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Subject: Science

Grade Level: Grade 6

Objective: Homeost and control system

Learning across curriculum:

1) - Calculating the body temperature and rate of individuals and analyzing the data
to understand the of homeostasis.
2) - Reading and analyzing scientific article about the body's control systems and
how they maintain homeostasis.
3) Physical Education - Investigating the effects of exercise on the body'sostasis and
analyzing the data collected.

aching Strategy: Interactive QuizzesInstructional Materials

Anecdote : Share a story about a Filipino athlete who had to undergo rigorous
training and how his body adjusted to maintain homeostasis.

Anecdote 2: Discuss a where a student forgot to bring an umbrella on a rainy day

and how their body reacted to maintain homeostEngage

Teaching Strategy: Role-PlayingInstructional Materials

2 Idea - Conduct a debate where students argue for or against the importance of
homeostasis in maintaining a healthy body Provide them with relevant information
and resources to support their arguments.

1: Homeostasis Board Game

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Board game template, dice, game

Significance: activity allows students to apply their of homeostasis by making

decisions and solving problems a fun and interactive way.

1) the class into groups.
2) Provide each group with a board game, dice, and game cards.
3) Instruct the students to take turns rolling the dice, moving their pieces, and
following the instructions on the game cards related to homeostasis.
4) The game cards should scenarios where homeostasis is challenged, and students
make decisions to maintain balance.
5) Use rubrics to assess the students' understanding of homeostasis and ability to
apply it in different situations.

- Correct answers and decision-making: 5 points
- Understanding of homeostasis concepts: 5 points
- Participation and collaboration: 5 points

Assessment Questions:
1) What is homeasis?
2) Give an example of how the body maintains homeostasis when the external
temperature is extremely hot.
3) Explain how the body maintains homeostasis blood sugar levels rise after eating a
sugary snack.

Activity 2: DIYostasis Experiment

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Thermometer, stopwatch, water, ice, source (e.g., lamp), paper, pencil

Significance: This activity allows students to design and conduct their own
experiment to understand how the body homeostasis in response to temperature

1) Instruct the to form pairs.
2) Provide each pair with the materials listed above.
3) Ask the students to design an experiment to investigate how the body maintains
homeostasis when exposed to different temperature conditions.
4) They should record their, measurements, and conclusions in a scientific report
5) Use rubrics to assess the students' ability to design and conduct an experiment,
record data accurately, and draw valid conclusions.

- Experimental design and procedure: 5 points

Data collection and analysis: 5 points

-clusions and scientific report format: 5 points

Assessment Questions:
1) What were the variables in your experiment? How did you control them?
2) Describe the changes you observed in body temperature during the experiment.
How did the body maintain homeostasis?
3) How could you modify the experiment to investigate the body's response to
extreme cold temperatures?

Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

Example 1: Use a PowerPoint presentation to explain the concept of homeostasis,

including its importance, the different control systems in the body, and how they work
together to maintain balance.
Example 2: Engage students in a discussion about the challenges the body faces in
maintaining homeostasis and the consequences of imbalances.

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Design a Homeostasis Infographic

Task 2: Create a Homeostasis Comic Strip

Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Instructional Materials: Differentiated assessment questions based on Bloom's

Taxonomy levels

Question 1: Recall - What is homeostasis?

Question 2: Analyze - Compare and contrast the homeostatic control systems for
body temperature and blood sugar level.

Question 3: Apply - Design an experiment to investigate how the body maintains

homeostasis in response to changes in environmental humidity.

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Case studies related to homeostasis and control system

Assignment 1: Research and Write an Essay

Assignment 2: Create a Homeostasis Presentation

Note: The teacher should provide detailed guidelines and specific assessment
criteria for the assignments.

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