Millimeter-WaveConicalFresnelZoneLensofFlatDielectricRings IEEETAPApril2014

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Millimeter-Wave Conical Fresnel Zone Lens of Flat Dielectric Rings

Article in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation · April 2014

DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2014.2303165


12 258

4 authors, including:

Lyubomir Kamburov Jose Rodriguez

Technical University of Varna University of Nottingham


Hristo D. Hristov
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María


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Millimeter-Wave Conical Fresnel Zone Lens of Flat

Dielectric Rings
L. P. Kamburov, J. M. Rodriguez, Member, IEEE, J. R. Urumov, and H. D. Hristov, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Conical in shape Fresnel zone (CFZ) lens of flat dielec- The authors of [3] have made significant theoretical and ex-
tr ic r ings is introduced and studied in this research. It is contr asted perimental advancement in the area of curvilinear FZ lenses,
to a plane Fresnel zone (PFZ) lens, a CFZ lens of conical r ings and and in particular, of conical dielectric FZ lenses.
a refr active plane-hyper bolic (PH) lens. For the same aper ture di-
ameter of about 25 mm and focal length of 30 mm, a 229-GHz CFZ A computational field-focusing method based on a cone-seg-
lens of flat r ings with a 30-degree opening semi-angle significantly ment approximation for any axially-rotational curvilinear FZ
sur passes the PFZ and PH lenses in focusing gain and efficiency. lens is developed in [11]. Conical double-dielectric phase- re-
Also, it exhibits a subwavelength tr ansver se resolution and much versal FZ lens and antenna are examined theoretically and opti-
higher axial resolution. The cited 30-degree flat-r ing CFZ lens has mized numerically in [12].
4.5 times smaller weight than the PH lens, and is easy to manufac-
ture as a plane multilayer package by means of precise machining
The 3D or curvilinear FZ lens has more degrees of freedom
or moder n photolithogr aphic and other microelectronic technolo- for better parametric optimization compared to the flat PFZ lens.
gies. Never theless, the CFZ lens benefits over the cor responding For example, in the axially-symmetric conical lens a third di-
PH refr active lens ar e attained on account of smaller frequency mension is the lens thickness (height) , which is related to the
bandwidth and bigger lens thickness. The new flat-r ing CFZ lens cone opening semi-angle .
design can be applied in accur ate imaging systems or for a cre-
Typically, the known curvilinear dielectric FZ lens configu-
ation of light and efficient microwave, ter aher tz and optical lens
antennas. rations consist of phase-correcting elements (ribs/corrugations)
that follow the FZ surface curvature, and are difficult to produce
Index Terms—Focusing, Fresnel zone lens, lens, lens antenna, [3], [12]. If the phase-correcting elements are cut in a same-di-
mm/sub-millimeter lens.
electric curvilinear carcass, the lens focusing can be deteriorated
In this paper, a mm-wave FZ lens, made of flat dielectric rings
conformal to a conical surface, is designed and studied. The
present text is based on a short conference paper presented re-

