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Cover & Interior Illustrator, Designer: Goob The Goblin

Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
Play-Testers: Jackob Cloutier, Dungeons&Deegan, Sanchez

A young red dragon raised by the wizard Gahear, stares
into the sky through a hole in the ceiling.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all ot her Wizards of the Coast product
names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permissio n under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by Gabriel Menzie and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Credits..................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents .................................................................. 2
Introduction .......................................................................... 3
New Rules. .......................................................................................3
Legendary Reactions ...............................................................3
Negative Levels ........................................................................3
Bestiary .................................................................................. 4
Adult Shadow Dragon .................................................................. 4
Boreal Dragon ............................................................................... 5
Cave Wyverns ................................................................................ 6
Rain Drake ...................................................................................... 7
Magic Items ........................................................................... 9

INTRODUCTION repeated for every negative level gained. If a failed saving
throw against a negative level causes the level of a creature
to decrease below 0 then they die.
This book is made for storytellers and monster wranglers,
a comprehensive guide to some of the world's more elusive
dragons. Within this book you will find both new and old
monsters, some based on older editions of the game while
others freshly hatched. There are four dragons in total; an
Adult Shadow Dragon, a Boreal Dragon, a Cave Wyvern,
and the Rain Drake. As well as 8 new magic items to find in
their hoards.

The stat blocks for these dragons include several new rules
which are detailed below.

Legendary reactions, much like legendary actions, have a
set number that a creature can use a round and a list of
abilities used with legendary reactions. However, each
legendary reaction has a specific trigger effect and cannot
be used unless triggered. More than one legendary reaction
cannot be used at once, and legendary reactions cannot be
substituted for normal reactions or vice versa.

Negative levels are a condition that can be applied to a
creature, much like exhaustion. For each negative level a
creature gains it receives a -1 penalty to all ability checks
and saving throws, its maximum hit points decrease by 5
and it loses one hit die. Additionally, if applicable, the
creature loses one spell slot from its highest-level spells
available as well as one spell from its highest-level spells
available. If negative levels ever cause a creature's max hit
points to decrease below 1 then they die.
Negative levels last until a spell such as restoration is
cast on the affected creature or 24 hours pass. If 24 hours
pass and the creature is still affected by negative levels
then they must succeed a Constitution save for each
negative level. (DC equal to 8+ the draining creatures
Charisma modifier+ the draining creatures proficiency
bonus) On a success the negative level is removed with no
further penalty. On a failure, the negative level is removed
and the creature decreases its max level by 1. Any abilities
or features gained due to the previous increase in level are
lost, this includes feats. Max health is decreased by the
average and decreases in ability scores are applied as they
were previously increased. This saving throw must be

BESTIARY breath begin to rot and rust away as shadows pull within
their souls, draining them of their lifeforce itself.


Killers of Hope. After a shadow dragon has been
corrupted, they make hobbies of traveling to the material
Towering creatures that dominate landscapes, scales
plane to bring horrors down upon mortals and carve new
that leaking shadow, eyes of gold gleaming even in the
ravines into landscapes. They try endlessly to drag beings
darkness of night. Adult shadow dragons are cruel and
down to the Shadowfell to be corrupted, especially other
heartless beings.
Creatures of Shadowfell. Dragons who are born in the
Shadowfell or spend too much time there themselves are
corrupted by the shadows of the Raven Queen. Becoming
new beings transformed into dark twisted versions of
themselves. They bend shadows to their will crushing
weaker creatures beneath their heels.
Commanders of Shadow. Shadow dragons hold the
ability to beckon shadows from the depths, drowning the
landscape in fogs of black. Creatures caught within their

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., 3 targets all within 5
feet of each other. Hit: 4d6 +6 bludgeoning damage.
Huge dragon, chaotic evil
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 3d6
Armor Class 18 (Natural) +6 slashing damage.
Hit Points 250 (20d12+120)
Speed 40 ft., 80 ft. fly
The Shadow Dragon has 3 legendary actions a round. It may spend them
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA on the following:
23 (+6) 15 (+3) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 19 (+4)
Tail Attack. The dragon may make one tail attack.

