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sudo_root - How to run administrative commands

sudo command

sudo -i

By default, the password for the user "root" (the system administrator)
is locked. This means you cannot login as root or use su. Instead, the
installer will set up sudo to allow the user that is created during
install to run all administrative commands.

This means that in the terminal you can use sudo for commands that
require root privileges. All programs in the menu will use a graphical
sudo to prompt for a password. When sudo asks for a password, it needs
your password, this means that a root password is not needed.

To run a command which requires root privileges in a terminal, simply

prepend sudo in front of it. To get an interactive root shell, use sudo


By default, only the user who installed the system is permitted to run
sudo. To add more administrators, i. e. users who can run sudo, you
have to add these users to the group 'sudo' by doing one of the follow‐
ing steps:

* In a shell, do

sudo adduser username sudo

* Use the graphical "Users & Groups" program in the "System settings"
menu to add the new user to the sudo group.


The benefits of leaving root disabled by default include the following:

* Users do not have to remember an extra password, which they are

likely to forget.
Manual page sudo_root(8) line 1 (press h for help or q to quit)


dpkg foi interrompido, para corrigir o problema tem de correr manualmente 'sudo dpkg --configure
n Debian and its derivates like Ubuntu and Linux Mint, the dpkg package manager is used for
managing the packages. Dpkg, which is installed by default on the Debian and its derivatives can be
used to install, build, and remove .deb packages. In this article, you will learn how to use dpkg
install in Ubuntu system.

andos stefano deltasuite instruments

opt linux

What is the difference between /opt and

According to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, /opt is for "the installation of add-on application
software packages". /usr/local is "for use by the system administrator when installing software
locally". These use cases seem pretty similar. Software not included with distributions usually is
configured by default to install in either /usr/local or /opt with no particular rhyme or reason
as to which they chose.
Is there some difference I'm missing, or do both do the same thing, but exist for historical reasons?

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