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000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000 MEGAMAN BATTLE NETWORK 5: DOUBLE TEAM DS FAQ By CruxisBLADE *version 0.


TABLE OF CONTENTS: Opening Statements <intro> DS and GBA differences <DSGBA> The way things work <controls> Navi Abilities <skills> WalkthroughDad's surprise <pt1> Intruder alert <pt2> Mission one <pt3> Isle of disaster <pt4> Rock Crusher <pt5> Mission two <pt6> The clouds of DOOM! <pt7> Mission three <pt8> New Navi <pt9> Ship chaos!!! <pt10> Mission four <pt11> Extra <xtra> Bonus Folders <fldr> Legal Stuff <legal> ---<intro>---Opening Statements---<intro>--Greetings! I am CruxisBLADE, a MASSIVE Battle Network fan, and this is my first FAQ! A few things to note about this guide: 1) My guide is not here to show you where everything in the game is, nor for providing you with unbeatable folders. 2) I love accepting CONSTRUCTIVE critisism and alerts of spelling errors, just so long as they aren't worded like this. "OMG liek yur FAQ suxxorz it mispellz liek, a buncha wirdz!!1!!!shift+1!!" Or stuff like that. 3) My guide is MINE and I say it cannot be on any site other than,,, and as of now. ---<DSGBA>---DS and GBA differences---<DSGBA>--Why is Double Team any different then the other versions of Battle Network 5? Well, for starters, it's on a different system. =P. Besides that obvious one... + You can have two save files + Common lines are voiced over, and main Navis have battle voices + You can use the touch screen to: Jack in and out Retreat Liberation missions

Access the menu and navigate the menu View a map of your current area + A group of minigames using the touch screen. Not too impressive in my opinion + When your Navi is low on health, speak through the mic to give it a boost + New "Transport Chips" allow you to customize your team in Liberations + Can take other Navis with Megaman through the net + Can perform Double Team Attacks with those Navis + New Number Trader codes for chips such as Leader's Raid and Lord of Chaos! + Remixed versions of BN5 music + Putting other BN games in the GBA slot changes battle music and powers up certain navis' special chips. + Putting a GBA Battle Network 5 in allows you to use whatever folder is equipped on the GBA in Double Team. + Saving takes a good while longer. (Bad thing) ---<controls>---The way things work---<controls>--REAL WORLD: Jack in- R button or Touch Screen (TS for now on) Talk to Megaman- L button or TS Access menu- Start button or TS Move- Control Pad Talk/Examine- A button INTERNET WORLD: Jack out- R button or TS Talk to Lan- L button or TS Access menu- Start button or TS Move- Control Pad Talk/Examine- A button BATTLE (CHIP SELECTION)Select chips- A button Deselect chips- B button Navigate menu- Control Pad Run- L button Change Navis- X,Y, or TS BATTLE (ACTION SCREEN)Use chips- A button Fire buster- B button (can be held for a stronger attack) Move Megaman- Control Pad Change Navis- X,Y, or TS ---<skills>---Navi Abilities---<skills>--Team Protoman: Protoman: Chargeshot= WideSword, hit the column in front of Protoman Chip: StepSword, move two panels forward and use a WideSword Support: Attacks the nearest enemy with a WideSword Lib. Ability: WideSword (He seems to like those...) Special stuff: Press <- + B to activate a shield Magnetman: Chargeshot= MagnetMissle, a magnet slowly homes in on an enemy Chip: NSTackle, Charges across a row to slam enemies Support: Gives you a Barrier when low on HP Lib. Ability: MagnetBarrier, protects allies from non-battle damage Gyroman: Chargeshot= GyroStorm, wind shoots three panels ahead

Chip: AirForce, Gyroman bombs the row Support: brings enemies to the front row with a fan Lib. Ability: BombLiberate, move above a panel to liberate Special stuff: Can walk over DarkPanels, Airshoes in battle Napalmman: Chargeshot= none! Napalmman continuously fires when B is held Chip: Napalm, fires a bomb 4 panels ahead to explode 3x3 area *Support: Fires repeated shots from his vulcan arm Lib. Ability: Napalm, liberates in a cross-shape Special stuff: Superarmor Searchman: Chargeshot= ScopeGun, targets nearest enemy and fires five times Chip: Satelitey, Press A to shoot a laser to hit in a + shape Support: Locates enemies using Invisible? Lib. Ability: PanelSearch, seach for items and traps in a line Meddi: column Chargeshot: PillToss, throw a pill 3 panels ahead to hit a Chip: Whitepills, tosses a paralyzing pill three panels ahead *Support: Heals you 5% HP each turn *Lib. Ability: Twin Liberate, after Meddi liberates with this,

have another ally liberate the glowing green panel to liberate all in between. Team Colonel: Colonel: Chargeshot= ScreenDivide, shoot a > shaped laser from sword Chip: C-Cannon, launches a cannon down the row, exploding back row Support: Uses C-Cannon on nearest enemy Lib. Ability: ScreenDivide, liberates like a WideSword Knightman: Chargeshot= Breaker, swings cannonball in a circle Chip: KingdomCrusher, fires cannonball along the row Support: steps in front of you to block one attack Lib. Ability: takes no damage outside of battle, can guard allies Special stuff: Superarmor Shadowman: Chargeshot= Shuriken, throws a shuriken at closest enemy Chip: SplitUp, creates a clone to Longsword nearest enemy Support: blinds and paralyzes enemy when low on HP Lib.Ability: SneakAttack, deals damage to an enemy two panels ahead Special stuff: walk over DarkPanels, Airshoes, Flotshoes Tomahawkman: Chargeshot= Tomahawk throw, tosses axe like a boomerang Chip: TomahawkSwing, cuts axe in a 2x3 area *Support: Appears randomly to use Tomahawk Swing Lib. Ability: TomahawkSwing, liberates in a 2x3 area Special stuff: Slow recovery on grass panels, Superarmor Numberman: x10 activated roll 2x3 Chargeshot= Numberdice, throws die 3 ahead, dealing number Chip: NumberTrap, places trap 2 ahead, falling 2x2 when Support: rolls a die, increasing the atk of next chip by the Lib. Ability: NumberSearch, get items and disable traps in


