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Suggested Time: 30 min.

Time I have spent:_____ min.


Name: Date: November 23RD,2018 Due on: November 26th, 2018
Class: Number: Homework # 11
Part A: Read this excerpt from The Speckled Band. Novel Title: The Speckled Band / Chapter 3:
Dr. Roylott and Stoke Moran (pages 73 - 77). Circle the letter to complete the paragraph.
Sherlock Holmes and I (Dr. Watson) caught the 1. ________ for Leatherhead,
Surrey and then took a carriage to Stoke Moran. Miss Stoner was waiting for us.
“I’m very happy to see you,” Helen Stoner said warmly. “2. _______ went to
London and won’t be back until late this evening,” said Helen. “We already met
the doctor this morning,” said Holmes. He’s a very angry man.” Miss Stoner’s
face became white. “Goodness! He followed me to your house!” said Helen. “Yes,
but we said nothing of your visit,” said Holmes. “Now, please take me to see the
bedrooms.” Holmes looked at the outside of the old house and examined the windows carefully.
Then, he looked at the three 3. _______. “Is this your room, Miss Stoner?” “Yes, it is,” said
Helen. “It looks fine. I don’t think it needs any work.” “No, but for some reason my stepfather
said “From now on, you must sleep in your sister’s room.” “Hmmmm,’ said Holmes. “The door and
window of your rooms are locked at night, aren’t they?” “Always!” said Helen Stoner. We went into
Julia’s small bedroom and Holmes sat down in the corner of the room and looked all around. “Who
answers that bell?” he asked, pointing to a 4.________. The rope hung down near the bed.” “It
goes to the servant’s room.” “It seems newer than the other things here.” “Yes, it was put there
two yours ago.” “Did your sister want it?” “No, because there isn’t unusually a servant in the
house.” “Then she didn’t need a bell, said Holmes and pulled the bell.” Why, this isn’t a real bell!”
he exclaimed, “It doesn’t ring. It’s fixed to the wall just above the ventilator.” “I never saw that
before!” said Miss Stoner.” “This is very 5. _______,” said Holmes.

1. a. train b. luggage c. games

2. a. Holmes b. Dr. Roylott c. Dr. Watson
3. a. bedrooms b. houses c. swimming pools
4. a. cars b. toys c. bell rope
5. a. food b. good c. strange

Part B: Read the text above one more time. Then, underline the correct answer. (5 pts.)

1. Holmes and Watson took a train to go to this place Buckingham / Stoke Moran / Birmingam
2. Holmes examined this outside the old house door / closet / window
3. Dr. Roylott told Helen to use this room sister’s room / servant’s room / pet’s room
4. This was hanging near the bed and doesn’t ring rope / toy / wire
5. This thing (number 4) is fixed to the wall above the cupboard / ceiling / ventilator
Part C: Rearrage/Organize the following sentences in order. (1 - 5 ) ( 5 pts.)
_____ Holmes checked the windows carefully.
__1___ Holmes and Watson went to Stoke Moran.
_____ Holmes told Helen to take him to the bedrooms.
_____ Holmes checked Julia’s small bedroom.
_____ Then, Holmes looked at the outside of the old house.

Part D: Who said these lines? Match A with B and write your answer on the space. You may
choose a letter more than once. ( 5 pts.)
____ 1. “We already met the doctor this morning!” a. Dr. Watson
____ 2. “Dr. Roylott went to London and won’t be back until evening.” b. Dr. Roylott
____ 3. “Holmes and I took a carriage to Stoke Moran.” c. Helen Stoner
____ 4. “From now on, you must sleep in your sister’s room.” d. Sherlock Holmes
____ 5. “The door and window of your rooms are locked at night.” e. Julia Stoner
f. servants


Part E: Choose the correct word in the box. Write your answer on the space below. ( 5 pts.)
gypsies poison match whistling mysterious widow

________1. mysterious = strange; odd; p. 65

________2. whistling = a clear, high-pitched sound p. 66
________3. match = used to light a fire p. 66
________4. poison = a substance that hurts or kills people/animals p. 68
________5. gypsies = a member of a travelling people traditionally living by trade and
fortune telling. p. 68


Part F: Rearrange the letters to form words. Write your answer on the space. ( 5 pts.)

1. official documents are kept in this public office p. 74

(cordsre ficeof) ______ ______
2. a document saying who you want to give your money to after you die p. 74
(lwil ) ______
3. a village in Surrey near Stoke Moran p. 74
(herleathead) ______________
4. a box made of wood or case p. 77
(estch) ______________
5. an opening or a device that allows fresh air to come in p. 77
(latorventi) ___________

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