D EPENDING on its aperture transmission function, the

Fresnel zone (FZ) lens is branded in two basic categories:
binary (amplitude) and phase-correcting. In addition, according
cently [13]. The proposed flat-ring conical FZ lens is analyzed
by use of a specific diffraction model and detailed computer
simulations, and is checked experimentally. It is contrasted nu-
to the zonal surface shape, this lens is termed planar (2D) or merically to the similar conical FZ lens [3], [5], [12], plane FZ
curvilinear (3D). Often, the phase-correcting FZ lens is made lenses, and ordinary plane-hyperbolical (PH) lens.
as a single-dielectric zone plate with annular grooves and ribs, All computer simulations in the paper are completed by use of
producing a stepwise phase distribution in the lens aperture the CST software [14]. In addition, some results are validated by
[1]–[6]. A bilaterally-plane and thin FZ lens with a multi-di- use of Kirchhoff’s diffraction theory and FEKO electromagnetic
electric phase correction is also of practical interest [2], [5], [7]. solver [15].
The curvilinear zone plate lens can be formed on an arbitrary The cone FZ lens study is limited here to the case of paraxial
shaped surface, but the FZ lens with a rotational silhouette is the plane wave incidence on the lens convex side. Ideally, after
most simple and efficient. The spherical, cylindrical, and conical through-lens passing, the plane wave should be converged into
FZ lenses are next in simplicity to the planar Fresnel zone plate a spherical wave focused at the primary lens focus. However, in
[3], [5], [8]–[10], marked here as PFZ lens. the case of wave transitory through a realistic lens, the resultant
spherical wave becomes aberrated. For the paraxial lens illumi-
Manuscript received April 25, 2013; revised August 24, 2013; accepted Jan- nation applied here, there are two aberrations of practical impor-
uary 17, 2014. Date of publication January 28, 2014; date of current version tance: axial spherical aberration and frequency aberration. Due
April 03, 2014. This work was supported in part by the FONDECYT Projects
1095012/2009 and 1120714/2012, Anillos ACT-Project 53/2010, and CON-
to the axial spherical aberration the fictitious lens focal point
ICYT-PHCA/DOCTORADO NACIONAL/2014-21190769. (spot) becomes a linear focal region. This effect is strongly pro-
L. P. Kamburov and J. R. Urumov are with Department of Commu- nounced in the plane FZ (PZP) lens and ordinary plane-convex
nications, Technical University of Varna, Varna 9010, Bulgaria (e-mail:
lenses: plane-hyperbolic (PH) and plane-spherical (PS). There-
J. M. Rodriguez and H. D. Hristov are with Departamento de Electrónica, fore, these lenses applied to optical or quasi-optical imaging
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Marı́a, Valparaíso, Chile (e-mail: hristo. systems mostly deal with the imaging of finite axial objects at
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
infinity or vice versa. High-quality images of point-like 3D ob-
at jects call for further improvement of transverse and axial lens
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2014.2303165 resolutions.

0018-926X © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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mary focus P (receive mode), or vice versa (transmit mode).

Thus, both conical FZ lenses in Fig. 1 have a similar lettering
for the zone radii , axial zone coordinates ,
cone semi-angle , cone apex O and focal point P. The distance
OP is equal to the lens primary focal length . By changing ,
the lens dimensions and focusing characteristics vary consider-
ably [11].

B. Design Equations for CFZ Lenses

For a given design wavelength , cone semi-angle angle ,
and focal length , the -th zone radius and axial zone lo-
cation are calculated by the following system of equations
[3], [5]



where is an integer sequence, is the

number of all half-wave (Fresnel) zones and is a
half-wave zone function. During the simulation and optimiza-
tion of conical FZP lenses it has been found that the replacement
of in (1) by makes reasonable focal shift compensa-
In the conical FZ lenses, shown in Fig. 1, the odd-number
zones are open apertures with the air relative permittivity
. The phase-reversing rings at the even-number zones are made
of low-loss dielectric with a permittivity . The dielectric
rings can be also embedded in a low-permittivity solid or liquid
Fig. 1. Conical FZ lenses consisting of (a) conical rings in case of media, with . The thickness of the lens
or (b) flat rings in case of , both convex-side illuminated by plane consisting of conical dielectric rings, Fig. 1(a), is
wave. calculated [11]–[13]

The reduction of lens spherical aberration is of great sig- (3)

nificance in the lens imaging systems and lens antennas. The
smaller spherical aberration leads to a bigger axial resolution, In the conical lens made of flat dielectric rings
and thus, to a true 3D imaging. In the lens antennas, the spher- in air, Fig. 1(b), the ring apertures are illuminated under a right
ical aberration reduction brings on a higher antenna gain and angle , and therefore, (3) is transformed to (4) [2], [5]
smaller sidelobes in the radiation pattern.


A. Study Layouts
where and .
Fig. 1(a) shows the axial cross-section of the phase-reversal All lenses considered in this paper are designed by a low-
FZ lens consisting of conical dielectric rings [3], [5], [12]. This loss polyethylene with a relative permittivity and loss
lens takes here the acronym that corresponds to tangent equal to 0.0004.
a conical Fresnel zone lens made of conical rings, having an
opening semi-angle . C. Diffraction Theory for Analysis of Conical Fresnel Zone
Another conical Fresnel zone lens made as an assembly of Lens of Flat Dielectric Rings
coaxial flat dielectric rings and abbreviated as is Next the Kirchhoff’s diffraction equation is adapted for
proposed here, Fig. 1(b). The flat dielectric rings in finding the axial focusing field produced by the lens design
are transverse projections of the conical rings. Thus, . As seen from Fig. 1(b), this lens consists of flat
in both FZ lens configurations the corresponding dielectric rings dielectric rings Ring 1 , Ring 2 , and conical
have equal Fresnel zone radii and axial location. These diffrac- open apertures. In order to simplify the theoretical diffraction
tion-type lenses transform the incident plane wave into a spher- model, the flat-ring lens are represented by the
ical wave in a step-wise manner, converging mainly to the pri- equivalent geometry shown in Fig. 2(a), where the conical