Chargeshot= ToadSlap, pops up in front on an enemy and slaps Chip: ToadSong?, a music note is fired, paralyzing an enemy *Support: Revives you if you are reduced to 0 HP Lib. Ability: Life Melody, allow and ally to liberate 5

panels in a straight row. Goes through barriers and Dark holes. Special stuff: hides underneath water panels * Thanks to Hello Light for giving me this info! ~~~~~~~~~~~~( WALKTHROUGH )~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dad's surprise <pt1> As per usual, we find Lan oversleeping and Megaman waking him up. You will get a few emails, but they aren't important. Head into the main room and talk to your Mom. She'll ask you to deliver a StewRecipe to her friend's Navi in KitchenComp in ACDC Area 2. Head back to Lan's room and stand near the computer and either press R or the "Jack In" command on the touch screen to Jack In. Move forward to find that Lan's Homepage is being plagued by viruses! Time to do some busting! BATTLE: Mettaur Mettaur This is easy. Just load up the cannons the game makes you, for one can eliminate the weak Mettaurs easily. These viruses only attack in a straight line, and the shot moves slowly at that. BATTLE: Mettaur Mettaur Mettaur A bit easier actually. Again, go through the tutorial and select AreaGrab and WideSword. Use AreaGrab first then stand in the center-front panel and use the WideSword. Eliminate the last virus by charging up your buster. (hold B) BATTLE: Mettaur Mettaur Mettaur Tricky without knowing what to do sorta. You start out Full Synchro, which doubles damge dealt by the next chip. Select the chips in this orderAirShot, Cannon, Airshot. Launch your first Airshot at the nearest Mettaur to kill it via Full Synchro's x2 effect. Unleash the cannon JUST as the next virus raises his pickaxe to counter kill it and return to Full Synchro. Fire another Airshot and you're done. Continue onward into the portal to reach ACDC 1. Follow the green path up tothe third intersection, then turn left onto the blue path to grab the Mystery data for a MiniEnergy Subchip. Return to the green road and pass by Roll, the pink Navi in the middle of the path. Turn right after passing her and follow the

blue path to a Mystery Data conatining 800z. Nice. Now follow the green road to the arrow to end up in ACDC 2. NEW VIRUS ALERT: CanGard This virus is easier than the Mettaur! It tries to lock on to you if you stand in the same row as it, and will fire a cannon at you if you're caught by its sensor. The catch is: The thing can't move! Treat this as a stationary Mettaur with 20 more HP. Once again, stay along the green trail to see a Mystery Data glaring at you saying "come get me." Do so and return to Mr. Greenie. When you reach the big, blue square, turn right and follow the path there, stop by the merhcant and buy an HP Memory if you have enough Zenny. Continue on to the KitchenComp where you talk to the Navi in front of you. Mega will jack out. Go talk to your mom, then go next door to tell Mayl to come with you. Go back over to Lan's and Jack In to the doghouse outside and grab the Data for a RegUp2. Jack out and continue to the right and head into the big house on the side to get Yai. Head across the street to the lone house behind Lan's to round up Dex. Head down from Dex's and Jack In to the tree behind Mayl's house. (Weird spot...) Collect the data in there for an HP Memory! Now that everyone has agreed to meet with you, head to the station behind Mayl's to head to SciLab. Head up both fleets of stairs and turn left to see three statues of battlechips. Jack In to the top one and collect the data for an HPMemory! yay! Now Jack out and head inside SciLab's...lab. Jack In to the flashing monitor to the left for a Bugfrag. Jack out and go up two more staircases and enter the elevator. Wow! Now what was that all about? Sleep bombs and Masked men? Whatever, it seems Lan's father has been kidnapped and Lan's friends' navi's were stolen. Ah, well. We still have Megaman, right? Lan will Jack In, so head out of Lan's HP into the net. Notice how the area is flashing red? That means that the area is in need of Liberating, but more on that later. Head onward to the big square in ACDC 2 to find a purple Navi there. Talk to the guy to be thrust into a... BATTLE: Mettaur Mettaur Bugtank Deal with the annoying Mets first. This new virus, Bugtank, launches a bomb into the air that, when it lands, hits the panel it lands on AND the ones above and below it! Dangerous? Not at all. Just move forward or backward to avoid the attack. Essentially, this guy is a higher HP Mettaur that attacks columns instead of rows. Dispatch these morons and Lan will Jack out. Oh boy, it looks like SciLab's mainframe was infiltrated.

Just imagine what a crook could do in an area with such important information! Say bye to mommy and hurry over to the station. Talk to Mayl to get a Roll R chip. Head over to SciLab and get inside. ---<pt2>---Intruder Alert---<pt2>--Head up one fleet of steps to learn that you need and ID to pass. Head up to Lan's dad's room and check the cabinet next to his computer. While you're there, Jack In to get a RegUp2 from the blue data. The purple data in there cannot be opened yet, to do so you must spend 4000z on an Unlocker subchip. Let's not do that right now. Head back downstairs and use the ID to open the door. Jack In to the blue box in the middle of the room to enter your first real level. The MainComp. NEW VIRUS ALERT: Champy Another stationary virus. Champy attacks once you enter its row, just like a CanGard. However, Champy moves into your area and punches. To avoid, simply move up, down, or backwards. Powie A non-stationary virus! Yay! Powie will hop onto a random panel twice, and after the second time, will transform into a giant rock thing and try to crush you. To dodge it, move in ANY direction. Walk along the white path and get any data on the way until you come to three numbers and a Program. Talk to him and move toward the 7 and press A. Drop the 7 where the 2 is and place the 2 by the 6. Move the 6 into the empty slot and you can pass. Continue forward at the fork to get a Thunder P chip. Return to the fork and turn to get to the next puzzle. THIS TIME WITH LETTERS!! Rearrange the letters so they spell "NAP" to lower the gate and pass on. Take the first turn, then go up until you hit a 3-way split. Go left and get the HP Memory, then go to the other path for the Map data for Main Comp1! This next puzzle has you running between sets of letters. Get the O and exchange it with T. Swap T for A and A for L. Trade L for R and place R in the empty spot. Go past "OWL" and press the switchto open the gate near "RAT". Move on to Main Comp2. NEW VIRUS ALERT: Cactikill Yet ANOTHER stationary virus, except this living cactus is suicidal. It tosses its head onto the ground, causing it to bounce on each panel in the row. The head is still vulnerable while bouncing, so whack it with something to kill it. A twin set puzzle with four letters each? Ouch. Security gets more annoying as we go. Grab H and take her to C, then go and get L. Exchange L for D and place D in A's seat. A belongs in the open area. Pass "HALL" and press the buttong to drop the barrier and proceed. OH MY GOD A THREE-SET PUZZLE! Relax yourself and snatch A. Swap A for H and H for E. Trade E for M and pick up T. Exchange T for I and place I where it

