Team BIZMINDS SmartSync Installations

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Business Plan: SmartSync Installations


Presented by: (BIZMINDS Team members)

Ashraful Islam Sakib Madhabee Sarkar
Roll: 29002 | Merit: 02 Roll: 29046 | Merit: 58

Pallab Kumar Nakti Irin Akter Tisha

Roll: 29004 | Merit: 04 Roll: 29067 | Merit: 87

Lamia Tabassum Tanny Ferdous Hassan Mihad

Roll: 29015 | Merit: 23 Roll: 29087 | Merit: 118

Mehedi Hasan Rakib Abdullah Abu Sayed Noman

Roll: 29025 | Merit: 33 Roll: 29108 | Merit: 156

Zakaria Chowdhury Dihan Miraj Hossain

Roll: 29044 | Merit: 56 Roll: 29110 | Merit:158

Date: 16. 11. 23

Course: Introduction to Business (1102)
Course Instructor: Hasina

Table of Contents

Title Page No.

Title Page 2
Table of Contents 3
Executive Summary 4
Business Description 5
Products or Services 8
Marketing and Sales Strategy 11
Operations Plan 13
Financial Projection 15
Funding and Capitalization 15

Executive Summary
About Us: SmartSync Installations is a start-up company that aims to provide smart home
and office solutions for modern and tech-savvy customers of Bangladesh. We are the latest
start-up company in this field. Our smart home installation business, SmartSync
Installations, is poised to revolutionize the residential technology landscape. SmartSync
Installation is dedicated to improving comprehensive strength and broadening our reach.

Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide smart, secured and eco-friendly solutions for
modern and tech-savvy customers in Bangladesh. Simplifying their lives and enhancing home
security and efficiency.

Our Offerings: We, SmartSync Installations, will offer a suite of smart devices, such as,
Automated Home Light, Fans and other Home Appliances; Smart Home Security System;
Child Care Monitoring. We will also introduce some Office Security appliances. We will
offer a complete category of smart devices, integrating advanced IoT technology and cloud
services to form the base of smart home solutions and other industrial solutions.

Target Market: Our target market is the people, aged from 25 to 55 years, who have a
middle to high income, live in urban, metropolitan or suburban areas. Our target customers
have a tech-savvy and convenience seeking psyche.

Competitive Advantage: Our company, specializing in smart home installations, holds a

unique competitive advantage in the market. We leverage cutting-edge technology and a
highly skilled team to provide seamless, efficient, and personalized smart home solutions.
Our commitment to customer satisfaction, coupled with our extensive industry experience,
allows us to deliver superior service that is tailored to the specific needs of each client

Financial Projection: Our estimated revenue for next four years is 500000৳, 1500000৳,
3500000৳, & 5000000৳ respectively and cost for this revenue is respectively 1300000৳,
2000000৳, 3000000৳ & 4000000৳. Our estimated profit [ estimated revenue minus
estimated cost] for next four years is (-800000৳), (-500000৳), 500000৳ & 1000000৳
respectively. As we are a start-up company in this field and also this business is a growing
business in Bangladeshi market, it will take some time to make profit and we are confident
about making profit from last 2025 to beginning of 2026. In Bangladesh Smat Home
Installation business has a growing market and we can hope a bright future of SmartSync

Startup Financing Requirement: SmartSync Installation will need a estimated start-up capital of
1300000৳ [1000000৳ for initial start-up cost and 300000৳ for initial marketing and advertising]. Our
initial cost will be 2200000৳ [2000000৳ for initial inventory, 100000৳ for salaries and wages and
100000৳ for rent expense]. We are looking forward to getting investment of 4000000৳ from any
Venture Capital Company.

Business Description
1. Legal Structure of the Business: We will start our company as a Limited
Partnership company using investment from a venture capital firm.

