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(Regd. No. RGD / KJT / HSG / (TC.) / 4619 I 2021 t 2020-20211

VillageAvsare, Neral, Tal. Karjat, Dist. Raigad.

Ref. No.: 2o zZ, 24

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Date:- 3 rdseptember 2023

Time:- 12:30 pM

Venue : Society office

L, To finalize minutes of last general body

Minutes of the rast AGM which was herd
on 1,8/09/2022 were read by chairman and
confirmed by all members
Proposed by - Dr. Kishore Kunal
Seconded by- Mr. Meraj Khan -

2' Major work done by committee in the last year

shared through managing committee
Managing committee report was shared with
all the members present which has
the list
of major works done by committee in the last year.
In the Managing committee report the
major work done in previous year was
as follows:
/ share certificate was issued to most of
the members as per the eligibility as discussed
in the last AGM
/ security services was given to M/s sahyadri
manpower services for effective man
of security in the society. The cost for the
same was shared
/ Firefighting equipment was serviced and refiiled as per the with the generar body.
safety norms.
/ sTP tank creaning was done arong with regurar day to day
/ Due to emergency water scarcity, a new bore well was
established to solve the issue.
The cost for the same was explained
to the general body. General body was
that builder in written has accepted to give explained
the cost of this new bore well.
/ A septic tank' which was important for sewage management
was constructed,
General body was informed that
builder Provided the basis material for
agreed in written to provide the JCB
the tank and
cost during the construction,
/ Regular storm water drainage creaning was done before

Fc0lppeo Riverside Rcsidents phasc I C.H.$. Ltd

\J/- SemCarv
(Regd. No. RGD / KJT / HSG / (TC.) I 4619 12021 12020-20211
VillageAvsare, Neral, Tal. Karjat, Dist. Raigad.

Ref. No.: 20L3. 24

/ The general body was informed about the asset

created/proposed during the
financial year 2022-23. The need/benefit/requirement
of all the asset along with the
cost was explained to general body:
> Grass cutter: rmportant for maintaining garden. Erectric
so, reduced cost,
> Tea vending machine: To reduce the annual cost of tea for the
staff, it was installed.
General body was exprained the cost efficiency
of having the machine.
> Ac for society office : since the society office is asbestos
covered it,s nearlv
impossible to work/meet during summer months.
> RO filter for staff and society office.
> Biometric thumb: for better attendance and overtime
calculation of staffs,

members' Mahesh got trading to operate with

safety gears he does fogging twice a
After discussion and few queries general body passed
the purchase as the seare long
term Assets which is important for better and efficient
management of society,
Proposed by- Santosh Bhatuse
Seconded by-Gulzar Bakhs
3, To approve new members of the society.
New members of the society was introduced
to the general body. All the memoers
confirmed the same.
Proposed by - Santosh Bhatuse
Seconded by- Shashank patankar
4. To Approve the statement of accounts
andAudit report for thefinancialyear20 22-23
chairman read the statement of Accounts
and after a healthy discussion and
clarification of some members'doubt the
statement of accounts for the financiar year
2022-23 was confirmed' Mr' Pankaj Ashar
suggestions in changing the heads of certain
expenses was also noted. proposed by_
Meraj Khan
Seconded by- prakash Singh
5. To appoint statutory Auditor for the year 2O23_24.
Managing committee proposed that quotation
for internal auditor will be invited and
lowest quotation will be preferred as per
the requirement. General body empowered
the Managing committee to appoint
statutory auditor for 2023-24
Proposed by- Meraj Khan
Seconded by- Shashank patankar

Fa 0lptpco Rivsrthe helroefits Piass I C.H.S. Ltd

(Regd. No. RGD / KJT / HSG / (TC.) / 4619 12021 t2020-20211
VillageAvsare, Neral, Tal. Karjat, Dist. Raigad.

Ref. No.: 20 LL - 2-\ Date: uqlPlzoz\

6' To Approve general and development budget
for the financial year2o23-24
General body was explained the rough general and
development budget for the
financial year 2023 - 24.The total expense would be
roughly B-Lo%higher than previous
financialyear' But for this year the maintenance collected
remain the same,
Proposed by- Kishore Kunal
Seconded by- Shashank patankar
7, Chagges to be collected for using society common spaces.
After detailed discussion general body concluded that
big function with 50-60members
will be charged Rs' 5000/- for using common society space
and small function with 10-
l'5 members will be charged tooo/-, charges are subjected
to rules made by MC to
organize any function. proposed by_Meraj Khan
Seconded by-Deepak Makkar
8. Provision for transport:
After detailed discussion general body agreed to include
Rs.200/- perflat per month for
transport' This amount will be included in the maintenance.
This will cover the partial
cost of running the transport; rest of the cost will
be covered by the permanent
residents who are using the services regularly
through monthly pass. Those members
not staying in the society will get the transport facility
free of cost as they will not use it
This motion was put on vote:
Against the motion-4 votes
Support of motion-2g votes
so' the resolution to charge Rs' 20O/flat/month
for transport was passed by the majority
of present members,
Proposed by- Ashiq Ali
Seconded by- Shashank patankar
9, Status update for interaction with builder _
General members were updated about the interaction with the builder and was
updated about the status of all the pending issues.
Proposed by- Shashank patankar
Seconded by- Aashiq Ali
10. Other points discussed with permission of chairman
/ Nomination of members: General members
were informed that the nomination
process will be started soon as per
the rules.

FaOppeo Rivcrsidc Rs$rldnts Pham I C,H.S. Ltd

(Regd. No. RGD / KJT / HSG / (TG.) t 4619 t 2021 12020-202U
VillageAvsare, Neral, Tal. Karjat, Dist. Raigad.

Ref. No.:, 9p yZ - 2\ Date : o?l to I zo Z\

/ euilding Insurance: Currently the building insurance is pending. lt will be renewed as

the funds will be available.

/ Staff Salary increment: General body empowered the MC decide on the salary
increment of the ground staff.
/ Culture committee for organizing festivals: Culture committee will be created which
will organise all the festival except Republic & lndependence day through voluntary
contribution, Proposed List of name for culture committee 2023 :
1. Ashish Shinde
2. Rajesh Bhogle
3. Vijay Rane
4. Rupali Mahajan
5. Aashiq Ali
6. Mubin sheikh
7. Chirag Desai
8, Firoz khan
9. Divesh Mahajan
10.Deepak Makkar
Proposed by-Lallan Prasad
Seconded by- Gulzar Bakhs

Mr. Santosh Bhatuse


FolOnpco Rivcruidc Residents Phrsc lt.}|.$. Ltd

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