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Instruction: Select tho correct answer foreach of th fowing quesions. ‘Mark ony one ant fr each tom by shading he box coerpending 1 the Jeter of your che onthe anawe sheet provided ‘Srey no erasures alowed, Use ponct na. ony NOTE! "“Whanover "you como ‘across a caret (*) ign, Wl moans ‘exponentiation, Calculate the power dissipated by the sloment of an eloctic tre lresistance 30 when a cent ct 10 A tows In tho feos oor 30 thurs in week determine te energy used, Determine alcthe woskiy coat ol energy if electy cost 7 2p per unt atk bk cok saw 2. Some aluminum wrehas a‘esistance of 0 20°C. The wets heated 1a 0 temperature of 100°C. Detormine the rsistanco of thoweo at 100°C, assuming thal the temperature cosicent of resistanceat O° is o0oere 2.3190hms 48.1 ohms e.5t30hms (4.648 ohms Ton 1.5 V cell, each having an internal resistances! 02 0, are connected in sees 10 8 load of 58 0 Determinehe pd. at the batenterminas, an2v (by 2162 atv Resistors of 20 0, 29 and 90 0 are connected In para \Whareltance must be added in serias wih the combination 19 tia ‘otal reetanee of 10.0. .250hme b1Sohme —e.4Sohme 4.35 ohm 5. he complete circuit in the previous problam expends a power of 0.36 1, ie ota eurent towing. ada BSA ea ara 6 How many plates has a parle plat capac having a capactancect 5 IF, each pate 40 mm by 40 mm and each detec 0.102 em nck ith a elative permit of 6 6 7, 8 [A capacitor, consiing of two metal plates each of aren 50 end ‘andepaced 0.2 mm apart hf, connected. across a 120° V supply. Caleate the potential grasion. 1.600 KV 400 Kv 00 vim 300K ‘Anon ng ol mean siamoter 10 emis unitermywound wih 2000 turns of wire, When eurtent of 025 A is passedtvough the col a fhx ‘onaty of OA Tie eet up Inthe kon, Fine rlaive parmeabity of ‘aon under thee conditions. 2200 6.250 6-200 as. ‘An ai-gap between two pole paces is 20 mm i length and the arson tho ux path across the gop i 5 em. If hex fequred ln theai-gap is (07510 the rent necessary 226700 D2IS7OA CISA 6.13800 Uso Thevenes totem ton the current flowing nthe 4 resistor of the network shown, a0 ona b.0123A ©0281 eosin 11. Find seo tho powerdsspated in tho 14 resistor inthe prevous bem, : nw Grew ear datew 2. Determine tho value of the toad resistance RL shown that qvos ‘maumum powsr dssipaten. 24 2a] ( (Gr bee eae 38 13. An aerating vllage is represen by v= 20 sin 57.1 1 vans Fame etic tm. 4 001s bacss = (Epos oom. 14, Acai of inductance 00 mH and resistance 60 0 cornice 1a 250. {00 apy. Fd ao te phase age eect cet a supply vote, 7 (a,39°5r%999i09 2057 taag0g 307 leading 6 29°57 loon 15 A magnate ld 10% Aim produces 3 magnets waucton of An /°% \weberm2 man won fod. Compute the suscep. -» ir ./« 2625 bA789 eat e- 16. A ny bal of mass 0.8 cames a charge of mapntuce O46. is Suspended by a Uvead in 2 downward elect hel of rtensty 300 NC. ‘Whats te tenon nthe tread # he chaxge onthe bl spose? 