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David lopez
[Dirección de correo electrónico]
Foro temático del curso - FR1

 Realiza tu aporte. Si incluyes frases textuales, deberás citar al autor.
 Pertinencia del aporte: Evita usar únicamente frases como: “Estoy de acuerdo” o
“estoy en desacuerdo”. Justifica tu respuesta con ejemplos, evidencias o con tu punto
de vista, siempre en el marco del respeto.

Tema de debate
Estimado estudiante.
Responda las siguientes preguntas:

1. Mention three things that a Job applicant should know before the interview?
The job interview is the most important step in looking for a job. It implies that your resume
made a high impact and the interviewer is interested in learning more about you.
Therefore, you must impress him so that he considers you suitable for the position for which
you are applying. That is, you must demonstrate that your skills are aligned with the needs of
the company.
Also, the interview will allow you to better familiarize yourself with the requirements of the
position and see if it fits your needs.
General tips to overcome a job interview
Previously, the main focus of job interviews was education and job skills. But over the years,
the interview process itself has become increasingly complex.
Now, the most important thing is your performance in the interview, because it gives an idea
of how your job performance will be.
Therefore, make sure that you demonstrate that you are the ideal candidate for the position
you are seeking. If you are well prepared, you will be able to achieve this goal.
With that being said, we share some tips that will help you pass the interview smoothly.

1. Investigate what the position is about and how your profile fits the requirements of the
Before the interview, carefully study the job description, especially the requirements. Write
down how you meet each requirement, then show the employer that you meet or exceed
these requirements.
Quantify your achievements as much as possible, but focus on the ones that are related to the
job requirements.
If you can, check out LinkedIn to see how other company employees describe their work.
Focus on achievements and recognitions. If you share similar or related achievements,
highlighting them in the interview will score points in your favor.
2. Research the company
The fastest way to fail the interview is to know nothing about the employer. Therefore,
research everything you can about the companies: location, sector where he operates,
opinions of employees.
The information can be found by visiting the company's website and its social networks
(Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter). Also, you can use search engines to find more information about
This research will not only prepare you for the interview, but it will help you find questions to
ask the employer. It will also give you an idea of how you will feel working for that employer.
3. Also demonstrate soft skills
Demonstrating social skills during the interview is not that easy, but you can write it on your
resume. Mention the memberships, associations, social service organizations, etc., to which
you belong.
Here are some important soft skills that employers want to see in all applicants:
• Communication skills.
• Ability to solve problems.
• Teamwork.
• Leadership qualities,
• Ability to remain calm in a crisis or emergency, and
• High responsability level.
Instead of talking directly about these soft skills, include them in your answers to the work
experience questions.
Show your social skills. Maintaining a conversation and showing your willingness to learn is
essential to emerge victorious.
As we mentioned earlier, take the time to provide accurate and direct answers.

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