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Aparato respiratorio
Respiratory system
h ps://

Disección pulmón Lung dissection:

Cordas vogais Vocal cords
Cordas vocais Vocal cords
Pulmón humano Human lung
Vídeo intercambio de gases h ps://
Enfermidades do aparato respiratorio
• Enfermidades producidas por microorganismos (infeccións).
– Exemplos: arrefriado, gripe, farinxite, bronquite, pulmonía, …
– Síntomas: tose, aumento da produción de moco, inflamación
• Asma
– Contracción das paredes dos bronquíolos, diminuíndo o diámetro e dificultando a
saída do aire.
– Producido por reacción alérxica ou inflamación/infección.

Vídeo explica vo ataque de asma
h ps://₀

• Cancro de pulmón
Respiratory diseases
• Diseases caused by microorganisms (infec ons).

Examples: cold, flu, pharyngi s, bronchi s, pneumonia,…

Symptoms: cough, increased mucus produc on, inflamma on
• Asthma

Contrac on of the walls of the bronchioles, decreasing the diameter and
making it difficult for air to escape.

Caused by allergic reac on or inflamma on / infec on.

Asthma A ack Explanatory Video

• No fume de tabaco existen
máis de 4.000 sustancias
químicas. Máis de 50 son
• Estas actúan por
condensación e contacto
coa pel e mucosa (dando
lugar a coloración de
dentes, irritación e
espasmos da mucosa,
destrución de alvéolos) e
ao ser transportadas polo
sangue ao resto do
• There are more than
4,000 chemicals in
tobacco smoke. More
than 50 are
• These act by
condensa on and
contact with the skin
and mucosa (resul ng
in tooth discolora on,
irrita on and spasms of
the mucosa,
destruc on of alveoli)
and being transported
by the blood to the rest
of the body.
It is the cause of addiction and physical dependence.
It spreads rapidly throughout the body
It contracts the blood vessels, forces the heart to work fast, and raises blood

Carbon monoxide
It comes from burning tobacco and smoking paper
It is a toxic gas that clings to the hemoglobin of the blood and decreases its
ability to supply the body with oxygen.

It is the main carcinogen contained in the components of tobacco smoke
Its direct relationship with lung cancer and other tumors is clearly

Irritant gases
They are responsible for cough pharyngitis, colds and bronchitis so common
in smokers
They act by altering the defense mechanisms of the lung and favoring
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms
6-12 hours from the last cigarette

Higher intensity at 48 and 72 hours

Average: 4-9 weeks approximately

Symptoms: Need to smoke, nervousness, impatience, irritability,

anxiety, difficulty concentrating, constipation, tiredness, sleep
disorders, appetite, sore throat and sadness
• Sen ningunha evidencia, é considerado menos nocivo que o tabaco tradicional ao ser publicitado
como exento de adi vos.

• Moitas persoas pensan que hai formas de consumo do tabaco menos daniñas que o cigarro
tradicional, percepción que non necesariamente relaciónase coa evidencia.

• O tabaco de liar contén tóxicos e provoca prexuízos para a saúde.

– Un estudo do Centro de Inves gación e Control da Calidade, en 2012, revelaba que a picadura
para liar ña maior con do de nico na, alcatrán e monóxido de carbono do permi do para os
cigarros convencionais.
– Tamén se rexistraron deficiencias na e quetaxe.
– O tabaco de liar cons túe unha ameaza en materia de saúde pública.
– O tabaco de liar, considérase un produto que favorece a entrada de novos fumadores na
adolescencia e que ao ser máis barato podería influenciar en que xente que estaba pensado en
deixalo man vese o seu consumo.
Rolling tobacco

• Without any evidence, it is considered less harmful than tradi onal tobacco by being adver sed as
addi ve-free.

• Many people think that there are less harmful forms of tobacco use than the tradi onal cigare e, a
percep on that is not necessarily related to the evidence.

• Rolling tobacco contains toxins and causes health damage.

A study by the Center for Research and Quality Control in 2012 revealed that the bite for rolling
had a higher content of nico ne, tar and carbon monoxide than allowed for conven onal
cigare es.

Labeling deficiencies were also reported.

Rolling tobacco poses a threat to public health.

Rolling tobacco is considered a product that favors the entry of new smokers in adolescence and
that being cheaper could influence which people who were thinking of qui ng to maintain their
consump on.
Symptoms of THC withdrawal

Tremor, sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, anorexia,

nystagmus, weight loss, sleep disturbances
Mo vos para NON comezar a fumar
Why you should not start smoking

Vídeo pulmón fumador: h ps:// on=share

Mo vos para NON comezar a fumar
a) Saúde:
• Evitarás enfermedades cardíacas
• Menos cansazo ao facer exercicio sico
• Terminarás coa tose, co catarro crónico e a bronquite crónica
• Reducirás as posibilidades de padecer cancro de pulmón, larinxe,
vexiga, boca ou ril
• Diminuirán as cifras de tensión arterial e colesterol
• O aspecto do teu cabelo mellorará
• Mellorarás o teu mal alento
• A túa dentadura volverá a brillar e o acné mellorará

