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By Nick Wilkins

Let me take you back to the worst day of my life. Ironically, many people call it

the best day of their life. It was the night of my senior prom.

I excitedly prepared my tuxedo for what I thought was going to be the night of

my life. As I tied my shoes, all the ways I could ask my crush to dance raced

through my mind. As I got up to check myself in the mirror with a pep in my step,

my excitement quickly faded to dread. My once completed outfit had a gaping

hole in it.

My head consisted of a blonde, frayed mess of hair. I was only 18, but my hairline

resembled that of a 40-year-old. My anxiety surged as I hunted for a way to

hide my biggest insecurity. I first tried gel and toyed with its positioning until I

gave up. My weak strands of hair deflated much like my confidence.

When gel didn’t work, I began caking my hair with dense servings of hair spray,

but now it was a stiff mess. I desperately moved my hair around, but the more

that I did, the more hair that fell out of my head and stuck to my hands. Time

stopped as my phone began ringing. I looked at the time and realized I was late

to my dinner. After an hour of stressing over my baldness, I combed my hair over

my forehead and rushed out the door.

What ensued was the longest night of my life. Everyone sang and danced to

their favorite songs on the dance floor. I sat in the corner, looking for any reason

to leave.


No matter what I did in those following months of my life, my hair had complete

power over what I did. I would often lay in my dark room, scared of the thought

of people seeing my baldness.

If you’re reading this, chances are you let your hair have complete power over

you too.

Over the past year I took back control of my hair and I'm freer than I've ever

been. By the end of this e-book, I want you to know how to get control back over

your hair as well.

This book gives you personalized growth tips in three sections:

1. Balding prevention

2. Mild/Moderate balding

3. Severe balding

Whichever section your hair most resembles, I have sets of directions for you to


*Disclaimer* I am not a licensed medical professional. Look up side effects of products before using them to make sure

they are right for you. Make sure to get a second opinion on your hair loss before beginning minoxidil or finasteride.
Balding Prevention

This section is for people who are not balding, but worry about balding in the

future. To ensure this section is right for you, I have some pictures of what your

hair should look like.

Hair Oil

Hair oils are a natural solution for strong, healthy hair. The best oils for hair loss

prevention would be rosemary, pumpkin seed, and argan oil. These oils are full of

healthy substances that fix hair, like vitamins, minerals, and good fats. Each oil

also has its own unique benefits.

Rosemary oil helps with hair growth with its natural compounds, like carnosic

acid. It helps scalp blood flow, which gives hair follicles more oxygen and
nutrients. For the possibility of more growth, try using a derma roller along with

your applications.

Pumpkin seed oil reduces scalp inflammation, creating a healthier environment

for hair growth. Also, it reduces impacts of DHT, a hormone linked to hair loss.

Argan oil reduces breakage and moisturizes the scalp, preventing dryness. It can

also act as a barrier to UV rays and other pollutants.

Biotin Hair Vitamins

Biotin produces keratin, the main protein found in hair. It also increases cell

metabolism and helps in moving nutrients to hair follicles. A biotin supplement

with vitamin D and zinc would further improve hair retention.

Mild/Moderate Balding

If you have mild to moderate hair loss, use the products listed in the preventative

stage. However, more products are likely needed to bring your hair back to

where you want.


Minoxidil can slow hair loss and stimulate hair follicles to grow back thicker. In a

year’s time, 64% of patients reported its use to be effective/very effective for

hair growth.

For the most growth possible, use a derma roller with your minoxidil applications

as well. To stimulate hair growth, your body repairs small holes the derma roller

makes in your scalp. Compared to those who only apply minoxidil, derma roller

users gained 32% more hair on average.


Finasteride prevents a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from reaching

the scalp. DHT is a hormone produced in the body that can cause hair loss.

People use finasteride in oral or topical form. Oral finasteride is more effective

by a marginal amount. But topical finasteride is less likely to cause side effects.
Significant Balding

If you have significant hair loss, you may have to consult a medical professional.

While these tend to be more expensive, there can still be hope to restore your

hair. In addition, I also suggest exploring the products listed in previous sections.


Hair transplants use hair from the sides and back of your head to cover bald

spots. To sustain the restored follicles, regular treatment is necessary.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelets assist in wound healing and tissue growth. PRP injections use platelet-

rich plasma to nourish hair follicles and promote hair growth. This makes PRP a

very effective treatment for increasing hair density and diameter.

Hair Unit

For a cheaper, but more temporary option, the hair unit allows you to pick a

desired style and glue it to your head.

How to Thrive

All the products I listed have been proven to help people in positions just like

yours. To get the hair of your dreams, it is important to apply these products

with consistency. For more information on hair growth in the future, be sure to

join our newsletter and follow @nicks.hairhealth on Instagram and TikTok!

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