Saving Throws Str +11, Con +11, Int +10 Shadowy Plume. While in darkness the dragon can teleport 40 feet in
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +13 any direction.
Damage Resistances Fire, lightning, necrotic, and slashing damage; Winged Fury (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon may force every creature
Bludgeoning, and piercing damage from non-magical attacks within 10 feet of it to make a Dexterity saving throw, DC 19, or have
Condition Immunities Frightened, Charmed disadvantage on their next attack.
Senses Blindsight 40 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) The Shadow Dragon has 3 legendary reactions a round. It may use them
on the following:
Living Shadow. While in dim light or darkness the shadow dragon is
resistant to all damage except force, psychic, and radiant. Reacting Claw. When the dragon takes more than 15 damage in one
melee attack it can immediately make one claw attack against its
Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the shadow dragon
can hide as a bonus action.
Wing Bash. When targeted with a ranged attack the dragon can blast its
Daylight Sensitivity. The shadow dragon has disadvantage on attack
wings increasing its AC by 5 for the duration on the attack.
rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks while in direct sunlight.
Additionally, this can be used to give the dragon advantage on
Dexterity saving throws.
Charging Anger. When hit with a ranged attack, that deals more than 15
Multiattack. The shadow dragon can make three attacks. Two claw
damage, the dragon can immediately fly towards the attacker and
attacks and one tail attack.
make one claw attack.
Black Death. The dragon exhales a plume of black smoke, filling a 30 ft.
cone directly in front of it. Every creature within the smoke must make
a DC 19 Constitution save. On a failure, they take 8d6 necrotic damage
and gain 1 negative level. On a success they only take damage. A
creature killed with the shadow dragon’s breath weapon is raised as a
Shadow (MM pg. 269.) Once the dragon uses this ability it cannot use it
again until the end of its next turn. The Shadow Dragon’s negative level
save DC is 17.

The elusive boreal dragon is a four-winged dragon with a
Large dragon, chaotic neutral
long tapering body. It slides itself along the ground with 6
small bug-like legs and two large spiked mandibles. Large Armor Class 18 (Natural)
mushrooms and moss grow along its back. Hit Points 69 (4d10+27)
Speed 20 ft., 40 ft. fly, 30 ft. burrow
Camouflage. The boreal dragon has large bark-like scales
that allow it to seamlessly blend into the forest that STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
19 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)
surround it.
Herbivore. The boreal dragon is one of only a few dragons Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +6
in existence known to be strictly herbivorous. The dragon Skills Athletics +7, Stealth +9
Damage Resistances Poison; Bludgeoning from non-magical
instead chooses to mostly eat bark and leaves off trees. A
good sign a boreal dragon lives in a forest is the tall spikes Condition Immunities Poisoned
of trees left behind after it has been stripped of its bark and Vulnerabilities Fire; Slashing from magical attacks
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive perception 15
Languages Broken common, Draconic
Defenses. Due to its herbivore state, the boreal dragon Challenge 5 (2,000 XP)
uses its claws, spikes, and such mostly for defensive and
Weak Legged. When a targeted attack is made against the boreal
territorial disputes. This explain why most of its attacks are
dragon’s legs the attack crits on an 18, 19, or 20.
unharmful and leave the victim passive long enough for the
creature to escape. However, the dragon will fight
Multiattack. The dragon can make two attacks. One bite and one
fearsomely if pursued.
claw attack or two claw attacks.
Lair. Unlike most dragons, boreal dragons claim small
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 10 ft. reach, one target. Hit:
plots of land to occupy, normally only controlling half an 2d6+4 piercing damage. The target must make a DC 15 Strength
entire forest. Within their territory, they tend to build save or be grappled.
Scything Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 10 ft. reach, one
beaver dam-like structures to live in and keep their hordes.
target. Hit: 2d4+4 slashing damage.
Territorial. The boreal dragon acts territorial only
Camouflage (Recharge 1/d). The Boreal Dragon can camouflage
towards other dragons and even then, it prefers to just leave for 3 rounds. While camouflaged, creatures have disadvantage on
them alone and will secede to most except for another attack rolls against the dragon and cannot make targeted attacks
against the dragon. Any creature may use an action to make a
boreal dragon. In fact, most creatures who live within the
Wisdom (Perception) check, DC 17, on a success the creature no
forest never even know it's there as it smells almost exactly longer has disadvantage on attack rolls against the dragon.
like a log and can't be separated from other smells in the Sap Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon spits sap in a 30 ft. cone
originating from the it. All creatures inside the cone must make a
DC 14 Dexterity save or have their lower body encapsulated in sap
Horde: Boreal dragons don’t keep traditional hordes becoming restrained. Trapped creatures may use their action, DC
instead choosing to collect rare plants and herbs. Some of 15 Strength (Athletics) check, to escape.

