Jee Mains Syllabus Old VS New 2024

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Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus

01 Physics
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Physics Physics
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

1. Physics and Measurement 1. Physics and Measurement

Units of measurements, System of Units,
significant figures Added.
Physics, technology, and society, accuracy
and precision of measuring instruments

2. Kinematics 2. Kinematics No Change.

3. Laws of Motion 3. Laws of Motion

vehicle on a level circular road, vehicle on a
banked road.
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Physics Physics
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

4. Work, Energy And Power 4. Work, Energy And Power

Motion in a vertical circle Added.

5. Rotational Motion 5. Rotational Motion

Equilibrium of rigid bodies, comparison
of linear and rotational motions.

6. Gravitation 6. Gravitation
Motion of a satellite, time period, energy
of satellite Added.
(Geo stationary satellites) Eliminated
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Physics Physics
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

7. Properties of Solids and Liquids 7. Properties of Solids and Liquids

Effect of gravity on fluid pressure,
Critical velocity.
Excess of pressure across a curved surface,

8. Thermodynamics 8. Thermodynamics
Isothermal and adiabatic processes
Carnot engine and its efficiency
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Physics Physics
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

9. Kinetic Theory of Gases 9. Kinetic Theory of Gases

Kinetic interpretation of temperature

10. Oscillations and Waves 10. Oscillations and Waves

Doppler Effect in sound

11. Electrostatics 11. Electrostatics

Potential difference, Electric dipole in an
electrostatic field Added.
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Physics Physics
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

12. Current Electricity 12. Current Electricity

Mobility, and their relation with electric
current Added.
Colour code for resistors, Potentiometer -
principle and its applications Eliminated

13. Magnetic Effects of Current And 13. Magnetic Effects of Current And
Magnetism Magnetism
Magnetic field due to a magnetic dipole (bar
magnet) along its axis and perpendicular to its
axis. Torque on a magnetic dipole in a uniform
magnetic field, the effect of temperature on
magnetic properties. Added.
Cyclotron, Hysteresis. Electromagnets and
permanent magnets Eliminated
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Physics Physics
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

14. Electromagnetic Induction and 14. Electromagnetic Induction and

Alternating Current Alternating Current No Change.

15. Electromagnetic Waves 15. Electromagnetic Waves

Displacement current Added.

16. Optics
16. Optics
Spherical mirrors, lens maker formula,
Refraction of light through a prism.
Resolving power of microscopes and
astronomical telescopes Eliminated
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Physics Physics
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

17. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation 17. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Davisson-Germer experiment Eliminated

18. Atoms and Nuclei 18. Atoms and Nuclei

Radioactivity- alpha. beta and gamma
particles/rays and their properties;
radioactive decay law Eliminated
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Physics Physics
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

19. Electronic Devices

19. Electronic Devices
Junction transistor, transistor action,
characteristics of a transistor:
transistor as an amplifier (common emitter
configuration) and oscillator, Transistor as
a switch Eliminated

20. Communication Systems 20. Communication Systems

Chapter Removed
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Physics Physics
Eliminated/Deleted Topics
21. Experimental Skills
21. Experimental Skills
[Plotting a cooling curve for the
relationship between the temperature of a
hot body and time.,
Potentiometeri- (i) Comparison of emf of
two primary cells. (ii) Determination of
internal resistance of a cell.
Using a multimeter to :
(i) Identify the base of a transistor
(ii) Distinguish between NPN and PNP
type transistor
(iii) See the unidirectional current in case
of a diode and an LED.
(iv) Check the correctness or otherwise of
a given electronic component (diode,
transistor, or IC)] Eliminate
02 Chemistry
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Chemistry Chemistry
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

1. Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

1. Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry
Physical quantities and their
measurements in Chemistry, precision, and
accuracy, significant figures. S.I.Units,
dimensional analysis Eliminated

2. States of matter
2. States of matter
Chapter removed

3. Atomic Structure
3. Atomic Structure
(Thomson and Rutherford atomic models
and their limitations) Eliminated
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Chemistry Chemistry
Eliminated/Deleted Topics
4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular 4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Structure No change

5. Chemical Thermodynamics No change

5. Chemical Thermodynamics

6. Solutions 6. Solutions No change

7. Equilibrium 7. Equilibrium No change

Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Chemistry Chemistry
Eliminated/Deleted Topics
8. Redox reactions And 8. Redox reactions And Electrochemistry
Electrochemistry No change

