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Group 6

Online food delivery platforms

Group Members:

Name Roll No UID Mobile No Email ID

Aneeta Joseph 309 202559 9188545364

Siya Denny 308 202553 9074742365

Lilly Rose Jose 327 202558 7025103982

Purpose/Relevance of the Survey:

One of the primary aims of this survey is to find the most used food delivery
app and to understand the reasons that contributed to its popularity. We also
intend to find how various factors like covid and ease of access have changed
the perspective of people towards different food delivery apps and derive the
level of satisfaction and perceive the interests of consumers regarding online
food ordering. This project focuses on analyzing what influenced the rise of
these apps in the modern period and what is currently driving the delivery apps
in today's digital market.
Target Population:

Consumers within the age group 18 -30

Sample Size:

120 people


1. To compare the usage statistics between different food delivery platforms.

2. Derive a conclusion on the increasing usage of online food delivery.

3. To analyze the satisfaction of consumers using these platforms

4. To study the factors that led to the rise of these platforms.

Confidentiality Note:

Your responses are voluntary and will be confidential. This survey is meant for
educational purposes only. Any information will not be disclosed to a third
party under any circumstances.

Pilot Survey Report :

The pilot survey conducted had a total of responses of 20 people out of the
mentioned target. The method used for the pilot survey was convenience
sampling. The pilot survey was conducted using google form. The google form
was circulated to the respondents with the confidentiality note and the thank you
note. From the responses received it was indicated that the questions present
were good to analyze and to be finalized with some minor changes in it.

Questionnaire draft :

1. Age

- below 18
- 18-30
- Above 30

2. Gender

- Male
- Female
- Other

3. Are you a student?

- Yes
- No

4. Are you employed?

- Yes
- No
5. Are you staying with your family?

- Yes
- No

6. If no, which of the following is your current mode of stay?

- Hostel
- PG
- Flat/house
- Other

7. What do you prefer?

- Ordering food online

- Dine in/ takeaway

8. Which of the following do you mostly use for ordering food?

- Restaurant website
- Restaurant apps
- Third party apps(eg: swiggy,zomato)

9. Rank these apps according to your preference?

(Ranking field - swiggy, zomato, ubereats, other)

10. Choose the apps that you found most desirable on the basis of the factors

1.Quality of food
2. User friendliness
3. Discount
4. On time delivery
5. Service quality
6. Relatively cheaper

11.Has the pandemic influenced your choice of food ordering?

- Yes
- No

12.How often do you order food online

- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly

13.On an average, how much money( in Rs) do you spend monthly to order
food online?

- Less than 1000

- Between 1000 and 3000 (3000 included)
- Between 3000 and 5000 (5000 included)
- More than 5000

Analysis :

Out of the 112 responses we got, 52 were females and the rest were males.
85.7% of our respondents were students and 83.2% were employed. Majority of
our respondents were either staying with their family or other roommates. Only
a negligible percent of our sample population were living alone.



Less than once a month
Once a month

Once every 2 weeks

Less than once a month

Once a month

Once every 2 weeks

Once every 2 weeks

Once every 2 weeks

Less than once a month

Once a month

Once every 2 weeks

Once a week

Once a week

Once a week
Daily or nearly everyday

Daily or nearly everyday

Daily or nearly everyday

Daily or nearly everyday

2-3 times a week

2-3 times a week

2-3 times a week

2-3 times a week

2-3 times a week


Moved out and living with Staying with family Living alone Moved out Staying with family
roommate/s and living
Unemployed Employed

From our data, we reached the following conclusions:

 Majority of respondents who are unemployed and living with roommates

order food less than once a month.
 Majority of respondents who are unemployed and staying with family
order food once a month or once every two weeks.
 Majority of respondents who are employed and living alone or moved out
and living with roommates order food at least once every two weeks.
 Frequency of ordering food online among respondents who are employed
and staying with family are not clearly predictable.






500 to Less than 1000 to 500 to Less than Less than Less than More 1000 to 500 to Less than
1000 500 2000 1000 500 500 500 than 2000 2000 1000 500
Moved out and Staying with family Living Moved out and Staying with family
living with alone living with
roommate/s roommate/s
Unemployed Employed

From our data, we reached the following conclusions:

 Majority of respondents who are unemployed spend less than Rs 500 on

an average to order food online.
 Majority of respondents who are employed and living alone or moved out
and living with roommates spend less than Rs 500 on an average to order
food online.
 Majority of respondents who are employed and staying with family spend
Rs 500 - 1000 on an average to order food online.
From the above graphs, it is clearly visible that Swiggy is the most preferred
app among our respondents in every aspect followed by Zomato.
According to our responses, discounts or coupons play a major role in
convincing the people to order food online. Other factors include convenience,
food quality, price, service quality.

To find the interaction effect of the independent factors ‘employment status’

and ‘being a student or not’ on the dependent factor, that is ‘money spent’.

Source SS DF
MS \
0 Are you employed 5.580157e+05 1.0 558015.67
1 Are you a student 4.348875e+04 1.0 43488.7
2 Are you employed * Are you a student 2.496312e+05 1.0 249631.21
3 Residual 1.467455e+07 109.0 134628.

F p-unc np2
0 4.144845 0.044186 0.036633
1 0.323027 0.570963 0.002955
2 1.854218 0.176102 0.016727
3 NaN NaN NaN

The p value for the employment status (0.044186) is less than 0.05 which
implies that the unemployment status possesses a statistically significant effect
on the money spent on various food delivery apps. The factor of being a student
has a p value (0.570963) greater than 0.05 which depicts that, it has no
statistically significant effect on the money spent. The p value of the interaction
effect (0.176102) is greater than 0.05, hence there is no significant interaction
effect between employment status and whether he/she is a student or not.

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