English Practice MCQ

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Directions: In each of the following questions, four word-choices have been given. Out of
these four words, you have to choose the correctly spelt word.
1. (a) Incorigible (b) Incorregible (c) Incorrigible (d) Incorriggiblez
2. (a) Connoiseur (b) Connesseur (c) Connoisseurr (d) Connoisseur
3. (a) Imaginery (b) Dictionary (c) Itinerery (d) Stationerry
4. (a) immegrant (b) inpatiant (c) iceberg (d) marcenary
5. (a) arninesia (b) impossibel (c) illegitimate (d) mercanary
6. (a) Tomorow (b) Tommorow (c) Tomorrow (d) Tommorrow
7. (a) wrrinlde (b) wrinide (c) wrinkkle (d) wrinnide
8. (a) Recommendation (b) Recomendation (c) Recommendation(d) Reccomandation
9. (a) Dedectible (b) Defance (c) Defendant (d) Defencible
10. (a) surprise (b) supprise (c) suprise (d) surprize
11. (a) comitee (b) committee (c) committie (d) commitee
12. (a) onvelope (b) envelope (c) envalope (d) envelap
13. (a) A batoir (b) Abbattoir (c) Abattoir (d) Abattoire
14. (a) Inefable (b) Inaccesible (c) Infallible (d) Invinscible
15. (a) telepathy (b) antepathy (c) sympathy (d) apathy
16. (a) earnest (b) infecht (c) dettest (d) againest
17. (a) literature (b) literel (c) literecy (d) literery
18. (a) Mischeivous (b) Miscariage (c) Misderneanour (d) Missnomer
19. (a) Septuagenarian (b) Septugenarian (c) Septuegenarian (d) Septuagennarrian
20. (a) aeroplane (b) airopjane (c) aeroplain (d) airoplain
21. (a) loanly (b) lonely (c) lonelie (d) lonily
22. (a) ceremony (b) ceramony (c) ceremany (d) cerimoney
23. (a) Liesone (b) Liazone (c) Lieison (d) Liaison
24. (a) Descendant (b) Disendent (c) Dec.sendent (d) Discendant
25. (a) Hurdel (b) Cuddle (c) Puddel (d) Meddel

1. (c) 2.(d) 3.(b) 4.(c) 5.(c) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(c) 9.(c) 10.(a)

11.(b) 12.(b) 13.(c) 14.(c) 15.(d) 16.(a) 17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(a) 20.(a)
21.(b) 22.(a) 23.(d) 24.(a) 25.(b)

Directions: In each of the following questions, four word-choices have been given. Out of
these four words, you have to choose the correctly spelt word.
1. (a) Labourious (b) Kercheif (c) Percieve (d) Lingerie
2. (a) respirater (b) respirator (c) respiretor (d) respiratar
3. (a) Assessment (b) Rudiement (c) Retrenchement (d) Bereavment
4. (a) Tangible (b) Gratful (c) Vaiueable (d) Qotation
5. (a) cassette (b) casette (c) cassatte (d) cassette
6. (a) Traveling (b) Remirance Cc) Kidnaping (d) Equitable
7. (a) lechereous (b) lecharous (c) lecherous (d) lacherous
8. (a) Misdemenous (b) Manoeuvre (c) Begining (d) Chameloon
9. (a) Protactor (b) Pronunceable (c) Protein (d) Unconcionable
10. (a) Capracious (h) Auspicious (c) Fallicious (d) Dalicious
11. (a) Jeweller (b) Livelier (c) Convincabie (d) Dishevaled
12. (a) Four-tv (b) Forr’ (c) Fotie (ci) Fourtie
13. (a) Hankerchief (1) Haridkercheif (c Hankerehief (ci) Handkerchief
14. (a) Acqueintence (b) Acquaintance (c) Acquaintence (d) Acquentance
15. (a) Dynasaur b) Dinosaur (c) Dinosor (d) Dienosaur
16. (a) Pariphery (b) Periphary (c) Pariphary (d) Periphery
17. (a) Consistency (b) Consistancy (c Consistensy (d) Consistansy
18. (a) Skkilful (b) Skilfull (c) Skilful (d) Skilifull
19. (a) Deeieving (b) Deign (c) Supperfious (d) Demenour
20. (a) Ambiguous (b) Ambieguous (c) Ambegous (ci) Ambigeous
21. (a) ecstesy (b) ecstacy (c) ecctasy (ci) ecstasy
22. (a) systamatieally (b) systematically (c) systematicaly (d) systimatically
23. (a) erthiness (b) earthines (c) earthhiness (d) earthiness
24. (a) acommodarion (b) accommodation Cc) accomodation Id) acomodation
25. (a) sovereignty (b) soveriegnty (c) sovereignity uj soveriegnity
1.(d) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(a) 5.(a) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(b)
11.(a) 12.(b) 13.(d) 14.(b) 15.(b) 16.(d) 17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(b) 20.(a)
21.(d) 22.(b) 23.(d) 24.(b) 25.(a)

Directions: In each of the following questions, four word-choices have been given. Out of
these four words, you have to choose the correctly spelt word.
1. (a) exercize (b) exercise (c) exersize (d) exarcize
2. (a) previlege (b) privilege (c) privilige (d p “valage
3. (a) maintanance (b) maintanence (c) maintenance (d) maintenence
4. (a) ocassion (b) occassion (c) occasion (dj ecation
5. (a) mileonjum (b) millenium Cc) milleneum (d) millennium
6. (a) perjury (b) parjury (c) perjery (d) perjary
7. (a) heterogineous (b) hencrogenious (c) heterogeneous (d) hetrogenous
8. (a) indigeneous (b) indcganeous (c) indigenous (d) indegenous
9. (a) dysentery (b) disentrv (c dysentry Cd) diesentry
10. (a) Garmet (b) Gourmet (c) Gaurrnet (d) Gourmmet
11. (a) catapult (b) cetapuit (c) catepult (d) catapalt
12. (a) Inefable (b) Inaccesible (c) Infallible (d) Invinscible
13. (a) Catapult (b) Cataloque (c Catalist (d) Catarpillar
14. (a) Cedee (b) Couliflower (c) Casual (d) Carrote
15. (a) Separate (b) Sieze Cc) Concieve (d) Conote
16. (a) homogeneous (b) hornoganeous (c) honiageneous Cd) homogenus
17. (a) genarator (b) generator (c) generater (d) generator
18. (a) privilage (b) privilege (c) pregvilege (d) previlage
19. (a) separate (b) seperate (C) sepcraii (d) separete
20. (a) grammnatic (b) gremmatic (c) gramatic (d) grematic
21. (a) omitted (b) ommitted (c) ommited (d) omited
22. (a) audience (b) antácche (c) aurrist (d) autobiographar
23. (a) wrrinkle (b) wrinkle (c) wrinkide (d) wrinnkle
24. (a) Neccessary (b) Temparory (c) Itinerary (d) Sanguinery
25. (a) benificial (b) beneflcil (c) beneficial (d) benefical
1.(b) 2.(b) 3.(c) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(c) 8.(c) 9.(a) 10.(b)
11.(a) 12.(c) 13.(a) 14.(c) 15.(a) 16.(a) 17.(b) 18.(b) 19.(a) 20.(a)
21.(a) 22.(a) 23.(b) 24.(c) 25.(c)

Directions: In each of the following questions, four word-choices have been given. Out of
these four words, you have to choose the correctly spelt word.
1. (a) Collegee (b) coleague (c) Colliege (d) Colleague
2. (a) Abscisa (b) Abssissa (c) Abscissa (d) Abscessa
3. (a) Deliquency (b) Friquency (c) Discrepency (d) Hesitancy
4. (a) Abonimable (b) Abominable (c) Abarninable (d) Abaniniable
5. (a) Circuireous (b) Clairvoyant (c) Chivelery (d) Cavelcade
6. (a) Occassional (b) Ocasional (c) Ocassional Cd) Occasional
7. (-a) effarvesce (b) efervesce (c) effervesce (tO effirvesce
8. (a) Tinker (b) Plumeber (c) Despacher ,(d) Sailar
9. (a) Accomplish (b) Acomplish (c) Aconimplish (d) Accompalish
10. (a) halcyon (b halcion (c) helcyon (d) halcon
11. (a) Fulfill (b) ill will (c) Fabbulous (d) Usefuli
12. (a) Beligerent (li) Belegerent (c) Belligerent (d) Biligerent
13. (a) Yatch (b) Yawn (c) Yacht (d) Yact
14. (a) Luminery (b) Corruptable (c) Disguise (ci) Counterfiet
15. (a) predecessor (b) predecesor (c) predicessor (d) predecesser
16. (a) committee (b) commiette (c) commitee (d) comittee
17. (a) disease (1) desease (c) decaese Cd) dicease
18. (a) trevellei- (b) traveller (c) travailer (d) traweler
19. (a) Convelescient (b) Convalasant (c) Convalescent (d) Connvalescent
20. (a) cassatte (b) casette (c) cassatte (d) cassete
21. (a) Neccessary (b) Temparory (c) itinerary (d) Sanguinery
22. (a) lassivous (b) lacivious (c) lascivious (d) lasivious
23. (a) enemyty (b) enemity (c) enmity (d) enmety
24. (a) irelevant (b) irrelavent (c) irelevent (d) irrelevant
25. (a) inconvenienced (b) ineonvinienced (c) inconvineinced (d) inconvenneinced
1.(d) 2.(c) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5.(b) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(a) 9.(a) 10.(a)
11.(b) 12.(c) 13.(c) 14.(c) 15.(a) 16.(a) 17.(a) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(a)
21.(c) 22.(c) 23.(c) 24.(d) 25.(a)