Vídeo pulmón fumador: h ps:// on=share

Mo vos para NON comezar a fumar
Why you should not start smoking
You will prevent heart disease
Less fa gue when exercising
You will end up with a cough, a chronic cold and chronic
bronchi s
You will reduce your chances of ge ng lung, larynx, bladder,
mouth or kidney cancer
Blood pressure and cholesterol figures will decrease
The appearance of your hair will improve
You will improve your bad breath
Your teeth will shine again and your acne will improve
• O tabaquismo segue sendo a causa evitable de mortalidade máis
importante dos países desenvolvidos.
Son atribuíbles ao tabaco:
O 80% dos casos de cancro de pulmón.
1/3 das mortes por todos os pos de cancro.
O 31% dos trastornos cardiovasculares en homes e un 7% en mulleres.
• Smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death in developed countries.
They are a ributable to tobacco:
80% of lung cancer cases.
1/3 of deaths from all types of cancer.
31% of cardiovascular disorders in men and 7% in women
Efectos do tabaquismo pasivo
Second hand smoke effects
A OMS cuan fica que o tabaquismo pasivo causa 600.000 mortes prematuras
por ano. Cada ano, segundo o Comité Nacional de Prevención do tabaquismo,
falecen case 700 españois debido á exposición involuntaria ao ACHT.
The WHO es mates that passive smoking causes 600,000 premature deaths a
year. Every year, according to the Na onal Commi ee for the Preven on of
Smoking, almost 700 Spaniards die due to involuntary exposure to the ACHT.

Ffumador pasivo Second hand smoke: h ps://

Percentages of regular smoking population in Spain
Prevalence of tobacco use at some point in life, in the last 12
months, last 30 days and daily among students aged 14-18 in Galicia
Prevalence of tobacco in the last 30 days
among high school students aged 14-18 in
Galicia by sex and age
• Mortalidade: 58773 fumador@s por ano
• Mortality: 58773 smokers per year

• A industria do tabaco necesita enganchar a

400 adolescentes ao día para manterse
• The tobacco industry needs to engage 400
teens a day to stay afloat

Obxec vos: Comprobar experimentalmente as substancias

danosas que ten o tabaco para o organismo.



1.- Coller unha botella de 1,5 L limpa e enchela de

auga ata os ¾
2.- Introducir algodón dentro do pescozo da botella
3.- Facer un burato ao tapón procurando que se
axuste ao cigarro (se non se axusta pódese usar
plas lina para selar o burato).
4.- Pechar a botella co tapón
5.- Colocar a botella nun recipiente grande e baleiro
6.- Encender el cigarrillo
7.- Facer un burato a uns 5 cm da base da botella e
deixar que a botella vaia "fumando”. Cando se
consuma o cigarro re ra o algodón


8.- Unha vez re rado o algodón colócao nun vaso de

precipitados con 2 mL de etanol.
9.- Axítao 2 minutos, apreta o algodón ben e re rao. Observa
como os compoñentes do tabaco se disolven no etanol.
10.- Recorta un papel de filtro de 4 cm por 1,5 cm
aproximadamente, dóblao en V e colócao de pé dentro do
vaso de precipitados.
11.- Observarás como se van separando os compoñentes do
tabaco en dis ntas liñas. A este método de separación
coñécese como cromatogra a.
12.- Deixar que o etanol suba ata o final do papel, re rar e
deixar secar.

Deste xeito os compoñentes do tabaco iranse separando
paula namente tal e como se observa na imaxe.
Prac cal lecture of smoking

Objec ves: To test experimentally the harmful substances that

tobacco has for the body.

Prac cal lecture of smoking


1.- Take a clean 1.5 L bo le and fill it with water up

2.- Insert co on into the neck of the bo le
3.- Make a hole in the stopper, making sure that it
fits the cigare e (if it does not fit, you can use
plas cine to seal the hole).
4.- Close the bo le with the cap
5.- Place the bo le in a large, empty container
6.- Light the cigare e
7.- Make a hole about 5 cm from the base of the
bo le and let the bo le “smoke.” When the
cigare e is consumed, remove the co on.
Prac cal lecture of smoking


8.- Once the co on has been removed, place it in a

beaker with 2 mL of ethanol.
9.- Shake for 2 minutes, squeeze the co on well and
remove. Observe how the components of tobacco
dissolve in ethanol.
10.- Cut a filter paper 4 cm by approximately 1.5 cm, fold
it in a V-shape and place it standing inside the beaker.
11.- You will observe how the components of tobacco are
separated in different lines. This method of separa on is
known as chromatography.
12.- Allow the ethanol to rise to the end of the paper,
remove and allow to dry.
Prac cal lecture of smoking

In this way the components of the tobacco will be gradually
separated as seen in the picture.

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