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The Effects of Excessive Online Gaming on the Physical Health of

Senior High School Students in Telbang National High School

Chapter 1


This chapter presents the different subparts mainly the background of the

research work, the statement of the problem and research questions, hypothesis, and

significance of the research work, scope and delimitation and lastly, the definition of


Background of the Research Work

Excessive online gaming can have significant effects on the physical health of

senior high school students, such as those at Telbang National High School. One of the

primary concerns is the sedentary lifestyle it promotes. Hours spent in front of a

computer or gaming console lead to a lack of physical activity, contributing to issues like

obesity, muscle weakness, and poor cardiovascular health. The absence of regular

exercise can lead to long-term health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Moreover, prolonged screen time can strain the eyes and lead to digital eye strain,

causing discomfort and potential vision problems among students.

Additionally, excessive online gaming may disrupt sleep patterns, as students

often play late into the night. This sleep deprivation can result in a host of issues,

including fatigue, diminished cognitive function, and weakened immune systems,

making students more susceptible to illnesses. It can also negatively impact their
academic performance and overall well-being. According to Adair (2020), adopting a

sedentary lifestyle can have detrimental effects on one's physical health. This includes

consequences such as weight gain, muscle atrophy, joint stiffness, and poor posture.

Furthermore, remaining in the same seated position for extended periods can lead to

more severe issues, notably chronic headaches, neck problems, and back problems. It is

worth noting that while video gaming is only moderately associated with obesity,

approximately 1% of gamers may experience this condition due to excessive gaming,

thereby increasing the risk of heart-related problems and disorders.

In the past decade, there has been a significant rise in Internet and smartphone

usage across the globe, leading to a surge in research on internet addiction and its

potential health implications (Leung & Fung, 2021). Of particular concern are behaviors

related to internet gaming and social media, which have been shown to be problematic

and linked to symptoms of addiction. Heavy internet use and internet addiction among

adolescents have been associated with a range of adverse effects on mental and

physical health, including anxiety disorders, depression, suicidal ideation, increased

incidence of headaches, and musculoskeletal pain.

Moreover, excessive engagement in internet gaming and social media has been

proposed as a significant factor contributing to reduced physical activity, with some

studies indicating a negative correlation between online game usage and physical

activity levels in emerging adults. The surge in both the prevalence and frequency of

online gaming has given rise to numerous research studies that have documented a

range of mental health issues linked to excessive game usage among adolescents (Yuli

Pan & Hong Fu, 2022).

Wang and Jie Kong (2013) sought to investigate the impact of computer and

Internet technology on the lives of adolescents. This study delves into the connection

between Internet utilization and the lifestyles of adolescents. Furthermore, it is crucial to

recognize that physical activity plays a pivotal role in the health and well-being of

children and adolescents. It not only offers immediate health advantages but also

establishes a foundation for long-term health benefits extending into adulthood.

Nonetheless, the trend in developed countries reveals a shift away from active

recreational pursuits and sports, with a growing reliance on sedentary forms of

entertainment like televisions, video games, and computers. As indicated in a study

published in the American Journal of Psychiatry (2020), gaming has been linked to

various adverse effects, including sleep deprivation, insomnia, disruptions in circadian

rhythms, depression, heightened aggression, and anxiety.

However, it is important to note that further research is necessary to fully

establish the validity and strength of these associations. Additionally, there is growing

concern that exposure to the prevalent extreme violence in video games may

desensitize adolescents and young adults to such violence, potentially leading to

emotional issues and even acts of violence among young individuals. According to

Nilsson (2015), health issues like musculoskeletal and psychosomatic symptoms that

manifest during adolescence frequently endure into adulthood, and they may be partially

attributed to lifestyle and psychosocial factors. Among adolescents, online gaming is a

prevalent leisure activity.

Furthermore, the addictive nature of online gaming can lead to unhealthy eating

habits and irregular meal schedules, further exacerbating the physical health concerns.
The surge in both the prevalence and frequency of online gaming has given rise to

numerous research studies that have documented a range of mental health issues linked

to excessive game usage among adolescents (Yuli Pan & Hong Fu, 2022).

