenance 共Miyamoto et al. 2000兲. In Vietnam, even paper-
timal maintenance management activities.
based maintenance management is currently used; several simple
The first objective of this paper is to identify outstanding prob-
bridge database systems are, however, suggested. One of them is
lems experienced in existing bridges in Vietnam for aspects of
the BridgeMan developed by the British-Parkman consultant
quality and functionality as well as maintenance management
under consideration, but it is limited in managing bridge-related
practice. In the second objective, a new bridge maintenance man-
inventory data only 共Dac et al. 2004兲. The function for evaluation
agement system, including a computerized database, is developed
and prediction of current and future physical condition and ser-
and applied in Vietnam to eliminate these problems, or at least
viceability as well as expenditure decision and optimal mainte-
partly minimize their adverse impacts. It is intended that the
nance of existing bridges are so far not yet available.
bridge management system introduced by this research is useful

Faculty of Urban Management, Hanoi Architectural Univ., Km 10 Research Methodology
Nguyen Trai Rd., Hanoi City, Vietnam. E-mail:
Note. Discussion open until October 1, 2008. Separate discussions
The ultimate goal of this study is to develop a new bridge main-
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing tenance management system. It enables practically applying in
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- Vietnam either to eliminate outstanding problems or to minimize
sible publication on February 28, 2007; approved on October 8, 2007. their adverse impacts. The first step is to extensively review the
This paper is part of the Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, available literature of past and present bridge maintenance man-
May 1, 2008. ©ASCE, ISSN 1084-0702/2008/3-245–257/$25.00. agement systems in the world. The data collection 共e.g., personal


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Fig. 1. Classification of existing highway bridges in Vietnam

interviews, public media and publications, and visual inspections兲 10 to 50 years with 52.97% bridges built in the period of 1975–
in Vietnam are subsequently carried out to identify the current 1995 and 33.19% bridges built between 1954 and 1975 关Fig.
situation of highway bridges in terms of the physical condition 1共c兲兴.
and the maintenance management practice. Collected data are Existing bridges in Vietnam are generally in poor physical
then carefully analyzed. Problems that need eliminating, there- condition and have insifficient serviceability. There are several
fore, could be clearly identified. In the next step, several outstanding problems that are from not only the bridge structures
computer-based problem-solving techniques are introduced as a themselves, but also from other aspects of current traffic, the so-
part of the new maintenance management system. They accelerate ciety, highway routes, etc. According to Hai et al. 共2004兲, several
the assessment process in an automatic manner. Furthermore, a common types of failure modes, sorted in order of seriousness
computerized database is constructed to have functions of man- and frequency, are: corrosion, fatigue damage, functional obsoles-
agement, maintenance, and assessment for existing bridges in cence, aging, human invasion, construction defect, missing ele-
Vietnam. At the end, this paper demonstrates an example appli- ment, scouring, settlement, and others. Moreover, Vietnamese
cation of the system on a specific local condition to test its valid- highway bridges have a wide range of shapes, commissioning
ity and beneficial outcome. dates, and have been built by various different design standards
共Hai et al., 2007兲. Some have been subject to the impact of wars,
the adverse climate, and poor maintenance and management con-
Current Situation of Highway Bridges in Vietnam ditions. Meanwhile, there are differences occurring from geo-
graphical locations due to scattering through mountains, deltas,
Physical Condition of Highway Bridges in Vietnam and coasts; the climate in the northern area has four seasons
共spring, summer, autumn, and winter兲 and the southern area only
According to statistical data, existing highway bridges in Vietnam has rainy and dry seasons 共TMoVN 2002兲. Moreover, a drastic
consist of a total 4,107 bridges, running a total length of extreme increase in vehicles in terms of volumes and weights has
150,374 m over the entire country 共TMoVN 2004兲. They are clas- an adverse impact on the bridge condition. We can assume that
sified by the transport ministry of Vietnam in terms of lengths, bridges built after 1995 in Vietnam can satisfy current traffic de-
materials, construction time, deck widths, and load-carrying ca- mands, as increased safety factors have been used in design
pacities. The statistical data shown in Fig. 1共a兲 confirm that high- stages. However, it seems that many bridges built before 1995 do
way bridges in Vietnam are mostly in the small and medium size not satisfy the current transported loads, especially that which
categories, accounting for 65.72% and 22.55% of the total, re- were affected by wars.
spectively. Concrete is the most common material used in con-
struction, as reinforced concrete and prestress concrete bridges
encompass 59.99% and 20.92% of all bridges 关Fig. 1共b兲兴. Many Maintenance Management Practice for Highway
weak/very weak and narrow/very narrow bridges are still in ser- Bridges in Vietnam
vice, although they can definitely not satisfy the requirement of
modern vehicles 共trucks, trailers, buses, etc.兲 where there is de- Bridge Owner and Agencies
mand for 25 ton and 14 m width normally. Fig. 1共e兲 shows The owner and its agencies for existing highway bridges are or-
28.59% and 18.36% bridges are in the 10 ton and 13 ton load- ganized in hierarchies as shown in Fig. 2. The government of
carrying capacities, respectively. Meanwhile, 31.82% and 45.22% Vietnam is considered as a sole owner due to the function of
of bridges have traffic lanes less than 6.5 m or from 6.5 to 10 m providing finances to initiate, operate, and maintain all bridges
width 关Fig. 1共d兲兴. Bridge ages are in the medium range of throughout their entire lifespan 共NAoSRVN 2002兲. However, it