these plants have been imbued with power from being

surrounded by the magic of the dragon for so long.
Spiked Tail. As a reaction to being hit with a targeted attack
against it’s legs, the dragon may make a spiked tail attack. Melee
Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 10 ft. reach, one target. Hit: 1d4+4
piercing damage, plus 1d4 poison damage. On a hit, the target
must make a Constitution saving throw, DC 14, or be paralyzed
for 1d4 rounds. A paralyzed creature can remake the save at the
end of their next turn.

Medium dragon, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (Natural)

Hit Points 112 (16d8+48)
Speed 40 ft., 20 ft. fly, 40 ft. climb


19 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7

Damage Resistances Thunder
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 14
Languages -
Challenge 9 (5,300 XP)

Multiattack. The dragon can make two bite attacks or one bite
and one claw attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:
2d8 +4 piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
2d6 +4 slashing damage. The target must make a DC 18 Strength
save or be knocked prone.
Cry (recharge 5-6). The wyvern releases a painful cry that can be
heard for 50 feet, any creature within 30 ft. of the wyvern must
succeed a DC 15 Constitution save or take 7d6 thunder damage
and is defended for 3 rounds, or half as much damage on a
successful save.

Cave wyverns, while similar to normal wyverns are quite
unique. Normally smaller than their cousins, cave wyverns
are nimble and quick, zipping around caves snatching their
Tall creatures compared to most humans, cave wyverns
have snake-like heads and bands of fur around their necks.
Their skin is covered in bumpy rough scales of grays and
Ambush Hunters. Unlike their aerial cousins, cave
wyverns prefer to hide and ambush their prey. Blending into
the surrounding rocks and leaping out to slash open their
Tamed Cave Wyverns. Cave wyverns are commonly used
as mules. Their abilities to climb and fly around caverns
make them great at transporting ore through dwarvish

A slick mountainous creature, the Rain Drake glides
through the seas and oceans hunting, searching. The
callosal creature is covered in poisonous spines and thick
beating tentacles. The drake makes hobbies of slashing
through animals and pulling boats under the sea.
Stalker of the Sea. The Rain Drake slides throughout the
water hunting large sea-dwelling creatures like whales
and sharks. However, its main source of food (and
entertainment) is the ships it pulls beneath the waves.
Ambushing ships to eat their crew and cargo.
Devastator of Coasts. The Rain Drake will occasionally
attack coasts, gouging and flaying coastal cities.
Chasers of the Treasures. The Rain Drake has sunken
many ships and obliterated many towns. Many people
believe that the Rain Drake hoards treasures from its prey,
curating a lair somewhere deep down under the sea. An
uncountable number of people have drowned searching for
it, but still, people attempt to track the dragon to its home.
God of the Oceans. The Rain Drake is one of the most
powerful beings on the material plane. This has caused a
great number of people to worship it, claiming it to be a
cleanser of the land.

