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Psychopedagogy combines psychology and pedagogy because it is responsible for the study of
human beings in learning situations.
Its function is to assess, prevent and correct difficulties that a person of any age may have in a
learning process in any area of life. Therefore, it studies the evolution of mind development in the
teaching and learning process.
Psychopedagogy is closely related to psychology specialties such as educational psychology,
learning psychology, evolutionary psychology, personality psychology, among many others. It
also has great influence from special education - therapeutic pedagogy, curriculum design,
educational therapies, individual or group therapies, etc.
A psychopedagogue guides and motivates the person in the learning process, identifying
possible problems and making a plan to overcome them so that the person can meet his
educational goals. a psychopedagogue evaluates the socio-affective area, the cognitive area, the
reading and writing area and the calculation area.
My dear friend, thank you for suggesting that I go to law, I really appreciate your care, but I
will refuse this proposal because in my view, Psyhopedagogy is one of the best faculties I could
do, it is my dream to work with children to teach them. To learn the Psychology of children and
train them properly for life for the next school steps that will reach them.
To help children assimilate as much knowledge as possible.
I like to
To be fair, I never saw myself as a girl, I always saw myself as a teacher to teach and help as
many children as possible.
That's why I thank you for the proposal, but I'm going to stay at psychopedagogy and I'm going
to study with a lot of love this wonderful, complex and full of mysteries that I keep revealing with
every lesson I study, and it's definitely the most suitable for me.

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