Legal structure of SmartSync Installation (LLP):

General partner (GP): We will work as a general partner in this company. The
GP is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the company. The GP is
also liable for the debts and obligations of the company. The GP is typically a team of
experienced entrepreneurs.
Limited partner (LP): The venture capital firm will stay in the company as
Limited partner. The LP provides capital to the company but does not have any
involvement in the day-to-day operations. The LP's liability is limited to the amount
of their investment.

limited partnership agreement (LPA) of SmartSync Installation:

Capital contributions: General partners: 50% and Limited Partners: 50%
Profit distribution: The venture capital (limited partners) will gain profit according
to their demanded profit percentage.
Management control: General Partners will have management control over the
Decision-making authority: General partners will mainly take decisions and Limited
Partners(investor) will help in the decision-making.
Reporting requirements: What reporting requirements will the GP have to the LP?
Exit Strategy: The company can liquidate or sell in any of the following ways.
a. Asset sale
b. Share sale
c. Merger or acquisition

Diagram of the legal structure of SmartSync Installation:

General Partner Limited Partner

a. Entrepreneurs a. Venture Capital Firm

b. Primary Investors b. High-Net-Worth Individual
c. Institutional Investor

Legal Documents:
I. Certificate of formation: Trade License
II. Operating agreement: Registering the LLP agreement in Registrar of Joint
Stock Companies and Firm of Bangladesh (“RJSC”)

III. Hiring an experienced lawyer to help the company to form all the necessary
legal documents.
2. How will the SmartSync Installations operate: In this modern day and age, every
developed country is adopting the smart home life-style. But this concept of a smart-
home is new to Bangladeshi citizens. However, there are enthusiasts about technology
who want to experience the new age of technology. SmartSync Installations is
bringing this experience to your fingertips by offering you Custom Smart Home
Installation packages for your home and even in offices. SmartSync Installations
offers you designed and developed innovative smart home appliances with features
that align with market trends and consumer preferences.To distinguish our brand we'll
develop a unique value proposition, innovative features, superior quality and
exceptional customer service.
3. Industry Analysis: Smart Home Business Industry, although a well-established
market in developed countries, is an untapped market in Bangladesh which is
expected to reach US$760.5M by 2028. Bangladesh will transition from a least
developed country (LDC) to a developing country on March 16, 2024, according to
the United Nations Committee for Development Policy (CDP). And with a lot of
infrastructural development being done these days, people of our country are adopting
new technologies and innovations. Companies being established in these few years
will definitely experience the Early Mover Advantage. The market trends highlight
a growing demand for energy-efficient appliances, integration of artificial intelligence
and Internet of Things technologies, and the increasing popularity of voice-controlled
devices. With a limited number of competitors, densely populated and strong market.
It'll be easy to capture the market by Analyzing the competitive landscape. It involves
understanding the strengths and weaknesses of key players, identifying opportunities
for differentiation, and adapting strategies to gain a competitive edge.
4. Target Market:
a. Demographics:
i. Age Group: Homeowners within the age range of 25 to 55.
ii. Income Level: Targeting middle to high-income households with
disposable income for smart home technology.
iii. Location: Focusing on urban, metropolitan and suburban areas with a
higher concentration of homeowners in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Areas with
a concentration of young professionals, such as business districts or
areas near corporate offices.
iv. Psychographics:
1. Tech-Savvy Individuals
2. Home Improvement Enthusiasts
3. Family-Oriented Consumers: Catering to families looking for
increased security, energy efficiency, and convenience in their
4. Convenience Seekers: Consumers who prioritize convenience
in their daily lives.

