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Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

Topics we are covering:

Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 2
Fire Safety and Other Emergencies:........................................................................................................3
2. Fire Exits:...................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Emergency Evacuation Plan:.........................................................................................................3
4. Reporting Fire Hazards:................................................................................................................ 4
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):.................................................................................................... 5
Wearing PPE..................................................................................................................................... 6
Prohibition of Smoking, Drug and Alcohol: Shall take HR inputs on this................................................ 7
Electrical Safety:......................................................................................................................................7
1. Awareness of Electrical Hazards:.................................................................................................. 7
2. Electrical Installations and Repairs:.............................................................................................. 7
3. Inspect Electrical Equipment Regularly:....................................................................................... 7
4. Avoid Water Contact:....................................................................................................................7
5. Use Proper Extension Cords:........................................................................................................ 8
6. Respect Electrical Clearance:........................................................................................................8
7. Use Lockout/Tagout Procedures:..................................................................................................8
8. Unplug Devices Safely:..................................................................................................................8
9. Report Electrical Hazards:.............................................................................................................8
Rack/ Bins Safety.....................................................................................................................................8
Proper Stacking and Piling................................................................................................................ 8
Clear Aisles and Walkways................................................................................................................9
Proper Lighting................................................................................................................................. 9
Flammable and Chemicals Materials................................................................................................9
Regular Inspections.......................................................................................................................... 9
Safety Instructions and Signage.............................................................................................................. 9
Manual Handling: Proper Lifting Techniques and Lifting Aids...............................................................10
Housekeeping and Storage:.................................................................................................................. 10
1. Importance of Housekeeping:.................................................................................................... 11
2. Clutter and Obstructions: A Safety Hazard:................................................................................ 11
3. Tips for Effective Housekeeping:.................................................................................................11
4. Proper Signage and Warnings:....................................................................................................11
Conclusion: Prioritizing Safety in Our Dark Store..................................................................................11

Hello and welcome to the safety training video for our dark store. Your well-being and safety
are our top priorities, and this training is designed to ensure that you have the knowledge and
awareness to work safely in this unique environment.
In a dark store setting, we operate behind the scenes, fulfilling online grocery++ orders and
delivering them to our valued customers. As our employees, you play a crucial role in making
Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

this process efficient and successful. However, it's essential to recognize that the nature of the
dark store environment comes with its own set of potential hazards and challenges.
Throughout this training, we will cover various safety protocols, guidelines, and best
practices to minimize risks and create a secure working environment. By the end of this
video, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the safety measures that need to be
followed while working in our dark store.
Remember, safety is a collective responsibility. We encourage you to actively participate in
this training, report safety concerns and share your thoughts to ensure that we foster a culture
of safety and well-being within our workforce.
So, let's get started and explore the safety protocols that will help you and your colleagues
work confidently and securely in our dark store. Thank you for your attention, and let's make
safety a priority every day as we fulfill our mission of delivering groceries to our customers
efficiently and safely.
[Narrator stands in front of a dark store setting, wearing a safety uniform/ T-Shirt of blink, and addresses the camera and
Video: Footage of employees working in the dark store, handling materials]

EHS Policies: It’s important for you to understand our Environment, Health and Safety
[Narrator shows EHS Policies to the participants]

Fire Safety and Other Emergencies:

Fire safety is a critical aspect of maintaining a safe working environment in our dark store. In
the event of a fire, knowing the location and proper use of fire extinguishers and fire exits is
essential for the safety of all employees. Let's go through some important fire safety
[Narrator stands in front of a dark store setting, wearing a ERT vest and addresses the camera]

1. Fire Extinguishers:
Throughout the dark store, you will find strategically placed fire extinguishers.
Familiarize yourself with the locations of these extinguishers so that you can quickly
access them in case of a fire emergency. Fire extinguishers are marked with
color-coded labels indicating the type of fire they are suitable for. Remember the
PASS technique for using a fire extinguisher:
[Narrator points to a fire extinguisher on the wall]

Pull the pin: Pull the safety pin to unlock the extinguisher.
Aim low: Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire where the fuel source is.
Squeeze the lever: Squeeze the lever to release the extinguishing agent.
Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

Sweep side to side: Sweep the extinguisher from side to side to cover the entire fire

-Mention the difference in the CO2 extinguishers

*** [Demonstrate each of the above step]

2. Fire Exits:
Know the locations of all fire exits in the dark store. Fire exits are marked with
"EXIT" signs. During an emergency, follow the illuminated signs to the nearest fire
exit. Keep these exits clear at all times to ensure a swift and safe evacuation.
[Narrator walks towards a fire exit sign]

