Objetos Perdidos

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Owner: Jessica Rodriguez, 32

Date Items went Missing: March 5

Location items last seen: TechGadgets Emporium, San Francisco, CA
Property was: Stolen
Description of property: The stolen item is a silver Apple iPhone 13 Pro, with a cracked
screen on the bottom right corner. The owner realized the phone was missing when she
reached her car after shopping at TechGadgets Emporium. Despite retracing her steps and
checking with store security, there were no leads. Store personnel deny any involvement
in or knowledge of the disappearance. Jessica has proof of ownership through the phone's
IMEI number and has reported the incident to the local police. She is offering a reward
of $300 for the safe return of her phone. Jessica can be contacted via email at
Complete the lost/stolen property form

Lost Item Details

What have you lost (required)
Description: If appropriate please include make, model, colour, serial numbers and any
other distinguishing features to the property e.g. scratches (required). If it is a bag or
wallet please describe the contents (optional)
Date of Loss:__________ (required) Location of Loss:________ (required)

Additional location details: Can you provide a street name, town, location, premises or
last know location where you may have lost the item to help us with your
enquiry. (required)

Are you the owner of the item? (required)___________
Preferred method of contact (required)___________________

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