According to Nilsson (2015), health issues like musculoskeletal and psychosomatic

symptoms that manifest during adolescence frequently endure into adulthood, and they may be

partially attributed to lifestyle and psychosocial factors. Among adolescents, online gaming is a

prevalent leisure activity. It is noteworthy that a significant proportion of excessive gamers

exhibit a preference for massively multiplayer online role-playing games, which are often

linked to adverse outcomes.

Billieux (2021) has highlighted growing concerns within health and educational

authorities regarding the detrimental impact of excessive computer screen and

smartphone usage on children and adolescents. Recent reviews have contended that

there is a paucity of evidence substantiating the addictive nature of extensive

smartphone use.

According to Duggan (2015), digital game playing has become a widespread

leisure activity for both young people and adults. With technological advancements and

the significant growth of internet accessibility in the last twenty years, the digital gaming

industry has considerably broadened its appeal, capturing the interest of numerous

youth. While the detrimental effects of problematic gaming may not be as overt or

distressing as substance use disorders, excessive engagement in gaming, characterized

as a sedentary and screen-based behavior, has the potential to disrupt essential daily

life activities.

In the study conducted by Foly (2019), underscores the substantial increase in

children's access to and ownership of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets,

over the past decade. This surge has raised concerns about the potential adverse effects

of excessive mobile media consumption on children's health and well-being. In this

literature review, we examine the detrimental physical health associations linked to the

overuse of mobile devices during childhood and adolescence. The most compelling

evidence pertains to the impact of excessive mobile device use on sleep outcomes.

Thus, a significant adverse consequence of video games is the potential

disruption of emotional regulation. Research indicates that individuals diagnosed with

Internet gaming disorder tend to exhibit heightened levels of aggression, depression,

and anxiety. This correlation is primarily attributed to their diminished ability to manage

and modulate their emotions, encompassing feelings like anger, sadness, and fear (Cam

Adair 2020).

Meanwhile, Griffiths (2023), excessive Internet use and Internet addiction have

been categorized by some as an impulsive disorder. Moreover, the American Psychiatric

Association defines online gaming addiction as the consistent and prolonged utilization

of the Internet for playing video games, often in the company of other gamers, resulting

in significant disruption and clinical impairment in various facets of an individual's life.

In a study conducted by Fang (2005), it was observed that a considerable

number of online game players, primarily teenagers, exhibited behaviors commonly

associated with physical addiction, as they spent extensive periods within their favored

virtual worlds. This has raised concerns among parents, educators, and social scientists,

who argue that online games can be a source of societal issues.

According to Nillson (2015), adolescents who participate in online gaming with

the motive of seeking escape and who spend more time engaging in online gaming are

at a greater risk of experiencing depressive, musculoskeletal, and psychosomatic

symptoms when compared to their counterparts who have different gaming motives or

allocate less time to online gaming.

According to Manniko and Billieux (2015), digital gaming exerts a significant

influence on various aspects of individuals' psychological, social, and physical health.

Digital game addiction is characterized by specific features, including low self-efficacy,

heightened anxiety, diminished self-esteem, and impulsive traits .

In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified Internet Gaming

Disorders (IGD) as mental health disorders, emphasizing their global impact (WHO,

2019). Excessive online gaming has progressively transformed into a prevalent lifestyle

among adolescents, and it is intricately linked to various aspects of their well-being. This

study aims to further explore the relationship between excessive online gaming and

physical health problems in senior high school students. It seeks to answer important

questions, such as wether prolonged gaming leads to sedentary behavior, poor posture

sleep disorders or other health conditions.

According to Hamor (2019), individuals often develop a fixation on online games,

rendering them incapable of disengaging from this virtual realm. Extended periods of
engagement in online gaming can lead to a blurring of their sense of reality, as they

become entirely absorbed in this digital environment.