3. Emergency Evacuation Plan:

In the event of a fire, an emergency evacuation plan is crucial. The store manager/TL
or designated safety personnel will sound the fire alarm to signal the start of the
evacuation. When the alarm sounds:
● Remain calm and do not panic.
● Leave all belongings behind and exit the building immediately through the
nearest fire exit.
● Do not use elevators during evacuation/ in case the store is above the ground
● Assemble at the designated assembly point, which will be a safe distance from
the building. Stay there until further instructions are given.
● Participate in regular mock drills
In case if you are the first person to notice:
● Alert Others: sound the alarm to notify everyone in the vicinity of the
● Evacuate: Follow the emergency evacuation plan and proceed to the nearest
fire exit or designated assembly point. Do not use elevators during
● If trained firefighting: If you are trained in firefighting and it is safe help to
mitigate fire
● Report the Emergency: Once you have reached a safe location, call manager
[Video showing alarm and people rushing out to the assembly point]

Accidents Other Emergencies

It's essential that all employees are aware of the emergency procedures to follow in
case of accidents, injuries, or any other emergencies. Here are the steps to take in such
Accidents and Injuries: If you witness an accident or someone sustains an injury,
take immediate action to ensure the safety of the affected person and those around.
Follow these steps:
Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

Step 1: Assess the Situation: Check for any immediate dangers and move the
injured person to a safe location if possible.
Step 2: Call for Help: Dial the emergency contact person/ service and
provide details of the incident and the location. If the situation requires
immediate medical attention, do not hesitate to seek help.
Step 3: Provide First Aid: If you are trained in first aid, administer basic first
aid to the injured person. Remember, do not attempt any procedures beyond
your level of training.
Step 4: Notify Management: Report the incident to your supervisor or the
designated safety officer as soon as possible. They will initiate the necessary
procedures and provide further instructions.

[Screen shall have animation of accidents & procedure]

Reporting Incidents to Management: Anytime an accident, injury, or emergency

occurs, it is crucial to report it to your supervisor or the designated safety officer
immediately, even if the situation seems minor. Prompt reporting allows management
to take appropriate actions and ensure the well-being of everyone involved. Please
report all near-misses immediately.
4. Reporting Fire Hazards:
If you notice any fire hazards, such as blocked fire exits, damaged fire extinguishers,
or faulty fire alarms, report them immediately to your supervisor or the maintenance
team. Timely reporting can prevent accidents and ensure that our fire safety measures
are always in optimal condition.

[video showing blocked exits/ fire extinguishres and waste storage]

5. Healthiness of Fire Safety and Emergency Equipment:

It is important to maintain fire safety equipment. Make sure all smoke detectors are in
proper working condition. If you notice a malfunctioning smoke detector, report it
immediately to the maintenance team
[Narrator holds up a smoke detector and shows pressure gauge on a extinguisher]

Also report if any fire extinguisher is blocked/ empty or damaged

[Narrator shows above scene and shall also have X /Tick symbols of do’s and don’ts]

[Narrator returns to the initial position]

Remember, fire safety is everyone's responsibility. By being vigilant and familiar with
the fire safety protocols, we can create a secure environment for ourselves and our
colleagues. Always prioritize safety, and together, we can minimize the risks
associated with fire hazards in our dark store.
Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Ensuring the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is of utmost importance
when working in our dark store. PPE is designed to safeguard you from potential hazards and
create a protective barrier against various risks. Let's go over the different types of PPE
required and learn how to wear and use them correctly.
Gloves: Gloves are essential for protecting your hands from cuts, bruises, and potential
exposure to harmful substances. When handling groceries, stock, or equipment, always wear
appropriate gloves, examples –Cold room gloves, Electrical Gloves. Make sure they fit well
and do not hinder your ability to perform tasks effectively.
[Narrator holds up a pair of safety gloves –eg. While handling material from freezer]

Safety Shoes: Safety shoes with slip-resistant soles are a must to prevent slips, trips, and
falls. They provide added protection against falling objects and sharp objects on the floor.
Ensure that your safety shoes are in good condition and always wear them during work hours.
[Narrator lifts a pair of steel-toed safety boots]

Face Masks: In a dark store environment, maintaining proper hygiene and preventing the
spread of germs are crucial. Always wear a face mask properly covering your nose and
mouth. Masks help protect you and others from potential respiratory risks.
[Narrator shows a respirator mask]

Safety Goggles or Glasses: If you are handling chemicals, liquids, or potential airborne
particles, wear safety goggles or glasses to protect your eyes from splashes and irritants.
[Narrator holds up safety goggles]

