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1. Please use the Grades link and tell me what your current grade is in our class.

2. Are you happy with you grade at this point? Please explain why or why not.
3. What is one suggestion you have for yourself about how you can improve in this
4. What is one challenge you have faced (academic and/or personal) you have
faced so far this session?
5. What is one accomplishment you are proud of so far this session?
6. What sort of career are you interested in? How could studying sociology help
you in this career?

7. How often do you check the Announcement board?

8. Do you have any questions for me as you face the remainder of the term?

1. I believe that my current grade in this course is a D.

2. I am not happy with this grade because I know that I can improve. I struggled with a few
disorders that led to me having a 504 Plan during high school, and I contacted CSN about
accommodations in the beginning of the semester. However, they never got back to me to my
knowledge. I have been struggling mentally and emotionally lately and it has been hard for me
to do much of anything academically. I feel pathetic for being unable to do such simple tasks, but
it isn’t easy to explain to most people. I can be an academically excelling student, and have been
in the past, but my mental health has had a huge impact on my academic life. It brings me a
heavy sense of guilt.
3. One suggestion I have for myself about how I can improve in this class is to keep track of my
academic calendar.
4. One challenge I have faced academically and/or personally has been to care for myself. Some
activities are extremely cumbersome for me, while others may not even consider it a task at all.
It troubles me because I want to be a mentally healthy and strong individual. I want to be able to
help others, but I must help myself before I help others.
5. One accomplishment I am proud of so far this session is that I can type insightful reflections
about sociological chapters.
6. I am interested in a career as a nurse. Studying sociology could help me in this career because
every day, I will be dealing with the effects of society on my patients.
7. I manually check the Announcement board every time I see there is a new notification that I
know I have not yet read.
8. As we both face the remainder of the term, I ask that you stay strong and well.

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