MOS Lecture 1

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Mechanics of Solids-1

Lecture 1 part 1- Introduction to Stresses
Instructor: Engr. Usama Ali
Simple Stress: Simple stresses are expressed as the ratio of the applied force
divided by the resisting
area or
σ = Force / Area
It is the expression of force per unit area to structural members that are
subjected to external forces and/or induced forces. Stress is the lead to
accurately describe and predict the elastic deformation of a body.
Simple stress can be classified as normal stress, shear stress, and bearing
1. Normal stress develops when a force is applied perpendicular to the
cross-sectional area of the material. If the force is going to pull the material,
the stress is said to be tensile stress and compressive stress develops when
the material is being compressed by two opposing forces. It is usually
represented by N
• Problem 104
A hollow steel tube with an inside diameter of 100 mm must carry a tensile load of 400 kN.
Determine the outside diameter of the tube if the stress is limited to 120 MN/m2.
• Problem 105
A homogeneous 800 kg bar AB is supported at either end by a cable as shown in Fig. P-105.
Calculate the smallest area of each cable if the stress is not to exceed 90 MPa in bronze and 120
MPa in steel.
• Problem 110
A 12-inches square steel bearing plate lies between an 8-inches diameter wooden post and a
concrete footing as shown in Fig. P-110. Determine the maximum value of the load P if the stress
in wood is limited to 1800 psi and that in concrete to 650 psi.
• The fundamental areas of engineering mechanics are Statics,
Dynamics and Strength of Material.
• The Statics and Dynamics are mainly focused on the external effects
of forces on a rigid body.
• Strength of materials or mechanics of solids deals with the
relationship between external forces and its internal effect on the
body. Here, bodies are not assumed to be rigid and deformations are
taken into consideration.
External Loads
A body is subjected to only two types of external loads; namely, surface
forces or body forces
Surface Forces: Surface forces are caused by the direct contact of one
body with the surface of another. These forces are distributed over the
area of contact between the bodies.
If this area is small in comparison with the total surface area of the body,
then the surface force can be idealized as a single concentrated force,
which is applied to a point on the body. For example, the force of the
ground on the wheels of a bicycle can be considered as a concentrated
If the surface loading is applied along a narrow strip of area, the loading
can be idealized as a linear distributed load and this resultant acts
through the centroid C or geometric center of this area. The loading
along the length of a beam is a typical example of where this idealization
is often applied.
External Loads
• Body Forces. A body force is developed when one body exerts a force
on another body without direct physical contact between the bodies.
Examples include the effects caused by the earth’s gravitation.
Although body forces affect each of the particles composing the body,
these forces are normally represented by a single concentrated force
acting on the body. In the case of gravitation, this force is called the
weight of the body and acts through the body’s center of gravity.
External Loads
• Support Reactions. The surface forces that develop at the supports
or points of contact between bodies are called reactions. if the
support prevents translation in a given direction, then a force must
developed on the member in that direction. Likewise, if rotation is
prevented, a couple moment must be exerted on the member. For
example, the roller support only prevents translation perpendicular or
normal to the surface. Hence, the roller exerts a normal force F on the
member at its point of contact. Since the member can freely rotate
about the roller, a couple moment cannot be developed on the
External loads
Equations of Equilibrium
• Often in engineering practice the loading on a body can be
represented as a system of coplanar forces. If this is the case, and the
forces lie in the x–y plane, then the conditions for equilibrium of the
body can be specified with only three scalar equilibrium equations
ΣFx=0 , ΣFy=0 , ΣMz=0
the best way to account for all these forces is to draw the body’s free-
body diagram.
Internal Resultant Loadings
Internal Resultant Loadings
Coplanar Loadings

• If the body is subjected to a coplanar system of forces,then only

normal-force N, shear-force V,and bending- moment M components
will exist at the section. If we use the x, y, z coordinate axes, as shown
on the left segment, then N can be obtained by applying ΣFx, and V
can be obtained from ΣFy. Finally, the bending moment can be
determined by summing moments about the z axis ΣMz.
Average Normal Stress in Axially loaded bar
• It is assumed that bar is prismatic, homogenous and isotropic.
• As the load P is applied to the bar through the centroid of its cross-
sectional area will deform it uniformly throughout the central region of its
• Due to the uniform deformation of the material, it is necessary that the
cross section be subjected to a constant normal stress distribution.
Average Normal Stress in Axially loaded bar

The internal load P passes through the centroid of the cross section the uniform
stress distribution will produce zero moments about the x and y axes passing through
the centroid. Hence, only normal stress will exist on any small volume element
located at any point on the cross section of an axially loaded bar.