can fit to complete the riddle. The switches lie behind "HIP" and "ARM" and the gate is after "TOE." Don't hit the arrows yet, and continue up for a FullEnergy Subchip. Travel along the paths of arrows and grab the data containing Spreader E after them. Run along and go down at the split for this place's map. Go back up to the last puzzle.The idiot Program forgot the passcode Dr. Hikari gave it. Control Lan and examine the table and chairs in his dad's office for the code: 53214. Back yo Mega, Pick up 5 and trade it for 1. Put 1 where 4 is and drop 4 in the empty hole. Swap 2 and 3 and you are done at last! I reccomend you save here before heading up any further. Mega is about to find the one responsible for the intrusion. Depending on what version you are playing, it's Protoman/Colonel! Boss time! BATTLE: PROTOMAN (Team Protoman) HP 300 Protoman moves randomly around the screen and has two attacks. He'll either use a WideSword or a HeroSword, which hit either across one column or one row ahead respectively. As his HP drops, he may start to move into your field before slashing. This is a little harder to dodge, especially with WideSword. He isn't too much trouble, so just make sure you try not to get hit and aim well, and Proto will give in. OR BATTLE: COLONEL (Team Colonel) HP 300 Colonel is a new Navi to the series and packs some new attacks as well. His Colonel Cannon is easily seen, Colonel pulls a huge gun over his shoulder and fires it across the row. When the shot hits the end of the screen, the back row will explode as well, so move forward when this attack is used. Colonel's other move is his Screen Divide, a < shaped laser that quickly slashes into your territory. This is used more commonly and is a bit trickier to avoid, but nonetheless, this is an easy fight. After dispatching the Navi, you will Jack out. The door to the right is now open, so go on in and meet Chaud/Baryl, who will ask you to join Team Protoman/Colonel, a team of navis that will resist the dark syndicate Nebula. Lan doesn't want to until he is told that Nebula kidnapped his father, upon which he becomes eager to help out. Head back home and go to bed. ---<pt3>---Mission one---<pt3>--You will wake up and get a call from your leader, telling you to meet them in ACDC2. Head over there to where you fought the purple Navi earlier. Proto/Colo will cut the gate open and urge you inside. Before you enter, stop by the Merchant from before to buy any HP Memories you have enough for, then go into the newly opened ACDC3. Welcome to the Liberation field. As Proto/Colo will explain, things work differently here.

Basically, your goal is to destroy the dark panels that block hurry to the boss in as few turns as possible. Also, you only three rounds to finish battles, so hurry up and delete! These aggrivating at times, but luckily for you, I have a step-by-step guide of beat the missions in the shortest times.

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NEW VIRUS ALERT: WindBox This virus is exactly what the name implies: A box that blows wind. Being a box, it can't exactly move. Or attack. But while it is alive, the wind it blows keeps you caught in your back row. No avoiding it folks. BigBrute This is your first Guardian. Notice the high amount of HP? This is sort of a mini-boss. PLAYER PHASE 01Megaman should move onto the playing field to the left-most dark panel. LIBERATION! A path should be open for Colo/Proto to run through to the item panel. LIBERATE it for 500z. PLAYER PHASE 02Have Megaman follow the trail and rush to the Guardian in front of Colo/Proto. LIBERATE! If you get a 1-turn liberate here, collect 3 OP. Move Colo/Proto to the Dark Hole and LIBERATE! PLAYER PHASE 03Move Megaman through the new path until he hits a duo of Dark Panels he should LONGSWORD to gain a recovery heart. Move Colo/Proto past him and keep straight at the split road. Stand next to the Item Panel in the corner and SCREEN DIVIDE/WIDE SWORD facing the Guardian to find a Buster Up * chip, and 3 OP if you 1-turn. PLAYER PHASE 04Take Megaman up and LIBERATE the Guardian. Then, have Colo/Proto LIBERATE the Dark Hole. Simple plan this phase. PLAYER PHASE 05Press X to change to Colo/Proto and have him collect the goodies from the Bonus Panel. Then, move him so he is lined up with BlizzardMan and facing him. SCREEN DIVIDE/WIDE SWORD! Now, this is tricky. Make sure your skills are ripe, because you must have Megaman LIBERATE BlizzardMan. BATTLE: BLIZZARDMAN HP: 400 This guy is much harder than the previous boss, he has 100 more HP and 3 attacks to deal with. The most common attack is Blizzardman rolling two snowballs across two rows. Pretty much the same effect as two Mettaurs attacking one after the other. The other move he can use anytime is Ice Breath. Two panels ahead of Blizzardman will be hit, so avoid it like a LondSword. Move up or down out of the way. When you lower his HP enough, Blizzardman rolls himself up into a ball and quickly rolls across the row. When he hits the back row, two piles of snow fall from the sky into your area. They will stay after they land, so don't step on them or you'll get hurt. If you need to wait until next phase so Protoman can help you, don't worry. Just beat him as soon as you're capable.

Good Luck and LIBERATION SUCCESS! ---<pt4>---Isle of disaster---<pt4>--You will Jack out and, after a scene with Regal, decide to go with your friends to a deserted island to swim. Before you leave, you get a call from you leader, telling you to go to Mission Control at SciLab. That is the place where they first asked you to join the team. Head over there and Chaud/Baryl will install the Party Battle System into your PET. Test it out! BATTLE: Mettaur Mettaur Cactikill Easy viruses, this is just to test the PBS. Switch to Colo/Proto to get the hang of it. Now you can take Colo/Proto with you on the net! Head back over to ACDC3. At the entry, the data with ACDC3's map glares at you. Check with the Program at the end to assure that everything is okay. Jack out to get an E-mail. Inside is Dex's Code, so open it up and go meet everyone at the station to head to Oran Isle. After Dex goofs off and Mayl and Yai arrive in their swimsuits, everyone heads into the water. Dex wants you to get material for a fishing rod, but before you can set off, Chaud/Baryl E-mail ya. Step over to the rusty old pole near Dex and Jack In. Welcome to Oran Area. The place is deep red, so it will be Liberated...but not now. NEW VIRUS ALERT: PulsBat This thing is a bat that flies up, then down in one panel the whole time. You cannot hit it while it is high in the air, so strike when it comes down. Pulsbat's attack is tricky, it fires a green pulse quickly across the row. BUT, if the pulse hit an object, (rock, timebomb, cube, etc.) the blast will expand to every panel near the object. To avoid getting lost, follow the green road and go up the blue stairs. Follow the green again to reach Proto/Colo. The situation is: the Mission is in the area in front of you, but cannons are blocking the way and you cannot pass! Jack out. Okay now. We need a hook, line, bait, and rod. Examine the forest of bamboo foryour rod, then head down the stairs and press A near the corner for some fishing line. Head down to the beach and go left. Examine the waterfall for bait. Talk to Dex, then head back up and go left. heh, poor Lan. After Dex wins the contest, you need to get firewood. Get the driftwood on the beach, then grab some bark from the dead tree near the jack-in. Head near where you were fishing from and take some dry grass from the yellow pile, then return to Dex. NOW they want to go exploring. Never satisfied, I swear.

