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With dedicated live sessions on latest AI topics like generative
AI, prompt engineering, ChatGPT and much more
Table of Contents
About the Program 03

Key Features of the Program 04

About E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur 05

Eligibility Criteria 06

Application Process 06

Who is This Program Ideal For? 08

Program Outcomes 09

Learning Path 11

Tools Covered 27

Projects 28

Certificate 31

Program Advisor 32
About the Program
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the technology of mimicking human intelligence. AI is one
among the most sought-after technologies in this highly competitive digital economy.
In this day and age where large amounts of data is pouring in, AI technology is able to
read, interpret, and make decisions without specific task algorithms. AI technologies
have created critical innovations to help mankind such as speech recognition,
autonomous vehicles, smart manufacturing, and much more.

Take advantage of this AI and Machine learning program to gain a competitive edge
in the job market. This program follows a holistic learning pedagogy with a blend
of live training from industry experts, self-paced videos, hands-on projects, labs,
and masterclasses from IIT Kanpur faculty. Live mentorship will provide you with a
high engagement learning environment and industry-relevant applications, helping
you master required AI and ML skills. You will get in-depth exposure to different AI
concepts and workflows, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural
language processing, speech recognition, reinforcement learning, generative AI, prompt
engineering, explainable AI, ChatGPT and much more.

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Key Features of the Program

Program completion certificate from E&ICT Academy,

IIT Kanpur

Masterclasses delivered by distinguished IIT Kanpur faculty

Live interactives sessions covering latest AI topics,

including generative AI, prompt engineering, ChatGPT,
explainable AI and many more

Learn about applications of ChatGPT, OpenAI, Dall-E,

Midjourney & other tools

Perfect your skills with 25+ hands-on projects across multiple


Seamless access to integrated labs

Capstone projects in 3 domains

Simplilearn’s Career Assistance to help you get noticed by

top hiring companies

8X higher interaction in live online classes by industry experts

Gain valuable insights into AI advancements used in the industry

About E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur
Established in 1959, IIT Kanpur is among the most prestigious institutes in
India. It has consistently ranked in the top five engineering institutes in India
over the past several decades, and many of the institute’s alumni are leaders in
academia and industry around the globe. IIT Kanpur offers courses in sciences,
engineering, humanities, and management.

Electronics & ICT Academy (E&ICT Academy) at IIT Kanpur was established in
2016 in partnership with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
(MeitY), Government of India. It is mandated to provide industry-focused and
industry-driven hands-on courses in Electronics & ICT. It strives to narrow the
gap between the academic approach to Electronics & ICT domains as currently
provided by educational institutes and the practically-oriented approach as
demanded by the industry.

E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur has collaborated with Simplilearn to deliver this
program. Simplilearn’s award-winning immersive learning model delivered
via live virtual classes focuses on applied learning to create immediate career

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Program Eligibility Criteria and
Application Process
Eligibility Criteria
D A bachelor’s degree with an average score of at least of 50 percent
D Prior knowledge or experience in programming and mathematics
D 2+ years of formal work experience (preferred)

Application Process
Candidates can apply for this program in 3 simple steps:



Tell us about yourself and An admission panel will Selected candidates

why you want to do this shortlist candidates can join the program by
program based on their application paying the admission fee

Talk to an Admissions Counselor
We have a team of dedicated admissions counselors to help guide you in
the application process and related matters. They are available to:

D Address questions related to the application

D Help you better understand the program and answer your questions

Who is This Program Ideal For?
This program caters to professionals from a variety of industries and
backgrounds. The diversity of our students adds richness to class
discussions and interactions. Roles in this space require a combination of
experience and understanding of tools and technologies. This program
is ideal for professionals looking for a career transition into the field
of AI and ML with knowledge or prior experience in programming and
mathematics and an analytical frame of mind.

This program is ideal for professionals eager to develop AI and ML

expertise with the objective of:

D Enhancing effectiveness in their current role

D Transitioning to AI and ML roles in their organization

D Seeking to advance their career in the industry

D Giving shape to entrepreneurial aspirations

Program Outcomes
By participating in this program, you will:

D Learn about the latest AI trends like generative AI, prompt engineering,
ChatGPT and many more.

D Understand the meaning, purpose, scope, stages, applications and

effects of AI and ML.

D Gain an in-depth understanding of data science processes, data

wrangling, data exploration, hypothesis building and testing.

D Perform scientific and technical computing using the SciPy package

and its sub-packages, such as Integrate, Optimize, Statistics, IO and

D Gain expertise in mathematical computing using the NumPy and scikit-

learn packages.

D Master the concepts of supervised and unsupervised learning,

recommendation engines and time series modeling.