Poison Leak. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 50 ft., one target.
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic neutral Hit: 4d8 poison damage. The target must succeed a DC 24 Constitution
save or be poisoned.
Armor Class 25 (Natural)
Smash (recharge 4-6). The Rain Drake slams its head at a point within
Hit Points 903 (84d20)
50 ft., any target within 20 ft. of that point must succeed a DC 30
Speed 40 ft., 100 ft. swim
Dexterity save or take 6d12 +12 piercing damage. On a success, the
creature takes half damage. Additionally, any creature within 20 ft. of
the point must make a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or take 4d6
35 (+12) 10 (+0) 23 (+6) 13 (+1) 30 (+10) 9 (-1)
poison damage, and be afflicted with the poisoned effect for 1 minute.
A creature may remake the save as an action, ending on a success.
Saving Throws Con +16, Wis +20
Skills Perception +30, Athletics +22 Whirlpool (1/day). The Rain Drake moves its body to produce a
Damage Immunities Poison, Ice, Thunder, and Lightning; Bludgeoning, whirlpool. Any creature or object in the water within 100 ft., not affixed
Piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks. to a surface, is pulled 40 ft. toward the Rain Drake. Additionally, the
Condition Immunities Poisoned, Frightened, Charmed, Paralyzed, Rain Drake may make a free tentacle attack against any target within
Stunned range.
Senses Blind Sight 50 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 40 Cry (1/day). The Rain Drake cries out. If the dragon is above water the
Languages Draconic, Deep Speech cry can be heard for 300 ft., if submerged it can be heard for 130 ft. Any
Challenge 32 (210,000 XP) creature that can hear the cry must succeed a Constitution save, DC 24,
or take 7d12 thunder damage and be defended for 3 rounds. On a
Frightful Presence. Each creature within 200 ft. of the Rain Drake must success they take half damage and are not defend.
make a Wisdom saving throw, DC 19, or be frightened. A frightened
creature can remake its save at the end of its turn. Once a creature
succeeds it is immune to the effect for 24 hours. Booming Stride. The Rain Drake can take the dash action.
Powerful Strikes. The Rain Drake’s attacks count as magical for the Slashing Might. If the dragon has hit with a melee weapon attack it
sake of overcoming resistances. may make an additional tentacle attack toward its last target.
Thick Hide. The dragon has advantage against magical saves.
Booming Stride. While moving underwater any creature within 20 ft.
of the Rain Drake must make a DC 25 Dexterity save. On a success, The Rain Drake has 3 legendary actions. I can them on the following:
the creature is able to stay stable in the drake's wake, on a failure Banishing Stride. While underwater, the Rain Drake can move up to its
the creature is made unstable and has disadvantage on attacks until swim speed. Any creature within 10 ft. is pushed 40 ft. away from the
the end of its next turn. dragon.
Legendary Resistances (3/day). When the dragon fails a saving Sightful Presence. The Rain Drake can make a Wisdom (Perception)
throw, it may spend a legendary resistance to succeed. When this is check, DC 45, on a success the dragon can see all hidden creatures. If
done the Rain Drake cannot make a smash attack on its next turn. a creature is invisible the dragon knows where they are until they
Siege Monster. The Rain Drake deals double damage to structures move.
and objects. Back Breaker (Requires 2 Actions). The Rain Drake makes a tentacle
Capsize. When a submerged Rain Drake surfaces within 20 feet of a attack with half its to hit bonus, any hit is considered a critical hit.
boat or other water vessel, it has a chance to capsize. Roll
percentiles. The percentage varies based on vessel length: less than
20 ft. 90%, 20 to 50 ft. 50%, 51 to 70 ft. 30%, over 70 ft. 10%. The Rain Drake has 3 legendary reactions a round. It may use them on
Large Size. Due to the Rain Drakes size, you cannot gain advantage the following:
against it with the optional flanking rules.
Poison Blood. When the Rain Drake is hit with a melee attack it can
attack the assailant with a poison leak.
Lash. When the Rain Drake is targeted by a ranged attack it can lash its
Multiattack. The Rain Drake can use its smash, whirlpool, or cry
tentacles to impose disadvantage on the attack. Additionally, this can
abilities and then make five attacks: two with its tentacles, two with its
be used to give the drake advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
poison leak, and one with its bite.
Stance Breaker. When an attack against the dragon misses it can force
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +22 to hit, reach 30 feet, one target.
the attacker to fail its Frightful Presence save. This works even if the
Hit: 3d10+12 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 thunder damage.
creature has already saved against the dragons Frightful Presence.

