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Vocabulary Frankestein Fairy

1. Lifeless: Dead, inanimate.

Sentence: The bird lifeless lay on the floor.
2. Bless: To ask for God´s help and protection for someone or something, or to callo r make
someone or something holy.
Sentence: The priest blessed their house.
3. Unable: to not be to do something
Sentence: We were unable to help.
4. Acquaint: to make (usually oneself) familiar (with).
Sentence: You must familiarize yourself with the routine of the gym.
5. Well-known: known or recognized by many people
Sentence: Her views on the subject are already well known.
6. Tale: a story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe
Sentence: Sara told some fascinating tales about his life in Japan.
7. Revenge: Harm done to someone as a punishment for harm that they have done to someone
Sentence: She needed to satisfy her desire for revenge.
8. Portrait: A painting, photograph, drawing, etc. of a person or, less commonly, of a group of
9. Blush: to become pink in the face, usually from embarrassment
Sentence: Mario always blushes when he speaks in public.
10. Shall: used instead of "will" when the subject is "I" or "we"
Sentence: If you do that one more time, I shall be very angry.
11. Boyhood: the period when a person is a boy, and not yet a man, or the state of being a boy.
Sentence: I had a very happy boyhood.
12. Somewhat: to some degree
Sentence: We were somewhat tired after our long walk.
13. Were out: to tire
Sentence: My job wears me out
14. Graveyard: a place, often next to a church, where dead people are buried.
15. Lifeless: Dead
Sentence: Sentence: His lifeless body lay on the floor.
16. Praise: to express admiration or approval of the achievements or characteristics of a person
or thing
Sentence: He should be praised for his honesty.
17. Flesh: the soft part of the body of a person or animal that is between the skin and the bones, or
the soft inside part of a fruit or vegetable.
Sentence: The thorn went deep into the flesh of my hand.

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