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#1 process using Past Perfect

+ F/S We
We had traveled to Quito by 2020.
We´d traveled to Quito by 2020.

- F/ S
We hadn´t traveled to our hometown by 2020.
We had not traveled to my hometown by 2020.

Had you traveled to your hometown by 2020?
A: + / - Yes, we had. No, we hadn´t.

A: Where had you traveled by 2020?
We had traveled to Quito by 2020.

•#1 process using Past Perfect

+ F/S She
She had painted a mural when she disappeared.
She´d painted a mural when she disappeared.

- F/ S
She had not painted a canva when she disappeared.
Shehadn´t painted a canva when she disappeared.

Had she painted a mural when she disappeared?

A: + / -
Yes, she had. No, she hadn´t.

A: What had she painted when she disappeared?
She had painted a mural when she disappeared.
To our customers,

At Apple, we strive to make world-class

products that deliver the best experience
possible to our customers. With the launch
of our new Maps last week, we fell short
on this commitment. We are extremely
sorry for the frustration this has caused our
customers and we are doing everything
we can to make Maps better.

It could be replaced with: this goal and this promise to you.

Last week our company accidentally released the personal

data of some of our customers. We are deeply sorry for
releasing the personal data for some of our customers.

It could be replaced with: We are deeply sorry for our mistake.

1. Use the Writing Skills: Phrases to avoid repetitions in the second sentences
Our agreement
Our mistake
This goal
This promise to you

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