D Validate machine learning models and decode various accuracy


D Understand deep learning and its applications.

D Comprehend neural networks, and traverse the layers of data


D Explore tools such as Keras, to build computer vision applications.

D Become familiar with generative adversarial networks (GANs).

D Perform distributed and parallel computing using high-performance

D Learn about natural language processing and natural language


D Understand the fundamentals of natural language processing (NLP)

using the most popular library, Python Natural Language Toolkit

D Learn how to apply machine learning and deep learning to NLP.

D Perform text-to-speech conversion with automated speech recognition.

D Use Python and TensorFlow to understand reinforcement learning


D Learn how to solve reinforcement learning problems through a variety

of strategies.

Learning Path Visualization

01 Foundations: Mathematics & Statistics Essentials

02 Foundations: Programming Refresher

03 Core: Applied Data Science with Python

04 Core: Machine Learning

05 Core: Deep Learning with Keras and TensorFlow

06 Core: Essentials of Generative AI, Prompt

Engineering & ChatGPT

07 Capstone Project

D Advanced: Advanced Deep D Advanced: Reinforcement
Learning and Computer Vision Learning

D Advanced: Natural Language D Academic Masterclass

Processing and Speech
Recognition D Industry Masterclass

Foundations: Mathematics & Statistics
This introductory course provides a solid foundation in mathematical and
statistical principles. The course aims to develop your critical thinking
and problem-solving skills, enabling you to analyze data, make informed
decisions and apply mathematical and statistical techniques to industry-
relevant situations. This course serves as a stepping stone for further
learning in this program.

Learning Outcomes

D Understand the key concepts used in coordinate geometry and linear


D Understand the concept of eigenvalues, eigenvectors and


D Gain a solid foundation in calculus, including an understanding of

limits, derivatives and integrals.

D Differentiate between the different types of statistics.

D Identify the applications of statistics in various business areas.

D Delineate between structured and unstructured data.

D Define mathematical and positional averages.

D Explore means, medians, deciles, percentiles, modes and quartiles.

D Define measures of dispersion and measures like range, quartile

deviation and outliers.

D Describe mean absolute deviation (MAD), standard deviation and

D Understand the concepts of probability.

D Identify independent and dependent events.

D Understand the Bayes’ theorem.

D Learn the techniques used for sampling methods.

D Examine different types of hypothesis testing outcomes.

D Perform one-tail and two-tail tests.

Topics Covered

D Introduction to Mathematics D Probability Distributions

D Coordinate Geometry D Sampling and Sampling

D Linear Algebra
D Inferential Statistics
D Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and
Eigendecomposition D Application of
Inferential Statistics
D Introduction to Calculus
D Relationship Between
D Understanding the Data

D Descriptive Statistics
D Application of Statistics
in Business
D Data Visualization

D Probability

Foundations: Programming Refresher
Develop foundational Python skills that you will use throughout
bootcamp. Use Python to implement AI and ML algorithms, analyze data,
and build intelligent systems efficiently.

Learning Outcomes:

D Learn about procedural and object-oriented programming.

D Explore the advantages of using Python.

D Install Python and its IDE.

D Learn how to use Jupyter Notebook.

D Implement Python identifiers, indentations and comments.

D Identify Python data types, operators and string functions.

D Learn the different types of loops in Python.

D Explore the scope of a variable in a function.

D Explain OOP and its characteristics.

D Describe methods, attributes and access modifiers.

D Explain multi-threading.

Topics Covered

D Programming Basics D Python Functions

D Introduction to Python D OOPS Concepts with Python

D Threading
D Python Data Types and

D Conditional Statements &


Core: Applied Data Science with Python
This course covers data science essentials, including data preparation,
model building and evaluation. You will learn Python concepts like strings,
Lambda functions and lists, and explore NumPy, linear algebra, statistical
concepts (e.g., measures of central tendency and dispersion, skewness,
covariance and correlation), hypothesis testing (e.g. Z-test, T-test, ANOVA)
and data manipulation with Pandas. You will also gain data visualization
skills using Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly and Bokeh.

Learning Outcomes:

D Explain the basics of data science and its applications.

D Explore data preparation, model building and evaluation processes.

D Apply Python strings, and discuss Lambda and lists in Python.

D Understand the fundamentals of NumPy.

D Explore array indexing and slicing.

D Apply the principles of linear algebra.

D Comprehend the application of calculus in linear algebra.

D Calculate the measures of central tendency and dispersion.

D Understand statistical fundamentals like skewness, covariance and


D Describe the null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis.

D Examine different hypothesis tests like Z-test and T-test.

D Describe the concept of ANOVA.

D Work with Pandas’ two primary data structures: Series and DataFrame.

