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MBTI: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

After a brief video and a whole lesson talking about the 4 categories and their both sides in MBTI (I/E,
S/N, F/T, J/P), you should have already met your personality type. Please complete task “A” if you
didn’t finish it at class (see at the bottom of this doc for more details).

2. Now, it's time to check if you have been wise or intuitive enough guessing your type!

Please, check it on:

You will find your type by matching your result, for example, ENFJ: The Protagonist.
Read the description and think if it describes yourself.

3. The next step will be doing a test on:

MBTI Test:

Take a screenshot of your result and save it in a document that you will have to name as MBTI Task -
XXXX - Surname Surname, Name. For example: MBTI Task - ENFP – Segura Pino, David.

4. Then, if this result is different than the one you guessed in the first place, please read the description of
your result on:

Decide which one shows a more accurate "you".

5. After that, and having decided one type, please write a descriptive text about yourself with:

A- A brief description and one example for each letter of the MBTI.
B- A complete description of yourself according to your personality type.
C- Some examples that have happened to you in any moment of your life that affirm that you truly are
that type.
D- A job or some jobs that you would like to try or that you think are good at.
E- A personal opinion about this task (whether it has helped you to know yourself better or not, you
liked it, etc.).

There is no limit extension but this task has to have at least 300 words.

Hope you enjoy this little project 😃

Please upload your task here.

Thanks for your cooperation,


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