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Fig. 2. Structural organization of bridge owner and agencies in Vietnam

does not directly involve itself in detail activities, but empowers maintain their structures at reasonable quality against external
the duty to its subsidiaries, which are distributed across the coun- impacts such as overloads, the climate, and human invasions 共Hai
try with current highway networks. In particular, 50 management 2006兲. In addition, the owner wishes to preserve structural safety
and repair companies are designated as the forefront agencies to and traffic capacity as long as possible and reduce the total cost of
manage and maintain highway bridges in Vietnam. They are pub- existing bridges by extending their lifespan. On the other hand,
lic companies dealing with only public works and are funded the bridge preservation is not executed properly in the practice
annually from the government to compensate for their operational
field due to the lack of financial aid and attention to the proper
maintenance. According to the current regulation in Vietnam
Bridge Management 共TMoVN 2002兲, site maintenance works are classified into three
According to Hai 共2006兲, all highway bridges in Vietnam are categories as follows 共Fig. 3兲:
managed by 50 management and repair companies, whose duties 1. Regular maintenance: Carried out every month by in-house
are: 共a兲 Management of bridge inventory data; 共b兲 inspection and personnel of the managing company under prefixed specifi-
evaluation of bridge health conditions; and 共c兲 security of the cation. It will be continued with the predetermined schedule
traffic safety and operation. Therefore, these companies are ex- and budget.
ecuting the bridge management by focusing on the following 2. Periodical maintenance: Varies from 2 to 5 years and is the
three aspects: maintenance companies’ responsibility. There are repeated
1. Inventory management: All bridge-related data have been works whose time cycles, budgets, scopes, etc., differently
handled by untrained staff, and not properly classified nor depend on specific conditions of bridges and their elements.
compiled, since a computerized database system is not avail- 3. Special maintenance: Uniquely depends on specific condi-
able in Vietnam. tions and must be carried out if bridges are neither physically
2. Bridge site management: Existing bridges are frequently
safe nor functionally serving traffic. They are outsourced to
damaged by unexpected aliens, such as people, animals, veg-
contractors and supervised by the project management units
etation, etc., that have adverse impacts. Several important
共Fig. 4兲.
ones are however guarded by in-house staff of the manage-
ment and repair companies.
3. Inspection: Bridges are inspected regularly and periodically. Outstanding Problems of Highway Bridges in Vietnam
Furthermore, they are under special evaluation every
3 – 5 years. The overview of the physical condition and the maintenance man-
agement practice unveils several outstanding problems currently
Bridge Maintenance occurring on highway bridges in Vietnam. They are summarized
Site works are carried out to ensure the safety of road users and in terms of physical and management aspects and described
smooth flow of traffic on highway bridges in Vietnam, and to below.


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Fig. 3. Categories of site maintenance for highway bridges in Vietnam

Physical Problems intuitive and manual manner. It is therefore frequently miss-

1. Highway bridges are generally in poor physical and service- ing and disorderly sorting to cause difficulties for users.
able conditions with many local defects such as corrosion, b. There is no systematic method to evaluate current
fatigue damage, functional obsolescence, aging, human inva- bridge physical and serviceable conditions as well as their
sion, construction defect, missing element, scouring, and future trends.
settlement. c. Site maintenance works are currently executed in equal
2. There are many unsynchronized bridges closely located consideration and random selection. Priority maintenance
along the same route tracks whose load-carrying capacity criterion that can assess current demands and allocate the
and deck width are very much different. Moreover, bridges budget to the most necessary works has not yet been applied.
and roads are not homogeneous, as there are many bridges
classified in weak and narrow categories, while highway
roads are considerably strong and wide. Outline of the Bridge Management System