2.348 x 1083 ERIN +F- Bzaxtoran E1251 13N tes 17. An loci fl of 1500 Vim and 2 magnet fed act on an ection 5 2 ‘moving wih a speed of 2000 ws. the rexitrk kd lobe zo whan ‘hould be the svength of the magnet kd Gn Wa). aoiT BAST “eost out 48, A OOW-100V tungsten tamp has a resstarce of 20 obms at ae temperature (0-C) What the nse intemperate ofthe lament uncer forma wing errs? Te onperaure concent estas ot tungsten fs 0.0082. ai2Gb.12506 ene rise ‘72 and a plate separation o 1.88 mem. Ths Capactot has a docwe: and a capacitance of 840 pF. What the dolce conciant of Pas alee? 2) 15x 10012 15x 1083 20. Five hundred wins of we are wound cn @ thin ibe en kong. me ‘wre cates acurent of SA. detamine the Hedin the RBA. Ps fe Les 12444003 55721089 BeOST Tor eta ek {A sefios RLC cet consisting of R = 100. X= Xe= 200. commectad cfs 100-V. SOME supply. The magne and th phase angi (we = telerence to he sp vatage ol the votage sores fw Raance, re, respecvey, Wetec 100 ¥, 90° 8 100,20" m. 200-20" (200 v.00" 22. A moving ron velimeer is conectedscten the vege sewce whee Instantaneous value VQ) = 5 + 10c05 314 + 307) Tha racing of Be avisy Bisy cyiasy oy, 23. A.3 uF capactor is charged fom a 250 V de suppty The charged |, e2926H0" 15 now femoved rom the Supply and coTmected across ant ‘uncharged 6 UF capactor. Cate the px. betwen te lates. Ms aanv env Gam ORV ace 24, (18 chm reise oad is connected to te secondary ota wanetaroe, Tho teminal pd ale Secon W240 V. the primary & comer 108 60 V a. sup eae te caret awn Han he Sy ‘Assure an eal ansfomer. air BMA e108 earn 25. Twolndctrs, of ndutares 28 mi an 40 mA eect, ae uns ‘na common tsromagnet coy and ae connect sere with each fer. The couping coef Gen, between am fe GA When ey ~< e » ” 2 2 Ey ” ii Ts Wang Wovens Ve timo Cah 0.28 A. teeta the tte ‘soegy stored whan the casa comment seen ann, a tam BNsems edn atom Law t Fe the Thevean Votiage across 2 che a taey we parve at8y aan et he Thevene tastance ofthe prewar problem act wre ear so0 ‘An aternatng votage m tepteserted by the expiesson v= 35 Se(0142 1) wet Determine he value 2. mated panne vo bao. gong pone. sary pe awy eanv amav Atsoh pans m-comectes symmetica lier sacton has a capacitance of 5600 pf i sores erm and madetorcen 900 ym ach fsa em. The cut taquercy of te eee “ Az awe © 7h seu Sonate Dimrite ‘An RL low pans fer consats of 5.6 mH cat and a 33 ACD renstor The ouput votiage # taken across the tensor The ecuts ertcal Ireauercy = Aes B onsK: 61 ne D se sz ete A parate! plate capactor has a capactance of 124 pF when af exits ‘beeweon #8 plates and 7O20F when deleciic exsts between # platen What she dec constant ofthis dotectie? e017 8566 ©1368 ze A conductor © moved at a velocty 5 mis at an angle of 60" to a Lunlerm mognete laid 16 mille The bold i produced by a pa of pate pieces, the faces of which measure 10.0m by 4 em Ifthe conductor engin « paratel to the longer side of the ft eid,calclata the emt ‘eatced Sormv poze conv eoany ‘The magnet swsceptbany of a matenal # 1000. ths metenal i laced in a magnete hed of stength 1000 Alm, what wl Be valve of magnet induction? 