Wearing PPE
Now, let's see how to properly wear and use each type of PPE:
Wearing Gloves:
Wash your hands thoroughly before putting on gloves to maintain hygiene.
Pull the gloves over your hands, ensuring they cover your fingers and wrists properly.
Avoid touching your face or other surfaces while wearing gloves to prevent
Change gloves if they become torn, punctured, or contaminated.
[Narrator shall show above procedure]

Wearing Safety Shoes:

Lace up your safety shoes securely to provide proper ankle support and avoid tripping
Check for any damage or wear and tear in your safety shoes before each use.
If you encounter any sharp objects or spills on the floor, immediately clean the area or
report it to management.
Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

[Narrator shall show above procedure]

Wearing Face Masks:

Hold the mask by the ear loops and place it over your nose and mouth.
Adjust the mask to ensure a snug fit and avoid gaps around the edges.
Do not touch the front of the mask while wearing it.
Replace disposable masks after single-use or if they become damp or soiled.
[Narrator shall show above procedure]

Using Safety Goggles or Glasses:

Put on safety goggles or glasses before handling any hazardous substances.
Ensure they fit securely and provide clear vision.
Clean your safety eyewear regularly to maintain visibility.
[Narrator shall show above procedure]

[Narrator now returns to the initial position]

Remember, PPE is only effective when used correctly. Always follow our safety
guidelines and utilize the provided PPE to protect yourself and others in the dark store
environment. If you have any questions or need assistance with your PPE, don't
hesitate to reach out to your supervisor team. Your safety matters to us, and we want
to ensure a secure working environment for everyone.

Prohibition of Smoking, Drug and Alcohol: Shall take HR inputs

on this
At Blinkit, we maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards the use and possession of drugs and
alcohol in the stores. Our commitment to ensuring a safe and productive environment for all
employees is paramount, and adhering to this policy is crucial for the well-being of everyone
in our dark store. The use, possession, distribution, or being under the influence of drugs or
alcohol during work hours is strictly prohibited. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the stores.
[Narrator shall guide with signage on screen-with don’ts]

Electrical Safety:
Ensuring electrical safety is of utmost importance in our dark store. Electricity is a powerful
resource that, when mishandled, can lead to severe accidents and even fatalities. It is crucial
for all employees to be aware of electrical hazards and follow safe practices to prevent
potential risks. Let's go through some essential guidelines to maintain electrical safety in our
dark store:
[Narrator at his base position, in front of dark store]
Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

1. Awareness of Electrical Hazards:

Make sure all employees are aware of the potential electrical hazards present in the dark
store. These hazards may include exposed wires, faulty electrical equipment, overloaded
circuits, and damaged power cords. Always be cautious around electrical installations and
[Narrator points to electrical equipment/ Panel, some of the damaged wires/ cables etc.]

2. Electrical Installations and Repairs:

Only qualified personnel should handle electrical equipment and perform installation repairs
or maintenance. If you found an issue please report to the store manager or report to the
admin team/ maintenance team.
[Video:showing a dark store personnel working and on which it show danger sign - show a technician with PPE handles the
electrical panel]

3. Inspect Electrical Equipment Regularly:

Inspect all electrical devices and equipment regularly for signs of wear and tear, damage, or
malfunction. If you notice any issues, report them immediately to the maintenance team or
your supervisor.
[Narrator shows damaged parts etc.. to identify and repairs]

4. Avoid Water Contact:

Water and electricity do not mix well. Never handle electrical equipment with wet hands, and
avoid using electrical devices in wet or damp areas. Never clean/ use water spray on the
electrical cables, dbs and other equipment Water can conduct electricity, posing a significant
risk of electric shock.
[Animation of short circuit/ electrocution due to water]

5. Use Proper Extension Cords:

When using extension cords, ensure they are in good condition and rated for the intended
purpose. Never overload extension cords with multiple devices or appliances. Unplug
extension cords when not in use.
[Narrator holds up an extension cord]

[Narrator demonstrates safe practices]

6. Respect Electrical Clearance:

Keep a safe distance from electrical panels and avoid blocking access to them. Electrical
panels should always be easily accessible in case of an emergency or maintenance.
[Narrator points to a blocked electrical panel- show cross symbol on it]

7. Use Lockout/Tagout Procedures:

If electrical work or repairs are needed, follow the lockout/tagout procedures to ensure the
equipment is de-energized and properly tagged to prevent accidental energization.
[Narrator points to a lockout/tagout station]
Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

8. Unplug Devices Safely:

When unplugging electrical devices, pull from the plug, not the cord. Yanking cords can
damage the wires and create a safety hazard.
[Narrator shall demonstrate using an animation]

9. Report Electrical Hazards:

If you notice any potential electrical hazards or malfunctions, report them immediately to
your supervisor or the maintenance team. Timely reporting is crucial to prevent accidents and
ensure a safe working environment.
[Narrator returns to the initial position]

Remember, electrical safety is a shared responsibility. By following these guidelines and

staying vigilant, we can create a secure environment for everyone in our dark store. Prioritize
your safety and the safety of your colleagues in all electrical-related tasks. Thank you for
your commitment to electrical safety.

