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Marketing Management (MKTM503)

Course Instructor: Dr. Aditi Sharma
Section: Q2355

Group Member
Suraj Pratap Singh (12305306)
Prasun Kumar Mondal (12305748)
Satyansh Kumar (12322168)
Muwahid Munshi (12306969)
Sampath Durga Jagadesh (12320248)
BLANKET BROKERS "Wrap Yourself in Warmth and Luxury!"


This report takes you on a journey examining the complexities of branding and revenue
generation in the ever-evolving field of business management. Our team's extensive research also
includes finding unbranded products from the local market, especially blankets. The name of our
brand is " BLANKET BROKERS " is not just a business enterprise with the slogan
" Wrap Yourself in Warmth and Luxury!", but also the pursuit of good business, users' product
behaviour and the implementation of good marketing strategies.

Why we selected the blanket as our product

We selected the unbranded blanket as our product because it is a versatile and essential item that
is in high demand. Blankets can be used for a variety of purposes, such as staying warm,
sleeping comfortably, and decorating homes. Blankets are also a relatively inexpensive product,
which makes them a good choice for budget-conscious consumers.

Here are some Basic reasons why we choose a blanket as your marketing product inside a

1. Comfort and Utility: Blankets are versatile and provide comfort, which is highly valued
by students. They can be used for dorm rooms, outdoor events, picnics, and studying,
making them a practical and functional item.
2. Seasonal Demand: In colder climates, blankets become especially popular during the fall
and winter months. Students may be more inclined to purchase blankets to keep warm
during these seasons.
3. Dorm Room Essentials: Many university students live in dormitories or apartments with
varying heating systems. Blankets are essential for staying warm in these settings.
4. Study Sessions: Students often spend long hours studying in libraries or common areas.
Blankets can make these study sessions more comfortable, allowing students to focus
5. Campus Events: Universities host various outdoor events, such as sports games,
concerts, and movie nights. Selling blankets during these events can capitalize on the
need for seating and comfort.
6. Gifts and Souvenirs: Blankets can be attractive gift items for students or parents visiting
the campus. They can also serve as university merchandise or souvenirs.
7. Customization: Offering blankets with university logos or colors can increase their
appeal and serve as a way for students to show school spirit.
8. Competitive Pricing: Blankets can be priced at various levels to cater to different budget
ranges, making them accessible to a broad customer base.
9. Eco-Friendly Options: If you offer eco-friendly or sustainable blankets, you can appeal
to environmentally conscious students who prefer products aligned with their values.
10. Year-Round Sales: While blankets may have peak demand in colder seasons, they can
be sold year-round for different purposes, such as picnics or outdoor events.
11. Community Building: Blankets can create a sense of community by encouraging
students to gather together for events or study sessions.
12. Resale Opportunities: Students graduate and move on from campus life, which can lead
to a constant turnover of customers. Those who purchased blankets may choose to resell
them or give them to incoming students, creating a recurring market.
13. Personalization: Offering customization options, such as monogramming or
personalized designs, can make your blanket business stand out and attract more
14. Health and Safety: Blankets can provide an additional layer of warmth and comfort,
which may be particularly appealing during times when health and safety concerns (e.g.,
cold and flu season) are heightened.
15. Promotions and Events: You can tie your blanket sales into campus promotions, events,
or fundraisers, which can boost sales and support the university community.

Before starting a blanket business on a university campus, it's important to conduct thorough
market research to understand the specific needs and preferences of the student population.


Our approach to product selection is both clear and creative. Blankets are chosen not only for
their association with the season but also for the many connotations they carry (comfort, war
mth and security). This decision is based on a detailed analysis of the local market, including
current trends and customer needs.The proof of purchase described further which
not only provides evidence of our purchase, but also forms the basis of the goods we
purchase. Work as a historical snapshot of the initial capital investment that is the
foundation of our entire strategy.


Market Research

The first step in developing a marketing strategy for blankets on a university campus is
to conduct market research. This research has help us to understand the needs and
wants of their target market, as well as the competitive landscape.

Some key question which have in our mind while Doing our survey is are as follows:-

• What types of blankets are most popular with university students?