Management Problems
3. The provided annual budget is enough to execute only 30–
50% of the actual demands. Thus, the site maintenance is As outstanding problems have been identified, they must be soon
conducted only on a limited numbers of the bridges. eliminated in order to minimize their adverse impacts on bridge
4. There is a long distance with many hierarchies from bridge structures and traffic users. The research therefore constructs an
owner 共the government of Vietnam兲 and direct maintenance intelligent computerized database named Bridge Management
agencies 共50 companies兲. This creates problems of bureau- System of Vietnam 共V-BMS兲. Functions of this system are to: 共a兲
cracy, communication slowdown, cost acceleration, and so Manage bridge-related data; 共b兲 assess physical condition and
on. functionality of existing bridges; and 共c兲 decide optimal mainte-
5. A good management system with a computerized database is nance management. If the V-BMS is properly applied, problems 4
considered as the most important factor for the effective and 5 can be totally eliminated from existing bridges in Vietnam.
maintenance of the bridges, but it has not been applied yet. On the other hand, problems 1, 2, and 3 are the sole responsibility
This leads to several subsequent problems: of the government of Vietnam, who enables adjusting macropoli-
a. Inventory data is not properly managed, but is in an cies for their total elimination. However, if being applied, the

Fig. 4. Procedure of special maintenance for highway bridges in Vietnam


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Fig. 5. Organizational structure of the V-BMS

V-BMS is expected to minimize adverse impacts of these prob- ment. Inspectors’ diagnoses are intuitively performed according to
lems by orienting limited budget in most necessary maintenance a standard process written as an inspection checklist. This process
and management works. has a hierarchical structure in which the ultimate goal is “dura-
The V-BMS also eventually should be applied to the whole bility” and “surface appearance” of the whole bridge or its com-
population of highway bridges in Vietnam, in the present study, it ponents. Fig. 6 shows an example of the process to diagnose and
is applied only to those managed by a single management and judge for the “surface appearance.” In this process at lower lev-
repair company. This is in order to satisfy for local condition: 共a兲 els, inspectors first examine any appearance of damage at bridge
It is used at a tactical level by management and repair companies; sites. Meanwhile at upper levels, they intuitively judge the result
共b兲 it is simple to enable locating at the headquarters and not gained from site inspection to determine the current status of
requiring either expensive infrastructures 共LAN, internet, servers, surface appearance. Final judgment is the conclusion of the
etc.兲 or superior knowledge of trained users or complex computer bridge condition, which is evaluated according to the “durability”
programs such as Visual C++, Borland C++, and Delphi; and 共c兲 it and the “surface appearance.”
can store and run on normal PCs and will not generate high op- According to TMoVN 共1998兲, the physical condition is rated
erational costs. Fig. 5 shows the structure of the V-BMS to have into four levels 共Table 1兲. At level 0, a bridge is in “excellent”
consecutive activities from ¬ to ±. It is controlled by the com- condition, while physical quality and serviceability are not ad-
pany’s headquarters through professional moderators for admin- versely impacted by the damage, if any. When there are damages,
istration, edition, and assessment of data. Authorized personnel even not weakening its structures, the bridge is in level I or in
enable logging in for information acquisition, but cannot change “good” condition. Level II indicates a bridge in “moderate” con-
the database. dition, if there are damages, those considerably decrease its physi-
cal condition and serviceability. A bridge classified as level III
Assessment Techniques means it falls in “poor” condition. In this case, critical defects
appear on the bridge to either cause it to possibly collapse sud-
Physical Condition Rating System denly or prevent it from serving traffic normally. For levels 0 and
An expert rating system used to evaluate the actual bridge perfor- I, site maintenance is generally not needed at that moment, except
mance, based on the knowledge and experience acquired from for preventive works. Level II requires corrective maintenance as
domain experts, will not be applied because of its complexity and soon as possible in order to prevent current damage becoming
uncertainty 共Miyamoto et al. 2000兲. It is, however, an open option critical. If a bridge is in level III, its failed components must be
for an extended V-BMS version if needed in the future. Instead, urgently remedied, otherwise it will not be safe or functional to
the current status of bridges in Vietnam is manually rated by serve for normal traffic.
experienced inspectors, based primarily on information obtained
from site observation, nondestructive tests, structural analysis, Lifespan Estimation
load tests, etc. The use of manual rating satisfies moreover the The expected and remaining lifespan of existing bridges should
practical condition, where there is low knowledge on the expert be approximately estimated to make the right decision for main-
rating. In addition, population of bridges managed by a company taining them in an economically safe condition. However, many
is located in a road segment for a short distance up to 300 km. different factors that can influence the physical and functional
Thus, a small in-house inspector team itself can annually check conditions make difficult to accurately decide the actual lifespan.
all bridges to minimize the difference and bias of human judg- Yatomi et al. 共2004兲 considered a bridge’s actual lifespan depends


