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BSCE 103

ACTIVITY 9: Who Invented Calculus?


Who Invented Calculus? To give you a decision regarding this question give some points or
credit that this calculus belongs to Gottfried Leibnitz and also some points or credit to
consider that this calculus belongs to Isaac Newton. After getting all the necessary
information, you decide who invented calculus.

In the history of mathematics, it is widely accepted that Isaac Newton and

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz both invented calculus independently. The controversy
surrounding their contributions led to disputes in the late 17th century and
accusations of plagiarism. However, both mathematicians made significant and
complementary contributions to the field of computation. Newton's work was the
foundation for differential calculus, while Leibniz's notation and integral calculus were

Today, the basic principles and notation of calculus are the result of their
combined efforts, and both are recognized as co-founders of calculus. In short, the
invention of differential calculus cannot be attributed solely to Newton or Leibniz.
Both played essential roles in the development of the field, and their contributions
are recognized as part of the general history of computing.

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