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Name: Rofiqotul Hasanatul Hasanah

NIM : 220210303009

Class : 2022 (A)

Title : The Preservation of the Javanese Languange in the Region of

Yogyakarta Journal : Indonesian Journal Of Geography

Year 2023

Reviewer : Wening Udasmoro, J. Susetyo Edy Yuwono, Sulistyowati, Aprillia

Firmonasari, Wulan Tri Astuti, B.R. Suryo Baskoro

Main Idea in the Journal

The main idea of the journal is to study and map the vulnerability of the Javanese
language in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and understand the role of different
agents, such as schools, family, and social environments, in preserving the language. The
journal highlights the decline of the Javanese language, particularly the higher-level varieties,
and emphasizes the importance of addressing weak language use in schools and strengthening
the usage of the Javanese language in the region.

Main Idea in the Paragraph Result and Discussion

 Profile of the Special Region of Yogyakarta

The main idea in the profile of the Special Region of Yogyakarta is to provide
an overview of the region's geographical, historical, cultural, and socio-economic
characteristics. The profile highlights Yogyakarta's unique status as a special region in
Indonesia, its rich cultural heritage, including the presence of the Sultanate of
Yogyakarta, and its significant role as a center for education, tourism, and traditional
arts. The profile also discusses the region's economic development, infrastructure, and
challenges faced in terms of urbanization and environmental sustainability. Overall,
the profile aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Special Region of
Yogyakarta and its significance in the context of Indonesia.

 Distribution of Javanese Language Usage in DIY

The main idea in the distribution of Javanese language usage in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) is to understand the patterns and intensity of language
usage in different areas and levels of schools. The study found that there is a
weakness in the use of Javanese krama (high level of language) throughout all
districts in DIY. However, junior high schools have a higher intensity of Javanese
krama usage compared to other levels of schools. Urban areas, particularly the City of
Yogyakarta, have a lower intensity of using Javanese krama. The study suggests that
policymakers should prioritize addressing weak language use in schools, especially at
the elementary and senior high school levels, and highlights the importance of family,
social circles, and social media in supporting the use of the Javanese language.
 Elementary School Level
The main idea at the elementary school level is that there is a weakness in the
use of Javanese krama (high level of language) in elementary schools in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta. The study suggests that addressing this weak language use at
the elementary school level should be a priority for policymakers in order to preserve
the Javanese language. The study also emphasizes the importance of family, social
circles, and social media in supporting the use of the Javanese language at the
elementary school level.

Junior High School Level

The main idea at the junior high school level is that there is a higher intensity
of Javanese krama (high level of language) usage compared to other levels of schools
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This suggests that junior high schools play a
significant role in supporting the use of Javanese krama. However, there is still a
weakness in the overall use of Javanese krama in all districts of Yogyakarta. The
study emphasizes the importance of addressing weak language use in schools,
particularly at the elementary and senior high school levels, in order to preserve the
Javanese language.
Senior High School Level
The main idea at the senior high school level is that there is a weakness in the
use of Javanese krama (high level of language) in senior high schools in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta. The study suggests that addressing this weak language use at
the senior high school level should be a priority for policymakers in order to preserve
the Javanese language. The study also emphasizes the importance of family, social
circles, and social media in supporting the use of the Javanese language at the senior
high school level.

 Support of Social Environments and Agents in the Preservation of the Javanese

The main idea in the support of social environments and agents in the
preservation of the Javanese language is that family, social circles (such as neighbors
and friends), and social media play an important role in motivating students to use the
Javanese language. These social environments provide support for the competencies
and usage of the Javanese language, particularly in the context of elementary, junior
high, and senior high schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The study
emphasizes the significance of these social influences in preserving the Javanese

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