J. Bridge Eng. 2008.13:245-257.

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Fig. 6. Process for diagnosis and judgment of bridge condition

not only on engineering assessment for quality and serviceability, unlikely to have one approximating the others due to unforesee-
but on social and economical aspects as well. Different views able climate, traffic, price fluctuation, etc. Therefore, the estima-
reflect different lifespans, thus the entire lifespan of a bridge is tion should be annually carried out to evaluate actual deterioration
estimated in three aspects of physical, serviceable, and economi- and to decide an ideal lifespan.
cal life 共Fig. 7兲:
1. Physical life 共T P兲: Due to damage, bridge performance at the Deterioration Prediction
time T P decreases and becomes unable to withstand normal Although present performance of a specific bridge can be manu-
traffic. ally estimated by experienced inspectors, it is not recommended
2. Serviceable life 共TS兲: The function required changes due to for the whole bridge population due to high costs and the time it
the change in social requirement, the expected function can would take. Thus, prediction of physical condition and load-
be no more realized at the time TS. carrying capacity are suggested to perform bridge deterioration
3. Economical life 共TE兲: In cost consideration required to pre- analysis with assistance of computer simulation. In this paper,
vent the bridge from deterioration, it decides at the time TE physical condition encompasses durability as the ability to resist
as posting and reconstructing option is more economic than deterioration and surface appearance, which is defined from total
continued maintenance and the use of bridge. damage, execution of works, and serviceability. Meanwhile, load-
Basically, the lifespan is physical life T P as when physical carrying capacity can be considered as the ability of the bridge to
quality approaches the posting level, the bridge cannot safely withstand imposed loads of traffic, self-weights, winds, and so on.
serve traffic users. However, it is not always necessary to be the The author has constructed his own method to predict physical
T P if serviceable and economical factors are concurrently consid- condition and load-carrying capacity for existing bridges in Viet-
ered. On the one hand, if actual serviceability is unable to accom- nam 共Hai 2005兲. Assumptions were made to clarify for the
modate traffic demand at premature time TS, or the bridge method.
becomes functionally obsolete, it should be early removed from 1. Deterioration of a bridge is drawn as integrated convex
service. In this case, the lifespan is shortened by the time TS to curves according to Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲, because deterioration
reflect serviceable aspect of bridges. On the other hand, when processes rapidly with the bridge’s age. Vertical axes repre-
maintenance costs associated are over reconstruction costs, it is sent the value of load capacity 共LC兲 and the percentage re-
economical to replace the bridge at the time TE. The lifespan is maining of physical condition 共PC兲, while horizontal axes are
therefore defined to be the time TE. Though the owner always for elapsed time 共Fig. 8兲. RPC and RLC 共艌1兲 are experimental
wishes T P, TS, and TE as close as possible, bridges, however, are constants and t⫽bridge age. PC100% and LC100%⫽physical

Table 1. Rating for the Physical Condition of Existing Bridges in Vietnam

Levels Descriptions Need of maintenance
0 There are no or minor failures and defects only; those not Not required.
impacting bridges’ structural safety and serviceability.
I There are minor failures and defects, but do not weaken Regular maintenance is required only.
structural safety and serviceability of bridges.
II There are failures and defects that currently develop and Regular and periodic maintenance are required.
impact on structural safety and serviceability of bridges.
III There are serious failures and defects that adversely impact Special maintenance is immediately required.
on structural safety and serviceability of bridges.


J. Bridge Eng. 2008.13:245-257.

Fig. 7. Lifespan estimation for highway bridges

condition and load-carrying capacity, respectively, when a agement fee symbolized as Cmanagement⫽budget allocated for man-
aging existing bridges. Maintenance cost 共Cmaintenance兲 is paid for
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newly-built bridge enters service. On the other hand, these

values, respectively, are PCPosting and LCPosting for the bridge site works to either remedy current damages or prevent their
when being removed from service occurrences. This paper assumes the Cmanagement constantly

冋 冉 冊 册
PC = PC共t兲 = 共PC100% − PCPosting兲 1 −
+ PCPosting
throughout the entire lifespan for in-house management. The
Cinitial meanwhile is generated prior to year 0, when construction
of newly-built bridges is completed. However, Cmaintenance that is
共1兲 emphasized in the research has changeable values to depend on