Directions: In each of the following questions, four word-choices have been given. Out of
these four words, you have to choose the correctly spelt word.
1. (a) definitely (b) definately (c) definit.ley (d) deflnitly
2. (a) cernetary (b) cemetery (c) semetary (d) cemetry
3. (a) recesion (b) reccesion (c) reccession (ci) recession
4. (a) unasuage (b) vehement (c) langour (d) fulmenate
5. (a) nascant (b) repprisal (c) daunteless (d) thwart
6. (a) Repugnance (b) Thrbulance (c) Attendent (d) Refree
7. (a) Patiant (b) Desireing (c) Handicaped (d) Onerous
8. (a) Admiring (b) fraveUing (c) Prefering (d) Budgetting
9. (a) refference (b) relliance (c) occurence (d) recurrence
10. (a) discriptive (b) receptive (c) coopperative (d) comppetitive
11. (a) calculate (b) articulate (c) vacilate (d) gesticulate
12. (a) careful (b) skilfull (c) beautifull (d) unmindfull
13. (a) desiccation (b) dessication (c) desiccasion (d) deziccation
14. (a) nigardlely (b) “.lggardly (c) nigerdly (d) nigardly
15. (a) relinquish (b) relenquish (c) relinqeush (d) relinquesh
16. (a) livelihood (b) livelyhood (c) livlihood (ci) livelyhud
17. (a) foyere (b) foayer (c) foyer (d) fouyer
18. (a) dysentery (b) momentery (c) cemetary (d) comentary
19. (a) ebulient (b) jubilant (c) iminent (d) tolerent
20. (a) Stien (b) Stoping (c) Modefy (d) Stain
21. (a) rampent (b) rempant (c) rampant (d) rempent
22. (a) Separate (b) Seperate (c) Seperait (d) Separete
23. (a) Carborator (b) Carburetor (c) Carboretor (d) Carburettor
24. (a) Heirarchy (b) Hairarchy (c) Heirerchy (d) Hierarchy
25. (a) millonare (b) mihiounre (c) mihlonaire (d) millionaire
1.(a) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(b) 9.(d) 10.(b)
11.(b) 12.(a) 13.(a) 14.(b) 15.(a) 16.(a) 17.(c) 18.(a) 19.(b) 20.(d)
21.(c) 22.(a) 23.(d) 24.(d) 25.(d)

Directions: In each of the following questions, four word-choices have been given. Out of
these four words, you have to choose the wrongly spelt word
1. (a) Amelirate (b) Zealot (c) Penetrate (d) Stain
2. (a) Irreligious (b) Communication (c) Obssesive (d) Competition
3. (a) Babylonian (b) Bacchanal (c) Bachalor (d) Baggage
4. (a) straight (b) solemnity (c) trickery (d) treacharousz
5. (a) Aggrieved (b) Langor (c) Horrible (d) Indelible
6. (a) Meagre (b) Slyness (c) Renounciation (d) Parody
7. (a) tourniquet (b) titillate (c) worsship (d) whole
8. (a) Proceed (b) Exceed (c) Supressed (d) Succeed
9. (a) gnat (b) glimpse (c) haritage (d) uproar
10. (a) gist (b) haggle (c) gilt (d) hazerd
11. (a) fervent (b) feint (c) feign (d) febuary
12. (a) feasible (b) fawn (c) fewour (d) fauna
13. (a) fattigue (b) fare (c) fascinate (d) familiar
14. (a) transparent (b) transitory (c) tranquility (d) zitheist
15. (a) Accede (b) Hieght (c) Forty (d) Pursue
16. (a) Metaphor (b) Expletive (c) Allegary (d) Parody
17. (a) abandon (b) bachelor (c) acadainic (d) babble
18. (a) parmission (b) porridge (c) pore (d) pompous
19. (a) Bountiful (b) Useful (c) Beautiful (d) Merciful
20. (a) ornament (b) original (c) oscillat (d) orbit
21. (a) falible (b) fair (c) faint (d) fervour
22. (a) fete (b) faherenheit (c) facility (d) facetious
23. (a) Ecstasy (b) echo (c) ecgema (d) eccentric
24. (a) easy (b) earnast (c) earring (d) early
25. (a) Titillate (b) Possession (c) Precede (d) Recurrence
1.(a) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(d) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(c) 8.(c) 9.(c) 10.(d)
11.(d) 12.(c) 13.(a) 14.(d) 15.(b) 16.(c) 17.(c) 18.(a) 19.(a) 20.(c)
21.(a) 22.(b) 23.(c) 24.(b) 25.(a)

Directions: In each of the following questions, four word-choices have been given. Out of
these four words, you have to choose the wrongly spelt word
1. (a) Demagogue (b) Obscurant (c) Amanuensis (d) Gynecologist
2. (a) Robbar (b) Visitor (c) Various (d) Warrior
3. (a) Paediatrician (b) Neurrologist (c) Ophthalmologist (d) Psychiatrist
4. (a) terrazzo (b) terrible (c) thorough (d) synthesis
5. (a) Complement (b) Compliment (c) Supplement (d) Requirement
6. (a) Invulnerable (b) Irrelevant (c) Irrevocable (d) Imperciptible
7. (a) Orthopaedist (b) Psychologist (c) Sororicide (d) Herpiticide
8. (a) unrefined (b) tributery (c) venture (d) Underfeatable
9. (a) thrifty (b) tangible (c) taboo (d) trespass
10. (a) pageant (b) pail (c) paralys (d) painful
11. (a) Pale (b) paraffin (c) pallet (d) pallor
12. (a) panal (b) panache (c) pancreas (d) pain
13.(a) Somniloquent (b) Arbitrator (c) Coquette (d) Padestrian
14. (a) vigilant (b) unwarranted (c) utterance (d) vermiceli
15. (a) Puncture (b) Anouncement (c) Pungent (d) Permanent
16. (a) Indomitable (b) Furmidable (c) Amicable (d) Admirable
17. (a) Athletic (b) Adorable (c) Advarsary (d) Aggressive
18. (a) threshold (b) titillate (c) temparance (d) tobacco
19. (a) exupurgate (b) Disperse (c) abridge (d) propel
20. (a) launchar (b) scatter (c) separate (d) dispenser
21. (a) submissive (b) lovable (c) unasuming (d) innocent
22. (a) patriot (b) cossmopoliten (c) statesman (d) diplomat
23. (a) Harass (b) Obese (c) Glutton (d) Vetaran
24. (a) Penitant (b) Penicillin (c) Penchant (d) Pelican
25. (a) Peel (b) Pandant (c) Pedlar (d) Pedal
1.(d) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(d) 6.(d) 7.(d) 8.(c) 9.(d) 10.(c)
11.(b) 12.(a) 13.(d) 14.(d) 15.(b) 16.(b) 17.(c) 18.(c) 19.(a) 20.(a)
21.(c) 22.(b) 23.(d) 24.(a) 25.(b)

Directions: In each of the following questions, four word-choices have been given. Out of
these four words, you have to choose the wrongly spelt word
1. (a) Kingdom (b) Kidney (c) Karnel (d) Kilowatt
2. (a) Inept (b) Porous (c) Potatos (d) Attendance
3. (a) Pseudonym (b) Questionaire (c) Raffle (d) Syringe
4. (a) Resonant (b) resilient (c) Restauratuer (d) Resident
5. (a) Tracable (b) Professor (c) Really (d) Rarefied
6. (a) Adversary (b) Admiraly (c) Arbitary (d) Advisery
7. (a) Weitage (b) Winning (c) Tailor (d) Dysentery
8. (a) Eggregious (b) Vacuous (c) Remittance (d) Vein
9. (a) Effipse (b) Aclaim (c) Repellent (d) Zealot
10. (a) reasonable (b) bizzarre (c) amiable (d) Devolution
11. (a) Timidity (b) Gloomy (c) Unruffled (d) ‘lbrbulant
12. (a) Conffuse (b) Languid (c) Remove (d) Salvage
13. (a) batrachians (b) catalogue (c) deodrant (d) abeyance
14. (a) Instil (b) Insatible (c) Risible (d) Intelligible
15. (a) Anonymous (b) Befriend (c) Immunise (d) Inventer
16. (a) latitude (b) launderette (c) lauriate (d) lavender
17. (a) matinee (b) masquerade (c) messacre (d) marvellous
18. (a) Accumulate (b) Challenge (c) Beginning (d) Tolerent
19. (a) Spontaneity (b) Tranquillity (c) Tournament (d) Superindent
20. (a) Laboratory (b) Coucel (c) Negotiate (d) Vacuum
21. (a) Ecstasy (b) Grainary (c) Metaphor (d) Ill.will
22. (a) Pseudonym (b) Mischievous (c) Enthral (d) Macabre
23. (a) Tableau (b) Vinegar (c) Pharmacutical (d) Scenery
24. (a) begatelle (b) baggage (c) agitated (d) abbrevIate
25. (a) Temperature (b) Temperament (c) Tempastuous (d) Temptation
1.(c) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(c) 5.(a) 6.(d) 7.(a) 8.(a) 9.(b) 10.(b)
11.(d) 12.(a) 13.(c) 14.(b) 15.(d) 16.(c) 17.(c) 18.(d) 19.(d) 20.(b)
21.(b) 22.(c) 23.(c) 24.(a) 25.(c)

Directions: In each of the following questions, four word-choices have been given. Out of
these four words, you have to choose the wrongly spelt word
1. (a) Effeminate (b) ‘franquil (c) brassh (d) Preposterous
2. (a) proliferate (b) propitiate (c) appropriate (d) apredate
3. (a) fragrant (b) fragment (c) flurocent (d) flamboyant
4. (a) parlour (b) pateint (c) parcel Cd) parallel
5. (a) Accomplice (b) Accompaniment (c) Accomplishment (d) Accomodation
6. (a) particular (b) panick (c) pane (d) paediatrics
7. (a) obletion (b) nepotism (c) naval (d) opaque
8. (a) omniscient (b) obstreperous (c) neglegee (d) nook
9. (a) Severity (b) Cruelity (c) Sincerity (d) Superiority
10. (a) Comparative (b) Lazyness (c) Exuberant (d) Ninth
11. (a) heritage (b) heir (c) height (d) heirse
12. (a) exorcised (b) disenchanted (c) disifiusioned (d) demolished
13. (a) herroin (b) handsome (c) handkerchief (d) halo
14. (a) haemorrhage (b) headdress (c) hairdryer (d) halluccinate
15. (a) Relieve (b) Protein (c) Deceit (d) Frieght
16. (a) masquarade (b) manage (c) manageable (d) malign
17. (a) martyr (b) marmalade (c) marvel (d) manoevre
18. (a) accede (b) accelerometer (c) baloon (d) beagle
19. (a) verbose (b) ambivalent (c) epigraph (d) ambigous
20. (a) reward (b) reserved (c) rancuor (d) rapture
21. (a) Idiosyncracy (b) illiterate (c) Humorous (d) Bearable
22. (a) Contempt (b) Playwright (c) Siege (d) Deterence
23. (a) Weird (b) Threshold (c) Baggage (d) Sychophant
24. (a) reply (b) resamblance (c) repetition (d) repertoire
25. (a) sergent (b) Silhouette (c) Session (d) Somnambulist
1.(c) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5.(d) 6.(b) 7.(a) 8.(c) 9.(b) 10.(b)
11.(d) 12.(c) 13.(a) 14.(d) 15.(d) 16.(a) 17.(d) 18.(c) 19.(d) 20.(c)
21.(a) 22.(d) 23.(d) 24.(b) 25.(a)

