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Formatting the Dissertation

For Lit Thesis
Chapter 1: Introduction
i. Introduction (Overview)
ii. Background of the Study (In-depth)
iii. Introducing the Writer(s) and Works
iv. Delimitations of the Study/Scope of the Study (Rationale for the Inclusion &
Exclusion of the Works)
v. Aim (What of the study) and Objectives of the Study (How of the study)
vi. Working Thesis Statement (Contingent)
vii. Research Questions
viii. Review of the Related Literatures
ix. Research Tool (Theory to be ‘Applied’)
x. Proposed Structure of the Thesis
xi. Conclusion
Chapter 2: Theme
Chapter 3: Theme
Chapter 4: Theme
Chapter 5: Narratology
Chapter 6: Conclusion(s)
i. It reviews the key points and not summarizes the preceding chapters.
ii. It states the final thesis statement.
iii. No reference or no quote or no new info should be used.
iv. It explains why the thesis is relevant to the field and how results fit in.
v. It should answer the extent to which research questions have been answered.
vi. It should deal with the Limitations of the study.
vii. It should present scope for further research in the area.
viii. It should create in readers a strong impression of what the study has
contributed to knowledge in the field.
Works Cited (MLA Handbook)

For Lan Thesis

Chapter 1: Introduction
i. Introduction (Overview)
ii. Background of the Study (In-depth)
iii. Introducing the Topic
iv. Delimitations of the Study/Scope of the Study (Rationale for the Inclusion &
Exclusion in the Study)
v. Aim (What of the study) and Objectives of the Study (How of the study)
vi. Working Research Hypotheses
vii. Research Questions
viii. Proposed Structure of the Thesis
ix. Conclusion
Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework
Chapter 3: Review of the Related Literature
Chapter 4: Research Design & Methodology
i. Nature of the Study (Quantitative or Qualitative or Mixed)
ii. Construction of the Variables
iii. Subjects Chosen & Methods of Selection (Random Sampling or Snowball or
Convenience or Cluster or Stratified…)
iv. Research Instrument (Questionnaire/Interview
v. Pilot Study
vi. Analysis of the Questionnaire through Correlation Coefficients
vii. Conduct of the Study (Place, Time, Duration)
viii. Statistical Tools such as Mean, Standard Deviation, Regression, ANOVA…
(through apps like SPSS)
Chapter 5: Presentation Research Results & Analysis (with Statistical Tools)
i. Just Presentation of Facts through tables, charts, diagrams (not all three) &
ii. No Interpretations
Chapter 6: Interpretations & Discussion on Findings
Chapter 7: Conclusion(s)
i. It reviews the key points and not summarizes the preceding chapters.
ii. No reference or no quote or no new info should be used.

iii. It explains why the thesis is relevant to the field and how results fit in.
iv. It should answer the extent to which research questions have been answered.
v. It should state if the hypotheses are validated or invalidated.
vi. It should deal with the Limitations of the study.
vii. It should present scope for further research in the area.
viii. Certain recommendations/suggestions for policy makers or practical
implementation can be made in the light of the findings.
ix. It should create in readers a strong impression of what the study has
contributed to knowledge in the field.
References (APA Manual)

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