MAGIC ITEMS Thrown. The bident may be thrown as normal, however,
after the bident has struck or missed its target it will
return to the hand of the wielder. Additionally, while
BIDENT OF STORMS underwater or standing on the surface of the water its
Weapon (trident), artifact (requires attunement) range is increased to 60/100.
Destroying the Bident. The bident has been forged and
A two-pronged spear, golden and laced with veins of
reforged over and over, being imbued with more power
blue. Once wielded by champions of gods it was stolen by
each time. The only way to destroy the Bident of Storms is
the Rain Drake and dragged down to the depth of the sea
to petition these forgers to remove their power or to kill
where it was coveted in the dragon's hoard. It is said that
them and remove it yourself.
those who venture down to the depths and retrieve it
would gain the power to control the sea and even the Rain
Drake itself. BOOTS OF SHADOW
Magic Weapon. The bident (trident) is a +4 weapon that Wondrous item, very rare
deals cold damage instead of piercing. Additionally, the
A pair of boots, pitch black in color with a thick souls that
bident can hold up to three charges. On a hit you can
leak a shadowy mist. Large, misshapen, and well wore, still
choose to expend any number of charges, you deal an extra
wearable by most medium creatures. While wearing the
5d8 poison damage for every charge you spend. You regain
boots you may use an action to take a step in any direction,
all spent charges on a long rest. The bident also acts as a
when doing so you automatically travel up to 1 mile in that
Staff of Frost, the bident cannot lose the powers of the
direction. When you do so, anything you are wearing or
staff, even if all charges are expended. Any spells cast with
holding travels with you, this includes other creatures
the bident have a spell save DC equal to 12+ your Wisdom
even if only their hand.
modifier+ your proficiency bonus.
Randomly Determined Properties. The bident has the
following randomly determined properties:

• 2 minor beneficial properties

• 2 major beneficial properties

• 2 minor detrimental properties

• 1 major detrimental property

Depth Strider. While attuned you gain an innate swim

speed of 40 ft. as well as the ability to breathe underwater.
Command the Deep. As an action, you can change the
condition of the sea within five miles. Causing strong
winds, violent seas, ceasing a storm, etc. This effect lasts
for one hour before the seas return to normal. Once this
ability is used you must take a long rest before you can use
it again.
Monarch of the Marine. You may use the Bident to cast
Dominate Monster on any creature that has an innate
swim speed. Once this ability is used you must take a long
rest before you can use it again.
Creatures of the Sea. You gain the ability to cast True
Polymorph on yourself. You require no material
components to do so and you may only transform into
creatures that have innate swim speeds. Once you use this
ability you cannot do so again until you complete a long

Wondrous item, varies Weapon (any ammunition), common

A beautiful, crisp, shiny leaf has been perfectly preserved Long whistle-like ammunition that scream as they fly
by prolonged exposure to a magical source. Leafs of this through the air. On a hit, the ammunition rings out with a
kind can be highly coveted due to the magical powers they screech. The target, as well as every creature within 5 ft. of
hold within and are common components of spells and them, must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to
rituals. A leaf can be used as a bonus action and its effect 8+ your to-hit bonus with the weapon used to fire the
depends on the type of leaf that is used, the leaf is ammunition. On a failure, the creature takes an additional
consumed by the effect and loses all magical properties. 1d6 thunder damage, on a success they take half.

Rarity Type of leaf

1 Uncommon Ash
Weapon (any melee weapon), uncommon (+1), rare (+2),
2 Rare Birch
very rare (+3) (requires attunement)
3 Rare Maple
A crimson black weapon that pours shadow. Forged from
4 Common Oak
the corps of a Shadow Dragon in the flames of hell, the
5 Very rare Pine weapon has been imbued with a number of charges equal

6 Very rare Willow to the wielders Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1.) You gain
a charge every time the weapon is used to kill a creature of

Ash. When this leaf is used you may choose a creature CR 1 or higher, all charges disappear at the end of a long

that you can touch, including yourself. That creature is rest. You may spend charges on the abilities below.

cured of one condition or illness. Cutting Shadows (1 charge). At the beginning of your

Birch. When this leaf is used you may choose a creature turn, you may coat the weapon in shadow, until the

that you can touch, including yourself. That creature gains beginning of your next turn the weapon gains an extra 5 ft.

