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Submitted by:

Princess Margarith Catay

Ma. Rosalyn E. De Dios

AJ Gabrielle L. Fornillos

Isabella Grace C. Tapel

Jamilla Camille M. Tañedo

8 - Vesalius

March 2023
Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Setting


Sleep is an essential factor in the daily and academic performance of students,

namely adolescents. The sleep of students is critical to the success of a school.

Students who are not able to get enough sleep are more likely to have trouble

focusing, making decisions and staying organized. As the world continues to evolve,

sleep has remained a major part of everyone's daily lives. It continues to spark an

interest in the minds of scientists and continues to be studied for more information on

how our brains work during sleep

A major problem adolescents experience is getting enough sleep due to the bodily

changes in their sleep timing. One of the factors that affect sleep is puberty. When

adolescents reach a certain age and start puberty, their body clock pushes forward,

causing them to be unable to fall asleep as early as they used to.

Background of the Study

Sleep is an important part of a student's life. It is a time to rest, relax and rejuvenate.

However, students often do not get enough sleep due to the demands of their studies

and extracurricular activities. According to the study done by the Center for Disease

Control and Protection, teenagers aged 13 to 18 are getting minimal sleep on school

nights. Students need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep every 24 hours, but due to the
approaching deadlines and schoolworks to submit sleep is decreased and less

attention is paid to health.

Diseases caused by sleep disorders make it a public health problem. Students'

academic performance is affected by sleep habits and other sleep behaviors. Poor

academic performance of students are influenced by sleep habits and study times. If

students continue to live with bad sleeping habits, they learn to grow up with it and

make it a habit to make bad excuses.

Lack of sleep puts students at high risk as it can lead to illness and serious health

problems, heart and circulatory disease being a good example. Sleep restores memory

and provides an important memory consolidation function that supports academic

performance. A regular sleep schedule helps the student's brain rest, function better,

and remember lessons faster.

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study was to identify the common effects of sleeping

habits towards the ability of a student to perform, think, and achieve in school.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1 . What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Year Level

2 . What common effects do sleeping habits have on the respondents in terms of:

2 . 1 Usual sleeping time

2 . 2 Activity before sleeping

2 . 3 Duration of sleep

3 . What are interventions that can be done?

Null Hypothesis

Sleeping habits have a big impact to the academic performance of the Grade 8


Objective of the Study

This research shows that a student's health is more important than academic


The objective of the study is to focus more on the students health before anything

else because if not, the result will lead to alot of mental illnesses and sickness of the

student. Because study says that students are dealing with stress and pressure

because of the expectations of the parents and teachers to them.

Scope and Limitation

This study is mainly focused on the common effects of the sleeping habits of the

Grade 8 students of Philippine School Doha, Doha, Qatar, SY 2022-2023.

The study's scope might be restricted due to inadequate reporting. Additionally, this

was a cross-sectional analysis that only considered the prior week, which may not

reflect the students' overall sleeping patterns. More comprehensive studies that

gather data on weekdays and weekends over a more extended period are necessary.

Comparing various studies from different nations is challenging since operational

definitions vary widely, and different standards are employed to assess sleep quality.

Significance of the Study

More attention is given to benefit the school to focus more on the students' health

and less activities given. Lack of sleep puts students at high risk as it can lead to illness

and serious health problems, heart and circulatory disease being a good example.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Related Studies

This chapter presents the related literature, related studies and conceptual

framework. It also technically discusses the effects of the sleeping habits to the study

habits of the Grade 8 Students of Philippine School Doha.

Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies on how sleeping time,

activity before sleep, and duration of sleep will affect the study habits of Grade 8


Giving a student homework or a project will not affect the student's sleep patterns

unless they are given too much homework. Students nowadays are stressed during the

school day and complain about how hard it is to keep up with so many projects and

homework, stressed thinking about a project they are not ready for, sleeping in the

middle of the night and waking up very early to finish school works. This situation is

not far from that of educators. They check the many tests their students have

answered and sleep too late to finish their work.

"Other studies have found that insufficient sleep and poor sleep quality are

associated with stress" (Altun, 2012). Most students, especially high school and

college students, have a difficult time to keep up with the work they are still not done

with. On top of that, new assignments are given while previous works have not yet

been handed in.