Additionally, Grinspoon (2020) underscores the importance of moderation when

it comes to activities that offer both potential benefits and drawbacks. To mitigate the

adverse effects associated with gaming, such as excessive screen time, it is crucial to

limit the hours spent in front of the screen and engage in healthy pursuits like physical

exercise and real-world social interactions.

The study will also explore potential effects between different game genres,

length of gaming sessions and specific health conditions. Understanding the physical

health consequences of excessive online gaming is essential not only for the health of

senior high school students but also for parents, educators and policymakers. By

exploring potential effects, this study may help inform strategies to promote a healthy

balance of online gaming and physical activities in this age group. This investigation will

contribute to basic knowledge about the impact of online gaming on the physical health

of senior high school students, highlight potential areas of concern, and provide

information on intervention measures as well as preventive measures.

Statement of the Research Questions:

This study aimed to further explore the effects of excessive online gaming in the

physical health of senior high school students. Particularly, this answered the following


1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

a. age;
b. sex; and

c. grade level?

2. How does the frequency and duration of online gaming activities among senior high

school students in Telbang National High School relate to their physical health?

3. What specific physical health issues or symptoms are commonly observed among

senior high school students who engage in excessive online gaming in Telbang National

High School?

4. Are there effective interventions or strategies that can mitigate the negative physical

health effects of excessive online gaming among senior high school students?


There is significant of effects of excessive online gaming on the physical health

of Senior High School Students in Telbang National High School

There is no significant of effects of excessive online gaming on the physical

health of Senior High School Students in Telbang National High School

Significance of the Research Work

Any investigation that will be made be done for some reasons. The researchers

believed that the findings of the study will be of significance to the following:
Health Awareness. It contributes to raising awareness about the potential physical

health consequences of excessive online gaming among senior high school students.

This is important because many young people may not be fully aware of the impact of

their gaming habits on their well-being.

Students. Understanding the effects of excessive gaming can help educators, parents,

and students themselves make informed decisions about balancing gaming with other

activities that promote physical health, such as exercise and outdoor activities.

School Policy Development. The research can inform school policies and guidelines

on gaming and screen time, which can be beneficial in maintaining a healthy and

productive school environment.

Public Health Implications. The study may provide insights into a broader public

health concern related to excessive screen time, sedentary behavior, and associated

health issues. This can be valuable in developing strategies to address these issues at a

societal level.

Academic Performance. Excessive online gaming can potentially impact academic

performance. Understanding these effects can help schools and students take steps to

mitigate these consequences.

Parental Guidance. It can serve as a resource for parents to understand the potential

health risks associated with excessive gaming and encourage responsible gaming habits

in their children.
Future Research. The findings of this research could also serve as a basis for future

studies in this area, helping to build a body of knowledge about the effects of online

gaming on physical health.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will focus on senior high school students enrolled at Telbang National

High School. The primary focus will be on the effects of excessive online gaming on the

physical health of the participants, including aspects such as posture, sleep patterns,

and physical fitness. The study will cover a specific time frame, typically a semester or

academic year, to observe changes and trends. Data will be gathered through surveys,

interviews, and observations to assess physical health issues related to online gaming.

The study is limited to Telbang National High School and may not be generalized

to other schools or regions. It will only include senior high school students, excluding

other age groups. The study will consider a variety of online gaming platforms, but may

not include all available games or devices. Although the focus is on physical health,

other external factors that can influence health, such as diet or pre-existing medical

conditions, are not discussed in depth. This study will provide insight into participants'

physical health, but may not delve into long-term effects.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined for a clearer understanding of the research:

Excessive Online Gaming. This refers to the habitual and prolonged engagement in

video games over the internet, often to the detriment of other essential activities, such

as academics, social interactions, and physical health.

Physical Health. Physical health encompasses the overall well-being of an individual's

body. In the context of your study, it includes factors like physical fitness, nutrition,

sleep quality, and any physical health issues or symptoms that may arise due to

excessive online gaming.

Senior High School Students. These are students typically in their final two years of

high school education. In the Philippines, for instance, they are usually in grades 11 and


Telbang National High School. This is the specific high school where your research is

conducted, and it refers to the school's name and location.

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