Social Media

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Social Media: Embodiment of Evil

Scrolling down continuously through your Facebook or Instagram, there is no end to

this agony you’re facing right now. Eyes fixed at the screen and thumb moving in the
same direction for the last one hour, as if this is the only task it has been conditioned to
carry out. This is what life has become all about. Obsessing over Kylie Jenner’s
glamorous life, Taylor Hill’s flawless body or Lelepons’ beautiful smile, you have been
ruthlessly trapped by these fake ideals promoted on social media before even realizing
it. This is more like a disease that is gradually articulating itself in our lives at an
unimaginable speed. People who spent theirtime admiring the complicated details
found in the beauty of nature are now spending innumerable hours in front of bright
screens and devices, only to end up developing different sorts of complexes only in an
attempt to become ‘perfect’.
The worst part about the use of social media is its adverse influence on young minds.
‘Beauty’ , whose definition was subjective before, is now decided by the number of likes
your post has.Young adults have failed to realize the difference between the real and
the unreal. The faces, bodies and life illustrated on social media are far from reality and
increasingly lead to different physical disorders like anxiety, depression, loss of brain
storage etc. The idea of maintaining a ‘feed’ or a profile that follows a certain theme or
projects a certain personality has become an ambition for many, who post daily
updates and photo sessions.
Individuals have lost the sense of personal connection that was earlier enjoyed and
exercised in daily life. The messages sent on Whatsapp, Facebook or Instagram might
be full of love and compassion, but people have become inattentive to the art of
conversing with companionship in real life. Drawing room discussions, strolling around
with a neighbor, spending time with family and making an effort to meet friends in
person has lost value and significance. Linking it to the idea of a dystopian world, it is
safe to say that within the next two decades, there will be almost no interaction
between individuals in person. Even in today’s world, parents and children do not share
the same relationship as before. Parents remain unaware of their children’s activities,
only to learn about them through a story posted on Snapchat. The sense of belonging
or community between people is no longer alive, instead, friends made online are
considered to be much closer than relatives present in the same house. The excessive
use of social media has given birth to cyber crimes. Every day, numerous individuals are
being harassed online because of a picture they shared which does not meet the
society’s criteria of ‘perfection’. The level of tolerance amongst people has drastically
decreased and they are consuming every given opportunity to avoid those around them.
As much as it gives space to free speech, these platforms breed hatred and false
propaganda at the same rate. Apps like Facebook have promote the concept of ‘mob
mentality’ that once existed on the streets only. Be it teenagers or middle-aged people,
everyone is addicted,and these downsides seem to have no end in the near future.
The end
Muhammad Abbas
Class 10th A
Roll no S.2137
© 2018-2020 dndsofthub All Rights Reserved

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