Directions: In each of the following questions, four word-choices have been given. Out of
these four words, you have to choose the wrongly spelt word
1. a) Superanuated (b) Veterinarian (c) Successor (d) Illegitimate
2. (a) various (b) turmaric (c) vagrant (d) titan
3. (a) vacillate (b) vacuum (c) trustful (d) trunchion
4. (a) kilometer (b) jiopardize (c) knowledge (d) knife
5. (a) Renunciation (b) Quotiant (c) Survivor (d) Efficient
6. (a) Resistant (b) Advertise (c) Agravate (d) Sensitive
7. (a) defective (b) deficit (c) deranged (d) detarrent
8. (a) tornado (b) hurricane (c) sunami (d) blitz
9. (a) Commemoration (b) Accommodation
(c) Asassination (d) Association
10. (a) Entertaining (b) ‘flactable (c) Suprimacy (d) Receipt
11. (a) Irascible (b) Feasible (c) Conceit (d) Cemetary
12. (a) reprise (b) reprieve (c) representative (d) resistence
13. (a) Gorgeous (b) discription (c) Fahrenheit (d) Trafficking
14. (a) Ibesday (b) Doctrine (c) Neighbor (d) Religeon
15. (a) Plebeian (b) Refference (c) Sinecure (d) Precise
16. (a) Amicable (b) Barely (c) Hienous (d) Baited
17. (a) Indestructible (b) Dissipation (c) Inerradicable (d) Inflexible
18. (a) departure (b) avarsion (c) avoid (d) boundation
19. (a) contemplation (b) recollected (c) visulaised (d) revealed
20. (a) Reballion (b) Centralization (c) Devaluation (d) Cancellation
21. (a) Supervising (b) Misnomer (c) Spongy (d) Irridescent
22. (a) Misdemeanour (b) Mischeif (c) Sufficient (d) Exhaustible
23. (a) Anniversery (b) Bureaucracy (c) Heresy (d) Secrecy
24. (a) Torpedoes (b) Tomatoes (c) Suppliment (d) Support
25. (a) Preposterous (b) Disasterous (c) Murderous (d) Onerous
1.(a) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(d) 8.(c) 9.(c) 10.(c)
11.(d) 12.(d) 13.(b) 14.(d) 15.(b) 16.(c) 17.(c) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(a)
21.(d) 22.(b) 23.(a) 24.(c) 25.(b)


Directions: Out of the four alternatives choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the given word.
1. Mania
(a) greatness (b) fame (c) madness (d) wisdom
2. Perish
(a) disintegrate (b) die (c) destroy (d) vanish
3. Allure
(a) tempt (b) attempt (c) deceive (d) praise
4. Corroborate
(a) collaborate (b) substantiate (c) co-operate (d) correlate
5. Aptitude
(a) disposition (b) stupidity (c) apathy (d) essence
6. Sloth
(a) morbidity (b) activity (c) torpor (d) caricature
7. Querulous
(a) faint (b) intense (c) peevish (d) sanitary
8. Obfuscate
(a) copy (b) perplex (c) criticize (d) exchange
9. Flimsy
(a) thin (b) thick (c) abstract (d) framed
10. Bondage
(a) duty (b) labur (c) service (d) slavery
11. Scorn
(a) ridicule (b) laugh (c) condemn (d) criticize
12. Anomalous
(a) peculiar (b) normal (c) uncouth (d) uncanny
13. Amity
(a) hostility (b) bedlam (c) tumult (d) harmony
14. Docile
(a) submissive (b) lovable (c) weak (d) innocent
15. Georgeous

(a) ugly (b) magnificent (c) grumpy (d) repulsive
16. Imminent
(a) licentious (b) impending (c) unpripe (d) illicit
17. Gruff
(a) affable (b) rough (c) sober (d) glad
18. Elective
(a) voluntary (b) elite (c) compulsory (d) eloquent
19. Grave
(a) solemn (b) flippant (c) surly (d) churlish
20. Genuine
(a) good (b) real (c) attractive (d) lovable
21. Attenuate
(a) atone (b) expiate (c) aspire (d) diminish
22. Apothecary
(a) butcher (b) druggist (c) mathematician (d) military officer
23. Fortitude
(a) resolution (b) infirmity (c) liberty (d) emancipation
24. Lucidity
(a) fluidity (b) politeness (c) clarity (d) fluency
25. Indict
(a) implicate (b) elude (c) charge (d) manifest
1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(b) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(a) 10.(d)
11.(a) 12.(a) 13.(d) 14.(a) 15.(b) 16.(b) 17.(b) 18.(a) 19.(a) 20.(b)
21.(d) 22.(b) 23.(a) 24.(c) 25.(c)

Directions: Out of the four alternatives choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the given word.
1. Mitigate
(a) stain (b) soothe (c) repeal (d) contaminate
2. Ludicrous
(a) nonsensical (b) merciless (c) laborious (d) gloomy
3. Thrift
(a) panacea (b) sparing (c) laziness (d) trouble
4. Salient
(a) valiant (b) variant (c) prudent (d) prominent

5. Determinate
(a) demonic (b) infinite (c) certain (d) uncertain
6. Hidebound
(a) fraudulent (b) bigoted (c) negligent (d) hidden
7. Jeopardise
(a) immature (b) secure (c) jape (d) prank stingy
8. Naïve
(a) immature (b) sophisticated (c) vernacular (d) stingy
9. Sullen
(a) lively (b) tough (c) stinking (d) brooding
10. Indefinite
(a) sure (b) neutral (c) certain (d) ambiguous
11. Remarkable
(a) notable (b) isolated (c) averse (d) sacred
12. Freelance
(a) self-betrayed (b) self-centered (c) self-employed (d) self-driven
13. Baleful
(a) harmless (b) piquant (c) ludicrous (d) baneful
14. Haughtiness
(a) meekness (b) arrogance (c) annoyance (d) ugliness
15 Feud
(a) quarrel (b) debate (c) want (d) digest
16. Vicissitudes
(a) sorrows (b) misfortunes (c) changes (d) surprises
17. Circumscribed
(a) limited (b) entangled (c) destroyed )d) eroded
18. Tirade
(a) denunciation (b) eulogy (c) discredit (d) speech
19. Snag
(a) device (b) instrument (c) hindrance (d) apparatus
20. Rambling
(a) long-winded (b) precise (c) sensible (d) requisite
21. Dormant
(a) dominant (b) operational (c) tight (d) quiescent
22. Prudent
(a) conscientious (b) considerate (c) rash (d) infantile

23. Impetuous
(a) deliberate (b) unrelenting (c) rash (d) impractical
24. Merriment
(a) gloom (b) jollity (c) demency (d) boon
25. Nexus
(a) deficit (b) difference (c) connection (d) distance
1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(c) 6.(b) 7.(a) 8.(a) 9.(d) 10.(d)
11.(a) 12.(c) 13.(d) 14(b) 15.(a) 16.(c) 17.(a) 18.(a) 19.(c) 20.(a)
21.(d) 22.(b) 23.(c) 24.(b) 25.(c)

Directions: Out of the four alternatives choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the given word.

1. Stormy
(a) still (b) tempestuous (c) tensile (d) burly
2. Garrulous
(a) sociable (b) showy (c) gourmet (d) talkative
3. Coddle
(a) huddle (b) satisfy (c) protect (d) cheat
4. Decay
(a) perish (b) adjourn (c) defy (d) debilitate
5. Degenerate
(a) insert (b) decline (c) raise (d) bless
6. Implicit
(a) impassive (b) expressed (c) feasible (d) implied
7. Felicity
(a) prosperity (b) honesty (c) bliss (d) sorrow
8. Retribution
(a) opulence (b) vengeance (c) trepidation (d) absurdity
9. Reticent
(a) tactful (b) restful (c) radiant (d) reserved
10. Reprisal
(a) frankness (b) retaliation (c) feedback (d) grace
11. Cajole
(a) insist (b) persuade (c) flatter (d) recommend

12. Fragrance
(a) taste (b) aroma (c) sight (d) touch
13. Dilemma
(a) clarity (b) certainty (c) inundation (d) quandary
14. Belittle
(a) extol (b) befog (c) derogate (d) impinage
15. Accountrements
(a) relatives (b) companions (c) calculations (d) equipments
16. Exhaustive
(a) exclusive (b) stimulating (c) curtailed (d) comprehensive
17. Solecism
(a) wise saying (b) witty quip (c) clever argument (d) grammatical error
18. Execrable
(a) superfluous (b) vile (c) impeccable (d) precise
19. Savour
(a) taste (b) protector (c) sour () flavour
20. Rivalled
(a) hatred (b) revised (c) competed (d) contradicted
21. Absorbing
(a) boring (b) dull (c) interesting (d) unreasonable
22. Surrender
(a) exist (b) submit (c) fight (d) bewilder
23. Supplicate
(a) plead (b) overcome (c) relax (d) threaten
24. Acquaint
(a) arouse (b) introduce (c) appoint (d) acquire
25. Change
(a) alter (b) renew (c) review (d) repeat
1.(b) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5.(b) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(d) 10.(b)
11.(c) 12.(b) 13.(d) 14.(c) 15.(d) 16.(d) 17.(d) 18.(b) 19.(a) 20.(c)
21.(c) 22.(b) 23.(a) 24.(b) 25.(a)

