Ghadah Abdulrahman Abdulaziz Saeed Quiz

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Assignment 2: QUIZ


Faculty of Architecture and Build Environment
BAAD3023 Principle of Architecture Practice
BAID3103 Interior Design Professional Practice and Management

DATE : 2 November 2023


Student No.: 202101010003


1. List down five (5) function of the Board of Architect Malaysia (LAM)
(10 marks)

registration o architectural
i) consultancy practices.
Regulation of their conduct
ii) and ethics
iii) conducting examinations for admission to the profession.
iv) Accreditation of architectural programs.
v) Representing the architectural profession in any matter at local and
international levels.

2. List down four (4) types of Architectural Consultancy Practice in Malaysia according to
Architect Act 1967 (Act 117)
(8 marks)


3. At any time, an Architect can have either one of the first three (3) forms of Architectural
Consultancy Practice with the additional form of ACP (Architectural Consultancy Practice)
as a Body Corporate
(2 marks)

4. List down five (5) Code of Conduct for Architects under Architect Act 1967 (Act 117).
(10 marks)

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5. List down three (3) responsibility of Architect
(30 marks)
I. Professional Integrity.
II. Faithful discharge of duties and
III. Compliance with Acts and rules.
IV. respect for the legitimate rights
and interests of others.
V. Competence and Skill.
A. Client
1- To analyse and study the
Client's project brief.
2- To produce and render
the design acceding to
the project brief.
3- To provide time planning
of the project
B. Authority
1- To Ensure Compliance
2- To Facilitate Approvals
3- To Maintain
C. Consultants
1- To coordinate with the
consultants in regards to
technical issues.
2- To make sure that the
Consultants don't change
the design concept.
3- To guide the Consultants
to works within the
Client budget.
D. Contractor
1- To Provide Clear and
Detailed Plans
2- To Address Questions
and Concerns
3- To Ensure Quality and
E. Project
1- To make sure that the
completed project is fit
and safe for occupation
2- To design the project
with sustainable design
3- To take lifetime liability
of the project upon
issuance of CCC.

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6. As an Architect who has the Architectural Consultancy Practice, you are being appointed by
Developer for the mix housing development project at Petaling Jaya, Selangor. In the Letter
of Appointment (LoA), list down ten (10) items required in the letter.
(20 marks)
I. Project description and scope.
II. Contract duration and start date.
III. Compensation details.
IV. Roles and responsibilities.
V. Deliverables and milestones.
VI. Terms and conditions.
VII. Confidentiality agreements.
VIII. Dispute resolution procedures.
IX. Termination clauses.
X. Signatures of authorized representatives

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7. List down five (5) phases of basic services that may provide by the Architectural Consultancy
Practice according to Architect Act 1967 (Act 117).
(10 marks)
Schematic design phase
Design developmentii)phase
iii)Contract documentation phase
iv)Contract implementation phase
v) Completion phase

8. Please fill in the process of the following basic services phases

(10 marks)

A. Schematic Design Phases

preliminary sketch
Taking client's conceptual sketch proposal
Instruction & proposal
analyzing the
project brief

submission Consideration of
drawing for planning approval and
planning approval Preliminary cost
estimate building requirement

B. Design Development Phases

Client to approved
obtained Planning Architect &
and agreed with the
Approval from Consultants to
design proposal
Local Authorities develop detail design
Updating the project Updating the works working
planning and preliminary cost drawings and
implementation estimate of documents for
schedule for Client construction cost for Building Plan (BP)
approval Client approval submission

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