5. Minimalists and Simplifiers: Individuals who embrace a
minimalist lifestyle and seek products that simplify their living
v. Behavioral Characteristics:
1. Brand Loyalty: Explore the loyalty of potential customers to
certain brands. Some consumers may be loyal to brands known
for reliability and innovation, while others may be open to
trying new entrants in the market.
2. Response to Promotions: Analyzing how potential customers
respond to promotions, discounts, or limited-time offers.
3. Product Interactions: Considering how consumers interact
with their existing appliances. If there is a desire for more
intuitive interfaces, seamless connectivity, or advanced
features, it can guide product development and marketing
4. Trial and Experience: For products that involve a significant
investment, such as smart home systems, consider the
importance of trial options or providing a hands-on experience.
Consumers may be more inclined to invest if they can
experience the benefits firsthand.
vi. Preferences and Needs:
1. Customizable and User-Friendly Technology: Providing
options for customization appeals to consumers who want
smart home devices that align with their unique preferences and
2. Convenient and Energy Efficient Products: With a growing
emphasis on sustainability, there's a preference for energy-
efficient appliances. Smart devices that help reduce energy
consumption align with the eco-conscious preferences of many
3. Aesthetics and Design: Consumers may prefer products that
not only function well but also complement the aesthetics of
their living spaces.
4. Customer Support and Warranty: Providing excellent customer
support and warranty options for consumers who value post-
purchase services and assurance

Products or Services
1. Detailed Description of Products offered with Services:
i. Automated Home Lights, Fans and other Home Appliances with AI
Integration: Integration of smart devices for energy-efficient and
automated home management.
a. Automatic fans and lights: When the temperature rises above the
desired temperature range, the fans will automatically run in the
forward direction and create a cooling effect. Smart lights are Wi-
Fi-enabled devices that connect to the internet using wireless
b. Smart Switches: Smart switches are wired to your home's electrical
system to control the flow of power to that switch. They are Wi-Fi
enabled and connect to your home network, allowing you to control them
with a smartphone app or a home assistant.
c. Smart vacuum and mop: Robotic vacuum cleaners steer
themselves away from obstructions when the obstacle sensors are
triggered. They are programmed to rotate and move forward until
the device finds a clear path.
d. Smart air purifier: Each Smart Air Purifier comes equipped with
a True HEPA filter, which captures 99.97% of unwanted airborne
particles. Allergens, dust, lint, mold spores, bacteria, viruses and
pet dander—all can be captured by the device, then pulled in and
trapped by the purifier.
ii. Smart Home Security System: Comprehensive security solutions for
homes and corporations, including tag sensors, smart locks, indoor and
outdoor cameras, and fire alarm.
a. Tag sensors: Smart Tags are powered by a technology known as
Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID. These tags contain an
integrated circuit (or IC) which transmits data over a frequency
range between a few meters and over one kilometer, depending on
the strength of the antenna.
b. Smart locks: Like all locks, smart locks operate with the use of a
lock and a key. But in this case, the key is digital rather than
physical. The key may be both in the form of a code entered on a
keypad and a command sent from a smartphone application that
makes use of cryptography.
c. Indoor and outdoor cameras: With a wireless security camera,
the video signal—and, with some, the audio signal as well—
transmits over the internet or other wireless network to a receiver
that connects to your viewing and recording device.
d. Fire alarm: Smart fire alarm systems work by connecting your
existing systems using a gateway device. This then sends data to
cloud-hosted software that can be accessed by the user. The

software can send data and notifications directly to the user and can
also be accessed by them whenever required.
iii. Child Care Monitoring:
a. Night vision and low-light capabilities: The Pet Camera Dog
Camera with Phone App is equipped with infrared LEDs, which
can provide you with clear black and white images even in dim
conditions, up to 33 feet away. When human motion is detected,
the surveillance camera can automatically track the behavior, and
you can receive instant alerts on your phone.
b. Two-way communication capabilities: The indoor security
camera has a built-in microphone and speaker, you can
communicate with your family members in real time through the
camera. Working with Alexa, you can use Alexa to show you
where you want to observe (without SD Card).
c. Surveillance Camera Data Storage: When human motion is
detected, the baby camera will automatically reserve 10-15 seconds
of alarm video to the cloud, and save it for 24 hours, you can view
it at any time.
d. Facial recognition and alerts
e. Temperature and humidity sensors
f. Remote locking and unlocking features.
iv. Office Security Appliances:
a. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): The main purpose of an
intrusion detection system is to monitor network traffic for
suspicious activity and alerting when such activities are detected.
But most intrusion detection systems are intelligent enough to
capture malicious activity and take action when it occurs.
b. Firewall Appliances: When a firewall executes packet filtering, it
examines the packets of data, comparing it against filters, which
consist of information used to identify malicious data.
c. Alarm Systems: Alarm Systems work by sending out signals to a
central monitoring station when sensors are faulted.
v. Room climate products:
a. Cube Environmental Sensor: It monitors indoor temperature,
humidity and illumination and is equipped with a LCD display
showing these data in real time. It also works with other devices to
perform smart, triggers or scenes.
b. Smart Plug: EU & FR standard plug, changing traditional
electronic appliances to be smart ones. The smart plug is also
equipped with an energy metering function. The LifeSmart App
also allows you to set devices ON / OFF schedules and know the
energy consumption of devices.
c. Central AC Smart Gateway: Connect VRV central AC to
LifeSmart system with AC gateway.