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the Huygens source factor;
is a plane wave phase
shift due to the ring.
The function is a binary
function of . For (odd numbers) , which
corresponds to the air disks , and for
(even numbers), that is related to the dielectric disks
The field produced at any point by the
entire -th dielectric or air ring is expressed as


where the expression for is written in the equation at the

bottom of the page. The total lens focusing field at point
is produced by all dielectric and air lens rings, or

Fig. 2. lens focusing action: (a) equivalent lens geometry, and (b)
geometry of -th focusing ring.
for .
The focusing intensity along the axis (at the current
apertures are replaced by air flat rings (apertures) point , for ), is defined as
These air rings (thin dotted lines) are transverse projections of
the corresponding conical apertures.
According to the classical diffraction theory the elemental (8)
aperture area dA of a given n-th ring ( or ), Fig. 2(b),
produces an elemental focusing field at any axial point P
At the focal point P, for , the focusing intensity is named
given by (5)
a focusing gain FG. For FG in decibels the above equation can
be rewritten as

where is the imaginary unit, is the free-
space phase number; is a plane wave field Independently of eventual focal shift correction by , the
at the point in the lens absence, and at the focusing maximum intensity may not occur exactly at
cone vertex O; , but at another focal point . Then, the
lens maximum focusing gain is obtained similarly by (8), but
for or

corresponds to (2);

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B. Numerical Study of Fresnel Zone Lenses

Fig. 4(a) shows YZ-plane focusing field intensity plot of the
planar lens FZP.2. The focusing field intensity along the lens
axis is illustrated in Fig. 4(b), where the solid-line and dotted-
line graphs are obtained by means of numerical simulation and
diffraction theory, respectively. Obviously, the main lobes of
both intensity patterns are in a good agreement. Fig. 4(c) shows
Fig. 3. Fresnel zone lenses: (a) 45-deg lens CFZc.3.45 of conical rings, and (b)
the same lens focusing intensity graphs in the transverse focal
45-deg lens CFZf.3.45, (c) 30-deg lens CFZf.5.30 and (d) 90-deg lens PFZ.2, plane XY, along the axes (solid line) and (dashed line).
all three of flat rings. It is observed that in the focal plane area the focusing intensity
possesses a good rotational symmetry.
Similar computer-simulated graphs only are illustrated in
III. STUDY OF FZ LENSES AND PLANO-HYPERBOLICAL LENS Fig. 5 for the cone-like lens CFZc.3.45 built of conical dielec-
tric rings.
The focusing intensity distribution of the lens CFZf.3.45 is
A. FZ Lens Designs illustrated in Fig. 6 as: (a) CST-simulation YZ-plane plot, (b)
along Z axis, obtained by CST simulation (solid line), and cross-
Based on the lens geometries in Fig. 1, several conical and checked by means of diffraction theory (dashed line) and FEKO
plane FZ lenses are designed and studied. simulation (dotted line), and (c) along X axis (solid line) and Y
All FZ dielectric lenses are designed by use of (1)–(4) for axis (dashed line), computed by use of CST only.
the frequency GHz (or wavelength mm), Fig. 7 shows the CST-simulated focusing intensity character-
focal length 30 mm, lens diameter mm and ring thick- istics of the 30-deg lens CFZf.5.30. There, Fig. 7(a) shows an
ness , calculated by (3) or (4). For , the two conical YZ-plane plot, in Fig. 7(b) is drawn a Z-axis graph (solid line),
FZ lenses have 3 phase-reversal dielectric rings each, and are and finally, Fig. 7(c) illustrates the intensity distribution along
marked as conical-ring lens CFZc.3.45, Fig. 3(a), and flat-ring X axis (solid line) and Y axis (dashed line).
lens CFZf.3.45, Fig. 3(b). In CFZf.3.45 the ring radius is It is observed in Fig. 7 that the lens CFZf.5.30 has very spe-
equal to the ring axial coordinate , i.e., ). cific focusing characteristics: subwavelength resolution in the
In CFZf.5.30, Fig. 3(c), the semi-angle is 30 and the number transverse focal plane and highly improved axial resolution. The
of rings is 5. main lobe of the focused electromagnetic field along the Z-axis
If , the CFZc and CFZf lenses are transformed into a is strongly concentrated around the primary lens focus. The sec-
planar Fresnel zone (PFZ) lens. For approximately the same lens ondary small lobes at both sides are located at a distance of sev-
diameter ( mm) the PFZ lens has only two dielectric eral wavelengths from the main lobe peak and collect a rather
rings, and is abbreviated as PFZ.2, Fig. 3(d). small part of the axial focused power.
Two extra PFZ lenses have been designed and simulated: (i)
lens PFZ.3, which have the same number of rings and C. Numerical Study of Plane-Hyperbolic Lens
similar focusing gain as that of lens CFZf.3.45, and (ii) lens Fig. 8 shows the focusing geometry of a plane-hyperbolic
PFZ.4 made of four dielectric rings and is comparable in fo- (PH) dielectric lens with the same focal length and diameter,
cusing gain to the lens CFZf.5.30. 30 mm and 25 mm, respectively. Here, the plane wave incident
Each CFZ lens looks like a truncated cone, therefore the lens on the lens is transformed by refraction into a spherical wave
thickness is smaller than the cone height , or focused at the point P.
. The thickness of all the PFZ lenses is mm or
equal to one free-space wavelength. All lens dimensions (aper-
ture diameter , aperture area and thickness ) and the
weight are listed in Table I. The data for the newly-proposed
conical flat-ring lenses, CFZf.3.45 and CFZf.5.30, are written (11)
in bold.