Rack/ Bins Safety

Improper storage and handling can lead to accidents, injuries, and damage to goods. Let's
take a look at some key safety precautions to follow.
[Video: Footage of employees working in the dark store, handling materials]

Proper Stacking and Piling

Do not overload material in such a way that it can fall while retrieving, ensure storage in any
rack is under the safe limit (Specified capacity), Ensure use of safe approach platforms /
ladders to reach the material. Inspect them on a regular basis.
[Video: Demonstration of proper stacking and piling techniques-& bad practices and material falling]

Clear Aisles and Walkways

Keep aisles and walkways clear from clutter to prevent slip, trip, and fall hazards. An
organized and clutter-free workspace improves safety and efficiency.
[Video: Footage showing clear and clutter-free aisles/ cluttered aisles –with consequences]

Proper Lighting
Ensure the dark store has adequate lighting to allow employees to see and handle materials
safely. Proper lighting reduces the risk of accidents and errors.
[Video: Showing the dark store environment with & without proper lighting]

Flammable and Chemicals Materials

Flammable, combustible, and hazardous materials must be stored in designated areas with
proper ventilation and storage conditions to minimize risks.
[Video: Employees handling flammable materials with proper safety precautions]

Regular Inspections
Routinely inspect storage racks and bins for any signs of wear, damage, or instability.
Promptly address any issues to prevent potential accidents.
Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

Steel racks should be regularly checked for any bend, dent , rust etc. Report to store manger if
the there are sharp edges / corners in any bins
[Video: Inspection of racks and bins for signs of wear or damage]

Safety Instructions and Signage

Safety instructions and signs communicate hazards and inform about the safety precautions
required. They can indicate areas where personal protective equipment (PPE) is required,
indicate hazards such as wet floors or high voltage equipment, or show the location of
emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers and first aid kits.
[Video: Narrator from initial position]

● It is important that you must familiarize yourself with safety instructions and signage
in your workplace. Take the time to read and understand the significance of each sign,
and carefully follow the safety instructions provided.
● If you are unsure about any safety instruction or signage, don't hesitate to ask your
supervisor or safety in charge.
● It is also important to report any unclear, damaged, or missing safety signs to your
supervisor so that they can be promptly replaced. By taking these steps, you can help
ensure a safer work environment for yourself and others around you.
[Video: Narrator showing signage like flammable, PPE required etc.]

Manual Handling: Proper Lifting Techniques and Lifting Aids

In our dark store, manual handling plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of our
employees and preventing strains and injuries while handling groceries and stock. It's
essential to follow proper lifting techniques and utilize lifting aids effectively. Here's what
you need to know:
[Video: Store with pickers are moving inside the stores]

1. Proper Lifting Techniques: When lifting items, follow these steps to minimize the risk
of strain or injury:
Step 1: Assess the Load: Before lifting any item, assess its weight and size. If it feels
too heavy or awkward to lift, seek assistance or use a lifting aid.
Step 2: Get a Good Grip: Stand close to the load with feet shoulder-width apart and
one foot slightly in front of the other. Bend your knees, and get a secure grip on the
load with both hands.
Step 3: Keep Your Back Straight: Maintain a straight back and avoid bending at the
waist. Use the strength of your legs to lift the load while keeping it close to your body.
Step 4: Lift Smoothly: Lift the load smoothly and avoid jerky movements. Do not
twist your body while lifting.
Step 5: Walk Carefully: Take small steps and pivot with your feet instead of twisting
your body when changing direction.