D Use Pandas to load, index, reindex and merge data.

D Prepare the data and then format, normalize and standardize it using
data binning.

D Construct a graph using Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly and Bokeh.

Topics Covered

D Introduction to Data Science D Advanced Statistics

D Essentials of Python D Working with Pandas

D Data Analysis
D NumPy
D Data Wrangling
D Linear Algebra
D Data Visualization
D Statistics Fundamentals
D End-to-End Statistics
D Probability Distributions Application in Python

Core: Machine Learning
This course covers different machine learning types and their
applications. You will analyze the machine learning pipeline and delve into
supervised learning, regression models and classification algorithms. You
will also study unsupervised learning, clustering techniques and ensemble
modeling, evaluate machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and
Keras and build a recommendation engine using PyTorch.

Learning Outcomes:

D Examine the different types of machine learning.

D Analyze the machine learning pipeline and machine learning

operations (MLOps).

D Learn about supervised learning and its applications.

D Understand overfitting and underfitting and how to detect and

prevent both.

D Analyze different types of regression models.

D Identify linearity between variables and plot a correlation map.

D List different types of classification algorithms and their applications.

D Master different types of unsupervised learning.

D Determine when to use unsupervised algorithms and understand

different types of clustering.

D Examine different ensemble modeling techniques, like bagging,
boosting and stacking.

D Evaluate different machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and


D Build a recommendation engine using PyTorch.

Topics Covered:

D Machine Learning D Unsupervised Learning

D Supervised Learning D Ensemble Learning

D Regression and its D Recommendation Systems


D Classification and its


Core: Deep Learning with Keras and
This comprehensive course equips you with the expertise to deploy deep
learning tools using these AI/ML frameworks. Explore the fundamental
concepts and applications of deep learning and understand the
difference between deep learning and machine learning. Course topics
include neural networks, forward and backward propagation, TensorFlow
2, Keras, performance improvement techniques, model interpretability,
convolutional neural networks (CNNs), transfer learning, object detection,
recurrent neural networks (RNNs), autoencoders and creating neural
networks in PyTorch. You will build a strong foundation in deep learning
principles and be able to build and optimize deep learning models
effectively using Keras and TensorFlow.

Learning Outcomes:

D Understand the difference between deep learning and machine


D Learn the applications of deep learning.

D Understand different types of neural networks.

D Master forward propagation and backward propagation in deep neural

networks (DNN).

D Get an introduction to modeling and performance improvement in

deep learning.

D Comprehend hyperparameter tuning and model interpretability.

D Learn about dropout and early stopping and how to implement them.

D Master convolutional neural networks (CNN) and object detection.

D Grasp the fundamentals of recurrent neural networks (RNN).

D Understand the basics of PyTorch and learn how to create a neural

network in PyTorch.

Topics Covered:

D Introduction to Deep Learning D Object Detection

D Artificial Neural Networks D Recurrent Neural Networks

D Deep Neural Networks
D Transformer Models for
D TensorFlow 2 NLP

D Model Optimization and D Getting Started with

Performance Improvement Autoencoders

D Convolutional Neural Networks D Pytorch


D Transfer Learning

Core: Essentials of Generative AI,
Prompt Engineering & ChatGPT
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of generative
AI models with a focus on ChatGPT. You will gain an understanding of
the essentials of generative AI and its landscape, prompt engineering,
explainable AI, conversational AI, ChatGPT and other LLMs.

Learning Outcomes:

D Understand the fundamentals of generative AI models, including the

working principles and various types of generative AI models.

D Comprehend the concept of explainable AI, recognize its significance

and identify different approaches to achieve explainability in AI

D Apply effective prompt engineering techniques to improve the

performance and control the behavior of generative AI models.

D Gain an understanding of ChatGPT, including its working mechanisms,

notable features and limitations.

D Identify and explore diverse applications and use cases where

ChatGPT can be leveraged.

D Gain exposure to fine-tuning techniques to customize and optimize

ChatGPT models.

D Recognize the ethical challenges of generative AI models and ChatGPT
to ensure responsible data usage, mitigate bias and prevent misuse.

D Understand the potential of generative AI to revolutionize industries

and explore prominent generative AI tools.

D Gain insights into the future of generative AI, its challenges and the
steps needed to unlock its full potential.

Topics Covered:

D Generative AI and its D Fine-tuning ChatGPT

D Ethical Considerations in
D Explainable AI Generative AI Models

D Conversational AI D Responsible Data Usage

and Privacy
D Prompt Engineering
D The Future of Generative
D Designing and Generating AI
Effective Prompts
D AI Technologies for
D Large Language Models Innovation

D ChatGPT and its Applications

Capstone Project
The capstone project allows you to implement the skills you will learn
throughout this program. You will solve industry-relevant challenges by
leveraging various AI and ML techniques. The capstone project will help
you showcase your expertise to employers.