Directions: Out of the four alternatives choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the given word.
1. Disinterested

(a) biased (b) impartial (c) careless (d) uninterested
2. Overcome
(a) surrender (b) fluctuate (c) surmount (d) garnish
3. Quixotic
(a) sluggish (b) fanciful (c) practical (d) unusual
4. Patience
(a) rashness (b) penchant (c) fervour (d) persistence
5. Promisuous
(a) conspicuous (b) virtuous (c) indiscriminate (d) spontaneous
6. Palpable
(a) feeble (b) overt (c) queer (d) appealing
7. Dazed
(a) tricked (b) teased (c) stunned (d) confused
8. Felicitate
(a) rebuke (b) complain (c) compliment (d) accomplish
9. Exaggerate
(a) exorcise (b) excuse (c) overstate (d) investigate
10. Menacingly
(a) harmfully (b) hideously (c) dangerously (d) threateningly
11. Effusive
(a) expressive (b) enthusiastic (c) implicit (d) intense
12. Secede
(a) adhere (b) merge (c) split (d) masticate
13. Tactful
(a) indiscreet (b) diplomatic (c) worldly (d) spiritual
14. Perquisite
(a) incentive (b) privilege (c) bonus (d) reward
15. Parsimonious
(a) thrifty (b) traitor (c) penitent (d) dismal
16. Divulge
(a) declare (b) hide (c) lend (d) reveal
17. Preposterous
(a) apt (b) outrageous (c) prejudiced (d) prodigal
18. Lavish
(a) stingy (b) prodigal (c) deficient (d) prominent
19. Fidelity

(a) affection (b) allegiance (c) accuracy (d) loyalty
20. Ingenuous
(a) artful (b) cunning (c) clever (d) innocent
21. Innocuous
(a) harmless (b) insufficient (c) irresponsible (d) careless
22. Insolent
(a) insoluble (b) depreciating (c) the sole of a shoe (d) disre
23. Reconciliation
(a) reinstatement (b) resolution (c) reverberation (d) refutation
24. Infringement
(a) contravention (b) grilling (c) legacy (d) duplicity
25. Consummate
(a) masterly (b) persistent (c) discreet (d) sustained
1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(c) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(c) 9.(c) 10.(d)
11.(a) 12.(c) 13.(b) 14.(b) 15.(a) 16.(d) 17.(b) 18.(b) 19.(d) 20.(d)
21.(a) 22.(d) 23.(b) 24.(b) 25.(a)

Directions: Out of the four alternatives choose the one which best expresses the
meaning of the given word.
1. Disguise -
(a) disclose (b) veil (c) unravel (d) complicate
2. Sage
(a) ignorant (b) thinker (c) brute (d) scoundrel
3. Disparate
(a) similar (b) dismal (c) diversified (d) monotonous
4. Flummoxed
(a) poised (b) bewildered (c) oblivious (d) punctilious
5. Arduous
(a) simple (b) uphill (c) passionate (d) modest
6. Admonish
(a) warn (b) escape (c) worship (d) distribute
7. Estranged
(a) cohabiting (b) divorced (c) injured (d) sick
8. Fatal
(a) terrible (b) deadly (c) poisonous (d) wrong

9. Handsome
(a) ugly (b) blunt (c) comely (d) robust
10. Poach
(a) catch (b) hunt (c) preach (d) plunder
11. Virtuous
(a) courteous (b) intelligent (c) chaste (d) helpful
12. Equivocal
(a) explicit (b) inaccurate (c) dubious (d) obvious
13. Niggardly
(a) poised (b) stale (c) stingy (d) hostile
14. Daring
(a) triumphant (b) dauntless (c) murderous (d) elegant
15. Itinerant
(a) frequent use of the word ‘it’ (b) anything involving repetition
(c) plan for a proposed journey (d) travelling from place to place
16. Detrimental
(a) crooked (b) injurious (c) desultory (d) deleterious
17. Congregation
(a) unison (b) gathering (c) conformity (d) anxiety
18. Grandeur
(a) conjecture (b) majesty (c) pledge (d) voracity
19. Bias
(a) fairness (b) logical thought (c) prejudice (d) puzzling situation
20. Irreverence
(a) disrespect (b) cruelty (c) unkindness (d) invalidity
21. Inadvertent
(a) accidental (b) slack (c) contaminated (d) insolent
22. Ashamed
(a) dauntless (b) ingenious (c) modest (d) abashed
23. Pleasure
(a) happiness (b) comfort (c) privilege (d) support
24. Onus
(a) antipathy (b) inclination (c) responsibility (d) prudence
25. Essential
(a) trivial (b) hidden (c) obvious (d) vital

1.(b) 2.(b) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5.(b) 6.(a) 7.(b) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(b)
11.(c) 12.(c) 13.(c) 14.(b) 15.(d) 16.(b) 17.(b) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(a)
21.(a) 22.(d) 23.(a) 24.(c) 25.(d)


1. To make a mountain of a molehill

(a) to make advantage of a small thing
(b) to give great importance to little things
(c) to get into trouble
(d) to see a thing with prejudiced mind
2. hand in glove
(a) in close relationship (b) non-cooperative
(c) critical (d) on bad terms
3. The refrigerator that I had bought frum the city shop has been on the blink for nearlysix
(a) Missing (b) Working properly
(c) Not working properly (d) Retained by repairing center
4. In the long run.
(a) Permanently (b) Universally (c) Occasionally (d) Ultimately
5. His explanation for his being late does not hold water for me.
(a) Is beyond doubt (b) Is really very convincing
(c) Does not seem true to (d) Is too pathetic
6. I find a man of his wisdom once in a blue moon.
(a) Very rarely (b) Every day (c) In very locality (d) Very often
7. Salma can never be easily fooled by cock and bull stories.
(a) stories of birds and animals (b) unbelievable stories
(c) stories dealing with fight (d) stories of adventure
8. Every one agreed to his proposal with a grain of salt.
(a) Completely (b) At once (c) In the end (d) Not completely
9. You should choose only those who will not bury their heads in the sand in face of a
(a) Fight (b) Refuse to deal with unpleasant situations
(c) Change sides (d) Change their mind
10. China has progressed by leaps and bounds in the last ten years.
(a) very slowly and illegally (b) in a continuous way

(c) very quickly (d) without following the normal criterion
11. My school headmaster has asked the school staff to do its task by the book.
(a) By studying the book (b) Following rules and regulations strictly
(c) As per its wish (d) According to his order
12. Adarkhorse
(a) an unforeseen competitor (b) a black horse
(c) a nightmare (d) an unknown person
13. Mothers are always blind to their children’s faults.
(a) tolerant of (b) insensitive to (c) indifferent to (d) ignorant of
14. There should be proper security arrangements because there is always a chance of such a
huge crowd of youths’ running riot.
(a) Starting peaceful protest (b) Behaving in a wild way
(c) Trying to know the truth (d) Running towards the VIP area
15. If you read between the lines in this letter, he wants you there in his cornpany.
(a) Riad carefully (b) Look for the hidden meaning
(c) Read improperly (d) Hurriedly
16. The reasons cited by the manager for a fall in production did not hold water at the annual
general body meeting.
(a) prove easy (b) improve attendance
(c) sound valid (d) conform to rules
17. He is the same in weal and woe.
(a) Office and home (b) All seasons
(c) Prosperity and adversity (d) Everywhere
18. Recitation of mantras in part and parcel of Hindu worships.
(a) Trivial (b) Insignificant
(c) Essential point (d) The most important part
19. He is so furious that he would go through fire and water to revenge himself on his
(a) approach everybody for help (b) avail himself of any opportuni
(c) use any conceivable method (d) undergo any risk
20. Mr. Sharma is upset for he was given the cold shoulder in the party organized by the
colleague Mr. Das.
(a) Treated in an unfriendly way (b) Beaten in confusion
(c) The first seat (d) Given hug
21. The sword of Damocles
(a) imminent danger (b) a special type of sword
(c) an old sword (d) an instant remedy

22. A white elephant
(a) a rare elephant (b) a costly gift
(c) a beautiful thing (d) a very costly and useless posse
23. To keep under wraps means to keep something.
(a) covered (b) protected (c) unpacked (d) secret
24. He left the town under a cloud.
(a) of his own accord (b) in disgrace
(c) with a heavy heart (d) when it was raining
25. The young boy’s act put his father in a pickle.
(a) in a funny position (b) in a serious position
(c) in a sad situation (d) in an embarrassing or awkward situation
1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(d) 5.(c) 6.(a) 7.(b) 8.(d) 9.(b) 10.(c)
11.(b) 12.(a) 13.(c) 14.(b) 15.(b) 16.(c) 17.(c) 18.(c) 19.(d) 20.(a)
21.(a) 22.(d) 23.(b) 24.(b) 25.(d)


1. Had he done so, it would have been fatal for him and had he not done so, it would have been
fatal for his brother. He was between Scylla and Charybdis,
(a) Between a good choice and a bad choice (b) Between two difficulties
(c) Between two good choice (d) In confusion
2. There is no bad blood between Anil and Sanjay.
(a) Friendship (b) Camaraderie (c) Enmity (d) Confusion
Idioms and Phrases. 359
3. The beleagured politician was anxious to set the record straight.
(a) give a speech (b) win party support
(c) give a correct account (d) make a confession
4. He promised to look into the matter.
(a) to take care of (b) to investigate
(c) to question (d) to peer closely at
5. It is bad to try to fish in troubled waters.
(a) catch fish in disturbed waters. (b) make a profit out of a disturbance.
(c) go for fishing and cause trouble. (d) fish in hot weather.
6. Thousands put on a daily fight to keep the wolf from the door.
(a) guard from pickpockets (b) ward off mosquitoes

