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01 IoT and Me Name:


Part 1: Verify that you completed and submitted 4.01 IoT and Me Article
Reflection Journal (to demonstrate an understanding of the material you read).

Part 2: Using the knowledge you gained in Part 1, research on the Internet for
additional information to complete this worksheet below.

1. Using your own words, what is the Internet of Things?

Connecting all physical electronics with a chip. We would connect everything in
the whole world together.
2. 2. List four sensor applications you think will most impact your future:
a. . computers
b. . cars
c. . big data analytics
d. .smart grids and energy management
3. Invent two new ideas for sensor applications:
a. . couches
b. . cooking pots
4. Use the Internet to find the Libelium Smart World image, save it to your
computer and then insert the image in the center cell below. Repeat the process
with two IoT images or your choice for the other cells. (Tip: Use thumbnail

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