冋 冉 冊 册
actual site maintenance. It makes remarkable differences for the
RLC LCC and the lifespan if various maintenance options are selected.
LC = LC共t兲 = 共LC100% − LCPosting兲 1 − + LCPosting In practice, there are many maintenance options applied for
existing bridges. The authors, however, emphasize three main op-
共2兲 tions of changeable Cmaintenance shown in Fig. 9. Option ¬ does
2. The deterioration curves start from time 0 when a newly- not require site maintenance throughout the entire bridge lifespan
built bridge enters into service. At that time, the physical 共Cmaintenance = 0兲. The physical condition and the load-carrying ca-
quality is 100% and load-carrying capacity is the value of its pacity, therefore, degrade freely from 100% to posting level. In
optimal design load. On the other hand, posting level is this option, while LCC1 is minimized for only Cinitial
moreover set at the end of the lifespan to remove the bridge + Cmanagement, lifespan T1 is however in the shortest time t1. If
from service. essential maintenance is carried out at time t2 according to option
3. Site maintenance that has influence on the physical condition − in order to improve or increase bridge quality, Cmaintenance gen-
and the load-carrying capacity of bridges is included in the erates increased total costs to LCC2 and extends lifetime to the
deterioration prediction. T2. Simultaneously, option ® considers an early preventive main-
tenance at time t3, even though the bridge is still in reasonable
Life Cycle Cost Analysis physical quality and functionality. Total costs increase up to
Total costs associated over the entire lifespan that are needed to LCC3 and the bridge can last until the T3. Depending on the
construct, maintain, and manage a bridge since its initiation until specific situation, a suitable option should be selected to enable
posting time, should be carefully analyzed. The life cycle cost the owner financing for required costs and ensuring the physical
共LCC兲 reflects the economical aspect of existing bridges as an quality and the load-carrying capacity certainly above the targeted
important criterion to decide necessary works. However, there is levels.
neither a LCC concept nor its estimation applied in Vietnam now.
This part, therefore, analyzes the LCC and applies a methodology Cost-Benefit Analysis
to ensure adequate level of lifetime reliability at the lowest pos- Cost-benefit analysis is an important factor to assist the bridge
sible cost. The LCC of a bridge, according to Frangopol 共1999兲, authority selecting maintenance scope. Several specific works
can be expressed in Eq. 共3兲 will be selected if they can generate benefit higher than the ex-
pense. Oppositely, site maintenance is not carried out with those
LCC = Cinitial + Cmanagement + Cmaintenance 共3兲
that have a negative result of cost-benefit assessment. In principle,
Cinitial⫽initial cost needed to cover expenses associated with cost-benefit ratio enables evaluating the efficiency of any poten-
feasible studies, design, construction, etc. Meanwhile, the man- tial work and selecting the most economical scenario. Therefore,

Fig. 8. Deterioration curves: Physical condition and load-carrying capacity


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Fig. 9. Life cycle cost: ¬ Without maintenance, − essential maintenance, ® preventive maintenance

an important task is to identify the cost 共C兲 and the benefit 共B兲 for isting bridges differ in location, damage level, circumstance, etc.
any intended maintenance. This study emphasizes the cost-benefit The current limited budget is therefore not efficiently used to
ratio of intended maintenance for Cmaintenance and gained concentrate on specific bridges for most necessary maintenance.
Bmaintenance only, but not Cinitial and Cmanagement. Table 2 illustrates The priority maintenance index 共PMI兲, a technique for deter-
the analysis for three common options: mining socially preferential maintenance according to bridges’
1. The cost: Is Cmaintenance according to Eq. 共4兲. It was defined as location and its current physical quality is applied. The PMI is
the total expense to enhance physical and serviceable condi- specifically calculated in Eq. 共6兲 for every bridge to base on sev-
tions, to prevent potential problems, and to eliminate existing eral practical factors defined according to logical suggestions of
defects from bridge structures. key personnel of the bridge owner and its agencies, academic
researchers, and field specialists in Vietnam. BI and BH are
C = Cmaintenance = Cpreventive + Ccorrective + Cother 共4兲 bridge importance and health indexes respectively. The ␣1 and ␣2
2. The benefit: Is Bmaintenance in term of money value as better are importance and health factors, respectively, as their total val-
bridge conditions or less future maintenance and failure ues 共␣1 + ␣2兲 = 1. As an example for specific conditions of Viet-
costs, higher traffic volumes, etc. are foreseen 共Otani et al., nam, this paper assumes ␣1 = 0.4 and ␣2 = 0.6. The purpose of this
2004兲. Total benefit B calculated in Eq. 共5兲 defines the Bvehicle paper is to illustrate the computerized database, thus it will not
for the increase of vehicles after site maintenance. The explain the rationale for the given value of these practical factors.
Btime⫽time saving as the result of better serviceability. On Readers who seek additional information on PMI and values of
the other hand, if maintenance is not carried out, there is the practical factors, can refer to other publications of the author 共Hai
loss 共Bfailure兲 of users’ delays and detours, structural and ser- 2005, 2006兲. In the course of bridge maintenance planning, the
viceable depreciation, extra maintenance, and so on bridges with higher PMI are given higher priority. Thus, the main-
tenance works on the bridges with higher PMI are executed in
B = Bmaintenance = Bvehicle + Btime + Bfailure + Bother 共5兲 early years within budget limitations and the work on the bridges
with lower PMI are postponed
Maintenance Selection under Budget Constraints
Based on Priority Algorithm PMI = ␣1BI + ␣2BH 共6兲
Currently, highway bridges in Vietnam are in poor physical and
serviceable conditions. This, therefore, requires huge amount of Bridge Importance Index (BI)
money to maintain them. The allocated budget is usually small The BI is an index that represents the important charasteristic of
and covers only 30–50% of actual maintenance needs, thus the an individual bridge in terms of location, serviceability, and traffic
necessary site maintenance is usually postponed or delayed 共Hai demand in the road network. It has a maximum value up to 100 in
2006兲. The approval of maintenance does not depend on bridges accordance with Eq. 共7兲 as IL, IW, and IT are practical indexes of
only, but also on other factors such as budget availability, social location, width, and traffic volume, respectively 共Table 3兲
preference, personality, and intuition. The priority for repairing
and reinforcing bridges is not specified clearly at the present. In
addition, site maintenance is equally considered even though ex- BI = IL + IW + IT 共7兲