Check the new E-Mail for your Navi Customizer and a second folder. Go through the tutorial and head up near the Bamboo trees and follow the tracks. Dex, Mayl and Yai have fallen down a hole! If the music doesn't annoy you enough, the maze of tunnels in this place will. Enter the door past the hole and hang straight. Head left at the three-way split and turn on the elevator. Examine the door to find it locked. Head back down the elevator and go up the hill at the bottom left. Jack in to the pole. Talk to the brown Navi dead ahead. Pay 1000z to get the key. Go back up and open the door. Go left to be outside again and enter the other door. Go down one hill, then up the next and examine the door. BATTLE: Mettaur ChampyEX ChampyEX Just deal with these guys as any other viruses, just with higher HP. Use Colo/Proto to make short work of these guys. Outside again, head up the stairs and in. Take the first right for another door. BATTLE: Cactikill Cactikill Mettaur Easier than before actually. A thing that should be noted; hit the rock with Airshot to push it to the back row, doing 200 damage to any virus it collides with. Watch out though. The Mettaur's shot goes through the rock. You'll be outside AGAIN. Head past the door and go up into the next door. More viruses again. Don't worry, we're almost done with this repetitive cycle. BATTLE: Bugtank Bugtank Windbox These guys can be a hassle. The box is constantly blowing you to the back, and that makes you have to struggle to avoid the tanks' bombs. Just hold forward and hope that you don't miss often. FINALLY, head down the elevator and head into the room to find either Tesla (Team Protoman) or Pride (Team Colonel). Their navis refuse to stop the drill, so you know what to do. Jack In! Megaman, Execute! ---<pt5>---Rock Crusher---<pt5>--This is your next stage, and a frustrating one at that. First off, your Party Battle System won't work here, so it's all up to Megaman. Talk to the Program to gain the ability to break rocks by mashing A. NEW VIRUS ALERT: Drillarm

A living drill. Can only move up and down, and once you enter the same row as it, it charges and goes off screen, then spins down whatever column you are in. To avoid, move up/down, then left/right. Head around to the conveyor belt and smash the rocks in your way. Jump off the belt and head down. Grab the blue data for an Invisible *. PUT IT IN YOUR FOLDER. NOW! Head up and break the gray rock to move on. Take a right and grab the HP Memory in the blue data. Head back onto the path and dash at the right time to pass through the conveyor. I reccomend running through just as the shadow of a rock appears on the belt. Pass both belts and destroy the green rock in the way, then head up and crack the brown rocks. Head up the conveyor belt and bust the gray rocks on it as you pass onto land. Take the upper path for the map data, then continue downward. Break the gray rock and disable the drill. Head to the next box and Jack in. This is Drillcomp2. Follow the path to the conveyor and walk up it, demolishing rocks to get past. Head down now and crack the brown rock. Grab the blue data for a Charge+1 program. Go into the Navi customizer and insert it. Move up a shatter the gray rock. Dash past the short belt in between rocks and take a right. Dash through this belt too and crush the rocks above you. Ride the belt down and continue downward. Run up the next conveyor, breaking all rocks and grabbing the data for a RockCube *. Move up and step on the conveyor belt, taking a pit stop to grab this place's map data. Ride down the belt, facing right. Break the rock as you approach and hop off the belt. Move along the path to disable this drill operation system. Move to the next box and Jack in... Drillcomp3. Start by moving up the belt and breaking the rock at the top. Grab the data behind it for an HP+100! Go into Navicust and program it. NOW!. Look at your max HP now, hehe. Move down the belt a little ways and unboard to the first landing on the right. Follow the path down and get on the conveyor. Move down it and carefully break the gray stone. Move down and crack the green rock and the brown rock. Grab the data behind them for a FullEnergy subchip. Save it for later and continue on. Purposely let the rocks push you down. From where you land, climb the belt and talk to the program for the StopKey. Move back down and around to where you fell and dash across the many intersections, avoiding the green rocks from the machine. This is rather difficult, so don't feel bad if you don't make it on the first try. Once you make it up the winding road, grab the map data and move on up. Break the green rock and examine the machine to stop the rocks. Move back to the winding road and again, let yourself fall. Move up the belt to your right and then cross the belt you just stopped. Hit the switch to stop the engine. Only one left! Jack in to the final box and lets roll! Move onward and cross the plethora of conveyor belts, then move upward and cross that one. Go up the next belt for an HP Memory, then follow it down to the path, knocking the brown rock out of the way. Travel up the next belt, hiding in the alcove to avoid any green rocks, then running up onto the path. Dash across the short belts,

then ride the long belt down. Follow the path to another winding road. Great. Cross its many annoying mini-belts, noting that there is data containing Longsword S after the second crossing. Put it in your folder. Now, if in battle, your three sword types appear together, select them in this order: Sword Widesword Longsword This creates a LifeSword. Anyway, continue on and grab the data for the map, then examine the machine to stop the rocks. Run up the newly opened belt, and once you reach the other side, SAVE and use a FullEnergy. Approach the Navi to enter a... BATTLE: KNIGHTMAN (Team Colonel) HP: 500 Knightman spends most of his time in his hard, stone armor. The way you are now, only your Drillarm chips can pierce his armor. The only time you can hit him with normal chips is right before he attacks. Knightman will either fire his Kingdom Crusher in a straight line or into the sky, causing rocks to fall. Dodge the rocks. Eventually, Knightman will jump forward, this allows shorter ranged chips to hit him. Watch out though, if he gets far enough, he'll steal your panels to progress. After a hard-fought match, Knightman will shut off the drill. BATTLE: MAGNETMAN (Team Protoman) HP: 500 Magnetman will start by placing Magnet panels all over. These irritating things shove you off whenever you step on them, placing you in any random direction. Magnetman can cause a black panel to appear under you, making you unable to move if you stay on it too long. His most common attacks involve a magnetic ball of thunder slowly homing in on you, or a magnet quickly homing in on you.As his HP drops, he will produce a blue clone of himself to repeatedly try to ram you. Dodge this by moving up and down. Magnetman is relatively easy, so you shouldn't have much trouble getting him to stop the drill for good. Move past where the fourth box was and follow the path to the elevator. Enter the room to find a locked door. And what's worse, the mine key won't open it! Megaman will jack in. Run forward and hit the switch. The security system will activate, causing an avalanche of rocks to fall towards Megaman! Just as you seem to be done for, Magnetman/Knightman comes in to save you. Wow! With defensive abilities like that, he can withstand those cannons! After asking Magnet/Knight to join the team, Jack in to the post from before to enter Oran area. Head back over to the cannons and watch the team break through! Enter the next area to begin your second Liberation. ---<pt6>---Mission two---<pt6>---

Shademan has returned from Battle Network 4, and this time he's even easier. You have three Navis to control now, and this field is pretty straight forward. Just follow my directions and you're good. PLAYER PHASE 01Move Knight/Magnet in between the two Dark Panels right in front of you and LIBERATE the one on the right. Colo/Proto should stand one panel in front of KnightMan and SCREEN DIVIDE/WIDE SWORD for 2 OP. Have Megaman one panel in front of Colo/Proto, move right once, then up 1, then right 1, then up 1, then LONG SWORD to reach the item panel, it contains a Hi-Cannon D. PLAYER PHASE 02See the bird Guardian that moved over to Megaman? Have Knight/Magnet LIBERATE it from the panel in front of Mega. BUT WAIT! When you enter the battle, select your Kingdom Crusher (NS Tackle for Protoman players) only. IMMEDIATELY after you start, move one step right. When the bird lands, nail it with your chip. Move forward and charge your buster, move back as it attacks and fire. Easy plan, so remember it well. With that thing gone, move Megaman to the Bonus Panel and collect it. Then take him to the Guardian near the Hole and LIBERATE it. The Dark Hole should now be fair game, so run Colo/Proto over to it and LIBERATE! Oh boy, a Tin the same thing you did with Knight/Magnet, but this timemove left (use C-cannon on Colonel, charge-up on Protoman.) Worry about the viruses once the hawk is done in. PLAYER PHASE 03Move Colo/Proto to the Item Panel recovery heart. Take Knight/Magnet to the the other. Finally, have Megaman LIBERATE upper wall of the path. A 1-turn nets you dead ahead and LIBERATE for a Hawk and LIBERATE it like you did the lone dark panel on the 3 OP.