(c) keep oneself healthy (d) avoid starvation
7. They have made many changes in the policy; but how many of these changes are going to
affect the man in the street?
(a) the homeless man (b) the ordinary man
(c) the man who works on the street (d) the man who repairs roads
8. The US President, Obama will pass through the street in a convoy of Ambassador
(a) In security of (b) Hurriedly (c) Secretly (d) In a group
9. The Peon was at his wits end when the Manager called for him.
(a) puzzled (b) alert (c) afraid (d) worried
10. None of his classmates like him for he blows his own trumpet all the time.
(a) Abuses others (b) Harasses (c) Criticises himself (d) Boasts
11. There is hue and cry about his appointment as the Governor of West Bengal.
(a) Happiness all around (b) Loud public protest
(c) Doubt (d) Absolute certainty
12. When he was outnumbered the criminal was forced to give himself up.
(a) to surrender (b) to hide
(c) to commit sucide (d) to escape
13. It was a red letter day in the history of the world
(a) a day with bloodshed
(b) a dangerous note about the destruction
(c) a day memorable for some joyful event
(d) a day with love and warmth
14. Chintan is so innocent that he wears his heart on his sleeve
(a) Wears dress that does not match.
(b) Expresses his feelings openly.
(c) Wears colourful dresses.
(d) Expresses his feelings with the shape of a heart printed on its sleeve.
15. Tagore was a man of letters.
(a) of wide contacts (b) an excellent letter dictator
(c) a great writer of letters (d) proficient in literary art
16. Before arrival of her in-laws to her home, she set her drawing room in apple.pie order
(a) In disorder (b) like a fruit shop
(c) In very neat and tidy condition (d) In an order as apples are kept
17. Unlike you, I don’t like doing things at the eleventh hour.
(a) So fast (b) Slowly (c) At last moment (d) Very early

18. The man was wrong about the result of the election and had to eat Ms words.
(a) eat his pamphlets (b) take back his statements
(c) speak to his opponents (d) make friends with others
19. They moved heaven and earth but couldn’t save their leader’s life
(a) Did everything possible (b) Prayed God and spent money
(c) Went to every hospital (d) Fought bravely
20. Who don’t you put an end to blowing your own trumpet?
(a) Playing your own trumpet to produce music
(b) making too much noise
(c) praising your own abilities and achievements
(d) none of the above
21. Jai’s father looks like an uneducated villager even though he is a man of letters.
(a) A typist (b) A scholar
(c) An author (d) A studious person
22. This kind of a vehicle will sell like hot cake.
(a) Sell slowly and in less quantity (b) Prove a setback for the company
(c) Will not give a lot of profit (d) Sell quickly and in great quantities
23. To be a great General, one has to pass through fire and water.
(a) To know fire fighting and swimming (b) To work in fire brigade and heavy
(c) To experience all types of hardships (d) To train himself well
24. The fame brought to you by good performance in a match is a nine day’s wonder.
(a) A great wonder (b) Something that remains for short time
(c) A long awaited wonder (d) A wonderful record
25. Ijoined college late and found it difficult to catch up with other student.
(a) to compete with (b) to come to their level
(c) to overtake them (d) to hold them and stop
1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5.(b) 6.(d) 7.(b) 8.(d) 9.(a) 10.(c)
11.(b) 12.(a) 13.(c) 14.(b) 15.(d) 16.(c) 17.(c) 18.(b) 19.(a) 20.(c)
21.(b) 22.(d) 23.(c) 24.(b) 25.(b)


1. At the eleventh hour

(a) too late (b) too early (c) immediately (d) at the last moment
2. to burn one’s fingers

(a) to get hurt physically (b) to suffer financial losses
(c) to find work (d) to suffer nervous break down
3. toaddfueltofire
(a) to investigate (b) to insulate (c) to initiate (d) to incite
4. He works in fits and starts.
(a) consistently (b) irregularly (c) in high spirits (d) enthusiastically
5. The story of his survival in Tsunami beggars description.
(a) Is beyond description (b) Is interesting
(c) Is described by a beggar (d) Has not been described by anyone
6. She is walking on air since she got the news of her success in the entrance test.
(a) feeling giddy (b) feeling nervous (c) feeling happy (d) feeling anxious
7. Tobeataretreat
(a) to withdraw in defeat or humiliation
(b) to withdraw after scoring a victory
(c) to march back after a ceremonious parade
(d) to run away in fear
8. My brother joined this party of his own accord.
(a) Under compulsion (b) Due to inconvenience
(c) Voluntarily (d) Due to his own mistake
9. Reshuffling of the cabinet is on the cards.
(a) Likely to happen (b) Not probable in near future
(c) Based on lottery (d) Under public watch
10. I will not allow you to play ducks and drakes with my money.
(a) destroy (b) save (c) bet (d) waste
11. All government policies should be oriented to the welfare of the man in the street.
(a) Beggars (b) Homeless man (c) Peddlers (d) Common man
12. 1 did not mind what he was saying. He was only talking through his hat.
(a) talking insultingly (b) talking irresponsibly
(c) talking nonsense (d) talking angrily
13. To bury the hatchet
(a) to dispute over small things (b) to destroy
(c) to repair a costly furniture (d) to forget an old quarrel and make peace
14. Our school is within a stone’s throw of the railway station
(a) very far-off (b) with a certain radius
(c) at a short distance (d) within a defmite circumference
15. Syria is now currying favour with America.

(a) pleasing (b) favouring (c) obliging (d) ingratiating itself with
16. The plan has been a failure on the whole.
(a) Completely (b) In general (c) Partially (d) In my opinion
17. After returning from school, she seems out of sorts.
(a) Happy (b) Relaxed (c) Naughty (d) Sick
18. She had no clue about how the accident had come about.
(a) prevented (b) not taken place (c) happened (d) been avoided
19. My mother came across Ravi at the India Gate.
(a) saw (b) waited for (c) met by chance (d) invited
20. It is clear that the ideas of both reformers ran in the same groove.
(a) promoted each other (b) clashed with each other
(c) moved in harmony (d) moved in different directions
21. This place affords a bird’s eye view of the green valley below.
(a) a beautiful view (b) a narrow view (c) an overview (d) an ugly view
22. The organizing committee threw itself heart and soul to complete the games successfully.
(a) Under pressure (b) With a lot of energy and enthusiasm
(c) Greedily (d) Quickly
23. To get one’s own back
(a) to get one’s revenge (b) to get control over someone
(c) to get one’s position back (d) to get hold of someone
24. Fresh out of college, Rant found it difficult to get a job as he was wet behind the ears.
(a) unhealthy (b) irresponsible (c) unsuitable (d) inexperienced
25. The officer kicked up a row over the issue.
(a) avoided the issue (b) gave strict orders
(c) gave a kick in the air (d) made a great fuss
1.(d) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(a) 8.(c) 9.(a) 10.(d)
11.(d) 12.(c) 13.(d) 14.(c) 15.(b) 16.(b) 17.(d) 18.(c) 19.(c) 20.(a)
21.(c) 22.(b) 23.(a) 24.(d) 25.(d)


1. To be under a cloud
(a) to be hidden (b) to be suspicious (c) to be in the dark (d) to be in disgrace
2. He burnt his fingers by interfering in his neighbour’s affair

(a) got himself into trouble (b) burnt himself
(c) got himself insulted (d) got rebuked
3. She could never meastire up to her parent’s expectation.
(a) Reach the level (b) Work as hard
(c) Assess the amount (d) Increase her height
4. The little girl with her flawless performance stole the show.
(a) Stole something from the show (b) Crept into the show
(c) Won everybody’s praise (d) Disappeared from the show
5. A Herculean task
(a) A task which requires enormous courage.
(b) A task which requires great effort.
(c) A task which requires little effort.
(d) A task which requires a lot of patience.
6. like wildfire
(a) rapidly (b) partially (c) here and there (d) slowly
7. He has been blamed for giving the game away to their rival group.
(a) Losing the match (b) Favouring his opponents
(c) Match fixing (d) Revealing his personal secret plan
8. The teacher’s extra hours of coaching went a long way in improving the student’s
(a) took great effort (b) spent a lot of time
(c) extended widely (d) helped considerably
9. We wanted to keep the gift as a surprise for mother but my sister gave the game away,
(a) lot the game (b) gave out the secret
(c) played badly (d) withdrew from the game
10. During the plot allotment, everyone chased the lion’s share.
(a) The violent lion (b) The man eaten lion
(c) The largest share (d) Lion’s footsteps
11. Indian police is, on the whole, high handed in dealing with citizens,
(a) kind (b) overbearing (c) prompt (d) adept
12. 1 take exception to your statement that I am bad tempered.
(a) do not agree (b) feel unhappy (c) object (d) feel angry
13. Our house is within a stone’s throw from the Red Building.
(a) far off (b) far away (c) very near to (d) beside
14. A snake in the grass
(a) a very poisonous snake (b) a secret agent

(c) an unrecognisable enemy or danger (d) not a reliable person
15. Totumoveranewleaf
(a) to change one’s behaviour for the better (b) to read something attentively
(c) to remain vigilant (d) to be careful
16. Sehwag is at neck and neck with Tendulkar.
(a) Same level in a competition (b) For behind
(c) For ahead (d) Good terms
17. In spite of the immense pressure exerted by the militants, the Govt. has decided not to give
(a) accede (b) yield (c) oblige (d) conform
18. Politicians like Raj Thackeray should not be given any chance to prosper as it’s better to nip
the evil in the bud.
(a) Kill a politician like him (b) To stop a future threat from developi
(c) Keep silent against a criminal (d) Vote his rival
19. Over the years, we remained loyal through thick and thin.
(a) in spite of all the difficulties (b) to our principles
(c) to employers and subordinates (d) in married life
20. The Chinese Communist Party is teetering on the brink of collapse.
(a) far from but approaching (b) divided on
(c) very dose to an unpleasant situation of (d) holding a discussion to save itself from
21. We should give a wide berth to bad characters.
(a) give publicly to (b) not sympathise with
(c) keep away from (d) publicly condemn
22. He has not hired any gardener as he has a green thumb.
(a) Has a gardener friend (b) Is a miser person
(c) Is an industrious person (d) Is good at gardening
23. 1 was astounded when tiger appeared in front of me out of thin air.
(a) Suddenly from no where (b) Suddenly from a nearby jungle
(c) Suddenly from a zoo (d) Suddenly from behind
24. The captains of the rival teams should try to bury the hatchet.
(a) forget the past (b) put up a stiff competition
(c) make peace forgetting the past enmity (d) win the game forgetting the past enmity
25. He stopped at the bar to wet his whistle.
(a) have a drink (b) have a nap (c) be happy (d) have a problem
1.(d) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(b) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(d) 9.(b) 10.(c)

