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Melanie Phillips Video: What the Media isn’t Telling You About Israel’s War on Hamas

How the pact between Islam and communism laid the groundwork for Western destruction.

November 8, 2023 by Frontpage Editors


Now, the question, therefore, is why can so many people in the West not see this? Why are we witnessing what I
would call the West’s own mass psychopathy moment? Well, the answer is, I’m afraid that a horrifying number
among the West’s ruling elites themselves were and continue to be complicit in the agenda to destroy civilization at
the most obvious and immediate level.


… Are we going to see a mass recantation by our liberal elites? Well, forgive me, I’m a little skeptical. And that’s
because it’s not simply that they’re being asked to say, okay, we got it wrong. They’re being asked to say something
that is much more fundamental because their entire moral personality is constructed around the belief that
everything they stand for is morally virtuous. Anyone who dissents from anything they stand for is not just wrong,
but evil. Everybody who dissents from what they stand for is a right winger; or evil is right wing. And all right
wingers are evil.

Tyranny can only come from the right. Antisemitism can therefore only come from the right. So what they are seeing
now threatens to upend their entire moral and political personality. And so they’re throwing up what I would call chaff.
They are still justifying what’s happened as ‘resistance’. They are falling back on moral equivalence. They’re saying
children are dying here. Children are dying there. They’re saying Israel mustn’t have a disproportionate response. How
can you be disproportionate in your response to genocide? What is the proportionate response to genocide? They are
legally illiterate and they are morally bankrupt. We are witnessing moral degeneracy and moral inversion by those
who assert they are morally pure and they cannot let go of that belief. Now, the Western mind is not just being
poisoned by the Palestinian agenda of rejectionism of Israel and the lies that have been told. I think few realize the
extent to which the West has been knocked off its moral compass by the support of the Palestine cause.
Palestinians blame Israelis for behavior of which Israel is innocent, but of which the Palestinians are guilty, such as
ethnic cleansing, aggression, illegality, war crimes, genocide. This is a moral inversion and a reversal based on the
pathological projection by Palestinians of their own misdeeds onto their victims. This moral inversion has been
reflected in the Western support of the Palestine cause, but it also has fed into the West’s own moral inversion. For
decades, the progressive project has been to destroy the bedrock institutions of the West, its history and traditions,
and create a new world order around the individual and around groups of the so-called oppressed. How the
individual sees the world, we are told, trumps how the world actually is. If members of a favored, quote, oppressed
group feel he or she is an oppressed victim, no one is allowed to dispute that. So members of these groups, whether
of race, ethnicity, sex or gender, can play an unchallengeable victim card when they behave badly and they can blame
instead astheir ‘oppressors’, those who they themselves were attacking. Whether these are men, whether these are
conservatives, whether lesbian, people who believe in sexual difference as opposed to transgender. And we can see in
our education system the result of a situation in which for decades our young people have no longer been taught their
own history and of the West. They’ve no longer been taught to appreciate the institutions of a free society and instead
have been subjected to these West-destroying ideologies which is why so many of our young people now support
those intent upon genocide against the Jews and promote barbarism over civilization.


And yet you have Queers for Palestine insanity. How does one explain this? I would conclude by saying this: The way
this has taken over the mind of so many, calls to mind the tactics and strategy of the former Soviet Union. This is what
they did and it is no coincidence. Palestinian-ism was cooked up by the Soviet Union in cahoots with Yasser Arafat in
the 1960s. Yasser Arafat wanted to invent Palestinian national identity and destroy Israel that way. The Soviet Union
understood this was the way of capitalizing on the cultural weakness of the West in order to basically fry their minds
and turn them against themselves. My goodness me, this has been carried out to the letter and it has worked. What
we are seeing is the only way I can think of this.

I am not that old, but what people lived through under us, when under Stalinism, when people in the West thought
that Stalin was ushering in the progressive new paradise, they would not believe what they were seeing when they
were told what was going on—the millions being murdered and oppressed and executed and tortured. They
wouldn’t believe it. If people are in the grip of an ideology, they sometimes don’t believe what they see. And so my
final point is this: We know that civilizations die. We know civilizations have died. We’ve all read, I hope, about the
end of the Roman Empire. If we haven’t read it, we should certainly read it because it has certain messages for

Israel today is fighting for its own survival and for the lives of its people. It is also fighting for civilization. The
question is whether Western civilization understands that this is what is at stake. The question is whether Western
civilization actually wants to be saved since its leading lights appear to have concluded it’s innately bad and not
worth saving. Israel will win this maybe at terrible cost, but Israel will win this because Israel is determined to
survive. The Jews are the eternal people. This is not true of the West, which seems among its elites to have decided
to go the same way as the Romans did. This is a war of civilization against barbarism. It is far from clear who will
win. The West is looking in horror at what’s been happening and what is happening now in the Middle East. The
West needs to realize that the war is right here.

Thank you.

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