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Fig. 4. Focusing gain of lens PFZ.2: (a) in YZ plane, (b) along axial lens axis Fig. 5. Focusing gain of lens CFZc.3.45: (a) in YZ plane, (b) along axis and
, obtained by use of computer-simulation (solid line) and diffraction theory (c) at focal plane along axis (solid line) and axis (dashed line).
(dotted line), and (c) along axis (solid line) and axis (dashed line).

distance of around 1 m by means of 23-dB corrugated horn fed

For , and for the values of F and given above, by a frequency-multiplication millimeter/sub-millimeter wave
the lens thickness computed by (11) is mm (or ). transmitter module [16].
In Fig. 9 are shown the focusing characteristics of the A same-company receiver unit is connected to an open wave-
plane-hyperbolic lens at 229 GHz, where Fig. 9(a) illustrates guide (OWG) probe antenna. Micrometric positioning of the
the YZ-plane plot of the focusing field intensity . Also, lens under test and OWG field probe is done by means of pre-
illustrated are: the focusing intensity graphs vs. , Fig. 9(b), cise opto-mechanical stages [17].
and vs. (solid line) and (dashed line), Fig. 9(c). The computer-simulated (solid line), diffraction theory
All transverse-plane intensity graphs along the axes X and Y (dotted line) and experimental (solid line with dots) field inten-
are related to the focal plane mm. sity X-axis graphs are contrasted in Fig. 12. For the time-being,
the experimental scanning setup allows accurate measurements
D. Experimental Crosscheck for Lens CFZf.3.45 in the main beam area only.
Experimental crosschecking to the numerical results for the Nevertheless, a very good match between theory and mea-
flat-ring CFZf.3.45 lens has been carried out at the design fre- surement is found with reference to the main lobe focusing gain
quency of 229 GHz. and transverse ( -axis) resolution at the 3-dB and 10-dB
Fig. 10 is a photograph of the polyethylene lens prototype, intensity levels down to the normalized main lobe maximum.
where rings are assembled through by thin stepwise supports Fig. 13 illustrates the focusing gain (FG) of the lens
made of the same plastic. CFZf.3.45 as a function of frequency, computer-simulated by
Fig. 11 is a picture of the millimeter-wave measurement setup CST (solid line) and FEKO (dotted line). The two electro-mag-
with the prototype lens under test. The lens is illuminated from a netic solvers give similar resonance-shape gain vs. frequency