2. How They Meet Market Needs:
i. Tailored Packages: Offer customizable packages that cater to the unique
needs of each customer. This ensures that they get precisely what they
require without unnecessary features.
ii. Compatibility: Ensure that your products are compatible with a wide
range of devices and technologies. This flexibility allows customers to
integrate your solutions seamlessly into their existing setups.
iii. Customer Support:
a. Responsive Support: Establish a responsive customer support
system. Timely assistance for troubleshooting, inquiries, and
assistance builds a positive customer experience.
b. Feedback Mechanism: Create channels for customers to provide
feedback. This information is invaluable for continuous
improvement and can also reassure customers that their opinions
are valued.
iv. Understanding the Customer's Environment: Conduct thorough
research to understand the specific security and automation needs of both
homes and offices. This could involve understanding the layout, potential
vulnerabilities, and the desired level of automation.
v. Robust Security Measures: Highlight the robust security features of your
products. Emphasize encryption, secure data storage, and protection
against hacking to build trust among customers.
vi. Affordability and Value:
a. Clear Pricing Structure: Ensure your pricing structure is
transparent and easy to understand. Clearly communicate the value
that customers are receiving for their investment.
b. Promotional Offers: Periodically offer promotions or discounts,
especially during product launches or special events, to make your
products more accessible.
vii. Scalable/Future-Proof Solutions: Design your products and services to
be scalable. This allows customers to start with a basic security or
automation package and easily upgrade as their needs evolve.

3. Pricing Strategy:
i. Penetration pricing: Products will initially be offered at a lower price
than the market average to quickly gain a targeted market share. The goal
is to attract a large customer base rapidly, establish the product in the
market, and potentially discourage competitors. Once a substantial market
share is achieved, the company may gradually increase prices. This
strategy will be used for entering a new market to create a competitive
advantage and stimulate early adoption.

ii. Bundled package pricing with limited time promotion's: Offering
multiple products together as a package at a single, discounted price. This
strategy is designed to provide customers with added value and
convenience, encouraging them to purchase more from the business. We
will do a product segmentation and offer different packages with lower
price. And for the first month we will provide a free installation system
with each package. Aggressive marketing strategies will be applicable for
the first month. Several sales promotion using effective taglines will be
effective for this pricing.
iii. Competitive pricing: After having a good position in the market the
company will follow this strategy as the business is not much the limited competitors are significant for pricing
impactfully. If direct price competition is challenging, consider offering
additional value through services, presenting our value proposition and
unique selling proposition.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

1. Market Research: Smart home appliances are experiencing increased popularity,
driven by a rising demand for convenience, security and energy efficiency.
Consumers show a preference for integrated systems that can be controlled
through a central hub or mobile phone such as smart switches. Security features
such as tag sensors, smart locks, indoor and outdoor cameras etc are particularly
sought after. Smart child care devices are also high in demand among working
women. These products contribute to the growing market, with a focus on smart
solutions. The market is expected to continue expanding as technology advances
and consumer awareness grows.

