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SNC 2D – Chemistry Review

1. Draw a Bohr-Rutherford diagram for the neutral atom and the ion of:

a) Sodium b) Fluorine

2. Draw Lewis dot diagrams for the following elements and ions.
a) Silicon b) Strontium c) Sulfur d) Argon

3. Draw Lewis diagrams for atoms for each of the following pairs of elements. Then show how atoms of each pair could form a
compound and predict the formula of the compound. State if the compound is ionic or molecular.
a) Be and O b) C and Cl

c) C and O d) Al and P

4. Explain the difference between the following. Include examples.

a) physical and chemical properties

b) physical and chemical change

c) List some evidence of a chemical change.

5. Compare the properties of an ionic vs. molecular compounds.
Type of Odour Hardness Melting Point Solubility in Conductivity
Compound Water


6. Name the following compounds:

a) Fe2(SO4)3 b) CaI2 c) Pb(NO3)4

d) CCl4 e) N2O5 f) Cr(NO3)2

g) LiCl h) CuO i) NH4Cl

7. Write the formulas for the following compounds:

a) Cuprous nitrate b) Dinitrogen trioxide c) Mercury (II) bromide

d) Nickel (III) sulfide e) Calcium chloride f) Sulfur dioxide

g) Magnesium hydroxide h) Sodium chloride i) Calcium hydrogen carbonate

8. Which elements form diatomic molecules?

9. State the law of conservation of mass.

10. Write a balanced chemical equation for each word equation. State the type of reaction.

a) Aluminum phosphate reacts with magnesium to produce aluminum and magnesium phosphate.

b) Magnesium oxide reacts with carbon dioxide to form magnesium carbonate.

c) When heated, ammonium chloride forms ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen chloride gas.

d) Copper (II) sulfate reacts with solid nickel to form nickel (II) sulfate and copper metal.
e) Lead (II) nitrate reacts with potassium iodide to produce potassium nitrate and lead (II) iodide.

11. A new element, Ontarium (On) has been found. We know that it is an alkaline Earth metal.
a) How many valence electrons will it have?

b) What will the name of the compound be that forms between this element and
i) fluorine ii) oxygen

c) Give the chemical formula for each of these compounds.

12. Balance the following equations and state the type of reaction.
a) NaClO3(s)  NaCl(s) + O2(g) d) Zn(s) + FeCl2(aq)  ZnCl2(aq) + Fe(s)

b) C3H8 + O2  CO2 + H2O e) C3H4 (g) + H2 (g)  C3H8 (g)

c) H2SO4 (aq) + Al2O3(s)  Al2(SO4)3(aq) + H2O(l) f) H2SO4 (aq) + Ba(OH)2 (aq) → H2O + BaSO4

13. Explain the difference between an endothermic and an exothermic reaction. Give an example for each.

14. a) Describe the difference between complete and incomplete combustion in terms of both reactants and products.

b) Write a word equation for the complete combustion of ethane (C2H6).

c) Write a balanced chemical equation for this process.

15. Complete the chart comparing the properties of acids and bases.
Acid Base
What type of ions are produced when they
are dissolved in water?

How do they generally taste?

Are they corrosive?

What is the pH range?

What colour do they cause litmus paper to


What is an example of a household product?

16. a) What is the pH scale? Describe where you would find strong acids, weak acids, strong bases, weak bases and neutral
solutions on this scale.

b) What type of scale is the pH scale? Explain what this means.

17. a) What is an indicator?

b) Complete the following chart.

Indicator Colour in Acid Colour in Base

bromothymol blue


18. What type of reaction occurs when you add an acid to a base? Describe the reaction and write out the equation.

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