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Assignment 2

Advance Software Engineering – CS04327

What are the major Software Myths?

Name: Muhammad Ali Khan

SAP ID: 70132700

Department: Computer Science & IT

Section: BSCS – 6E

Instructor: Prof Adnan Malik

University of Lahore
Question: Consider yourself a requirement engineer and you have to gather
requirements for SAP in UOL. apply inception phase on this scenario
In the Inception phase of the software development life cycle, the primary goal is to establish a common
understanding of the project scope, objectives, and constraints. As a requirement engineer gathering
requirements for the SAP system at the University of Lahore (UOL), here are the key steps and activities
you might undertake during this phase:

1. Identify Stakeholders:

Identify and document the key stakeholders involved, including administrators, faculty members,
students, and support staff.

2. Define Project Scope:

Clearly outline the boundaries of the SAP system. Define what functionalities and processes will be
included (e.g., attendance management, grade tracking, enrollment, fee management, etc.).

3. Gather High-Level Requirements:

Conduct initial meetings with stakeholders to gather high-level requirements. Discuss their expectations,
pain points, and desired outcomes from the SAP system.

4. Understand Current Processes:

Document the existing manual or automated processes related to attendance, marks, enrollment, grades,
fees, and other student and teacher-related activities.

5. Identify Constraints:

Identify any constraints, such as budget limitations, time constraints, and technical constraints that might
impact the development and implementation of the SAP system.

6. Establish Goals and Objectives:

Clearly define the goals and objectives of implementing the SAP system. For example, improving data
accuracy, streamlining processes, and enhancing overall efficiency.

7. Define Key Features:

Work with stakeholders to identify and prioritize key features of the SAP system. What functionalities
are crucial for day-to-day operations?

8. Risk Assessment:

Identify potential risks associated with the project. This could include technical risks, organizational
risks, or risks related to user adoption.
9. Create a Project Vision:

Develop a concise and clear project vision statement that outlines the purpose and benefits of
implementing the SAP system at UOL.

10. Build a Rough Project Timeline:

Develop a preliminary project timeline that outlines major milestones and deadlines. This can help in
setting realistic expectations for project delivery.

11. Engage in Initial Communication:

Initiate communication channels with stakeholders to ensure ongoing engagement throughout the project.
This could include regular status updates, feedback sessions, and workshops.

12. Document Preliminary Requirements:

Document the high-level requirements gathered during the Inception phase. These should be subject to
further refinement and detailed analysis in subsequent phases.

13. Prepare for Feasibility Analysis:

Lay the groundwork for the feasibility analysis that will be conducted in the Elaboration phase. This
includes technical feasibility, operational feasibility, and economic feasibility.

14. Review and Approval:

Conduct a review session with key stakeholders to validate the gathered information and obtain their
approval to proceed to the next phase.

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