Learning Outcomes

The capstone project will enhance your understanding of the Artificial

Intelligence decision cycle, including performing exploratory data
analysis, building and fine-tuning a model with cutting-edge AI-based
algorithms and representing results.


Advanced: Advanced Deep Learning and

Computer Vision
This course provides in-depth knowledge and practical skills in computer
vision and deep learning techniques. It covers various topics such as
image formation and processing, convolutional neural networks (CNNs),
object detection, image segmentation, generative models, optical
character recognition, distributed and parallel computing, explainable AI
(XAI) and deploying deep learning models. You will develop the expertise
to successfully tackle complex computer vision challenges and deploy
deep learning models.

Advanced: Natural Language Processing and

Speech Recognition
This course offers a detailed look at the science of applying machine
learning algorithms to process large amounts of natural language data. It
primarily focuses on natural language understanding, feature engineering,
natural language generation, automated speech recognition, speech-to-
text conversion, text-to-speech conversion and voice assistance devices.

Advanced: Reinforcement Learning

This course will take you through the core concepts of reinforcement
learning. You will learn how to solve reinforcement learning problems with
various strategies using Python and TensorFlow to understand RL theory.
Gain the skills to use reinforcement learning and algorithms as a problem-
solving strategy.

Academic Masterclass
Attend online, interactive masterclasses conducted by the renowned
instructors from IIT Kanpur. Understand the key technologies and trends
in the field of data science, AI and ML to enhance your knowledge in the

Industry Masterclass
Gain mastery of AI by attending live online sessions led by industry
experts. Discover the latest advancements in the AI space and explore
key areas and concepts, such as:

D Generative AI and its applications

D Leveraging the power of generative modeling to build innovative


D OpenAI and its role in NLP and AI

D Building and deploying GPT-powered applications

D Demystifying ChatGPT - its architecture, training methodology,

and business applications

D ChatGPT best practices, limitations, and avenues for future


D Building real-world applications with the OpenAI API and ChatGPT

D Applications of ChatGPT, OpenAI, Dall-E, Midjourney & other tools

D Explainable AI

D Chatbots and their uses in companies such as Microsoft, Google,

Meta, etc.
*Areas mentioned above are subject to change


Project 1 - Ecommerce

Develop a shopping app for an ecommerce company using Python

Project 2 - Food Service

Use data science techniques, such as time series forecasting,

to help a data analytics company forecast demand for different
items across restaurants.

Project 3 - Retail
Use exploratory data analysis and statistical techniques to
understand the factors that contribute to customer acquisition
for a retail firm.

Project 4 - Production

Perform feature analysis to understand the features of water

bottles using EDA and statistical techniques to understand
their overall quality and sustainability.

Project 5 - Real Estate

Use feature engineering to identify the top factors that

influence price negotiations in the homebuying process.

Project 6 - Entertainment

Perform cluster analysis to create a recommended playlist of

songs for users based on their user behavior.

Project 7 - Human Resources

Build a machine learning model that predicts employee

attrition rate at a company by identifying patterns in their work
habits and desire to stay with the company.

Project 8 - Shipping

Use deep learning concepts, such as Convolutional Neural

Networks (CNN), to automate a system that detects and
prevents faulty situations resulting from human error and
identifies the type of ship entering the port.

Project 9 - BFSI

Use deep learning to construct a model that predicts potential

loan defaulters and ensures secure and trustworthy lending
opportunities for a financial institution.

Project 10 - Healthcare

Use distributed training to construct a CNN model capable of

detecting diabetic retinopathy and deploy it using TensorFlow
Serving for an accurate diagnosis.

Project 11 - Healthcare

Leverage deep learning algorithms to develop a facial

recognition feature that helps diagnose patients for genetic
disorders and their variations.

Project 12 - Automobile

Examine accident data involving Tesla’s auto-pilot feature to

assess the correlation between road safety and the use of
auto-pilot technology.

Project 13 - Tourism

Use AI to categorize images of historical structures

and conduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) to build a
recommendation engine that improves marketing initiatives for
historic locations.

Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a certificate
of completion from E&ICT Academy, IIT Kanpur.

Program Advisor

Prof. Amey Karkare

Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, IIT Kanpur

Professor Amey Karkare is the Poonam and

Prabhu Goel Chair Professor, Department
of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT
Kanpur. His areas of focus are applications of
Program Analysis, Compiler Optimizations,
Software Engineering, and Machine Learning
to build software systems.

Why wait?
Take the first step towards your AI and Machine Learning
journey by applying below.

Apply Now

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