Conceptual Framework
The emphasis of this study is the academic performance of the grade 8 students of

Philippine School Doha.

This study tried to investigate the perceived effects of sleep habits, and if it has any

negative effect on the academic performance of grade 8 students of Philippine School

Chapter 3


This chapter deals with the discussion of the method used, sources of data, data

gathering instruments, sampling techniques, procedure of the study and the

statistical treatment employed in the study.

Method used

The descriptive method of this research is employed in this study. Descriptive

research is defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the

population or phenomenon that is being studied. This methodology focuses more on

the "what" of the research subject rather than the "why" of the research subject.

In other words, descriptive research primarily focuses on describing the nature of

demographic segments, without focusing on "why" a certain phenomenon occurs. In

other words, it 'describes' the subject of the research, without covering "why" it


For example, an apparel brand that wants to understand the fashion purchasing

trends among New York buyers will conduct a demographic survey of this region,

gather population data and then conduct descriptive research on this demographic

segment. The research will then uncover details on "what is the New York buyer's

fashion purchasing trend", but not cover any investigative details on "why" they have

different fashion purchasing trends. Because for the apparel brand trying to break into

this market, understanding the nature of their market is the objective of the study.
Sources of Data

The respondents, which are the Grade 8 students of Philippine School Doha, were

asked to answer a survey questionnaire about what sleeping habits they follow on

school nights and the effects of these sleeping habits to the academic performance of

the students as perceived by the respondents.

Data Gathering Instrument

Questionnaires were used by the researchers in gathering of data. This was conducted

personally after thorough readings from previous researches, the internet, Philippine

School Doha's Evaluation Questionnaires, and other research materials. The

preliminary draft was shown to the adviser for corrections. It was submitted to the

panel of experts for validity and after their corrections and suggestions, the

questionnaire was modified as to it's final form.

The questionnaire is divided into Four parts. The first part determined the profile of

the respondents as to their age, sex, and year level.

The second part determined what sleeping habits they follow.

The third part determined what sleeping habits they use.

The fourth part of the questionnaire determined the effects of sleeping habits to the

student's academic performance.

The degree of responses of the respondents to part III has been measured using a 5-

point Likert scale.

The responses were categorized and interpreted as follows:

Population and Sample

The data will be based from the answers of the Grade 8 students of Philippine School

Doha, S.Y. 2022-2023 through the questionnaires that will distribute to each section.

The questionnaires contains questions about the most common causes of Bad

Sleeping habits, the most commonly used Sleeping habits used by the respondents

and the effects of piles of works to their sleeping habits.

To identify the number of students to receive the survey, the researchers will use the

Slovin's Formula. In this formula, the number, 321, is the number of students in the

Grade 8 Level of Philippine School Doha and the number, 9, is the number of sections

in total for the Grade 8 level. For this research, the researchers gave 20 survey

questionnaires to 7 sections and 19 survey questionnaires to 2 sections, for a total of

178 surveys.

20 for 7 sections and 19 for 2 sections in total of 178 = no. of respondents

Approx. 321 more or less = no. of Grade 8 students

0.05 = margin of error

178 = 321/1+321(0.05)²

n = 178.086 or 179

Sampling Technique

The researchers is using the simple random sampling technique for respondents

classified as students.
Procedures of the Study

The researchers seek the permission to the research teacher regarding the title of

their research paper and the approval of the study as well. After the researchers

received the approval of the research teacher, the researchers designed their

questionnaire and after which. It was shown to research teacher for corrections and to

the panel of experts for validations. The questionnaires were then distributed to the

respondents who were randomly selected from the Grade 8 students of Philippine

School Doha. The retrieval of the questionnaires was done 2-5 hours after the

distribution. The responses were collected, analyzed and interpreted as the study’s

findings from which conclusions and recommendations.

Statistical Treatments

-The following statistical tools were used by the researchers.

Frequencies and Percentages These were used by the researchers in determining the

demographic profile of the respondents.

Mean This was used to determine the effects of sleeping habits to the academic

performance of the students.

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