11.(b) 12.(c) 13.(c) 14.(c) 15.(a) 16.(a) 17.(b) 18.(b) 19.(a) 20.(c)
21.(c) 22.(d) 23.(a) 24.(c) 25.(a)


1. During the last moments of his life, the criminal made a clean breast of everything he had
(a) Showed his breast (b) Fought like a hero
(c) Confessed without reserve (d) Faced bravely
2. While taking decision about it, it is always advisable to you that you look at its pros
and cons well.
(a) Positive and negative points (b) Detailed form
(c) Background (d) Historical connections
3. He has a way with words and that makes him a successful salesman.
(a) speaks convincingly (b) speaks continuously
(c) speaks truthfully (d) speaks briefly
4. to look down one’s nose
(a) to show anger (b) to retaliate
(c) to insult in the presence of others (d) to regard with contempt
5. to shed crocodile tears
(a) to weep profusely (b) to pretend grief
(c) to grieve seriously (d) to mock something
6. The pros and cons
(a) arguments in favour and against (b) the summary
(c) the merits (d) the demerits
7. In a debate, no one is allowed to sit on the fence.
(a) to avoid taldng sides (b) to insult a speaker
(c) ro relax while others speak (d) to agree with everyone
8. He has the habit of getting into a row over trivial matters.
(a) seeking the help (b) picking up a fight
(c) getting a right path (d) giving unwanted advice
9. asmailfry
(a) little (b) important (c) unimportant (d) weak
10. If you read between the lines, you will appreciate what he writes.
(a) can read leaving lines in between (b) can read a lot quicker

(c) know what the writer thinks (d) can read and write in the language.
11. To throw dust in one’s eyes.
(a) to harm someone (b) to deceive
(c) to show false things (d) to make blind
12. Having no arguments to defend his point, the speaker began to beat about the bush.
(a) wander across the words (b) speak in a haphazard manner
(c) speak in a round-about manner (d) make use of irrelevant reference
13. They were offered six months’ rent in lieu of notice to vacate the building.
(a) is spite of (b) in place of (c) despite of (d) in addition to
14. The reputed company is in the red due to the recession
(a) making money (b) losing money
(c) in danger (d) spending money
15. You need not beat about the bush about it; be direct and precise.
(a) Not to talk about main point (b) Speak hurriedly
(c) Be hesitant (d) Be afraid
16. The Madagascar Coup attempt ended in a fiasco.
(a) had no effect (b) was an utter failure
(c) resulted in blood-shed (d) was a disaster
17. His sudden demise has proved to be a bolt from the blue for his family.
(a) A boon (b) An unexpected crisis
(c) An expected event (d) An ordinary affair
18. This NGO has been awarded for its Yeoman’s service in the field of education and
health in rural areas.
(a) Difficult service (b) Unique service
(c) Nominal contribution (d) Excellent service
19. Chandra Kant, the young fellow of my office who you met in yesterday’s party, does his duty
with zest and zeal.
(a) With great fervour (b) Reluctantly (c) Honestly (d) In a systematic manner
20. The possibility of his termination fnm the post in light of the recent case of misconduct is
hanging over him like a sword of Damocles.
(a) A brutal weapon (b) A shining sword
(c) A danger that continuously threatens him
(d) A blunt sword of Mr. Damocles
21. The Criminal was pardoned at the eleventh hour just as he was about to be hanged.
(a) at eleven o’clock (b) suddenly (c) at the very last moment (d) at midnight
22. to speak one’s mind.

(a) To be frank and honest (b) To think aloud
(c) To talk about one’s ideas (d) To express one’s thoughts
23. There is no use decorating this room because you will find everything here at sixes and
sevens after they have returned from school.
(a) Well arranged (b) Decorated in the best manner
(c) Arranged itself (d Plaste of disorder and confusion
24. If he phones again, I am going to give him piece of my mind.
(a) To be nice to him (b) To take revenge on him
(c) To reprimand him (d) To support him
25. Jenny missed her name in the merit list by the skin of her teeth.
(a) Due to toothache (b) By mistake of the examiner
(c) By a small margin (d) Unfortunately
1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(d) 5.(b) 6.(a) 7.(a) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(c)
11.(b) 12.(d) 13.(b) 14.(b) 15.(a) 16.(b) 17.(b) 18.(d) 19.(a) 20.(c)
21.(c) 22.(a) 23.(d) 24.(b) 25.(c)


Directions: Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given words/sentence.
1. The person who is indifferent to pain or pleasure
(a) Philistine (b) Opaque (b) Stoic (c) Infallible
2. The person who studies and collects postage stamps
(a) Altruist (b) Philatelist (c) Physicist (d) Martinet
3. Place of burial
(a) Cave (b) Church (c) Synagogue (d) Cemetry
4. Cautious observation of events, etc.
(a) Surveillance (b) Circumspection (c) Profanity (d) Introduction
5. Flat metal or porcelain plate fixed on a wall as an ornament or memorial
(a) Claque (b) Directory (c) Plaque (d) Dyke
6. To mediate between two parties in a dispute
(a) Interfere (b) Interact (c) Interrupt (d) Intercede
7. A place where a lot of people go on holiday or Vacation
(a) Casino (b) Museum (c) Resort (d) Sanatorium
8. A remedy of all diseases
(a) Panacea (b) Inertia (c) Replica (d) Amnesia
9. Hard to understand
(a) Credulous (b) Depraved (c) Plaque (d) Abstruse
10. Language that has been very much used
(a) Hackneyed (b) Patois (c) Reveille (d) Odyssey
11. An involuntary action under a stimulus is described as a
(a) Complex (b) Reflex (c) Reflection (d) Response
12. On who never makes a mistake
(a) Infallible (b) Incorrigible (c) Ineffable (d) Inexorable
13. A tank where fish or water plants are kept
(a) Aviary (b) Aquarium (c) Nursery (d) Sanatorium
14. Avoiding wastage
(a) Economic (b) Economical (c) Minimal (d) Optimational
15. Words written on the tomb of a dead person

(a) Epigraph (b) Epilogue (c) Epitaph (d) Etymology
16. A handwriting that cannot be read
(a) Illegible (b) Inedible (c) Illegal (d) Illicit
17. The line when the land and sky seems to meet
(a) Atmosphere (b) Milky Way (c) Horizon (d) Distant land
18. A Government by the officials
(a) Plutocracy (b) Aristocracy (c) Bureaucracy (d) Extrovert
19. One who offers his services without charging for it
(a) Philanderer (b) Volunteer (c) Mercenary (d) Missionary
20. Bitter and violent attack in words,
(a) Diaspora (b) Diacriticism (c) Diadem (d) Diatribe
21. A political and economic system that believes that everyone has equal right to a share of
country’s wealh and that government should own and control the main industries
(a) Democracy (b) Socialism (c) Autocracy (d) Captialism
22. A level area of open ground in a town for people to walk along, often by the sea or a river
(a) Esplanade (b) Cascade (c) Rostrum (d) Dais
23. A collection of poems
(a) Poetry (b) Anthology (c) Vocabulary (d) Dictionary
24. A light shoe made of strong cloth with a sole made of rope
(a) Edifice (b) Tweed (c) Espadrille (d) Spire
25. The scientific study and comparison of human races
(a) Entomology (b) Genealogy (c) Ethnology (d) Epistemology
1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(a) 9.(d) 10.(a)
11.(d) 12.(a) 13.(b) 14.(b) 15.(c) 16.(a) 17.(c) 18.(c) 19.(b) 20.(d)
21.(b) 22.(d) 23.(b) 24.(c) 25.(c)

Directions: Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given words/sentence.

1. One whose attitude is : ‘eat, drink and be merry’

(a) Epicurean (b) Cynic (c) Materialistic (d) Stoic
2. Reproducing or memorizing word for word
(a) Verbatim (b) Verbose (c) Verbiage (d) Verbalism
3. The person who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellowmen
(a) Scholar (b) Belligerent (c) Cynic (d) Iconoclast

4. Afternoon theatrical or musical performance
(a) Assortment (b) Incantatory (c) Statement (d) Matinee
5. Careful in the spending of money, time etc.
(a) Punctual (b) Economical (c) Miserly (d) Calculative
6. The man who is womanish in his habits
(a) Stylist (b) Debator (c) Effeminate (d) Linguist
7. Someone who keeps bees.
(a) Apiarist (b) Horticulturist (c) Ornithologist (d) Pathologist
8. The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets
(a) Calligraphy (b) Cartography (c) Choreography (d) Epigraphy
9. Having juicy or flesh and thick tissues
(a) Succulent (b) Translucent (c) Dissolvent (d) Dissident
10. That cannot be cured
(a) Incurable (b) Irrevocable (c) Indelible (d) Incredible
11. Rule by new inexperienced officials
(a) Neocracy (b) Bureaucracy (c) Aristocracy (d) Fanaticism
12. That cannot be denied or questioned
(a) Insoluble (b) Indisputable (c) Irreparable (d) Implacable
13. An unexpected piece of good fortune.
(a) Windfall (b) Philanthropy (c) Benevolence (d) Thrnstile
14. An emolument over and above fixed income or salary
(a) Honorarium (b) Sinecure (c) Perquisite (d) Prerogative
15. The animals of a particular region.
(a) Flora (b) Museum (c) Zoo (d) Fauna
16. A right or advantage belonging to a particular person or group because of their importance
or social position
(a) Patent (b) Perquisite (c) Prerogative (d) Prerequisite
17. That is absolutely necessary to do
(a) Indispensable (b) Soliloquy (c) Polygon (d) Sinecure
18. A study of sounds is known as.
(a) Stylistics (b) Linguistics (c) Phonetics (d) Semantics
19. To reduce to nothing.
(a) Lull (b) Null (c) Annul (d) Cull
20. An obviously true or hackneyed statement.
(a) Syllogism (b) Iconic (c) Imagism (d) Truism
21. That which cannot be called back.