• What are the main factors that students consider when purchasing a blanket?
• What are the students' budget constraints?
• What are the main competitors in the market?
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors?
We as a New brand as also Done market research data through a variety of methods,
such as:

• Conducting surveys with students

• Analyzing social media data
• Observing student behavior on campus

Competitor Analysis:

* Conduct a comprehensive analysis of existing products in the market to identify headroom and
potential differences.
A comprehensive analysis of our competitors' pricing strategies,quality standards and business p
ractices informs our own business.

* Discover popular trends and trends in winter products by delving into the beauty of design, ne
w products and all the marketing strategies used by great brands.
* Discover the cultural and seasonal trends that influence consumer preferences in the winter ma

Target Segmentation

Once we have gathered market research data, then we begin to segment target market. This
involves dividing the market into smaller groups of people who share similar characteristics and

Some key target segments for blankets on a university campus include:

• Freshmen: Freshmen are new to the campus and may be looking for a blanket to help
them feel more at home. They may also be looking for a blanket that is affordable and
• Sophomores and juniors: Sophomores and juniors are more established on campus and
may be looking for a blanket that is stylish and comfortable. They may also be willing to
spend more money on a high-quality blanket.
• Seniors: Seniors are preparing to graduate and may be looking for a blanket to
commemorate their time on campus. They may also be looking for a blanket that is
practical and can be used in their future home or workplace.

By segmenting their target market, We develop our marketing strategies that are specifically
tailored to the needs of each segment.
Marketing Strategies

Now as we have segmented our target market, We begin to develop marketing strategies. Some
key marketing strategies for blankets on a university campus include:

• Offering discounts and promotions: We offer discounts and promotions to students.

• Creating a social media presence: We create a social media presence to connect with
students and promote our blankets.
• Selling blankets at campus events: We sell blankets at campus event such as in
Sunburn Festival.


segmentation which we taken are-


* Describe our plans for university students, including age, gender, place of residence and
place of residence.

* Segment our products by education level to tailor our products to the specific needs of
undergraduate and graduate students.

* Explore the impact of leadership and the opportunity for the consumer to make competitive
decisions about our products and products. Spirit of the time.


* Dive into the psyche of your target audience to discover their lifestyle preferences, values,
and career interests.

* The third part targets behavior-based marketing of winter products and explores the
emotional resonance a blanket can bring to a different market.

Analyze different purchasing behaviors of college students, including factors such as trust,
online shopping preferences, and friends.

* Identify trends in seasonal purchases and determine what's causing college students to
invest this winter.


After segmenting the university campus market, you should select one or more segments to
target based on their attractiveness and alignment with your business goals:

1. Primary Target Segment:

• Decide on your primary target segment, which is the segment with the highest
potential for demand and profitability. For example, you might focus on
undergraduate students living in dormitories.

2. Secondary Target Segments:

• Consider secondary target segments that could also benefit from your blanket
offerings. This could include graduate students, faculty members, or parents
visiting the campus.

3. Customization:

• Tailor your blanket offerings to meet the specific needs and preferences of each
target segment. For example, you might offer cozy, colorful blankets for dorm
room decor and durable, outdoor blankets for campus events.


Positioning involves creating a distinct image or perception of your blanket business in the
minds of your target segments:

1. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

• Clearly define what makes your blankets stand out. It could be customization
options, affordability, eco-friendliness, or premium quality.
2. Branding and Messaging:

• Develop a brand identity and messaging that resonates with the selected target
segments. Highlight the benefits and features that matter most to them.

3. Value Proposition:

• Communicate the unique value your blankets offer to each segment. For
example, emphasize warmth and comfort for students, while highlighting
durability and style for faculty members.

4. Channel Selection:

• Choose the most effective distribution channels to reach your target segments.
For students, consider on-campus stores or vending machines. For parents,
online sales and university events may be more suitable.

5. Pricing Strategy:

• Align your pricing strategy with the perceived value of your blankets for each
target segment. Students may seek affordability, while faculty members may
prioritize quality.

6. Marketing and Promotion:

• Craft marketing campaigns and promotions that speak directly to the needs and
desires of each target segment. Utilize campus-specific marketing channels
like bulletin boards, social media groups, and campus events.

7. Feedback and Adaptation:

• Continuously gather feedback from your target segments to refine your

positioning and adapt your offerings based on their preferences.

By effectively segmenting, targeting, and positioning your blanket business within the
university campus, you can better meet the unique needs of different customer groups and
increase your chances of success.

