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EJA 1º ANO – 2º Bimestre

Nome:________________________ Turma: _____
B. They are studying under the tree._
1. Complete as frases com o Present Continuous:
A. You______________________________ TV ----------------------------------------------------------------
now. (to watch)
B. Luis and Lucas ____________________the 6. Escreva os verbos abaixo no GERÚNDIO:

guitar in the store. (to see) a) swim = ______________________

C. Carol ____________________________ a b) play = ______________________
beautiful song. (to play) c) ride = ______________________
D. They ____________________ in the yard. (to d) jump = ______________________
run) e) skate = ______________________
E. I _____________________________ a new T- f) sleep = ______________________
shirt (to wear). g) have = ______________________
h) talk = ______________________
2. A opção correta da frase “She drinks milk” no i) clean = ______________________
PRESENT CONTINUOUS da frase é: j) study = ______________________
A. She were drinking milk. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
B. She will be drinking milk. 7. Escreva as frases na ordem correta do Present
C. She is drinking milk. Continuous:
D. She was drinking milk.

3. Assinale a alternativa correta que completa a

frase no Present Continuous é:
The whole world __________ against drugs now.
A. fought
B. are fight
8. A frase You are reading a magazine na forma
C. is fighting negativa do Present Continuous é:
D. has fighting
a) You are not reading a magazine.
b) You are reading not a magazine.
4. Mude as frases para a forma Negativa: c) Not you are reading a magazine
d) You are reading a magazine.
A. He is speaking to Jimmy.
9. A frase He is cutting the tree na forma
interrogativa do Present Continuous é:
B. We are sleeping on the sofa. a) He is cutting the tree?
b) Is he cutting the tree?
c) Is cutting the tree?
d) Does is he cutting the tree?
5. Mude as frases para a forma Interrogativa:
A. She is dancing.

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