Complete The Sentences With So Such So Many So Much (Exercise)

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Room: Germany

Complete the sentences with so, such, such a/an, so many, so much
1. She danced _______ well that she won the competition.
2. There you are! It’s _______ dark that we didn’t see you at first.
3. It was ______ long film that we missed the last bus to get home.
4. She felt ______ unhappy when she got her final marks that she cried.
5. There was ______ ice on the road that we couldn’t travel.
6. John has got _______ terrible cold that he is not coming to the concert.
7. My father drove ________ fast that we got in Madrid in three hours.
8. We are having _______ good time in Disneyland that my children don’t want to leave.
9. It was _______ boring film that I fell asleep.
10. These instructions are ______ confusing that I can’t understand them.
11. It was ______ big pizza that we couldn’t finish it.
12. The painting was ______ beautiful that I wanted to buy it.
13. We are _______ busy with the children that we don’t have much free time.
14.Last night I was ______ tired that I went to bed early.
15.It was _______ delicious coffee that I had another coffee.
16. My mother bought ______ many things at the market that she couldn’t carry them all.
17. It was _______ horrible weather that we stayed at home.
18. My niece danced _______ well that she won the competition.
19. My mum ate _____ quick that she was the first person to finish her lunch.
20. Last night was _____ hot I couldn’t sleep.
21. It was ______ late that we decided not to phone them.
22. It was _______ lovely day that we went to the mountains.
23.The laptop was ______ expensive that we didn’t buy it.
24. I am _____angry with you. Give me some time to calm down.
25. Harvey and Paul spent ______time playing computer games that they even forgot to have a meal.
26.Your friends are ______boring that I wouldn’t like to go out anywhere with them. I’d rather stay at home.
27.there was ______huge traffic jam in the city center that we got stuck in it for about two hours.
28.The tree grows ______fast that it requires regular pruning.
29.There were _____people in the mall that I couldn’t buy everything I wanted for the party.
30. Rathana learned ______poems by heart that he could cite them for any occasion.
31. Olive looks very stylish. She always wears ______ nice clothes.
32. You have never said that you live in _______prestigious area.
33.Troy is _____ experienced driver that we feel completely safe while going on a ride with him.
34. Sabrina looked _____ confident when she gave a speech in our school.
35.There was _____food at the party that we didn’t eat all of it.
36.The room in the hotel was disgusting. I have never stayed in _____ awful place.
Prepared by: Rithy SOK Telegrame:096 276 55 54

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