A SWOT analysis assesses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business
or product. In the case of an "Unbrandable Blanket," which implies a generic or unbranded
blanket, here's a sample SWOT analysis:


1. Cost-Efficiency: Unbranded blankets often have lower production costs, allowing for
competitive pricing and potentially higher profit margins.

2. Versatility: Blankets have a wide range of uses, appealing to various customer

segments, such as students, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts.

3. Customization: The lack of branding allows for customization options, making it

easier to meet specific customer preferences or needs.

4. Wide Market Appeal: Unbranded blankets can attract price-conscious consumers

who prioritize functionality over brand names.


1. Lack of Brand Recognition: The absence of a strong brand can make it challenging
to stand out in a crowded market and build trust with consumers.

2. Limited Marketing Options: Marketing an unbranded product may require more

creative approaches, as traditional branding strategies may not apply.

3. Perceived Quality: Some consumers may associate unbranded products with lower
quality, making it important to focus on product quality and customer reviews.

1. Affordable Luxury: Positioning the product as an affordable luxury or an excellent

value proposition can attract a broader customer base.

2. Eco-Friendly Options: Offering eco-friendly or sustainable unbranded blankets can

tap into the growing market of environmentally conscious consumers.

3. Partnerships: Collaborations with other businesses or retailers can expand

distribution channels and increase exposure.


1. Competition: The blanket market is highly competitive, with both branded and
unbranded options. Competing with established brands can be challenging.

2. Market Trends: Changes in consumer preferences, such as shifts toward specific

materials or designs, can impact sales.

3. Economic Factors: Economic downturns may affect consumer spending, making it

important to consider market fluctuations.

4. Counterfeiting and Imitation: Unbranded products are sometimes susceptible to

counterfeiting or imitation, potentially damaging the reputation of genuine unbranded

5. Regulatory Changes: Changes in regulations related to product safety or labeling can

impact production and distribution.


and Luxury!"


* Work with graphic designers to create a logo that represents the essence of BLANKET
BROKERS. The logo is not only visual, but also the embodiment of
warmth and comfort.

* Various designs were tested to ensure the logo resonated with



* To build a good relationship with the customer, go beyond business and treat packaging as
an extension of the product experience.

* Use sustainable packaging consistent with our business environment outcomes



BLANKET Rs.1100 Rs.1300 Rs.200 % %

DOUBLE SIZE Rs.1400 Rs.1500 Rs.100




Develop phased plans for recovery of initial investment, including product lifecycle, market
saturation, and seasonal changes.

* Use financial models to estimate the importance of renewal and set realistic expectations for
your team.


Evaluate risks associated with other factors such as work quality, product perception, and
financial changes.

* Develop risk mitigation plans including contingency resources, strategic partnerships and
business transformation strategies.



* Engaged in a multi-platform digital marketing strategy, leveraging social media (Instagram,

Facebook, Twitter) for targeted advertising and community building.

* Implemented a comprehensive content marketing plan, including blog posts, videos, and user-
generated content to amplify our online presence.


* Established strategic partnerships with local retailers, ensuring a physical presence of Blanket
Brokers in brick-and-mortar stores.

* Participated in winter-themed pop-up events on college campuses, enhancing brand visibility

among our target audience



* Presented a granular breakdown of revenue, dissecting sales performance by

product variant, geographical region, and sales channel.

* Integrated data visualization tools to facilitate a nuanced understanding of revenue

streams and identify areas for optimization.


* Conducted an in-depth analysis of profit margins, considering both direct costs

(production, packaging) and indirect costs (marketing, distribution).

* Evaluated the impact of pricing adjustments on profit margins, balancing

competitive positioning with financial sustainability.

Buy blankets from Wholesaler.

Revenue generation Proof

Selling proof

In summary, the detailed study of business management goes beyond the boundaries of traditional
activities. From the careful selection of our products to similar products, our success and competiti
ve revenue, this report is a testament to our team's commitment to excellence and continuous impr

Considering the many aspects of business management, we not only celebrate financial successes
but also promote the knowledge gained. The launch of BlanketBrokers is not only a business mile
stone, but also a journey to deepen our understanding of the market, customer sentiment and the i
mportance of engagement, productivity and revenue.


o Established a robust feedback loop, actively seeking input from customers through surveys, reviews,
and direct interactions.
o Applied sentiment analysis tools to extract nuanced insights from customer feedback, guiding
product improvements and marketing strategy.

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