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IELTS EXAM - Writing -Task 2

- 5 types of questions >> each question: You will be >> 1. given a statement 2. asked to respond - Examples
- the answer must include: 1. Introduction - 2. Body Paragraph BPI - 3. Body Paragraph BPII - 4. Conclusion
Whole essay = at least 250 words = 40-60 introduction + 100 BPI + 100 BPII + 20-40 conclusion
1. Introduction: I. rephrase II. opinion III. outline the main points = 2-3 sentences = 40-60 word
2.Body Paragraph I
A. rephrase the 1st main point - B. Explain it C. Example D. Support Your opinion >> 3-5 sentences = around 100 words
3. Body Paragraph II >> the same
4. Conclusion >> 1. summarize main points 2. reiterate opinion
5 types of questions are:
Type Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion
Opinion: Rephrase PI: Rephrase Reason 1 + Explain & Example Your Opinion
do you think/do you +
agree or disagree ... Your Opinion & Give 2 PII: Rephrase Reason 2 + Explain + Example & Summarize Reason 1
reasons & 2
Discussion: Rephrase P1: Rephrase the reason of the opposite opinion + Reason of the opposite
Discuss both these + Explain & Example + mention a reason for your opinion + Your Opinion
views Opposite Opinion & 1 refusal to this opinion & Reason
+ P2: Rephrase the reason for the second team (Your
Your Opinion & 1 Reason opinion) + Explain & Example
advantages & Rephrase PI: Rephrase the reason of the opposite opinion + Reason of the opposite
disadvantages + opposite opinion & 1 Explain & Example opinion + Your Opinion
Type 1: Opinion: reason & Reason
+ Your Opinion & 1 reason P2: Rephrase the reason for the second team (Your
opinion) + Explain & Example
advantages & Rephrase P1: Rephrase the two disadvantages of the 2 disadvantages of the
disadvantages + opposite opinion + Explain & Example + mention a opposite opinion + Your
Opposite Opinion reason for your refusal to this opinion Opinion & 2 advantages
Type 2: Discussion: (negatives) & 2
IF YOU CHOOSE THE disadvantages P2: Rephrase the two advantages for the second
ADVANTAGES, ..>>>> + team (Your opinion) + Explain & Example
Your Opinion (Positives) &
2 advantages
causes Rephrase P1: Rephrase 2 causes + Explain + Example 2 Causes +
+ + 2 causes P2: Rephrase 2 Solutions/outcomes + Explain Solutions/Outcomes
solutions/outcomes + 2 Solutions/outcomes Example
Double question Rephrase P1: Rephrase Answer Q1 + Explain + Example Rephrase Answer Q1 &
+ Answer Q1 Q2 - Your Opinion
+ Answer Q2 P2: Rephrase Answer Q2 + Explain + Example

Opposite Opinion Some people believe that .... – Some say that ...
Your Opinion I believe that ... – I think that ...
Explain In other words, ... – That is to say ...
Example For example, - For instance,
Conclusion In conclusion, ....

Time Plan (5-10 minutes) + Intro (5 ‘) + BP1 (8’) + BP2 (8’) + Conclusion (5’) + proofreading (4-10 ‘)
Criteria Task response 25% + Grammar 25% + Vocabulary 25% + Cohesion & Coherence 25%
Answer the specific topic not the general one + follow 100% rule in vocabulary & Grammar (CLARITY IS KING) +
Don’t Overuse of cohesive devices? How to generate Ideas >> Coffee shop method
Last advice: practice slowly + master these strategies + analyze your mistakes + improve your weaknesses + practice under exam conditions ....
Thank you!
If you got any benefit, just pray for me.
Prepared by/Salah Elhelisy

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