PLAYER PHASE 04Drag Knight/Magnet over to the pile of Dark Panels that block your progress and LIBERATE the left-hand panel of the two front ones. Place Colo/Proto on the Panel Knight/Magnet just liberated and use SCREEN DIVIDE/WIDE SWORD. Using Megaman, LIBERATE the Dark Hole. PLAYER PHASE 05Take Knight/Magnet over to the Hawk that just moved to the corner and do the usual plan to LIBERATE it. (NOTE: a 1-turn is expected and required here.) Have Colo/Proto collect the bonus panel and then LIBERATE the Dark Hole. The Hawk in here may give you a little grief, but the dodge-and-hit plan still applies. Eliminate the Hawk first and proceed to having Megaman LIBERATE either of the two panels above you that block the path. PLAYER PHASE 06Position Knight/Manet in the corner made by the L shaped formation of Dark Panels and LIBERATE the panel that is lined up with Shademan. A 1-turn will open the item panel containing a recovery heart. Have Colo/Proto line up with Shademan and SCREEN DIVIDE/WIDE SWORD. You now have the chance to delete Shademan with Megaman, but if you fail, you can use all of your team

against him next turn and still get the special chip. LIBERATION SUCCESS! BATTLE: SHADEMAN HP:600 Shademan shouldn't really put up too much of a fight. He has three attacks, the most common being Shademan summoning bat to slowly follow you. Occasionally, Shademan swoops to the front row and slashes at you with a claw swipe with the range of a Wide Sword. The last attack he knows is semi-common. Shademan will emit a sonic wave that shoots two squares ahead, then extends across the column, like a "T" tilted to the left. ---<pt7>---The clouds of DOOM!---<pt7>--After the mission, Knightman/Magnetman officially join the team. You get a little message saying that Megaman's soul communed with theirs, but more on that later. After a scene with Regal, a man will approach and ask you to Jack In to the squirrel. As you do so, Chaud/Baryl will E-mail you about the unison of Mega and Magnet/Knight's souls, ironically named, Soul Unison. Go through the annoying tutorial we seem to get all the time and proceed to the maze of comps that is the SquirrelComp. Well, take the portals in this order: Right (then follow the path) Top Right (Then follow the path) You should meet up with Shadowman/Gyroman! Mega will jack out and Charlie/Dusk will reveal that Nebula wants Dr.Hikari for something his has... Chaud/Baryl E-mail you AGAIN. He had Colo/Proto lock down your HP. Lan says that they've crossed the line. Seriously, if the surprise is secret enough for them to close off something like that it must be good. Run over to Lan's and Jack In. Look at the shiny new portal! Inside is the NCMachine comp. The machine in here (oddly shaped like a DS) lets you change your party around. Unfortunately, we have no choices, so upload the new Knight/Magnet data and look arund for a P.Sppt PCust piece. Put it in Magnet/Knight's system and head via ACDC3 to Oran. Once again, you get an E-Mail from your leader. Apparently, six nebula agents didn't get enough thrashing during the mission. Now, we've gotta find 'em all. 1) Go left from where you start and follow the green road. Can't miss him. BATTLE: Bugtank ChampyEX Windbox More of the Bugtank/Windbox plan. Just treat this as a normal battle and don't get stressed by the boss music playing. 2) In Oran2, follow the green path (pitstopping for a Vulcan2 C) and confront the purple navi halfway through.

BATTLE: CactikillEX CactikillEX MettaurEX Protoman users are advised to avoid using Magnetman/Soul here. If you get an AirShot, load it up and shove the rock in Mettaur's face. Just treat the EX Viruses like the older version with more HP. 3) Continue on the green road and go up the stairs. Across the arrows is the purple Navi we've been looking for. BATTLE: Bugtank BugtankEX VacuumFan Essentially, this is the same a the Bugtankx2+Windbox from Oran, but now, you are being pulled to the front row, good news for Protoman players. 4) Follow the long road back to Oran1, then through to the newly liberated Oran3. Head forward for the map data and the next purple Navi. BATTLE: MettaurEX MettaurEX BugtankEX No comment. This should be no problem since you have TWO rocks to shove around. 5) Take the next right and follow the thind trail to the next purple Navi. BATTLE: CactikillEX CactikillEX MettaurEX Well, you'll be doing some dodging in here, for all rows are open to attack! Shove the rock into the Mettaur when you get AirShot as he is the only one that can move. After one is gone, you won't get hit much. 6) Go to where Shademan once stood. This guy guards the exit to the next area. BATTLE: MettaurEX Pulsbat Pulsbat Can I say use the rock carefully? If a pulsbat's beam hits an object, try not to get caught in the explosion. YOU will call Chaud/Baryl for once and they will tell you to check the access to Scilab3. Now, head on to the next area to be stopped by ANOTHER Nebula Agent that wants you deleted. BATTLE: BattyEX MettaurEX

BattyEX The same as before, with no rock to aid/annoy you. Pretty simple. After that ordeal, Mega will proceed to the next area as Shadow/Gyro watch. NEW VIRUS ALERT: Catack This virus moves forward one panel, then fires a shot that hits the row and the back column. Eventually, his onward movement has Catack intruding your area. Handi Handis will lay a time bomb in your area that explode unavoidably after three seconds. Luckily the bombs will be destroyed after 3 damage and the Handi will be left vulnerable for precious moments before laying another bomb. The area is red, but no liberating yet. Head through the mazes of Scilab1 and don't forget to grab the Map Data in the upper-right corner. You'll want it. Continue on through Scilab area 2's paths and head toward the map's center to find a stream of clouds blocking the way to area 3. Mega will jack out and Gyro/Shadow will again be found watching you. Go over to Lan's bed and go to sleep. The next day, Tesla/Pride will E-mail you for the first time! Apparently, Gyro/Shadow shattered their Navi! Get to Oran and climb the mountain, and along the way, you'll spot Mr. Famous! He's loaded with a new Navi, Gridman and is eager for a rumble! Get ready for some football! BATTLE: Gridman HP: 700 This guys has an odd football theme going on. His attacks are varied, but all involve football...Gridman can charge across your row trying to tackle you, kick his football to explode in a 2x2 area, or call up some clones that will also try to tackle you. The next attack he has is odd, Gridman grabs his football and throws it, making it bounce randomly around your area. Just be carefull to dodge it. With that done, head over to where the DrillCompswere and head through each one of them to the end, collecting Knight/Magnet's thought, speech, movement, and attack programs. Luckily for us, the rocks exist no more, and the belts are stopped! Further to our advantage, the Party System works here now! This is a piece of cake now that we have the map datas for here as well. Once Knight/Magnet has been reprogrammed, Charlie/Dusk will come in and comment on how Colo/Proto is the only one on the team who is fast enough. He will slip away and Lan decides to ask Chaud/Baryl about the menace. Head over to base at Scilab to learn more about Charlie/Dusk. Just then, the alarm sounds. Nebula has contaminated Oran Area! And you can't jack in directly from Oran! AND the