Table 2. Example of Cost-Benefit Analysis

Options Maintenance costs Maintenance benefits
Do nothing. C = Cpreventive + Cessential + Cother = 0 B = Bvehicle + Btime + Bfailure + Bother = Bfailure + Bother 艋 0
Essential maintenance. C = Cpreventive + Cessential + Cother = Cessential + Cother ⬎ 0 B = Bvehicle + Btime + Bfailure + Bother ⬎ 0
Preventive maintenance. C = Cpreventive + Cessential + Cother = Cpreventive + Cother ⬎ 0 B = Bvehicle + Btime + Bfailure + Bother = Bvehicle + Btime + Bother ⬎ 0


J. Bridge Eng. 2008.13:245-257.

Table 3. Values of Location, Width, and Traffic Volume Indexes Table 5. Values of Serviceable Constant bi and Serviceable Coefficient
Groups Options Values
Criteria svi Classifications bi
Bridge location Urban bridges IL = 40
National highway bridges IL = 35 Deck widths 10 Very wide 共over 17 m兲 1.0
Provincial road bridges IL = 25 Wide 共14– 17 m兲 0.8
District road bridges IL = 15 Medium 共10– 14 m兲 0.6
Commune road bridges IL = 5 Narrow 共6.5– 10 m兲 0.4
Very narrow 共less than 6.5 m兲 0.2
Traffic volume Extremely high with many jams IT = 40
High with few jams IT = 35 Load carrying 10 Very strong 共30 ton兲 1.0
Moderate with or without jams IT = 25 capacities Strong 共25兲 0.8
Low without jams IT = 15 Medium 共18兲 0.6
Low 共13兲 0.4
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Very low without jams IT = 5

Very low 共10兲 0.2
Bridge width Very wide 共over 17 m兲 IW = 20
Wide 共14– 17 m兲 IW = 15 Deck surfaces 10 Level III 1.0
Medium 共10– 14 m兲 IW = 10 Level II 0.75
Narrow 共6.5– 10 m兲 IW = 6 Level I 0.5
Very narrow 共less than 6.5 m兲 IW = 3 Level 0 0.25
Approach roads 5 Bridge deck is poorer than approach road. 1.0
Bridge deck is fit in approach road. 0.6
Bridge Health Index (BH) Bridge deck is better than approach road. 0.2
The index BH represents physical and serviceable conditions of Others 5 Poor serviceability. 1.0
the bridge and is an important indicator in the decision of priority.
Moderate serviceability. 0.6
While healthy bridges need less attention, deteriorated bridges
Good serviceability. 0.2
need more attention to ensure the safety and function of them. Its
value is up to 100 and calculated by Eq. 共8兲

BH = SF + SV + TP 共8兲
SV = 兺i bisvi 共10兲

1. The SF is safe degree of bridge structures with maximum 3. The TP is considered as the bridge impact on third parties
value of 50 关Eq. 共9兲兴. Values of ai that are safe constants of with a maximum value of 10. ci and tpi are third party con-
component i correlate with the physical condition 共level 0: stant and coefficient i, respectively 关Eq. 共11兲 and Table 6兴
ai = 0.25, I: ai = 0.50, II: ai = 0.75, and III: ai = 1兲. The si is a
safe coefficient of component i with practical values shown
in Table 4
TP = 兺i citpi 共11兲

