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fifth o f the world's t o

river flow. During the wet

s e a , parts of the Amazon
e x c 120 miles in width.
Because of its s i , it is
s o m e called The
Sea. But it is n the world's
longest river s y s . The
world's longest r i is the
Nile River, with the Amazon being

Correct Answer
The Amazon River moves more water
than the next eight largest rivers of
the world combined. It ac c ount s
for about one fifth of the world's
total river flow. During the wet
season , parts of the Amazon
exc eed 120 miles in width. Because
of its size , it is sometimes called
The Sea. But it is not the world's
longest river system . The world's
longest ri ver is the Nile River, with
the Amazon being second-longest.

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