Party System won't work! AND- well you'll see after you get to Oran via ACDC3. Gyro/Shadow wants to play tag with you! Follow them down the stairs to notice that Oran has been filled with clouds! Talk to the program to obtain the VacuProg. The storage loses 1 unit every white cloud, 3 for a gray, and 5 units to absorb a thundercloud. Gold clouds also take 1 unit, but have an item in them...or a virus...figures. Now for a guide! Go right and suck up the numorous whites along the green path until you find Gyro/Shadow. They race off to Oran2, so follow them! Suck up the cloud on the left, then follow the path, absorbing another duo of clouds. Take a right and nab the cloud, then follow the road, absorbing all up until you see a gray. Then suck up the white that goes off-road to the left and talk to the program to empty the Vacuprog. Head back onto the main path and suck up the cloud. DO NOT TALK TO THE PROG BEHIND THE CLOUD! Immediately take a right and absorb the white clouds to catch Gyroman or Shadowman again, who will then take off to SciLab area. Catch the cloud trio below you and continue past the gray cloud. Suck up the white cloud beyond it, and then the white on the right side of the dead end. Follow the arrow trail back to the entry, then rush to Oran3. Once there, open your map and head to the waffle-like area in the center, start by heading right at the beginning, then up to the waffle. Suck up the white cloud the program is facing, then head straight and suck the gray, then go up. Absorb the white cloud behind the thunder one, then head down and eliminate the cloud in front of the program to get your tank emptied a bit. From the program, head left, and then down as soon as you can. Then go right and suck the gray cloud. Then suck your first thunder cloud up. Take the long walk back to the entry and talk to the program there to have your tank emptied. Head back to where the thunder cloud was and absorb the upmost thunder cloud. You don't need an empty, so head up and take in the white cloud to catch up with Gyroman/Shadowman. They run off again, so get rid of the last three clouds and enter area 2, thankfully, the last cloud-infested area. As you head up, get the gray cloud then the thunder cloud, then head right to a white cloud guarding a program. Absorb it and get your partial refill. Absorb the solo gray cloud near where the thundercloud was, then head left and absorb the white cloud, then the gold cloud in front of the program. Go back

right until you see a solo thundercloud. Suck it up and then head right more to a gold cloud guarding a program. Yay! This guy actually gives a full empty! Head left and around to where a thundercloud lies near the previous program. Absorb it and the gray cloud behind it to pass over the little orange road. From there, go left and empty yourself at the program. Head up across another orange bridge and absorb the thundercloud on the left followed by the white one above it. Absorb the gray cloud and return to the program for a refill. Go back to where the gray cloud was and absorb the gray cloud near where it stood. Grab the last gray cloud to finally leave Gyro/Shadow nowhere to run. BATTLE: Gyroman (Team Protoman) HP: 600 My god this guy's quick! Gyroman can toss his propeller at you, it hits in a range like a boomerang. He can breath a cyclone of air that hits three panels ahead of him. His most noteworthy attack is when he turns into his copter form and flies across the screen dropping bombs. This really has no trick to dodge, so try and get lucky. Any other time he goes into copter form, he just shoots three weak shots at one panel, so just keep moving and that won't bug you. BATTLE: Shadowman (Team Colonel) This guy's move get rather stale. He will try to always keep clones on the field, and this can be really bad when he has each clone on a seperate row, as Shadowman's most common attack is a firey shot traveling across a row. If all rows are covered by clones, the attack is hard to avoid. If you try attacking the real Shadowman while he is performing the above attack, you will be instantly hammered by three shurikens. The last thing Shadowman does is sneak up behind you and use a LongSword. Not to tough to avoid. Follow your team to the line of dark clouds. Gyro/Shadow will get over it and destroy the darkchip at the end, allowing you to pass to area3! It is now time for the next Liberation Mission everyone! ---<pt8>---Mission three---<pt8>--This map is really simple, but the boss may give a challenge. I highly reccomend Boomers and TankCans for this guy. Take good note of Gyro/Shadow's ability to go over Dark Panels. PLAYER PHASE 01Begin with Knight/Magnet and LIBERATE the panel in front of where Colo/Proto starts out. Switch back to Megaman and LONG SWORD the line of panels in front of Knight/Magnet. With the Guardian now reachable, have Colo/Proto make quick work of him. LIBERATE! Now to give some action to the newbie. Move into the left corner of the starting rectangle and pass through the Dark Panels to grab the Bonus Panel. Go back across and LIBERATE the Hole.

PLAYER PHASE 02Get ready to see Shadow/Gyro in action! Switch to him and move down the path on the right until you came to a rectangle filled with Dark Panels and a lone Item Panel. LIBERATE it to get the Barrier Key inside. Now, race along the newly opened path as Megaman and LIBERATE the panel at the end. Run up the path with Knight/Magnet and LIBERATE the panel to Megamans right that is lined up with the Hawk. Notice the small opening that made. Take Colo/Proto through it until he is caught between two columns of Dark Panels, each with its own Dark Hole. SAVE HERE! Stand at the farthest panel you can reach and LIBERATE the panel on the lower-right. A 1-TURN IS REQUIRED. IF YOU FAIL, HOLD SELECT, START, L, AND R AND RELOAD YOUR FILE. You will collect a recovery heart. PLAYER PHASE 03Looks like a mess over by Colo/Proto... take Megaman near him to where the item panel with the heart once was. Have him LONG SWORD here. Have Colo/Proto LIBERATE on of the available Dark Holes and have Knight/Magnet take care of the other. Move Shadow/Gyro down the path behind Megaman, stand on either side of the Guardian and SAVE. LIBERATE the Guardian: A 1-turn is required. See above if you fail. PLAYER PHASE 04The bird we ignored at the beginning is getting awfully close...well deal with it later. Have Shadow/Gyro LIBERATE the Item panel on the edge of the rectangle for the last Barrier key. See the thin barricade of Panels preventing you from reaching the new portion of the map? Have Knight/Magnet LIBERATE one of the two panels in your way. Have Colo/Proto proceed and LIBERATE the only panel he can reach down the newly unlocked path. A 1-turn recovers you 3 OP. Let Megaman collect the Bonus Panel if Colo/Proto got a 1-turn, but either way, end up by attacking the Guardian. PLAYER PHASE 05Make Knight/Magnet LIBERATE the Dark Hole, releasing the blockade around Cloudman. Line Colo/Proto up with Cloudman, and use SCREEN DIVIDE/WIDE SWORD. Now, pummel this hell of a Darkloid with Shadow/Gyro and Megaman, and if you finish him the phase, you would have cleared SciLab 3s liberation 4 phases early! LIBERATION SUCCESS! BATTLE: Cloudman HP: 700 A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G. This guy hides in his back row the whole time, allowing his clouds to do the work. The clouds shoot balls of electricity out that stun you. Cloudman will summon a metallic orb that tries to poke you in a + shape. After a while, Cloudman will disappear into a cloud, and a giant tornado starts to slowly follow you around. Shoot the clouds with your buster to uncover the hiding Navi and continue the irritating process of deleting him. ---<pt9>---New Navi---<pt9>---

