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MCQS Question From HCI

1. What is an affordance in the context of HCI?

a. Aesthetic quality of an interface
b. The perceived cost of using a system
c. Visual elements that guide user actions
d. Perceived usability of a system
Answer: c
2. What does the term "cognitive load" refer to in HCI?
a. The physical effort required to interact with a system
b. The mental effort required to process information and complete tasks
c. The visual complexity of an interface
d. The emotional response of users to an interface
Answer: b
3. What is the primary goal of the "Consistency" design principle in HCI?
a. Creating visually pleasing interfaces
b. Ensuring that users are always satisfied
c. Maintaining a uniform and predictable interface across different parts of the
d. Maximizing user engagement through interactive elements
Answer: c
4. What is the primary goal of "direct manipulation" in HCI design?
a. To minimize user interactions and automate tasks
b. To create a sense of immersion in virtual environments
c. To provide a responsive and intuitive user interface
d. To prioritize text-based interactions over graphical elements
Answer: c
5. In a direct manipulation system, what is the purpose of providing immediate feedback
to user actions?
a. To confuse users by overwhelming them with information
b. To reduce the need for user interaction
c. To create a sense of mystery and surprise
d. To reinforce the connection between user actions and system responses
Answer: d
6. What is the primary purpose of using a desktop metaphor in HCI?
a. To create a futuristic and abstract interface
b. To mimic the look of traditional paper documents
c. To make the interface more complex and challenging to use
d. To make the digital environment more familiar and intuitive to users
Answer: d
7. What does Donald Norman suggest to minimize the "Gulf of Execution" and "Gulf of
a. Increasing the complexity of the user interface
b. Providing more features for advanced users
c. Designing interfaces that align with user expectations
d. Encouraging users to learn complex interaction patterns
Answer: c
8. How does accessibility contribute to a positive user experience in HCI?
a. By making interfaces visually complex
b. By excluding users with disabilities from using digital products
c. By ensuring that all users can access and interact with products effectively
d. By focusing solely on visual aesthetics
Answer: c
9. Augmented Reality (AR) enhances the user's perception of reality by:
a. Completely replacing the real world with a virtual environment
b. Adding virtual elements to the real world through digital overlays
c. Simulating a completely immersive virtual environment
d. Displaying text-based information on a computer screen
Answer: b
10. The "Golden Ratio" is a design principle that:
a. Ensures that interface elements are arranged in a grid pattern
b. Defines the ideal font size for readability
c. Guides the placement and sizing of elements to create aesthetically pleasing
d. Recommends the use of primary colors to evoke emotional responses
Answer: c
11. According to Norman, what is the key purpose of the "Gulf of Execution" and "Gulf
of Evaluation" concepts?
a. To measure the distance between user expectations and system capabilities.
b. To identify the gaps between design guidelines and actual implementation.
c. To illustrate the stages of information processing in the human brain.
d. To highlight the importance of user training in complex systems.
Answer: a

***Answers are according to me its mandatory to cross verify on internet and books***

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