(a) Irresponsible (b) Irrevocable (c) Irredeemable (d) Incalculable
22. Declaration of plans arid promise put forward by a candidate for election or by a political
party or by a sovereign
(a) Verbiage (b) Prelude (c) Manifesto (d) Postscript
23. The gradual development of something
(a) Dirge (b) Census (c) Evolution (d) Bayonet
24. The study of family history, including the study of who the ancestors of a particular person
(a) Ethnology (b) Genealogy (c) Entomology (d) Epistemology
25. One who goes to settle in another country.
(a) Immigrant (b) Alien (c) Citizen (d) Emigrant
1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(d) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(a) 8.(c) 9.(a) 10.(a)
11.(a) 12.(b) 13.(a) 14.(c) 15.(d) 16.(c) 17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(c) 20.(d)
21.(b) 22.(c) 23.(c) 24.(b) 25.(d)

Directions: Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given words/sentence.

1. The person who loves reading books

(a) Witch (b) Wizard (c) Juggler (d) Bibliophile
2. The person who compiles a dictionary
(a) Lexicographer (b) Spinster (c) Photographer (d) Nihilist
3. One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a state
(a) Monarchist (b) Anarchist (c) Autocrat (d) Naxalite
4. On who hates mankind
(a) Philanthropist (b) Misanthrope (c) Hater (d) Iconoclast
5. Cast-off skin of a snake
(a) Borough (b) Slough (c) Viaduct (d) Bough
6. Tit for tat in words
(a) Salvo (b) Retort (c) flousseau (d) Verbiage
7. A field or a part of a garden where fruit trees are grown
(a) Park (b) Nursery (c) Yard (d) orchard
8. Indifference to pleasure or pain
(a) Docility (b) Stoicism (c) Patience (d) Reticence
9. Government by a ruler who has unlimited power.

(a) Despotism (b) Autocracy (c) Monarchy (d) Anarchy
10. An instrument for measuring wind pressure.
(a) Manometer (b) Micrometer (c) Temperature (d) Barometer
11. Ability to go on in spite of difficulties
(a) Delirious (b) Desirous (c) Perseverance (d) Pervasive
12. To die in water or any other liquid because on is unable to breathe.
(a) Sink (b) Drown (c) Flounder (d) Founder
13. A place where money is coined
(a) Mint (b) Utopia (c) Casino (d) Armoury
14. The dead skin cast off by a snake.
(a) Bough (b) Slough (c) Peeling (d) Borough
15. The person who acts against religion
(a) Humanist (b) Domicile (c) Heretic (d) Ascetic
16. To remove the offensive portions of a book
(a) Besiege (b) Diagnose (c) Expurgate (d) Damage
17. An order requiring a person to attend a court.
(a) Courtship (b) Agreement (c) Subpoena (d) Command
18. A writ commanding a person to attend court
(a) Rostrum (b) Roster (c) Fascimile (d) Subpoena
19. More than is needed or wanted.
(a) Abundant (b) Adequate (c) Sufficient (d) Superfluous
20. The extreme fondness for books is know as
(a) Bibliomania (b) Phromania (c) Cleptomania (d) Agromania
21. A place where aeroplanes are kept
(a) Hangar (b) Hanger (c) Dockyard (d) Morgue
22. A monument set up for persons who are buried else where
(a) Epitome (b) Cenotaph (c) Kiosk (d) Epitaph
23. A system of Government in which only one political party is allowed to ftrnction
(a) Oligarchy (b) Dictatorship (c) Totalitarianism (d) Theocracy
24. The person who gets retired on account of old age usually with pension
(a) Pilgrim (b) Hermit (c) Superannuated (d) Saint
25. The attitudes and behaviour of people who admires people in the higher social classes too
much and has no respect for people in the lower social class.
(a) Catechism (b) Debauchery (c) Snobbery (d) Genesis
1.(d) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(b) 5.(b) 6.(b) 7.(d) 8.(b) 9.(b) 10.(d)

11.(c) 12.(b) 13.(a) 14.(b) 15.(c) 16.(c) 17.(c) 18.(d) 19.(d) 20.(b)
21.(a) 22.(b) 23.(c) 24.(c) 25.(c)

Directions: Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given words/sentence.

1. Set of persons with exclusive interest

(a) Bevy (b) Covery (c) Troupe (d) Coterie
2. Ready to believe anything
(a) Credible (b) Incredible (c) Credulous (d) Incredulous
3. Containing information and details that strongly suggest that something is true but does not
prove it
(a) Circumstantial (b) Commensurate (c) Discrete (d) Rhetorical
4. One who goes from place to place begging alms
(a) Waif (b) Manifesto (c) Termagant (d) Mendicant
5. One who imitates the voice, gestures, etc. of another.
(a) Mimic (b) Transgressor (c) Wiseacre (d) Waif
6. The field that studies the evolution of mankind,
(a) Philosophy (b) Biology (c) Anthropology (d) Archaeology
7. The study of physical features of a place through map or chart
(a) Topogaphy (b) Geography (c) Monopoly (d) Geology
8. A place where clothes are kept
(a) Wardrobe (b) Cloak-room (c) Depot (d) Dockyar
9. The tendency of not to care for right and wrong.
(a) Amoral (b) Moral (c) Immoral (d) Immortal
10. One who is between 80 and 89 years old
(a) Sexagenarian (b) Nonagenarian (c) Septuagenarian (d) Octogenarian
11, One who hates mankind
(a) Hedonist (b) Fatalist (c) Misanthrope (d) Misogynist
12. A person who makes love without serious intention
(a) Consort (b) Philanderer (c) Romeo (d) Goon
13. To surround a place with the intention of capturing it
(a) Besiege (b) Juxtapose (c) Abdicate (d) Sever
14. A detailed written study of a single subject, usually in the form of a short book
(a) Monograph (b) Rhetoric (c) Manouvre (d) Jaunt
15. A place where exercises are performed for physical fitness

(a) Theatre (b) Court (c) Gymnasium (d) Altar
16. An official call to appear in a court of law
(a) Summon (b) Notice (c) Memorandum (d) Petitinn
17. To cut a part of a person’s body
(a) Amputate (b) Mutilate (c) Ambuscade (d) Mitigate
18. One who collects coins as a hobby
(a) Ornithologist (b) Statistician (c) Numismatist (d) Philatelist
19. A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land
(a) Isthmus (b) Continent (c) Gulf (d) Peninsula
20. The Mahabharata is a long poem based on a noble theme.
(a) summary (b) story (c) narration (d) epic
21. A person who abstains completely from alcohol drinks
(a) teetotaller (b) derelict (c) subjunctive (d) incriminatory
22. Person who files a Suit
(a) charger (b) suitor (c) plaintiff (d) accuser
23. A person who usually doubts that claims are true
(a) Termagant (b) Sceptic (c) Mendicant (d) Wiseacre
24. The state of being naked
(a) Nudity (b) Sedition (c) Elegy (d) Xenomanta
25. An emolument over and above fixed income or salary
(a) Honorarium (b) Sinecure (c) Perquisite (d) Prerogative
1.(d) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(d) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(a) 8.(a) 9.(a) 10.(d)
11.(c) 12.(b) 13.(a) 14.(a) 15.(c) 16.(a) 17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(a) 20.(d)
21.(a) 22.(c) 23.(b) 24.(a) 25.(c)

Directions: Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given words/sentence.

1. Placing a thing beside another

(a) Impose (b) Repose (c) Juxtapose (d) Expose
2. Mixture of metals, especially when an inferior metal is mixed with one of richer value
(a) Gem (b) Alloy Cc) Compound Cd) Alluvium
3. Soil washed down and carried away by rivers
(a) Alluvium (b) Alloy (c) Flotsam (d) Sand
4. Relating to the ear

(a) Aural (b) Nasal (c) Oral (d) Renal
5. ‘One who has knowledge of everything’.
(a) Omniscient (b) Satisfactory (c) Fool proof (d) mist worthy
6. Conveyance of property as security for debt until money is repaid
(a) Heredity (b) Subterfuge (c) Refuge (d) Mortgage
7. The act or practice of spying
(a) Strategy (b) Espionage (c) Diplomacy (d) Enumeration
8. Expressions of sympathy
(a) Congratulation (b) Condolence (c) Compliment (d) Condemnation
9. An instrument used to record sound
(a) Gramophone (b) Hydrophone (c) Phonograph (d) Megaphone
10. Fluent and clear in speech
(a) Confident (b) Emotional (c) Enthusiastic (d) Articulate
11. One who eats both vegetable and meat
(a) Carnivorous (b) Omnivorous (c) Vegevorous (d) Herbivorous
12. Government by the religious leaders
(a) Plutocracy (b) Theocracy (c) Thearchy (d) Pantisocracy
13. A person not sure of the existence of God
(a) Theist (b) Atheist (c) Agnostic (d) Cynic
14. A woman whose husband is dead
(a) Virgin (b) Spinster (c) Wedlock (d) Widow
15. Which can be easily believed
(a) Credulous (b) Creditable (c) Trustworthy (d) Credible
16. One who deserts his religion
(a) Deserter (b) Thrn-coat (c) Fanatic (d) Apostate
17. Skilful at handling things
(a) Handicraft (b) Clever (c) Dexterous (d) Fastidious
18. Short sword fixed on to the end of a gun
(a) Bayonet (b) Ennui (c) Epistle (d) Dirge
19. To refuse to buy, use or take part in something as a way of protesting
(a) Gesticulate (b) Boycott (c) Elope (d) Apostrophize
20. Specializes in disease of the ear, nose and throat.
(a) Otologist (b) Otolaryngologist (c) Endocrinologist (d) Gerontologist
21. One who has long experience of any occupation
(a) Veteran (b) Trivial (c) Cautious (d) Hypocrite
22. A person who is unable to pay his debts

(a) Solvent (b) Banker (c) Insolvent (d) Lender
23. The equality of being faithful
(a) Genuineness (b) Fidelity (c) Loyalty (d) Honesty
24. One who spends money extravagantly
(a) Sceptic (b) Spendthrift (c) Miser (d) Vagabond
25. Settlement of a dispute by the decision of a person chosen and accepted as a judge or
(a) Amalgamation (b) Assignation (c) Arbitration (d) Asseveration
1.(a) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(a) 5.(a) 6.(d) 7.(b) 8.(b) 9.(a) 10.(d)
11.(b) 12.(b) 13.(c) 14.(d) 15.(d) 16.(d) 17.(c) 18.(a) 19.(b) 20.(b)
21.(a) 22.(c) 23.(c) 24.(b) 25.(c)


