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The University of Lahore, CS&IT Department

Advance Software Engineering

Assignment # 1
Start Date: 8/2/2020 Section: C Total Marks: 10

Due Date: 11/2/2020 Program: BSCS

1. Understanding of the problems is part of the assignments. So no query please.
2. You will get Zero marks if found any type of cheating.
3. 50 % deduction of over marks on one day late submission after due date
4. No submission allowed after two days.
5. It is handwritten, individual assignment.

1. Write down pros and cons of the following models.

 Waterfall Model
 Incremental Model
 RAD Model
 Spiral Model
 Scrum Model
 Lean Development Methodology
 Extreme Programming

2. Also justify one by one, when to use these models.

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