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s CSL-220: Database Management SystemsLab

Semester : Fall 2023

Lab Engineer Hafsa Munawar

Lab 08: DML Queries

Objective(s) :
To learn the Data Manipulation Language


Data Manipulation Language (DML) besides of the SELECT statement that retrieves information
from databases includes also statements modifying data state. These statements are:

INSERT Inserts rows into database table

UPDATE Changes values in columns of database table

DELETE Deletes rows from database table


The insert statement adds new rows to a table. In so doing, the column values may be literal
constants or be formed from result of subquery execution. In the first case, one insert statement adds
only one row; in the second case, one insert statement adds as many rows as the subquery returns.


INSERT [INTO] <table> [(column_list)] VALUES (data_values)

Example 1
Inserting a single row of data

ISNERT into Teacher values

('Ms. Sameena',1989-02-31,2015-02-21,'Female','Permanent',80000,45000,
'Sr. Lecturer',3)
Example 2
Inserting multiple rows of data
ISNERT into Teacher values
('Ms. Lubna',1985-09-25,2015-02-21,'Female','Permanent',85000,49000,
'Sr. Lecturer',5),
('Ms. Asia',1986-02-28,2017-03-29,'Female','Permanent',80000,45000,
'Sr. Lecturer',3),
('Dr. Kashif',1980-04-25,2018-08-15,'Male','Visiting',75000,Null,
'Sr. Lecturer',6)

Departemnent of Computer Sciences 1/2 Semester Fall 2023

CSL-220: Database Management System Lab 08: DML Queries
s CSL-220: Database Management SystemsLab
Semester : Fall 2023
Lab Engineer Hafsa Munawar

Example 3

INSERT into Semester (SemName,StartDate)

values ('Fall2021',2021-10-11)


The update statement changes existing data in a table.


UPDATE <table name>

SET <column> = <value> [,<column> = <value>]
[FROM <source table(s)>]
[WHERE <restrictive condition>]

With a single update statement, arbitrary number of columns can change their values. However a
column cannot be changed in the same update statement more than once. All rows of a table will be
affected if a WHERE clause is eliminated from an update statement.

If the column is defined to allow NULL values, NULL can be specified explicitly. Moreover,
existing value can be changed by default value (DEFAULT) for a given column.

An expression may refer to current values in a table to be changed. For example, we may update
thesemester name having semid as 7

Example 4

UPDATE Semester set Semname= 'Spring 2022’ where SemID=7

DELETE statement

The delete statement delete rows from temporary or basic tables, views and cursors, with the
statement action in the two last cases is propagated on those basic tables, from which were extracted
data into these views and cursors.


DELETE FROM <table name> [WHERE <predicate>];

Example 5

The following example deletes row where semester id is 7

Delete from Semester where SemID=7

Departemnent of Computer Sciences 2/2 Semester Fall 2023

CSL-220: Database Management System Lab 08: DML Queries

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