SF = 兺i aisi 共9兲
Practical Demonstration of the V-BMS
2. The SV is bridge serviceability with a maximum value of 40
and calculated by Eq. 共10兲. bi and svi are serviceable constant The V-BMS is constructed on personal computers using MS Ac-
and coefficient of criteria i, respectively 共Table 5兲 cess and MS Excel languages. In the present study, it is specifi-

Table 6. Values of Third Party Constant ci and Coefficient tpi

Table 4. Values of Safe Coefficient si for Specific Components of High-
Criteria tpi Classifications ci
way Bridges
Clearance space 5 Frequently prevent vessels undercrossing. 1
Number Bridge components si
Sometimes prevent vessels undercrossing. 0.6
1 Foundations 7 Not prevent vessels undercrossing. 0.2
2 Substructures 7
Bridge location 3 Urban areas. 1
3 Superstructures 7
National highways. 0.8
4 Upper structures 6
Provincial roads. 0.6
5 Auxiliary facilities 2
District roads. 0.4
6 Approach roads 4
Commune roads. 0.2
7 Pavements 5
8 Joints 2 Physical condition 1 Level III 1
9 Painting systems 2 Level II 0.75
10 Traffic safe facilities 2 Level I 0.50
11 Bearings 2 Level 0 0.25
12 Drainage systems 2 Others 1 High impact to third party. 1
13 Waterproof systems 1 Moderate impact to third party. 0.6
14 Others 1 Low impact to third party. 0.2


J. Bridge Eng. 2008.13:245-257.

Table 7. List of Existing Highway Bridges Belonging to the Management and Repair Company X
Bridge Bridge Width Length Load Built
code name 共m兲 共m兲 capacity 共Year兲
B-1 Bridge 1 37.5 66.8 30 Ton 1998
B-2 Bridge 2 12.1 5.7 30 Ton 1986
B-3 Bridge 3 11.8 170.3 30 Ton 1985
B-4 Bridge 4 12.0 16.7 30 Ton 1976
B-5 Bridge 5 12.0 12.7 30 Ton 1976
B-6 Bridge 6 11.0 68.0 30 Ton 1991
B-7 Bridge 7 12.0 19.1 30 Ton 1976
B-8 Bridge 8 12.0 23.3 30 Ton 1976
B-9 Bridge 9 12.0 20.0 30 Ton 1976
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B-10 Bridge 10 12.0 28.1 30 Ton 1976

B-11 Bridge 11 12.0 18.2 30 Ton 1980
B-12 Bridge 12 11.6 59.0 30 Ton 1978
B-13 Bridge 13 12.6 26.3 30 Ton 1977
B-14 Bridge 14 12.6 14.2 30 Ton 1976
B-15 Bridge 15 13.0 23.2 30 Ton 1976
B-16 Bridge 16 12.2 5.7 30 Ton 1977
B-17 Bridge 17 12.0 21.1 30 Ton 1978
B-18 Bridge 18 12.0 27.5 30 Ton 1978
B-19 Bridge 19 12.0 18.5 30 Ton 1978
B-20 Bridge 20 12.0 21.2 30 Ton 1978
B-21 Bridge 21 12.9 26.6 30 Ton 1978
B-22 Bridge 22 16.1 61.6 30 Ton 1994
B-23 Bridge 23 7.9 13.8 25 Ton 1964
B-24 Bridge 24 9.0 47.9 25 Ton 1970
B-25 Bridge 25 9.5 30.0 30 Ton 1995
B-26 Bridge 26 5.5 24.4 25 Ton 1965
B-27 Bridge 27 5.5 24.4 25 Ton 1965
B-28 Bridge 28 9.4 42.2 13 Ton 1967
B-29 Bridge 29 7.6 17.6 13 Ton 1967

Fig. 10. Output screens for: management subdatabase and bridge inventory data


J. Bridge Eng. 2008.13:245-257.

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Fig. 11. Output screen for the lifespan estimation and deterioration prediction