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Fig. 7. Focusing gain of CFZf.5.30 produced by CST: (a) in YZ plane, (b) along
axial axis , and (c) along -axis (solid line) or -axis (dashed line).
Fig. 6. Focusing gain of lens CFZf.3.45: (a) computer-simulated focusing plot
in YZ-plane, (b) Z-axis graphs produced by means of CST (solid line), diffrac-
tion theory (dashed line) and FEKO (dotted line), and (c) CST-simulated graphs
along axis (solid line) and axis (dashed line).

responses, with curve maxima close to the design frequency of

229 GHz.
Table II summarizes the basic parameters of the examined
FZ and PH lenses: computer-simulated (s) and experimental
(e). These are: the maximum focusing intensity (or focusing
gain) FG (in dB), focusing efficiency Eff (in %), 3-dB trans-
verse lens resolution and axial resolution relative
to the design wavelength, and gain frequency bandwidth BW
Fig. 8. Focusing geometry of plane-hyperbolic dielectric lens.
(in %). It is found that along the and axes the resolution
is roughly the same, or . Because of this, the trans-
verse resolution is listed as an average value of and ,
or . The real PH lens (PH-real) is found by use of the fundamental Rayleigh criterion, according to
computer-simulated provided that dielectric and reflection loss which any circular aperture illuminated by paraxial plane-wave
are included, while the ideal PH lens (PH-ideal) is set as a basis rays has a resolution given by
for comparison. The PH-ideal focusing gain is calculated by use
of equation 4.21 given in [5], its focusing efficiency is consid-
ered 100%. The transverse resolution of the lens PH-ideal is (12)

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Fig. 11. Experimental millimeter-wave setup at UTFSM.

Fig. 12. CFZf.3.45 lens normalized focusing gain vs. coordinate obtained
by computer-simulation (solid line), diffraction theory (dotted line), and mea-
surement (solid line with dots).

Fig. 9. Focusing gain of refraction PH lens: (a) in YZ plane, (b) along the
axis and (c) along axis (solid line) or (dashed line) axis.

Fig. 13. CFZf.3.45 lens focusing gain vs. frequency, simulated by exploiting
CST (solid line) and FEKO (dotted line).


Fig. 10. Experimental prototype of lens CFZf.3.45.

From (12), for mm and mm, a relative

resolution of 1.47 is calculated. It is found that both PH-ideal
and PH-real have very similar transverse resolutions.
In Table II the data for the new CFZf lens designs (CFZf.3.45
and CFZf.5.30) are written in bold.

E. Major Observations
From the research results produced some important observa- 1) Conical CFZ lenses (same apex, focal length and aper-
tions follow. ture size):

