7 Science PT1

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Periodic Test- 1 (2022-2023)


Class: VII Time: 40 minutes Mark:10

1. What is the normal body temperature of a healthy person?

A) 37°C
B) 37°F
C) 37K
D) None of these (1)
2. ............. is filled in the bulb of thermometer. (1)
3. Write the range and use of a clinical thermometer. (2)
4.Given below is a sequence of step in the processing of wool.
Which are the missing steps ? Add them.
......., ........, Sorting, ......., ........, Making of yarn. (2)
5.Define the term sericulture? (1)
6.The finger like projection that is present in the inner lining of
small intestine is .......... (1/2)
7.Which is the longest part of alimentary canal ? (1/2)
8.Which are the different types of teeth present in human? How
many of them are present in upper jaw and lower jaw? (2)

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