After the liberation, Cloudman seeks revenge and kidnaps MegaMan! A group of Regal's navis has infected MegaMan with a Dark Chip! Back to us, Lan wakes up to the ringing of his phone, missing the call believing that Mega would get it for him. It was Chaud/Baryl telling Lan to meet them at the harbour near Scilab. Head over there via metro and go up the stairs, then right to enter the area that was previously closed off. Go down the stairway and find your leader. After Lan gets a little ticked off, you are told to report back to Mission Control. Go there and have a new navi installed into your PET. It's Protoman/Colonel! Jack in to SciLabHP on the left side of the room, be sure to grab the map data for SciLab2 past the portal at the end. Head over to Oran2 and rush around the the long stairway and find that the door that leads to End Area is, well, locked. Head to SciLab, and go to where Cloud once stood. Go through the arrow there to end up in SciLab4. Talk to the Navi in orange and silver near the top of the area for the key to the door. Return there and head to End Area. As you near the entrance to the area in need of liberating, you are stopped by...Megaman??? He mocks you and sends in an army of Nebula agent to stop you. Since you cannot proceed, Proto/Colo will jack out on their own. There must be some way to save Mega! Head back to mission control and Chaud/Baryl will tell you to forget Megaman for a bit and explain your next job. A party is being held on the Queen Bohemia and they weren't invited. Ubercorp is auctioning off a program that increases the power of any program ten fold! And Nebula is trying to get it... so in order to stop them you need an invite. Go to Oran and talk to Tesla/Pride, who is standing in the center of the first area. Now that you're allowed on board, go home and sleep- the party's the next morning! Head back over to SciLab and get to the ship docked in the port. Quite a fancy little place ain't it? It doesn't take long for Lan to spot a suspicious person, so we just ignore Head off after the man to end up on the deck. Talk to the guy in blue to begin a stamp collecting game. The first stamp is just below you, at the very front of the ship. Next, go up the stairs and into the captain's room. Examine the steering wheel for a stamp. Now go back to where you entered the ship and examine the table on the left for stamp #3. Return to the blue guy and collect 1000z. Sweet! The rich man just got beat in a netbattle after spending a million on customizing. Seeing as Lan is Lan, he challenges the victor, Dingo/Fyrefox. Just before they can start, however, the engine room gets broken into! Rush to where you first spotted the suspicious guy, and enter the code "11922911" to proceed. Jack in to the fourth box to confront a nebula navi. Go along the path to a virus. BATTLE:

Handi CangrdEX CangrdEX It's been a good while since our last required battle. They've all been pretty easy so far...and this is no exception. These viruses aren't new, so just treat this a normal match. Continue on through the next few areas for more virus battles, none of which are really necessary to have BATTLE sections for. After that ordeal, head to the previously off-limits room near the chip trader. After talking to everyone in there, a cutscene will trigger. Someone stole the booster system! But how? Looks like this is a job for Sherlock Hikari! ---<pt10>---Ship Chaos!!!--<pt10>--Examine everything: the tables, the mirrors, the food. On a random note, you can jack in to the wine vase for a RegUp3. Oh boy, Lan has an idea...or so he says. Actually, we have to select the right answers. In this order, choose: It's the Mirror! The reflection! Well well, and I thought Lan was dumb. Head to the engine room and examine the ladder at the end. Wow! A secret path to the deck, no one would have seen a getaway that perfect! Go near the bridge and find that Dingo/FyreFox has hijacked the ship! He's got a message to spread and nothing will stop him! Except you and Proto/Colo. Welcome to ShipComp, or as I call it, hell on the net. This place is easily the most annoying area in the game. Go onward until you must go underwater. Take the first left, then the left bridge. Make sure to stand on the bubble to refill air! Run through as the whirlpool disappears and grab the ship key! Teleport back to the surface and use the key to open the lock. Damn, another locked door...get back in the water and turn right. Carefully dodge the whirlpools in a row to grab the key and return to the land. Open the door and continue to yet ANOTHER underwater segment. Go right, then across the left bridge. The key is on the right path from here, so grab it and escape area 1! Time to dash into the sea again...this area introduces a new feature, though. Tides are blowing down the path, but to prevent being swept back, hold the exact opposite direction as the tide flows to stand. Do this to the tide blocking your way and refill air on the left. Go back to the right and after passing the first tide, let the second one blow you to the square area. Refill your air and avoid whirlpools to get the key! Open the door and go back underwater at the next ladder. Follow the rightward path and take a left to

restore your air. Move on and get the holy MapData! Get blown back by the tide to be near another tide. Let it blow you to wind up un a center path, careful not to get blown back to start, proceed on the straightforward trail to get the RegUp3. lol, I bet you were expecting a key. Go across the other bridge to get the key you knew was nearby. Teleport back up and open the gate. Welcome the the ShipComp3. You are probably running low on HP from battles and the occasional drowning situation, so you might wanna jack out then back in. Either way, there are three keys needed to unlock this one. Geez, I'm sick of this level...good thing we're almost done with it! Moving on... Head into the depths once more and take a left turn. Avoid the whirlpools and go up. Let the current blow you back to grab something invaluable; the map data of this hell-hole! Keep going for a submemory and a place to restore air. Let the next current take you. Stealthily dodge the two sets of whirlpools to the right, then take another right and exit the water Key C. Go back down and enter the portal. Head back down under and begin with a left (again). Go beyond the current from before a head down past the two whirlpools. Stand against the line of currents and run when they stop. At the end, grab Key A and warp back to land. Go underwater again and keep the straight path. Defend against the curent and sneak by. After the long path, grab Key B and warp home. Open that door and ...WHAT'S THIS??? ANOTHER AREA??? Oh, it just needs one key? I was expecting at least five or some evil thing like that... Dive down and turn right. Let this and the next current blow you, then keep on and stand against the next one. Let yourself be hit by the one at the dead end and continue up past the whirlpools for a refill spot. Go back down and be blown by the current. Avoid the twisters and head left. Be blown by the last current. Grab the unneeded map and the final key and warp up. This is a good time to jack out to restore HP, so do so and return for your next... BOSS: NAPALMMAN (Team Protoman) HP: 800 easy! Most of the time he'll move around slowly, and machine guns will pop up from the ground, shooting the panel you were at last. Just keep moving and you should be fine. His next move is a small bit trickier. He fires a pair of bombs, usually in a diagonal fashion. Stay in the corner opposite these and you will dodge the impact and the wierd explosion. *He had another attack, but I killed him while he STOOD STILL using it, so I don't know what it was.