9. Chemical Kinetics 9. Chemical Kinetics No change

10. Surface Chemistry

10. Surface Chemistry
Chapter removed

11. Classification of Elements and 11. Classification of Elements and Periodicity

Periodicity in Properties in Properties No change
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Chemistry Chemistry
Eliminated/Deleted Topics
12. General Principles and processes of 12. General Principles and processes of
isolation of metals isolation of metals Chapter removed

13. Hydrogen
13. Hydrogen
Chapter removed

14. S-Block Elements (Alkali and 14. S-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline
Alkaline Earth Metals) Earth Metals) Chapter removed

15. P-Block Elements

15. P-Block Elements
(Groupwise study of the p - block
elements Group -13, Group -14, Group -
15, Group -16, Group -17, Group -18)
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Chemistry Chemistry
Eliminated/Deleted Topics
16. d- and f-Block Elements
16. d- and f-Block Elements
No change

17. Co-ordination Compounds 17. Co-ordination Compounds

No change

18. Environmental Chemistry 18. Environmental Chemistry

Chapter removed

19. Purification and Characterisation of 19. Purification and Characterisation of Organic

Organic Compounds Compounds No change
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Chemistry Chemistry
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

20. Some Basic Principles of 20. Some Basic Principles of Organic

Organic Chemistry Chemistry No change

21. Hydrocarbons 21. Hydrocarbons

No change
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Chemistry Chemistry
Eliminated/Deleted Topics
22. Organic Compounds Containing 22. Organic Compounds Containing Halogens
Halogens No change

23. Organic Compounds Containing 23. Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen

Oxygen No change

24. Organic Compounds Containing

24. Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
No change
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Chemistry Chemistry
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

25. Polymers 25. Polymers

Chapter removed

26. Biomolecules 26. Biomolecules

Hormones (General introduction) Added

27. Chemistry in Everyday Life

27. Chemistry in Everyday Life
Chapter removed

28. Principles Related To Practical 28. Principles Related To Practical Chemistry

Chemistry No change
03 Maths
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Maths Maths
Eliminated/Deleted Topics
1. Sets, Relations, And Functions 1. Sets, Relations, And Functions
No Change.

2. Complex Numbers And Quadratic 2. Complex Numbers And Quadratic

Equations Equations
Square root of a complex number, triangle
inequality Eliminated

3. Matrices And Determinants 3. Matrices And Determinants

Properties of determinants,
Elementary transformations,
Test of consistency and solution of
simultaneous linear equations in two or
three variables using determinants
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Maths Maths
Eliminated/Deleted Topics
4. Permutations And Combinations 4. Permutations And Combinations
No Change.

5. Mathematical Inductions 5. Mathematical Inductions

Chapter Removed

6. Binomial Theorem and 6. Binomial Theorem and Its Simple

Its Simple Applications Applications
Properties of Binomial coefficients
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Maths Maths
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

7. Sequence And Series 7. Sequence And Series

Sum up to n terms of special series; Sn, Sn2,
Sn3. Arithmetic-Geometric progression.

8. Limit, Continuity, And Differentiability: 8. Limit, Continuity, And Differentiability:

Rolle’s and Lagrange's Mean value
Theorems, Tangents and normal.

9. Integral Calculus 9. Integral Calculus

Integral as limit of a sum Eliminated
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Maths Maths
Eliminated/Deleted Topics
10. Differential Equations 10. Differential Equations
The formation of differential equations

11. Co-ordinate Geometry 11. Co-ordinate Geometry : Translation of axes

• Straight Line
Equations of internal and external by
sectors of angles between two lines,
Equation of the family of lines passing
through the point of intersection of two lines
• Circle, Conic Sections
Condition for a line to be
tangent to a circle, equation of the
tangent, Condition for Y = mx +c to be a
tangent and point (s) of tangency.
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Maths Maths
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

12. Three Dimensional Geometry 12. Three Dimensional Geometry

Equation of a plane in different forms, the
intersection of a line and a plane, coplanar
lines. Eliminated

13. Vector Algebra 13. Vector Algebra

Scalar and vector triple product.
Old JEE Syllabus New JEE Syllabus
Maths Maths
Eliminated/Deleted Topics

14. Statistics And Probability

14. Statistics And Probability
Bernoulli trials, and binomial distribution.

15. Trigonometry 15. Trigonometry

Trigonometrical equations,
Heights, and distance Eliminated

16. Mathematical Reasoning 16. Mathematical Reasoning

Chapter Removed

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