2OIpT ban e1zet caren ‘An infty long, stvaIght conductor carnng 8 cuttent 100 amperes located a. Determine the flux density ata pont O05 in away rom the ‘conductor BOtmt — b.13mT eo4ent 61907 1 cast ste! Sng hs 2 crc cossatcson 3 om dame and 2 ‘naan eraoderence & 80 om The ns untomy wound wh acl ‘oo tina Esta tho cart yh Co equ o prada fu Ce mnonibanne " fteA btaA diosa ‘A capscor of capacance SUF ls charged wp 0 8 PD of 250V. ts AezE Loin comeded to one thon ucharged eapacor 3 ‘Suctance 20g" What wou be the resubg aoe? Sov baw euov ‘esv aoaa ne par ane vrloma as 100, ree 8 20 Tear nto coro cross secon 10 cm, whats the eperating fx so sy poser = cost = doster ‘hvantamer wh pry an second vole 700 and 20 Aue 7a non te wae, Coos Fsanee Scams nome he ont 210 20 30 eo bo stred in capac of 2 an Ay when spotenta terence of 100V is avaiable. ees 2083 Find the energy wich taken in paralil when @ potential aos bad « 2 « a 81 ‘A toront ha a core of wquarnctons ection, 2900 men*2 ave, ane ‘mean dareter of 250 tren Th core mater of Tabve permeatty 1000 Calelate the number cl tara Yo ba wound on the cae to kta annaetaree ch 1H 19 200 Were 300 erm Acne Bo wae ‘An aeroplane, with a ng span ef 30 m9 Neng honzortay ota sowed 11720 kwh. a a pot were te verte component f the ears fad 04.06 What he en developed betwoon 9 wirg Ws sony pov cozy ‘s028y ‘An at capactor wih plates 12 and 001m apart ie charged wen 106 Cat elecinety Calculate to change in energy wach resists when the capaniea simon of e rlavn party 20 fs wreremes by alactord 2c wereanen by alactor od Dawcremes by tact a2 decreases by afacior of 4 The magnetic fd at 40 cm rom along sraigh wite 6 10%~6 T. What uments cared bythe wea? ata Baza aA aan oe hull [An uncharged capacitor o 0.2 uF connected to a 100. de supply ‘tvough areata of 100k Ova. Determme, ether graphy oe By catulavon the eapactorvatage 10 me itr the watage has bean = Retry eas caserv D'soa5v ‘A croul consists of an uncharged capactr connected in series wth 8 ‘50 Ota resntor andhas atime constant of 15 ms. Dotermane tho ‘tage dep across the reistor 5 ma tee connecting the cut 108 20, Vode supply Rare” easy casery 0.2935v {A104 capactor i charged to 120 V and then charged through a 1. Ohm east Determane how long takes forthe vtiage 1 a 1025 v 2 Atrzs 830358 Cassis 0.36128 A col ol resistance 25 0 and inductance 100 mi is connected n series twa eapactance of 0 12 uF across a 200 V, variable frequency ‘3upphy. Calculate ne actor by which the voliage across the reactance ‘eater than he supply vttage aN Ro Geet c Byss1 Whats the 2ppted voltage era sees RLC cxcut when FT = 9 mA, VL. =30V, VC = 18. and = 1000 she R300v "Bia C3to8v D.aaoov sion theorem s NOT appicable to networks containing 2 Ron near elements bs jesourees B-Depondan curen sources Traniomers at happen te phate angle ca escanes when convened to 2 Its unenanged The sign i rversed tts shed by 00 degrees a Te sscenane pose angle tee of he eat phone What determines he sengtof te magnetic id around a condor? 2. The resstanee dvsed bythe curren 1 The rato athe curert oe reistance eae 1 "awe Anindutor works by charging aplce ote (Bisterng energy oo amognete ld ©. ehoang off Dc iwoducing resistance et a eke. Atar the fest tne contr & transient cient hs charged by pas Seow ee R632, 36: “° oie a88 ‘Tho gauss a unit ot ‘A Ovoral magnet field strength B.Amperesurns, Mognet ux densi. DD. Magnetic power. Laminations are usually used in AC magnate ccs for We fing reanone. Which he best nsec? ‘h Toincreseo he core loss To decease the copper oss 6. Toroduce permeabany Caner Biase, 135 ke, aed einaad yewslt oe” vs “)

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