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In this test you are going to make a character called a car go through a car track
in its entirety without going off the road. Then your car will compete with the rest of
the class and finally with the whole class.

1º Load the program. Download the program “Exam_Unit_1_Beginnig.sb3” from

the virtual classroom and load it in scratch by clicking on File/Load form your

2nd Select the car character. Write your name inside.

3º Select the car character and write the
following program.

Next, read carefully how the program you just

wrote works:

-The program starts executing when the green flag

is pressed.
-The first thing it does is resize the car to be 15%
of its actual size. You have reduced it so that it has
a suitable size to that of the track.
- You take the car to the position x=144 and
y=140 which is the beginning of the race track.
- You wait a bit to see the car in this position
- The car moves 100 steps forward.
- You wait a bit to see the car in this position
- The car moves 100 steps forward.
- You wait a bit to see the car in this position
- The car moves 100 steps forward.
- You wait a bit to see the car in this position
- The car advances 16 steps forward, which are
the remaining steps to reach the end of the first
- You wait a bit to see the car in this position
-You turn left 55 degrees, to put the car in the
right position to continue moving along the track.
- You wait a bit to see the car in this position
- The car advances 68 steps forward, until the end
of the second straight.
- You wait a bit to see the car in this position
-You turn left 36 degrees, to put the car in the
right position to continue moving forward,
without leaving the track.
Challenge 1
Make the car go around the whole track:
You have to create the necessary instructions for the car to finish its journey. If you
want, you can suppress the waiting times to make the movement more pleasant. It
may help a little to look at the coordinates of the mouse position, at the bottom right
of the display screen.

Challenge Check: To check that you have done it (that is, if you have gone off the
track or not) you have to add the following program to the one you have already
To choose the color, click on the color box of the instruction Touching the color? and
then click on the background of the car track.

This program will be checking all the time if the car touches the blue color outside
the track, and if the car touches it, the program will stop indicating that the car has
left the track in the position in which it has stopped. the program.

Have the car complete the entire track, then turn 180 degrees and also travel the
entire track in the opposite direction. When finished, it will start again, always
repeating these two routes.

You have to create the necessary instructions for the car to finish its course, then turn
180 degrees and also travel the entire track in the opposite direction.

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