In other words, the two normal stress components on the element must
be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. This is referred to as
uniaxial stress. This applies to members subjected to tension or compression .
Maximum Average Normal Stress in Axially loaded bar
• If the force P and the cross-sectional area A are constant along the
longitudinal axis of the bar, the normal stress is also constant throughout
the bar’s length.
• In case the bar may be subjected to several external loads along its axis,
or there is a change in its cross-sectional area, the normal stress within
bar can be different at different cross-sections.
• If the maximum average normal stress is to be determined, then it
becomes important to find the location where the ratio P/A is a
maximum. To do this it is
necessary to determine the internal force P at various sections along the
bar. Here it may be helpful to show this variation by drawing an axial or
normal force diagram.
• As a sign convention, P is taken positive if it causes tension in the
member, and negative if it causes compression. Once the internal loading
throughout the bar is
known, the maximum ratio of P/A can then be identified.
Maximum Average Normal Stress in Axially loaded bar
Average Shear Stress
• Shear stress has been defined in Section as the stress component that acts in
the plane of the sectioned area.
• Consider the effect of applying a force F to the bar in figure. If the supports are
considered rigid, and F is large enough, it will cause the material of the bar to
deform and fail along the planes identified by AB and CD. A free-body diagram
of the unsupported center segment of the bar indicates that the shear force
must beapplied at each section to hold the segment in equilibrium. The
average shear stress distributed over each sectioned area that develops this
shear force is defined by
Shear Stress Equilibrium

In other words, all four shear stresses must have equal

magnitude and be directed either toward or away from
each other at opposite edges of the element .This is
referred to as the complementary property of shear,
the material in above figure is subjected to pure shear
• Problem 115
What force is required to punch a 20-mm-diameter hole in a plate that is 25 mm thick? The shear
strength is 350 MN/m2.
Problem 116
As in Fig. 1-11c, a hole is to be punched out of a plate having a shearing strength of 40 ksi. The compressive
stress in the punch is limited to 50 ksi. (a) Compute the maximum thickness of plate in which a hole 2.5
inches in diameter can be punched. (b) If the plate is 0.25 inch thick, determine the diameter of the smallest
hole that can be punched.
Allowable Stresses
• To properly design a structural member or mechanical element it is
necessary to restrict the stress in the material to a level that will be safe.
• To ensure this safety, it is therefore necessary to choose an allowable stress that restricts the applied load to
one that is less than the load the member can fully support. There are many reasons for doing this. For
1. The load for which the member is designed may be different from actual loadings placed on it.
2. The intended measurements of a structure or machine may not be exact, due to errors in fabrication or in
the assembly of its component parts.
3. Unknown vibrations, impact, or accidental loadings can occur that may not be accounted for in the design.
4. Atmospheric corrosion, decay, or weathering tend to cause materials to deteriorate during service.
5. Some materials, such as wood, concrete, or fiber-reinforced composites, can show high variability in
mechanical properties
One method of specifying the allowable load for a member is to use a number called the factor of safety.
The factor of safety must be greater than 1 in order to avoid the potential for failure.
Assume that a 20-mm-diameter rivet joins the plates that are each 110
mm wide. The allowable stresses are 120 MPa for bearing in the plate material and 60 MPa for shearing of rivet.
Determine (a) the minimum thickness of each plate; and (b) the largest average tensile stress in the plates.
Problem 126
The lap joint shown in Fig. P-126 is fastened by four ¾-in.-diameter rivets. Calculate the maximum safe load P that
can be applied if the shearing stress in the rivets is limited to 14 ksi and the bearing stress in the plates is limited to
18 ksi. Assume the applied load is uniformly distributed among the four rivets.

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