Direction: Out of the four alternatives, choose the word opposite meaning to the given

a. Rationalist
b. Theologist
c. Believet
d. Theist
a. Silly
b. Rational
c. Unreasonable
d. Beneficial
a. Slim
b. Greasy
c. Thick
d. Trifling
a. Abusive
b. Scurrilous
c. Harsh
d. Laudatory
a. Intolerant
b. Patient
c. Flummoxed
d. Informal
a. Concealed
b. Precise
c. Complete
d. Magnified
a. Quibble
b. Appreciate
c. Complain
d. Nag
8. VEX
a. Injure
b. Protest
c. Second
d. Mollify
a. Absolve
b. Impeach
c. Charge
d. Expel

a. Stupid
b. Dotard
c. Daring
d. Sage
a. Animated
b. Grotesque
c. Stimulating
d. Inane
a. Healthy
b. Energetic
c. Hygienic
d. Careful
a. Receptacle
b. Active
c. Burden
d. Extravagant
a. Jumbled
b. Logical
c. Rambling
d. Consistent
a. Imminent
b. Permanent
c. Pervasive
d. Immanent
a. Boredom
b. Filth
c. Thrill
d. Calmness
a. Quiet
b. Excited
c. Disturbed
d. Distressed
a. Terrible
b. Decent
c. Flagrant
d. Menial
a. Abstruse
b. Normal
c. Paranormal
d. Turbid
a. Noxious
b. Antiquated
c. Graceful
d. Domineering

a. Jumbled
b. Logical
c. Rambling
d. Consistent
a. Love
b. Detest
c. Confine
d. Liberate
a. Slanderous
b. Complimentary
c. Defamatory
d. Decent
a. Meek
b. Joyous
c. Elegant
d. Benevolent
a. Disappoint
b. Discourage
c. Disapprove
d. Disentangle

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. D

15. B 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. C 21. D 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. B

Direction: Out of the four alternatives, choose the word opposite meaning to the given word

a. Natural
b. Odd
c. Whimsical
d. Sinful
a. Aggravate
b. Allay
c. Alleviate
d. Abate
a. Truthful
b. Authentic
c. Credible
d. Original
a. Ambiguous
b. Obscure
c. Occult
d. Plain
a. Rash
b. Conscientious
c. Daring
d. Thrifty
a. Sharp-witted
b. Transparent
c. Timid
d. Blunt
a. Sanity
b. Stupidity
c. Sensibility
d. Insanity
a. Good
b. Static
c. Stupid
d. Stubborn
a. Bluntly
b. Partially
c. Entirely
d. Strongly
a. Exonerate
b. Cross-examine

c. Prevail
d. Respond
a. Prompt
b. Forced
c. Premeditated
d. Inordinate
a. Medicine
b. Poison
c. Anodyne
d. Amity
a. Foolish
b. Sane
c. Scholarly
d. Wise
a. Straight
b. Sincere
c. Simple
d. Superficial
a. Detrimental
b. Adverse
c. Hostile
d. Favourable
a. Choosy
b. Finicky
c. Demanding
d. Fussy
a. Posh
b. Substandard
c. Ritzy
d. Skeptical
a. Inanimate
b. Boring
c. Bubbly
d. Bounded
a. Stingy
b. Stupendous
c. Paltry
d. Sick
a. Animation
b. Apathy
c. Ardour
d. Peace
a. Docile

b. Parochial
c. General
d. Conservative
a. Tranquility
b. Inamorata
c. Fool
d. Pilfering
a. Sanctified
b. Profane
c. Salient
d. Hallowed
a. Diplomatic
b. Indiscreet
c. Reticent
d. Intemperate
a. Conspicuous
b. Imperceptible
c. Obvious
d. Feeble


1-A 2-A 3-B 4-D 5-A 6-A 7- A 8-D 9-B 10-A 11-C 12-B 13-B 14-B 15- D 16-C 17-B 18-B 19-B
20-B 21-D 22-A 23-B 24-B 25-B

Direction: Out of the four alternatives, choose the word opposite meaning to the given word
a. Tenient
b. Crabby
c. Polite
d. Unreasonable
a. Fleeting
b. Painful
c. Permanent
d. Long lasting
a. Diffident
b. Hopeless
c. Cynical
d. Morose
a. Diligent
b. Sluggish
c. Indeterminate
d. Ardent
a. Haughty
b. Somber
c. Polite
d. Introvert
a. Isolation
b. Fellowship
c. Mirth
d. Multitude
a. Harsh
b. Amicable
c. Prudent
d. Sick
a. Relentless
b. Controllable
c. Barren
d. Relenting
a. Protest
b. Save
c. Ruin
d. Mock

a. Finicky
b. Serene
c. Cogent
d. Fruitless
a. Hurriedly
b. Lazily
c. Slowly
d. Regularly
a. Unspoken
b. Manifest
c. Implicit
d. Obvious
a. Primary
b. Linking
c. Penalize
d. Cruelty
a. Destroy
b. Devalue
c. Annoy
d. Expedite
a. Small
b. Invisible
c. Vulnerable
d. Reachable
a. Reasonable
b. Bizarre
c. Amiable
d. Bulk
17. VEIL
a. Diguise
b. Reveal
c. Open
d. Quash
a. Tactless
b. Suitable
c. Competent
d. Keen
a. Dispute
b. Irritation
c. Separation
d. Confrontation
a. Pertinent
b. Vigorous
c. Sanctified
d. Regular

a. Expedite
b. Shorten
c. Improve
d. Extol
a. Obey
b. Submit
c. Pardon
d. Relieve
a. Affable
b. Churlish
c. Flippant
d. Magnificent
a. Uphill
b. Toilsome
c. Fervent
d. Easy
a. Dismiss
b. Own
c. Originate
d. Praise
1- A 2- A 3-B 4-A 5-C 6-D 7-A 8-D 9-C 10-B 11-B 12-B 13-C 14-D 15-C 16-A 17-B 18-B 19-D
20-D 21-A 22- C 23-A 24-D 25-B

Direction: Out of the four alternatives, choose the word opposite meaning to the given word

a. Primary
b. Linking
c. Penalize
d. Cruelty
a. Affable
b. Churlish
c. Flippant
d. Magnificent
a. Moderate
b. Charitable
c. Dogmatice
d. Spurious
a. Membranous
b. Up hill
c. Opaque
d. Angelic
a. Disinterest
b. Apathy
c. Carelessness
d. Hatred
a. Destroy
b. Devalue
c. Annoy
d. Expedite
a. Simplify
b. Purify
c. Glorify
d. Gratify
a. Gruesome
b. Creative
c. Quiet
d. Exagger
a. Comport
b. Connect
c. Compliment
d. Convince

a. Demonic
b. Penetrable
c. Angelic
d. Moderate
a. Normally
b. Similarity
c. Equality
d. Clarity
a. Imperious
b. Friendly
c. Fashionable
d. Drab
a. Honourable
b. Clever
c. Valuable
d. Desirable
a. Skilled
b. Professional
c. Seasoned
d. Trained
a. Supplement
b. Decrease
c. Increase
d. Defend
a. Weak
b. Fragile
c. Slight
d. Tiny
a. Obscene
b. Indecent
c. Immodest
d. Random
a. Raucous
b. Affluent
c. Labored
d. Genteel
a. Courteous
b. Uncultured
c. Uncommon
d. Exemplary
20. KEEN
a. Blunt
b. Foolish
c. Insipid
d. Plain

a. Radiant
b. Fragrant
c. Melodious
d. Cheerful
22. Perpetual
a. Intermittent
b. Frequent
c. Continuous
d. Rare
a. Cunning
b. Good
c. Tricky
d. Crooked
a. Join
b. Unite
c. Separate
d. Aggregate
a. Ordinary
b. Gentle
c. Docile
d. Quiet


1- C 2- A 3- C 4-C 5-B 6-D 7-B 8-C 9-C 10-C 11-A 12-B 13-A 14-B 15-B 16-D 17-B 18-B 19-A
20-A 21-D 22-A 23-B 24-B 25-A

Direction: Out of the four alternatives, choose the word opposite meaning to the given word
a. Interchange
b. Pretend
c. Continue
d. Finish
a. Sluggish
b. Baneful
c. Harmless
d. Exciting
a. Pride
b. Beauty
c. Coarseness
d. Vulgarity
a. Impede
b. Frisk
c. Expedite
d. Vanish
a. Arrogance
b. Appropriate
c. Respectful
d. Modest
a. Orthodox
b. Irreverent
c. Covert
d. Heterodox
a. Boisterous
b. Exhilirated
c. Gloomy
d. Erring
a. Acquit
b. Diminish
c. Deny
d. Indulge
a. Earthly
b. Vaporous
c. Earthy
d. Vapoury
a. Amateur
b. Catholic
c. Unchanging

d. Rapid
a. Initial
b. Prejudiced
c. Through
d. Secret
a. Active
b. Courageous
c. Blood
d. Enthusiastic
a. Apt
b. Implicit
c. Appropriate
d. Unfit
a. Sliding
b. Sloping
c. Strained
d. Straight
a. Subdue
b. embolden
c. satiate
d. quench
a. Sensitive
b. Soft
c. Kind
d. Generous
a. Deformation
b. Redressal
c. Reimbursement
d. Payment
a. Pale
b. Healthful
c. Apathetic
d. Irritable
a. Savagery
b. Cowardice
c. Cowardly
d. Heroism
a. Gradual
b. Phenomenal
c. Slow
d. Pleasing
a. Plenty
b. Useful

c. Lively
d. Fertile
a. Dislike
b. Relent
c. Tolerate
d. Refuse
a. Completion
b. Climax
c. Conclusion
d. Beginning
a. Lecherous
b. Inexperienced
c. Safe
d. Foolish
a. Praise
b. Peril
c. Hindrance
d. Assault


1-C 2-C 3-D 4-A 5-C 6-A 7-C 8-A 9-D 10-C 11-C 12-A 13-D 14-D 15-B 16-A 17-B 18-C 19-B
20-C 21-D 22-A 23-D 24- C 25-A


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