Any info would be great.* BOSS: TOMAHAWKMAN (Team Colonel) HP: 800 One of my favorite navis here, Tomahawkman has a good few moves of his own. He'll throw his axe across a row, sometimes going around like a boomer. He can chop at you in the same range as a LifeSword. (you HAVE seen it, right?) At low HP, he'll roll into a ball Sonic style and crash down. DO NOT STAND IN THE FRONT ROW AS HE DOES THIS!!! He will crash down, sending shockwaves in a WideSword range, one row after another. If you were in the front row, the move would become unavoidable. Now the tricky part: his totem pole. When the top head is awake, meteors will crash down on the field randomly. With the middle head, Tomahawkman will be temporarily invincble. When the bottom head activates try to deactivate it ASAP. It constantly heals Toma!! Well, carrying on... ---<pt11>---Mission four---<pt11>--Head over to End 1, more accurately, where you found DarkMega before. Napa/Toma will come in and destroy the mass army, letting you enter the nest Liberation Area, where the boss is none other than DarkMega himself! NOTICE: Protoman players should begin by using that TP chip on Napalmman to get Tomahawkman on the job. We will get use out of Napalman too though. Player phase 01Move Colo/Proto to the far right, face the darkhole and SCREEN DIVIDE! Then, position Tomahawkman near Colo/Proto so that TomahawkSwing would give access to both that Darkhole and the Guardian in front of it. TOMAHAWK SWING! *noticing that I put you in a surrounded position? Try out Toma's T-Swing chip!* Have Shad/Gyro destroy the hole. Line Knight/Mag up with the next hole and LIBERATE! Player phase 02That is a crowd of Guardians if I ever saw one! Have Colo/Proto take the one beside the BonusPanel first, Knight/Mag check out (lol knight...check)the bird, and have Tomahawkman eliminate the last one. *be careful! Toma take 2x from the flames!* Move Shado/Gyro over the panels to the right and onto the huge diamond sticking out the side of the field. Liberate the item nearest the far-right corner for a refilling 3 OP. Player phase 03Wow! Guardians again? Ignore them and drag Colo/Proto between them and SCREEN DIVIDE/ WIDE SWORD the panels, allowing both holes to be attacked. Have Knight/Mag and Toma each take out a hole, and return to Shado/Gyro. Save

here, and move down to the next item panel. Face either way, but BE SURE TO GET A 1-TURN LIBERATE! If not, reset and try again. Collect Key2. Player phase 04Move Colo/Proto onto the same diamond as Shado/Gyro as far as possible. Face the Item panel near the Guardian and SCREEN! Have Knightman collect the heart, and have Shad/Gyro kill the Guardian in front of the hole. Tomahawkman should now destroy the hole. Player phase 05First off, Knight/Mag should approach the last item panel in sight, SAVE,and attempt a 1-turn. The Barrierkey1 is yours! Move Tomahawk beyond the newly open gate, and use T-SWING so that it can hit the item near the Guardian. Colo/Proto should liberate the panel behind the Guardian and in front of the hole, which Shadow/Gyro should destroy on his turn. Player phase 06Grab the bonuspanel with Shadow/Gyro, then switch to Knight/Mag, who should line up with DarkMega and liberate. Switch to Toma, who should stand where Knightman just liberated and use T-SWING! *Why could'nt we have used Colo/Proto for this you ask? Becuase Tomahawkman's T-swing leaves the boss with only two columns to move in, and you know how annoying that is!* Have Colo/Proto and Shadow/Gyro each attack DarkMega; if you don't win, don't worry! You can beat him next turn and still get the highest level (yet still crappy) chip. BOSS: Megaman HP: 800 Wow! This guy's so easy, this section shouldn't even exist! He rarely moves, and is almost constantly firing the weak buster. The only special things arehe uses cannons (weak), minibombs, (inaccurate), swords, (weak AND inaccurate), and...oh yeah! He can use any thing you've ever used! (weak, inaccurate andWHAT!!!) Relax. The worst he can do to you now is Roll. Come back later though. END AREA2 LIBERATED! FULLCUST* acquired! Congrats on that easy mission! Your reward is...1 crappy chip and TWO NEW SOULS! WOOHOO! For Team Colonel, Shadow and Toma soul, and Gyro and Napalm for Team Protoman.


Bonus Folders: <fldr> Mr.Folder (SciLab, room before mission control) M-Cannon F x2 M-Cannon G M-Cannon H Tankcan1 E x3 Thunder * x2 Grasseed * Iceseed * Seaseed * Moonblade E x3 YoYo D YoYo E YoYo F Hotbody1 F x3 Cusvolt2 G x3 Lance C Fanfare * Blinder * SuprVulcan S Meteors R NumbrBl N XFolder (Female scientist in End City's tower) HiCannon D x2 HiCannon E HiCannon F Airshot * x2 Vulcan2 A Vulcan2 B Vulcan2 C Spreader C Spreader D Spreader E MrkCan1 S x3 Pulsar1 F x3 Widesht1 L Widesht1 M Widesht1 N Cactbal11 H Cactbal1 I Cactbal1 J CusVolt1 A x3 SuprVulc S Guardian O Roll R DuelFolder (Nebula navi in Undernet4, BN game must be in GBA slot) Thunder * Resetbom O Sword S WideSwrd S LongSwrd S MoonBld2 O DrillArm2 S x2 Airhock Q Skully S x2 AqWhirl2 O x2

Voltz1 O x2 Magnum O Boybomb1 S x2 Fan * Timpani * Areagrab S x2 AntiElec * x2 AntiSwrd O AntiNavi M Guardian O Jealousy J DjangoSP D BadFolder (Nebula Navi in Oran3) Pulsar1 P x4 Static N x3 Bugbomb T x3 MonnbBld1 N x4 DrilArm1 J x3 Invisibl * x2 VDoll Z AntiDmg M AntiSwrd R AntiNavi T AntiRecv J BlizmanDS B ShademanDS S CloudmanDS C DrkSword Z DarkThnd M DarkInvs I Thanks to Hello Light for locating these folders! ---<legal>---Legal Stuff---<legal>--This guide is Copyright 2006 Sean Morrissey. Any reccomendations to the guide, ideas, or error fixes can be sent to me at I will only permit my guide to be posted on and select other sites who want my permission and I grant it. 'Till next guide, CruxisBLADE, Jacking Out.

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