2. Value proposition (VP): Experience the perfect blend of cutting-edge

technology, unbeatable cost efficiency, and unparalleled customer care with our
smart home appliances. Elevate your lifestyle with modern innovations, while our
dedicated support ensures your satisfaction at every step. Choose us for a
harmonious fusion of quality, service, and advanced features in every smart home

3. Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Integration of a wide range of security

devices under one umbrella. - AI-driven smart home features for seamless
automation and control. - Customizable packages for tailored security and

automation solutions. - Specialized office security appliances for comprehensive
corporate security.
4. Marketing Plan:
a. Online Media:
i. Website: Creating a user-friendly website with detailed product
information, features, benefits and compatibility of smart home
ii. Social media ads: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter and LinkedIn to share visually appealing content. We can
offer targeted ads to reach specific demographics interested in
smart home technology.
iii. Content Marketing: Create informative blog posts, articles and
how-to guides on smart home trends, installation tips and product
comparisons. Develop engaging video content showcasing real-life
usage of the products.
iv. Influencer Collaboration: Partnership with influencers like
‘ATC’, 'Tech to the Point', 'Sohag 360', 'Samzone', 'RealTech
Master', ‘Rakib’s’ to promote our smart home appliances. This will
influence others to give our product a try.
v. User review: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive and
authentic reviews. We can showcase their reviews on the website
to build trust.
vi. Email marketing: Build a subscriber list and send regular
newsletter with product updates, promotions and tips on
maximizing smart home systems.
b. Offline Media:
i. Engaging other interested business entities: Building a
partnership with some well-known entities in society who will find
their own business's benefits such as enhancement of their sales by
recommending our offerings to their customers. By this strategy we
can also ensure our cost-benefit by reducing our advertising cost as
the other party will find their own interest in recommending our
ii. Participation in smart home expos and events: Attend or exhibit
at industry events and expos to connect with potential customers
and showcase our products. Demonstrate the integration
capabilities of our appliances with other smart home systems.
iii. Customer review: Satisfied customers work as the best marketing
tool for any business. Their recommendations and reviews attract
the target market to our products.

Operations Plan

Management team and their roles

Executive officers Roles

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Provides overall leadership and direction for the

Chief Technology Officer Leads the development of new products and technologies

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Manages the company's finances

Functional Leadership Roles

Head of Product Leads the product development process

Head of Marketing Develops and implements marketing strategies

Head of Sales Leads the sales team

Head of Customer Relationship Oversees the customer onboarding process

1. Product Developer: Design and develop smart home appliances
2. IoT Specialist: Integrate IoT technology into products
3. Software Engineer: Develop and maintain software applications
4. Hardware Engineer: Design and optimize hardware components
5. Customer Support: Address user queries and provide assistance
6. Marketing Specialist: Promote smart home products and brand
7. Data Analyst: Analyze user data for product improvement
8. Quality Assurance: Ensure product quality through testing
9. Sales Representative: Engage with clients and drive sales

Supply Chain Management:

Our business recognizes the pivotal role that effective Supply Chain Management (SCM)
plays in ensuring the success and sustainability of our operations. SCM encompasses a
comprehensive approach to handling the end-to-end processes involved in delivering our
products/services to the customers. This section outlines how we plan to strategically manage
our supply chain for optimal efficiency and customer satisfaction.
a. Planning: Firstly, we’ll predict the demand of products needed to
smoothly run the business. The SCM team will take in consideration the

inventory size as well as the staff required to successfully manage the
supply chain.
b. Sourcing: We’ll connect with the wholesalers who sell smart home
appliances and systems online and offline who will supply us the material.
c. Inventory: Efficient and sufficient inventory system will be developed
with the help form professional supply chain managers.
d. Delivery: The smart home gadgets or appliances will be installed by well-
skilled and professional technicians which can be operated with third party

The installation process of our company includes:

a. Installation team
i. Having a skillful team of Installation experts
ii. Conducting training programs
iii. Appoint professional smart home installers to handle the
installation process
b. Assess Customer Needs and Prioritize: Asking customers to know about
their priorities and packages.
c. Choose the Right System: Research and select the appropriate smart
home system that suits the client's requirements and preferences
d. Installation Steps
i. Turn off the power before starting the installation process
ii. Dismantle the light switch on the wall and remove it
iii. Inspect the cables and connect them to the devices
iv. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to install and configure each
device in the smart home system
e. Testing and Troubleshooting: After the installation, test and troubleshoot
the smart home system to ensure that all devices connect to the central hub
and communicate seamlessly with each other.

