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Edits to script

Kaitlyn: First up for our headlines, a special special Welcome form ones

Laila: yes Kaitlyn. It has been our greatest honour to welcome these brilliant minds into our
school. I’m in form 5 now but i will never forget my first day walking in. I was so nervous but felt
so at home.
Kaitlyn: I agree. But it is important to cherish the time we spend here appreciating our excellent
staff and also the privilege of belonging to house.

Laila: that’s right. St Catherine’s on top tho.

Kaitlyn: On that note let’s have a chat with two of our form ones

Laila: passing over to Jaymarie as they play “what yuh know”


Laila: you telling me roses mascot is not a rose?

Kaitlyn : no girl, it's a bird

Kaitlyn: well wasn’t that precious…

Laila: they may not know much but they sure are cute.

Kaitlyn : Okay ladies, now we've got an exciting segment for you that's all about art and
creativity. We're taking a closer look at some form 5 art students right here in Holy Name.

Laila: Next up, the Creative Corner!

(Raegenee and Chelsea segment)

Kaitlyn: HNC is filled with extraordinary talent. It’s such a pleasure to be surrounded with such
vibrant creativity.

Laila: yes I agree! Can’t wait for all future submissions. If interested, place your name and class
into our tip box at lunch time today.

Kaitlyn: As we know… the pillar of Holy Name is in our strong faith and trust in our God. Father
shared some encouraging points that really allowed us to reflect.

Laila: One of our teams favorites were:”…”

Something to think about
Kaitlyn: now let’s have Jelene for HNC active for all your sports updates.

Sports segment inserted

Laila: Thanks Jelene. Some encouragement is shared this week in our motivation section with
the title “DONT STOP UNTIL YOU’RE PROUD” this article focuses on how success is a result
of hard work. It in part reads
“Be reminded that it is only natural to experience bouts of discouragement after failings or
apathy from numerous negative experiences. Nevertheless, get into the habit of showing up for
yourself with discipline and will power. Commit your mind to hard work, focus and struggle... you
can then become the person of your dreams and accomplish anything you desire!

Kaitlyn: thank you Laila. Truly food for thought. Last up… staff in the spotlight. This week we
feature Mr. Charles!

Insert clip

Laila: and That's how we end our 8AM news!

Kaitlyn: This is Kaitlyn Sudan
Laila: This is Laila Groves
Kaitlyn: And thanks for joining us on

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