1d8+ your Wisdom modifier temporary hit points. reach and all damage it deals is considered necrotic.

Maple. You may use this leaf in conjunction with a spell Smite of the Shadowfell (2 charges). On a hit, as a bonus

to increase its range by 30 ft. until the spell ends. To be action, you may deal an extra 2d6 necrotic damage to the

used the spell cannot have a range of touch or self. target. The extra damage increases by 1d6 for every rarity

Oak. When this leaf is used you may choose a creature higher than uncommon.

that you can touch, including yourself. That creature heals Demanding Strike (3 charges). On a hit, as part of an

2d4+ your Wisdom modifier hit points. attack action, you may force the target of the attack to

Pine. You may use this leaf in conjunction with a spell to make a Wisdom saving throw. DC equal to 8+ your

increase its damage until the spell ends. The spell proficiency bonus+ your Wisdom modifier. On a success,

increases in damage equal to your spell attack modifier. nothing happens and you cannot use this ability on this

Willow. You may use this leaf in conjunction with a spell creature again for 24 hours. On a failure, you may issue a

to increase its duration by 1 unit until the spell ends. To be simple two-word command to the target, such as “lay

used the spell cannot have a duration of instantaneous. down,” “stand still,” or “run away.” On the creature's
next turn, it must comply with the command and cannot

GAUNTLETS OF STRIKING do anything else, the creature does not comply if the action
would cause it to damage itself.
Wonderous item, uncommon
Vanishing Dodge (4 charges). As a reaction to being hit
A pair of gauntlets crafted from the remains of a cave with an attack you may vanish in a cloud of shadow and
wyvern, the gauntlets are lined with fur and claws. While reappear anywhere within 5 feet of your attacker. You take
wearing the gauntlets they grant a +1 bonus to attack and no damage from the attack. If your attacker cannot see you
damage rolls made with unarmed strikes, as well as when you reappear, you are considered hidden from them
changing the wielder's unarmed strike damage to piercing until you take an action of any kind or you come within
instead of bludgeoning. their line of sight.

Life Stealer (5 charges). On a hit, as part of an attack
action, you may force the target of the attack to make a
Wisdom saving throw. DC equal to 8+ your proficiency
bonus+ your Wisdom modifier. On a success nothing
happens, on a failure, the target gains 2 negative levels.


Weapon (shield), Legendary (requires attunement by a
spell caster)

A large golden shield encrested on its face is the holy

symbol of a storm god, the champion of which was
defeated in battle with the Rain Drake. It is said the shield
sank into the dragon's hoard. The shield is believed to have
been imbued with even greater power while sitting in the
hoard of the drake. The shield acts as a +4 shield, while
also granting the following abilities:

• Increase your spellcasting ability by 1, you may increase

this above 20.

• You are resistant to poison and thunder damage

• You are immune to the poisoned condition

• Once a short or long rest, as a reaction to being crit while

wielding the shield, you can carry the powers of the Rain
Drake through the air and power those around you. Up to
four creatures of your choice within 30 ft. gain
advantage on their next attack, check, or save.
• Once a long rest, as an action, you can use the power of

the shield to summon a storm. A 40-foot sphere

centered on you, of lightning and rain, swirls in the area.
Every creature in the sphere, except 4 of your choosing,
must make a Constitution saving throw DC equal to your
spell DC. On a failed save they take 6d12 lightning
damage and half as much on a successful one.

Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by a spell caster)

This wand may be used as a spellcasting focus, while

holding the wand you gain a +1 to both your spell attack
modifier as well as your spell save DC. While attuned to the
wand you gain the Charm Person and Entangle spells to
your prepared spells list, these spells do not count against
your spells known or prepared.


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