Locations and facilities:

a. Office Facility: We will locate our office in urban and commercial areas where we will not
only operate our whole business but also showcase the products we offer. This will increase
customer engagement and enhance visibility.

b. Inventory Facility: The inventory facility of our operation will include the following:
i. Sufficient Warehouse Space with security system
ii. Temperature and Humidity Control
iii. Inventory Management Software
iv. Organization, Labeling and Tracking
v. Shipping and Receiving Area
vi. Quality Control Station and Packaging Area
vii. Technology Infrastructure

Financial Projection (Break-even analysis):
Chart Title






2024 2025 2026 2027

Revenue Expenses

Explanation of the chart: The break-even projection shows that our company will
start to earn profit from the middle of the year 2025.

Funding and Capitalization:

A. Initial Startup Costs
1. Purchase of installation tools and equipment: BDT 10,00,000
2. Initial marketing and advertising expenses: BDT 3,00,000

B. Funding Sources: SmartSync Installation is looking forward to funding from

Venture Capital. We are seeking an investment of 40,00,000 taka in the form of
common equity at a pre-money valuation of 2 crore. The proceeds will be used to
expand our product development team and accelerate our go-to-market strategy.
C. Use of Funds:

Product & Installation BDT 20,00,000

Salary and Wages BDT 1,00,000

Office Rent Expense BDT 1,00,000

To fund SmartSync Installation business using Venture Capital (VC), we are following
these steps:
Potential Venture Capital investors:
1. Bangladesh Venture Capital Limited: 2. SBK Tech Ventures: SBK Tech Ventures is a
Bangladesh Venture Capital Limited (BVCL) relatively new venture capital firm, having been
has a successful track record of investing in founded in 2020.
early-stage startups in Bangladesh. BVCL has SBK Tech Ventures has invested in a number of
invested in over 20 startups since its launch in successful startups, including:
2013, and its portfolio companies have gone on 1. Jatri
to raise over $100 million in follow-on funding. 2. Meddo
Some of BVCL's most successful portfolio 3. AmarShop
companies include: 4. Sheba
1. Pathao 5. ShohozFood
2. Chaldal
3. ShopUp
4. bKash
5. Foodpanda

3. Startup Bangladesh Limited: Startup 4. Maslin Capital: Maslin Capital is a relatively

Bangladesh Limited (SBL) is a venture capital new venture capital firm, having been founded
firm established in 2016 by the Government of in 2016. However, it has quickly established
Bangladesh. SBL is the first and only flagship itself as a leading investor in early-stage tech
venture capital fund of the ICT Division of startups in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh. SBL is mandated to invest in early- Maslin Capital has invested in a number of
stage startups in Bangladesh with high growth successful startups, including:
potential. 1. E-Desh
SBL has a successful track record of investing 2. Socian
in startups in Bangladesh. SBL has invested in 3. Paperfly
over 20 startups since its launch, and its 4. Meddo
portfolio companies have gone on to raise over 5. AmarShop
$100 million in follow-on funding.
Some of SBL's most successful portfolio
companies include:
1. Pathao
2. Chaldal
3. ShopUp
4. bKash
5. Foodpanda

● Why are we choosing venture capital?
1. Risk Sharing: Venture capitalists share the risks associated with the startup, aligning
their interests with the success of the business.
2. Expertise: Beyond capital, VC firms often offer strategic guidance and expertise,
leveraging their experience to help the business grow and succeed.
3. Network and Connectivity: VC firms typically have extensive networks that can
benefit the startup by providing valuable connections, partnerships, and access to
4. Secure Investment: VC provides funding for businesses that may struggle to secure
traditional loans, especially in the early stages of development.

Sources used: Google, Microsoft Bing, Chat-GPT, Facebook, YouTube, Bard.



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