[Video: Showing the above mentioned steps / do’s and don’ts]

Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

2. Using Lifting Aids: In our dark store, we provide various lifting aids/ trollies to assist
you in moving heavy items safely and efficiently. Here are some common lifting aids and
how to use them:
Trolleys and Carts: When moving multiple items or heavy loads, use trolleys or
carts. Place the load securely on the trolley and push or pull it rather than lifting.
Dollies or Hand Trucks: Dollies and hand trucks are ideal for moving heavy boxes
or crates. Load the item onto the dolly and tilt it backward, then wheel it to the desired
[Video: Showing the above equipment and their usage]

3. Teamwork and Communication: If a load is too heavy or requires more than one
person to lift, don't hesitate to ask for help. Working as a team and communicating effectively
is essential to ensure safe manual handling.
4. Avoid Overloading: Never exceed the weight limit of any lifting aid. Overloading can
compromise the stability and safety of the lifting equipment.
[Video: Narrator back to his position and explaining above two points using in screen video]

Housekeeping and Storage:

In our dark store, housekeeping and storage are of utmost importance to ensure a safe and
efficient working environment. A clean and organized workspace not only promotes
productivity but also prevents accidents such as slips, trips, and falls. Here's why it matters
and what you can do:
1. Importance of Housekeeping:
Housekeeping involves maintaining cleanliness and orderliness throughout the store. It
includes cleaning floors, aisles, and workspaces regularly, as well as keeping storage
areas neat and tidy.
A well-maintained store reduces the risk of accidents and injuries, enhances employee
morale, and creates a positive impression on customers.
[Narrator points to cluttered and untidy areas and shows their consequences]

2. Clutter and Obstructions: A Safety Hazard:

Clutter and obstructions in walkways, aisles, or storage areas can lead to accidents.
Boxes, packaging materials, and equipment left lying around create trip hazards.
Spills and debris on the floor can cause slips and falls, resulting in injuries to employees
and damage to goods.
[Video animation showing people falling from trip hazards - Injuries and material damage- Amination]

3. Tips for Effective Housekeeping:

Clean as You Go: Encourage employees to clean up spills and remove debris
immediately. If you see something that needs attention, take action promptly.
Proper Waste Disposal: Dispose of waste and packaging materials in designated bins/
storage spaces to prevent them from becoming obstacles.
[Video: Video showing bad housekeeping practices and people involved in the same- Show segregation of waste at sources
and disposing through authorised agency - show misconducts in this X the same]

Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections to identify and address any

housekeeping issues promptly.
[Video: Narrator shows damages and a person reporting to store manager]

Organized Storage: Ensure that items are stored neatly and properly in designated areas.
Heavy items should be stored on lower shelves to prevent toppling hazards. Proper
Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

storage is essential for safety and efficiency. Arrange materials systematically, ensuring
heavy items are placed on lower shelves, and lighter items on top.
[Video: Narrator shows well-organized shelves]

4. Proper Signage and Warnings:

Use clear and visible signage to indicate wet floors, slippery surfaces, or potential
Warn employees to be cautious in specific areas where the risk of spills or obstacles is
[Video: Narrator shows wet floor signage]

Conclusion: Prioritizing Safety in Our Dark Store

In this safety training video, we covered crucial aspects of maintaining a safe working
environment in our dark store. Let's recap the key safety points covered to ensure that we are
all on the same page:
[Video: Narrator at the entrance of dark store and after a minute while navigating through the store with good upkeep shall

Employee Safety Orientation:

Always adhere to safety guidelines and procedures outlined during the orientation.
Understand the importance of wearing proper protective equipment to prevent injuries.
Prohibition of Drugs and Alcohol and Smoking:
Strictly avoid the use of drugs and alcohol, do not smoke at work to ensure a safe and
productive environment.
Electrical Safety:
Never use aluminium or metal ladders near electrical equipment to avoid potential
electrical hazards.
Sprinkler Clearance:
Maintain a minimum of 18 inches clearance around sprinklers to ensure their
effectiveness in case of a fire.
Immediate Incident Reporting:
In case of accidents, injuries, or customer complaints, immediately notify the
management for timely resolution.
Fire Safety and Emergency Procedures:
Familiarize yourself with the location and proper use of fire extinguishers and fire exits.
Conduct regular fire drills to ensure everyone is familiar with evacuation procedures.
Manual Handling:
Use proper lifting techniques and lifting aids like trolleys to prevent strains and injuries
when handling groceries and stock.
Housekeeping and Storage:
Maintain a clean and organized work environment to prevent accidents like slips, trips,
and falls.
In our dark store, safety is a top priority, and it is essential that we all take this responsibility
seriously. Each employee plays a vital role in maintaining a safe working environment. By
adhering to the safety guidelines and prioritizing our well-being, we can ensure a productive
and secure workplace.
Remember, safety is a collective effort. We encourage open communication and reporting of
any safety concerns to create a safer dark store for all of us. Let's work together as a team to
promote safety, productivity, and the well-being of everyone in our dark store.
Thank you for your attention and commitment to safety. Stay safe and vigilant!
Blinkit Dark Stores Safety Training Video Script:

[Video: of a dark store from bird eye view and staff standing in front with uniform of store as group with thumbs up and
saying safety]

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