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Brenda de la Cerna

I. Parties
Petitioner : Roberto Batungbakal “ Chuy”
Respondent : Telma Ang

II. Statement of Facts

Roberto Batungbakal is a well-known actor, whose is more popularly known

by the screen name “Chuy”. Dr Mari Tess friend of several years and vouch for him in the celebration
birthday party of the hotel’s manager , Mr Itsumo Kuokuro to which she replied , “ of course”.

The year 2023 was no different. For Mr. Tsuroka`s party, Ms. Ang generated an exclusive guest list and
extended invitations accordingly. The guest list was limited to approximately sixty(60) of Mr.
Tsuruoka`s closest friends and some hotel employees and that Mr. Batungbakal was not one of those
invited . At the party, Ms. Ang first noticed Mr. Batungbakal at the bar counter ordering a drink.
Mindful of Mr. Tsuruoka`s wishes to keep the party intimate, Ms. Ang approached Mr. Boy Miller, the
“captain waiter”, to inquire as to the presence of Mr. Batungbakal who was not invited.Mr. Miller
replied that he saw Mr. Batungbakal with the group of Dr. Tess. As Dr. Tess was engaged in
conversation with another guest and as Ms. Ang did not want to interrupt, she inquired instead from
the sister of Dr. Tess, Ms. Venus Reyes, who told her that Dr, Tess did not invite Mr. Batungbakal , Ms.
Ang then requested Ms. Reyes to tell Mr. Batungbakal to leave the party as he was not invited. Mr.
Batungbakal, however, lingered prompting Ms. Ang to inquire from Ms. Reyes who said that Mr.
Batungbakal did not want to leave.
When Ms. Ang turned around, she saw Mr. Batungbakal conversing with a Captain Batung whom
she later approached. Believing that Captain Batung and Mr. Batungbakal knew each other, Ms. Ang
requested from him the same favor from Ms. Reyes, I.e., for Captain Batung to tell Mr. Batungbakal to
leave the party as he was not invited. Still, Mr. Batungbakal lingered.
When Ms. Ang spotted Mr. Batungbakal by the buffet table, she decided to speak to him herself as
there were no other guests in the immediate vicinity. However, as Mr. Batungbakal was already
helping himself to the food, she decided to wait. When Mr. Batungbakal went to a corner and started
to eat, Ms. Ang approached him and said. “ Kahibawo ka, dili unta ka dapat ania diri. Pero kay
nakakuha naman ka ug pagkaon,hutda lang usa na unya pwede naka makahawa igka human nimu
ug kaon .”She then turned around trusting that Mr.Batungbakal would show enough decency to
leave, but to her surprise, he began screaming and making a big scene, and even threatened to dump
food on her.

Batungbakal filed a case against Ang for damages under the human relations provisions under the
New Civil Code. He alleged that as a person of good repute, he suffered public shame and humiliation
due to Ang’s behavior towards him. Batungbakal asked for One Million Pesos as actual damages, One
Million Pesos as moral and/exemplary damages and Two Hundred Thousand Pesos as attorney’s fees.

IV Arguments and Discussion

Wherefore, the party celebration is for Mr. Itsumo Kuokuro , hotel’s manager. And Ms. Telma Ang ,
. who claimed to speak for Hotel Mabuhay as Executive Secretary thereof. Ms. Ang assigned to
generate an exclusive guest list and extended invitations accordingly. And Mr. Batungbakal was not
one in the guestlist. However, Mr. Batungbakal went up with the party of Dr. Tess carrying the basket
of fruits which was the latter’s present for the celebrant. At the penthouse, they first had their picture
taken with the celebrant. After which Mr, Batungbakal sat with the party of Dr. Tess. After a couple of
hours, when the buffet dinner was ready, Mr. Batungbakal line-up at the buffet table but, to his great
shock, shame and embarrassment ,he was stopped by respondent Telma Ang (Ms. Ang) . In a loud
voice and within the presence and hearing of the other guests who were making a queue at the buffet
table, Telma Ang told him to leave the party. (“ Ayaw nag kaon diri. Dili ka invited ,Pahawa diri”). Mr.
Batungbakal tried to explain that he was invited by Dr. Tess. However, Dr. Tess, who was within
hearing distance, completely ignored him thus adding to his shame and humiliation. Not long after,
while he was still recovering from the traumatic experience, a Makati policeman approached and
asked him to step out of the hotel. Like a common criminal, he was escorted out of the party by the
Respondent Telma Ang admitted asking Mr. Batungbakal to leave the party but not under the
circumstances painted by the latter. Ms. Ang narrated that she was the Hotel’s Executive Secretary for
the past fifteen (15) years. One of her functions included organizing the birthday party of the hotel’s
former General Manager, Mr. Tsuruoka.

Considering, Mr. Batungbakal is a well-known actor neither Ms. Ang know him and so the other
guest knows him I guess. The public humiliation given by Ms. Ang to Mr. Batungbakal might occur
emotional damage and trauma . For him to justify what happen to him he file a case to Ms. Ang for
the said damages and as a person of good repute, he suffered public shame and humiliation due to
Ang’s behavior towards hims. For Damages under the human relations provisions under the New Civil
Code. Mr. Batungbakal for instance , knows that he is not invited considering if its not true that Dr.
Tess doesn’t vouch for him for she is answered “Of Course”. Still, Mr. Batungbakal went up with the
party of Dr. Tess carrying the basket of fruits which was the latter’s present for the celebration. They
first had their picture taken with the celebrant.

Therefore, as far as I know . Attending exclusive birthday party celebration having a guest list
requires an invitation letter with buffet table # and other depends on the organizer ‘s plan approving
by the birthday celebrant. If this birthday celebrant wants to out a birthday party crusher on his /her
event at the time of celebration. Then, this will be the time that the one in charge and organize makes
way to comply. However, Mr. Batungbakal case is different.

Giving it due course, damages and disrespect to the person’s right to attend the party without
reprimanding the reasons ‘s for coming without in the guestlist.

Hospitality is one of the traits has a culture of Filipino through out the generations and differ
from other countries. Even ordinary and prominent, professional non -prof . Never comes out their
mind to have a public humiliations to each person without In the guestlist especially while taking
food to eat . We , Filipino during eating we invite even if it’s enough to us because it’s our tradition
that is given by our ancestors.

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