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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

The Obligations
1) Upon completion of Liber Pyramidos recite aloud the Oath of the Neophyte. This you sign
with a newly chosen motto and provide a copy to your Superior. The Aspirant may request
the original be sealed and counter signed by His superior, but this is not required.
2) Begin what will become a detailed and ongoing autobiography. (see notes below)
3) Regularly study Liber LXV and Liber VII recording any impressions in your journal
throughout the Neophyte period. As per original Grade requirements, the Aspirant must
commit to memory a chapter of their choosing from Liber VII.

The Tasks
1) Perform Liber Pyramidos. This ritual serves as a bridge between the Probationer and
Neophyte Grades. Not until this ritual of self-initiation is complete is one actually a Neophyte.
It is therefore the first official task for all who seek the AA.
2) Make an in depth study of the four powers of the Sphinx as mentioned in Liber Aleph. To
be turned in at your convenience but before the astral working.
3) Keep a Neophyte journal which records your ongoing practices in regard to Liber O and E;
as well as your impressions of Liber LXV and VII. However, the primary focus of this journal
should be. While practice of Liber O and E have thus far been left to the student’s discretion
the Aspirant will need to show mastery of the astral before proceeding to the Grade of Zelator.
For this reason, we must now insist upon the practices out lined in Liber O save for in the rare
instance that the Aspirant be adapt in another similar method and able to demonstrate this to
their Teacher.
4) Perform Will at every meal – do not underestimate the power of this seemingly simple
practice. (See Task 9 from the original Neophyte Task given in Liber CLXXXV, here attached).
5) Make a thorough study of the 22 Atu (Major Arcana) which is to be turned in at your
convenience but before the astral working.
6) Make an earnest study of Malkuth. Once completed, make or acquire a Pantacle, as in
Liber A and described in Book 4 part II, representing Earth. This is to be turned in at your
convenience but before your astral working.
7) Complete mastery of the astral plane.

The moment you sign your Neophyte Oath you are one... and once these tasks have been
fulfilled you have 'become' one. The Neophyte is the first Grade officially upon the Tree of Life
within the Grade structure of the AA.
The requirements of the Neophyte can often take years to fulfil and for this reason we have
adopted a policy of no time limits in which one must complete the tasks. However, one must
remain a Neophyte for a minimum of 8 months. At this point initiation into the Minerval and
First degrees of OTO are recommended but not required.
These tasks are in addition to and not in place of, the original task as given in Liber Collegii
Sancti. How these original obligations are met are discussed in the comment to Liber Collegii
Sancti in a later chapter.
O.2.) This is not to be turned in and is for the Student’s reflections as a means to understand
the Karma of the incarnation, their “story” and the “Acorn”. This should be as detailed as
possible and include everything the Neophyte can find in relation to every year of their
life. For this reason, it is best that this Bio be a combination of physical files and digital
records that can be constantly updated and expanded. Use pictures, stories from others,
report cards, journals, birthday cards, recall music that you listened to, sports you might have
played, the names of playmates and school mates and teachers etc... vacations taken, special
events etc... the list is essentially endless... the key is to fill in as much as you can for every
year. Once you have started this practice your subconscious mind will begin to bring up
memories long since suppressed. The more you record and the further you dig into the
subconscious the more will be found. These memories will usually not be given sequentially
but instead sporadically. This practice trains the subconscious mind to respond to the
inquiries of the conscious self-forming a bridge between the two that will strengthen and
deepen. After several months of this you will have both an amazing bio and a pathway
between the Conscious and subconscious mind. The bio is a practice in Know Thyself and will
serve you well throughout your whole life when reflecting upon self and the incarnation. This
practice can be kept up indefinitely if one so chooses. At this time what is important is that
enough is recorded to have a good image of your Star and to kick start the communication
between conscious and subconscious self which will be built upon during your astral
workings. This can usually be achieved in a 6-9 month time frame but everyone's needs are

O.3.) This is recorded throughout your Neophyte journal, as thoughts occur.

T.1.) This can be physical or digital but is completely separate from any other journal. Begin a
detailed analysis and journal of your Pyramidos working as each Probationer is required to
perform their own version of this ritual showing true understanding of the formulas and
symbols thereof- to be turned in at the completion of the ritual. It is not until the task is
completed that one is truly considered a Neophyte.

T.2.) This is to be kept in you Malkuth journal and like the creation of the Pantacle, should be
considered and an extenuation of your analysis of Malkuth.

T.3.) This is the journal where you will record most all of your daily work and thoughts.
T.4.) In your Neophyte journal above.
T.5.) A separate stand-alone study utilizing any and all sources at your disposal.
T.6.) A separate stand-alone study. Any deck of your liking can be used as well as notes from
any source; though Crowley's Thoth deck is highly recommended as are the works of Paul
Foster Case. The goal is an overall symbolic understanding of the Tree.

T.7.) This is an entirely separate working that will require its own (physical) journal to cover a
93-day period in which the Neophyte will be given instructions on building his body of light
and astral projection in the form of an Epistle detailing specific practices. A certain level of
proficiency is expected before moving forward. This is the last task of the Neophyte given after
all other work is completed and the Neophyte properly prepared. Our goal is “Perfect control
of the Astral Plane”.

Love is the law, love under will

Frater Orpheus

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