cally applied in the management and repair company X as a dem-

onstrated example for the validity of the system. The company
executes the management and maintenance works of the 29 ex-
isting bridges on the 150 km national highway segment of Viet-
nam 共Table 7兲. The V-BMS consists of three interlinked modules, Table 8. Maintenance Priority Order and Costs for Bridges Managed by
the Company X
subdatabase for management, subdatabase for assessment, and
subdatabase for maintenance. At first, the bridge-related inventory Bridge Bridge Priority index Maintenance
data such as physical condition state, serviceability, maintenance code name 共PMI兲—order costs 共VND兲
works, and surrounding condition are collected and stored in the B-1 Bridge 1 60.17共14兲 5,000,000
submodules for management and maintenance. Next, it estimates B-2 Bridge 2 85.21 共1兲 1,300,000
several important criteria, such as the remaining life, the present B-3 Bridge 3 65.49共10兲 16,800,000
state of deterioration, the life-cycle costs and cost-benefit analy-
B-4 Bridge 4 58.83共16兲 2,700,000
sis, as well as priority maintenance index by computer simulation
B-5 Bridge 5 52.16共23兲 1,600,000
and expert opinion allocated in the assessment module. The
B-6 Bridge 6 72.31 共5兲 6,700,000
V-BMS then lists up the scope of maintenance works and associ-
ated costs in the order of priority for the following year. Finally, B-7 Bridge 7 53.61共21兲 2,900,000
authorized in-house staff decide the scope of maintenance works B-8 Bridge 8 51.28共24兲 1,800,000
for the next fiscal year based on the budget availability, traffic B-9 Bridge 9 55.67共17兲 500,000
conditions, and social requirements, by referring to the results of B-10 Bridge 10 75.11 共4兲 2,600,000
analysis. B-11 Bridge 11 62.85共11兲 3,600,000
B-12 Bridge 12 49.86共27兲 9,000,000
B-13 Bridge 13 50.96共26兲 1,100,000
Bridge Management Module B-14 Bridge 14 54.57共18兲 2,100,000
B-15 Bridge 15 69.25 共6兲 4,700,000
The output screen of the management module shown in Fig. 10 B-16 Bridge 16 53.57共20兲 900,000
indicates general information of codes, names, locations, struc- B-17 Bridge 17 58.96共15兲 2,800,000
tural types, etc. to help the V-BMS users quickly allocate a bridge B-18 Bridge 18 49.17共28兲 3,600,000
in its population. Furthermore, detailed data stored into low hier- B-19 Bridge 19 78.63 共2兲 8,700,000
archy levels of policies, inventory data, external conditions, con- B-20 Bridge 20 60.34共13兲 1,800,000
struction and design documents, historical incidents, and other
B-21 Bridge 21 68.15 共8兲 4,100,000
information are interlinked with the main management screen.
B-22 Bridge 22 48.72共29兲 1,300,000
B-23 Bridge 23 76.74 共3兲 5,600,000
B-24 Bridge 24 52.67共22兲 500,000
Bridge Assessment Module
B-25 Bridge 25 51.17共25兲 6,900,000
From several theories and calculated methods presented in the B-26 Bridge 26 62.58共12兲 2,300,000
previous section, the V-BMS assesses and simulates actual bridge B-27 Bridge 27 68.67 共7兲 1,400,000
conditions and their future trends for lifespan estimation, deterio- B-28 Bridge 28 54.93共19兲 7,100,000
ration prediction, LCC, cost-benefit analysis, and PMI. The result B-29 Bridge 29 65.81 共9兲 2,700,000
is all plotted on computer screens as examples shown in Fig. 11 Total required maintenance cost 112,100,000
and Table 8. Note: VND is Vietnamese Dong, the official currency of Vietnam.


J. Bridge Eng. 2008.13:245-257.

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Fig. 12. Output screen for the maintenance records

Fig. 13. Output screen for the scopes of maintenance

Bridge Maintenance Module

J. Bridge Eng. 2008.13:245-257.

Maintenance-related data of existing bridges are located into this In order to execute a successful application of the V-BMS for
module as examples of the maintenance records 共Fig. 12兲 and the the whole bridge population, the recommendation is to carry out
maintenance selection for next fiscal years 共Fig. 13兲. It stores further practical validations on various actual conditions of Viet-
information of past and in-progress maintenance regarding their nam. Necessary modification of the system may be needed for
scopes, locations, costs, etc. By supervising site works, in-house several groups of bridges that differ from geographical condition,
staff and moderators enable collecting all this information to input the climate, imposed traffic, society, and so on. The influence of
into the database. Meanwhile, the provided annual budget is practical factors into the maintenance priority index should be
enough to execute only 30–50% of the actual demands. It is im- considered too to accurately eliminate man-made errors of the
possible for the management and repair companies to carry out all V-BMS. Moreover, training for in-house staff in charge of han-
the maintenance work, and only on a limited numbers of the dling the new system is recommended to smoothly run the model
bridges. The V-BMS moreover divides site maintenance into of maintenance management system on specific conditions of
compulsory and selective works. The compulsory maintenance Vietnam. Further research needs also to make the V-BMS more
encompasses tasks that must be urgently carried out in order to robust with better automatic functions and to apply it to all
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ensure minimum allowable levels of safety and serviceability. bridges in the country by setting up linkages with all maintenance
Meanwhile, the selective maintenance is noncritical tasks cur- agencies.
rently. However, if the budget is available, they should be carried
out soon in order to prevent the occurrence of potential problems
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