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i) The 45-deg flat-ring and conical-ring lenses planar multilayer package of flat dielectric rings by use of clas-
CFZf.3.45 and CFZc.3.45, correspondingly, fea- sical machining or modern lithographic, laser writing, inject
ture very similar focusing characteristics (gain, printing, etcetera technologies, applied for multilayer integra-
efficiency and resolution), but the first one has about tion and packing in electronics and optics.
1.4 times bigger bandwidth. Along with this, the lens Based on the experience of this work, the following prospec-
CFZf.3.45 is around 1.2 times shorter and 1.4 times tive suggestion can be formulated: except the conical FZ lens,
lighter compared to the lens CFZc.3.45; all other non-flat axially-rotational FZ lenses (parabolic,
ii) With the change of cone opening semi-angle be- spherical, etcetera) can be designed, studied, and fabricated by
tween 30 and 90 (plane FZ lens), the FZ lenses exploiting the same simple constructive elements (flat rings),
change their physical and electromagnetic character- method of analysis and fabrication technology.
istics considerably. For instance, the lens CFZf.5.30
has 2.2 dB bigger gain, about twice bigger aper- IV. CONCLUSION
ture efficiency, and 1.4 and 1.6 times higher trans- This study demonstrates the superior focusing and 3D-reso-
verse and axial resolutions, respectively, than the lens lution action of the flat-ring conical FZ lens over the planar FZ
CFZf.3.45. However, the lens CFZf.5.30 is 1.8 times lens and ordinary PH lens. The lens opening semi-angle change
thicker and has a 1.6 times narrower frequency band greatly modifies its physical and electromagnetic characteris-
than the lens CFZf.3.45. tics. For instance, the 30-deg lens CFZf.5.30 has roughly twice
2) Flat-r ing CFZ and PFZ lenses contr asted to PH lens bigger focusing gain and much superior 3D imaging proper-
(same apex, focal length, and aper ture size): ties (subwavelength transverse resolution and seven times better
i) The lens CFZf.5.30 has 2.6 dB and 4.5 dB bigger fo- axial resolution) compared to the corresponding PH lens. On
cusing gain, and 1.8 and 7 times higher aperture ef- contrary, the PH lens is a wideband focusing device with a five-
ficiency than lenses PH and PFZ.2, respectively. On fold bigger frequency bandwidth.
the other hand, the PH lens is a wideband focusing de- The flat-ring cone-shape FZ lens has an important structural
vice and has more than 5 and 2.5 times bigger band- and technological advantage: it is easy to fabricate as a mul-
width than the lenses CFZf.5.30 and PFZ.2, corre- tilayer package of flat rings by use of classical machining or
spondingly. modern photolithographic, laser writing or inject printing tech-
ii) The conical lens is advantageous for its very good 3D nology. In general, this key advantage might be applicable to
imaging properties. A key benefit of the cone-shape any non-flat axially-rotational Fresnel zone-lens surface.
FZ lens is the very axial lens resolution . This
effect is due to its much smaller spherical aberra- REFERENCES
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Hr isto D. Hr istov (SM’86–LSM’12) received the Ph.D. degree from the Tech-
nical University of Varna, Bulgaria, in 1973 and the D.Sc. degree in electrical
L. P. Kambur ov graduated from the St. Petersburg Baltic University, Russia, engineering from the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1987.
in 1987 with the specialty “Radio Electronic Devices.” He received the Ph.D. From 1965 to 1999, he served as an Assistant, Associate and Full Professor
degree from the Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria, in 2013. at the Department of Radio Engineering, Technical University of Varna, Bul-
He is currently a Major Assistant Professor at the Department of Radio En- garia, where for many years he lead the RF Electromagnetics and Optoelec-
gineering, Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria. His research areas are RF tronics Group. Since 2000, he is a Research Professor at the Universidad Téc-
electromagnetics, Fresnel zone plate lenses and antennas, microwave and qua- nica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaíso, Chile. His main research interests in-
sioptical circuits and devices. clude microwave/millimeter wave/terahertz antenna and propagation theory and
applications, antenna miniaturization, cavity-type passive and active antennas,
and Fresnel zone lenses and antennas. He specialized at Strathclyde University
and worked as a Researcher at Queen Mary College, London University, U.K.,
where he was engaged mainly with the microwave dielectric and cavity-type
J osé Miguel Rodr íguez (M’13) received the B.S. and M.Sc. degrees in elec- antenna study. In 1993, he was granted a CEC EU contract for doing research
tronics engineering from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Marı́a, Val- at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands on Fresnel zone plate
paraíso, Chile, in 2010 and 2012, respectively. He is currently working toward antennas. He participated in COST-245 and COST-260 EU projects on antennas
the Ph.D. degree. for satellite and mobile communications. He was a short-term Visiting Professor
His research interests include high frequency electromagnetism, antennas, at several universities and research institutions in Europe and Japan. He is the
microwave/millimeter-wave/terahertz devices, radiometry and radio-astronomy coauthor of Microwave Cavity Antennas (Artech House, 1989) and the author
instrumentation, quasioptics and wireless communications. of Fresnel Zones in Wireless Links, Zone Plate Lenses and Antennas (Artech
House, 2000), and a number of university textbooks. He supervised and partici-
pated in more than 40 research projects, and authored and coauthored more than
150 journal articles conference papers, research reports and patents.
J . R. Ur umov (M’95) graduated from the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Uni- Dr. Hristov was the co-organizer and served as the first chair of Bulgarian
versity, Russia, in 1972 with the specialty “Design of Marine Radioelectronics.” IEEE Section and MTT/AP-S Chapter. He was awarded the IEEE Third Millen-
He received the Ph.D. degree from the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, nium Medal (2000). He co-chaired the Focused Session on Fresnel Zone Plate
in 1982. Lenses/Antennas during the 1999 IEEE Symposium on Antennas & Propaga-
In 1990, he became an Associate Professor at the Department of Radio En- tion, Orlando, FL. He served two terms (2005–2010) as an IEEE TRANSACTIONS
gineering, Technical University of Varna, Bulgaria. His research interests are in ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION Associate Editor.

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08/05/2014 20:46

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