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1. Are there any topics to avoid during small talk? yes, they are topics and soccer

2. What tips would you give on what to do or not to do to a visitor to Colombia? Doing to
the beach, coffee zone, the amazon. A visitor shouldn’t go to zones in conflicts

3. What tourist activities would you recommend to a visitor to Colombia? Doing surf,
climbing mountains, walking around the beach

4. Talk about 2 experiences you have had.

Example: I have bought some nice clothes in Studio F.
I have sailed in boat
I have ridden horses in the camp
5. What do you usually do to greet people?
I say hello
I show them a slot smile
6. Where do you like to watch movies? At home or at the movie theater? Explain.
I like to watch movie at home because I avoid the covid 19 and the danger other people can
make me
7. What are some of the most common explanations you give for being late? I didn’t listen
the ring clock the traffic was very heavy it was raining I forgot it
8. What are your favorite movie genres? Why? Which don’t you like?
I like comedy, horror, and action. I don’t like musical. They like me because the keep on
expect all the time
9. Talk about a movie you would recommend. I’d recommend avatar by its special effects
and theme is very interesting
10. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen? Why? The worst film I’ve ever seen is scary
movie because it is very false
11. What’s the best movie you’ve ever seen? Why? Avatar is the best because its visual
effects are fantastic
12. Is there a movie you’ve always wanted to see? Megalodon. I haven’t had the chance of
see it
13. Have you seen any good movies recently? No. I am not fanatic of the movie
14. How many movies have you seen so far this month? About two
15. Is there a classic movie that you still haven’t seen? Gone with the wind

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